Ep 472: Fascia – The Overlooked Link in Autoimmune Conditions, Chronic Pain and Illness With Anna Rahe
At 18 years old Anna Rahe felt like she was 80. Everytime she went for a run or hike it would take days for her to recover. After being told her situation was a…
May 29, 2024
Ep 434: Freeing Emotional & Physical Trauma From the Body Using Fascial Therapy With Julia Blackwell
Physical and emotional trauma have ways of lodging themselves in your body’s wrapping called the fascia. These traumas cause interuptions in the bodys normal signaling to the brain and circulation creating chronic pain and…
January 17, 2024
Ep 416: Healthy Fascial Tissue – The Key to Optimal Health, Mobility & Longevity? With Julia Blackwell
Your structural integrity, strength and power is based on the health of your fascial tissue. When it’s not hydrated or mobile it has the potential to lock you into a cycle of chronic pain…
November 15, 2023
Ep 135: The Secret to Staying Injury Free – MELT Performance by Sue Hitzman
How well and how often you move is key for longevity. Having a method to improve your body’s ability to restore nervous system balance and repair itself is central to ensuring you age well.…
June 20, 2019
Ep 064: Can Your Fascial Tissue Cause Pain & Reduce Strength?
Chronic aches and pains? Why do we have pain, is it our muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves or fascia? All of our tissues are wrapped with a nerve rich fascia that allows our insides…
February 12, 2018