Episode Overview:
In this episode, I share my personal journey of working with Lindsay, a Positive Psychology Coach who helped me harness my strengths and values to overcome my midlife challenges. As hormone shifts left me struggling with confidence and trapped in the comparison game, Lindsay’s strengths-based coaching approach empowered me to rediscover my capabilities and eliminate imposter syndrome for good. Tune in to learn how identifying your strengths can turn self-doubt into self-belief and help you navigate life’s transitions with clarity and purpose.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. How Strengths Turn Self-Doubt into Self-Belief
    • Understand how identifying and leveraging your core strengths can shift your mindset from uncertainty to empowerment.
  2. Eliminating Procrastination Through Strengths
    • Learn how knowing your strengths can help you break the cycle of procrastination and take more aligned, purposeful action.
  3. Achieving Your Life Goals with Strengths-Based Strategies
    • Explore how to set and achieve goals by utilizing your unique strengths to overcome obstacles and stay motivated.
  4. Why No One Is Better Than You—They Just Do Things Differently
    • Discover how reframing comparisons can lead to greater self-acceptance and how embracing your authentic self brings out your best.

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Values & Strengths Explored During Coaching:

  • Dr. J’s Core Values:
    1. Honesty
    2. Love of Learning
    3. Humility
    4. Hope
    5. Kindness
    6. Humor
    7. Perseverance
    8. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence
    9. Prudence
    10. Fairness
  • Dr. J’s Strengths Identified:
    1. Harmony
    2. Achiever
    3. Learner
    4. Intellection
    5. Adaptability
    6. Empathy
    7. Input
    8. Consistency
    9. Relator
    10. Responsibility
    11. Belief

Closing Thoughts:
Working with a strengths-based coach like Lindsay can transform not just how you view yourself but how you approach life’s challenges. By aligning with your values and leveraging your strengths, you can unlock new levels of confidence and resilience—even in the midst of major life transitions.

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Podcast Transcript

2:43 – Clifton and VIA strength assessments

6:00 – Dr. Krause’s strengths

10:51 – Prudence as a strength

12:41 – Harmony as a strength

24:07 – Working within a team 

26:46 – Does the strengths test work well on kids?

33:44 – Manifestation

36:38 – Subconscious Vs. conscious strengths

39:24 – Timing of major events in life / Rock bottom

48:14 – Hope mapping

51:03 – Getting side tracked – “Atomic Habits”

52:50 – Finding zen

55:48 – Noticing strengths in others

59:39 – It all boils down to small habits

102:48 – Where to find Lindsay

[Preview] They’re not best, they’re just different.

And we can all get to, you know,

we can arrive to do something in from different directions.

The imposter syndrome, the famous imposter syndrome.

You don’t need it because there’s no point comparing

because they’ve got different strengths profile,

they have a different personality,

but with a different way of achieving things.

Better or worse, it’s just different.

And one is you know yours.

Okay, brilliant.

turning the self doubt into self belief. Right. Because we all I think, especially women,

especially we have this tendency to see other people as better than ours. And you know,

the comparison and things like that. But and also that procrastination. That to me is another

massive thing from these strengths, because as I said to you, you know, you might not

want to do it, but you know you can. So not what to do is a very

different starting point.

To think I can’t do this, because you know how you can do it.

[Intro] Welcome to the health fix podcast where health junkies get

their weekly fix of tips, tools and techniques to have

limitless energy, sharp minds and fit physiques for life.

Hey health junkies, I brought Lindsay Guest back because we’ve

had a lovely summer together of working on my strengths. And we were just laughing before hitting

record because there’s a theme when you’re in the mid 40s of blaming everything on your hormones. And

so anyway, I really had no idea I had all these fun strengths, which we’re going to talk about today,

which you have strengths as well. And sometimes we we kind of think about estrogen and our hormones

as our our superpowers. But honestly, we have other strengths we can bring up when the hormones

just aren’t blowing like we want them to.

So Lindsay, welcome back to The Health Fix Podcast.

LINDSAY: Thank you so much.

JANNINE: Oh my goodness.

We’ve had some fun.

So, so for everyone listening, we got to get everybody likes up to speed here.

Lindsay did a podcast with me a couple weeks ago and what we’re going to do,

of course, these will be back to back, but she educated me on strengths and

strength based coaching.

And I was like, well, I need to know what my strengths are.

Cause you can’t just tell me that we have strengths and then we all are

individual and then leave it like that, I had to find out what they were.

So we found out what my strengths were.

And we did a two series of them.

And I’m going to let Lindsay kind of explain the two series again, just to give us a little recap.

So the two types of strength testing we did were Clifton and then the VIA.

So give us, give us the background on those two.

So folks kind of understand and then we’ll go into what mine were.

LINDSAY: OK, amazing.

So yeah, they’re both global strengths assessments.

So the Clifton also gallops strength, it’s called.

That’s more of a kind of professional based one.

It helps you a lot more in that kind of area of your life.

And these are strengths, let’s call them talents, that are pretty fixed.

So they’re not going to change over time.

And in fact, I don’t know the exact amount of years, but the you actually they don’t let if you’re registered,

you actually can’t retake the test just because it’s not something that’s going to change.

So those can help me more in a professional way.

And then we did the VIA, which is called Value,

which stands for Values in Action.

And as they sound, they are more values.

They can change slightly over time,

depending on if you’ve had big life experiences

or important changes that have gone on.

And you can also really work to change certain values

as you go along. But yeah, so those are where we start. So we put that together with the positive

psychology aspect of it all and continue– JANNINE: And boom, from there. Like, I think a lot

of people, you know, the positive movement, you know, has gotten a little bit of a negative

rap because people are like, I can’t think positive all the time because it is natural

love, negative thoughts. And we’re not trying to, you know, say that you’re not going to and

never have one ever again. It’s more like how can we bring back out that reinforcement of how much

of a solid, strong strength-having person I am when, you know, maybe we’re starting to feel like,

okay, I’m getting older. Okay, you know, my estrogen is declining. Maybe my cognition isn’t all on

point. And when we start to feel a little bit down on ourselves, we can always go back to, hey,

I still have these strengths. I’ve got them. LINDSAY: Yeah, exactly. And that’s the thing with the

positive psychology as well. It’s not that toxic. JANNINE: Right.

LINDSAY: Positivity is actually saying, things are going to be tough.

Things are not going to be great all the time. So let’s learn how to put

things in place so that you can deal when it’s not so we’re building up

our resilience, you’re building up the positivity, you’re building up all

these little things to help you out when things get tough and the challenges

come. So yeah, that’s exactly it. And when you’ve got the strength in

that, as you said, it’s the time when you’re down that you need this stuff to remind you,

okay, but I can do this. And if your brain’s gone and whatever’s going on, you know, okay,

you remind yourself, okay, I know how I work best. I know the way I’ll get results. I know the way

that’s going to energize me the most. And then you can go for it. So yes, it’s famous toolbox

of the way you work best.

JANNINE: Awesome, awesome.

And yeah, we’re going to talk a little bit later too

about how you help me create a pathway too

so that I can literally work on certain issues

I’ve got going on

so that I literally can work through seeing all of my strengths

and how they’re going to help me.

So we’ll tell you guys a little bit about that as well here.

Now, of course, you might be like, all right,

tell me what your strengths are.

I want to know.

So interestingly enough, my strengths overlap quite a bit,

which is super cool in that my fixed strengths are actually aligned with my values. So I’m happy.

I was happy to see that. Like, for example, guys, my Clifton strengths are harmony,

achiever, learner, intellectual, adaptability, empathy, input, consistency,

related responsibility, belief. That’s like my top ones. And then my VIA results were honesty,

Love a learning humility, hope, kindness, humor, perseverance, appreciation of beauty and excellence,

prudence and fairness. I don’t know. I’m going to let you guys ponder on those. Don’t either

sound like me from what you’ve heard from the podcast. Probably a little. I don’t know. A few,

especially love of learning. I love to geek out. And this is where Lindsay came in because

after Lindsay and I had the first podcast, I was like, Lindsay, I need to do this because she

She offered me the possibility of working with her and I was like, yeah, we’re doing

this because this is just so it’s so important and it takes the, it takes the, let’s put

it this way back to the negative or the toxic positivity.

It takes it to a different level for you to be like, no, wait, wait, I can lift myself

up knowing that I have concrete.


And I’m sure you’ve seen this with folks too.



It’s turning the self-doubt into self-belief.


LINDSAY: Because I think especially women,

especially we have this tendency

to see other people as better than ours

and the comparison and things like that.

But, and also that procrastination,

that to me is another massive thing from these strengths

because as I said to you,

you might not want to do it, but you know you can.

So not what to do is a very different starting point

to thinking, I can’t do this.

‘Cause you know how you can do it.

And I think also as you discovered yours,

know what I love about this is when you first see these lists

in your immediate reaction as well, yes,

you would love a learning and things like that.

There were so many things and even with the harmony,

you were immediately, well, of course,

that’s just me, that’s how I am.

But what this is the power, the empowering factor that comes from this is that then you actually,

it’s not just, “Oh, that’s me.”

But as we went back and looked how this has shown up in the past for you and throughout your life,

and how this has helped you get to where you are today, and how it contributes to you,

and this is you working at your best when you’re using these aspects of your personality,

which is just you.

And then you really go in to see how you can use it.

So just knowing that these things, it’s not just who I am.



LINDSAY: Actually, this is how I work.

JANNINE: Well, I think one of the best things

that you help me through in this case

is help me see where I’m utilizing each and every one

of these strengths.

Because I think a lot of people, we take a quiz, right?

Because it’s like a quiz, guys.

You pay for it, but it’s like a quiz.

And you, in the results are submitted to Lindsay and me,

of course too, but you, you know, we’ve all taken the cosmopolitan quizzes and, and you

know, Vogue or whatever is women’s health quizzes. And then you’re like, all right,

great. What do I do with this information? You know, awesome. But in this case, you’re

looking at them and you’re like, I don’t understand that. Like, for example, one of the ones that

I had to ask Lindsey, like, how does, how does this really work for me? Is the prudence

one? Because as we think about words, right? Remember, I was like, well, I’m not a prude.

LINDSAY: [Inaudible]

We had to put it all in right context.

JANNINE: Right, right.

We had to like break this down.

So, folks, I will have all these,

I’m an open book, it’ll be in our podcast.

And it’s at doctorjkrausend.com.

You can see all my strengths and whatever comments

you wanna make about it, have fun.

But, but really, yeah, yeah, I’m cool with it.

I mean, the prudence part was the one that like,

these words.

like, I think we can get caught up in meanings of words too.

And what you did was you read off like what it meant in terms of a strength.

So share with us the word.

Let’s talk about the word prudence because here’s a funny thing.

I just saw from my girlfriend on Instagram the other day, she said that like

Hollywood is using the word demure and a lot of weird ways.

And she was making fun of some people saying like rain is so demure.

And she’s like, wow, what?

So anyway, I bring this up because I’m like, I think a lot of us have twisted ways of thinking what words mean

Or we may have had a misconception or we may have linked it to something and of course my first thing was

Prude. I’m not a prude

So let’s talk about prudence for a minute. LINDSAY: Can we talk about prudence and you yeah? JANNINE: Yeah, yeah, of course

Of course. LINDSAY: Oh yes, so that was a good one

So yeah, that was your immediate reaction, but when we went into it and we looked at it,

so yes, so that’s what we also do. We take, you know, I use the definitions from these two

organisations, but then we really personalise it and look how it is with you. So with you, it’s

being prudent, it’s being cautious, you know, so then when we look at it in its

– Correct? – Definition.

– It applies to you a lot, right?

JANNINE: It does. – Yeah.

Yeah, it so does.

It so does because yeah, I’m definitely going to be

on top of things with it.

LINDSAY: I mean, in your role, you have a big responsibility.

And so it shows up a lot the more we talk

and throughout of our sessions,

it is just so evident that you have this big sense

of responsibility and therefore you’re not just willing to fly into things and you really care

about what you’re doing. So prudence for you is a very strong one and it shows up in so many areas.

So then when we look at it, more and more, oh yeah, there, there, there.

JANNINE: You’re like, ah, I’m like, okay, not so bad, not so bad. So, you know, that’s one word, another

word that I kind of, you know, liked, I was like, okay, I like harmony, right? And here’s the one

where a lot of people are diving into right now, and I think you and I talked about it too,

people are diving into or some of our strengths that show up, is it a coping mechanism, like good

strength or overdoing the strength or not enough of the strength. And harmony, I’ve always identified

harmony, you know, with I want peace everywhere I go. I want people to come in my office feel

chill and peaceful. I want people to, you know, telehealthwise, whatever I’m doing,

I want peace. And that was also what I wanted in my childhood quite a bit. I didn’t want anyone

fighting. I don’t like conflict. And so I had to really look at that one and go, okay,

how much of this is strength, how do I use it as a strength? And how do I know when I’m taking

the strength and trying to, trying to overcompensate, like people please or trying to cause things

there. So what did you tell me on that department?

LINDSAY: Well, what did I tell you? So that is the strength over use,

which is very easy to do because these strings are just a

natural way of doing things. It’s easy to fall back into using

these these talents, let’s say, on these way of being these

personality traits. But we can often use it, if we’re not

careful to our own detriment. So even with prudence, I mean, a lot of these, or learner,

learners are classic one that becomes so overused by people. If you’re someone who loves learning

and also has a lot of prudence, again, these strengths all work by the combination and how

they will show up in the order in which they show up. But you could be someone thinking,

I think we haven’t learned enough.

I’ve got to be cautious.

I can’t go out there and say, well, I know because I haven’t learned enough.

So at a certain point, you have to be, okay, I’m overusing that.

I know enough.




I mean, I could totally see that.

And I think that’s where a lot of people, you know, when we talk about strength based

coaching and things of that nature, it’s good to have that awareness of where am I overusing?

Where am I underusing maybe even some too?

I think in my case, when we were working on, on, there was one day where I was kind of down,

I had had a crap day and I don’t know what the heck happened. But I would say maybe I was close

to giving my period. LINDSAY: Maybe, maybe, which we should have looked at which week it was.

JANNINE: Right. I should have looked at the schedule to see what that was. I do wonder though, if I,

I have certain times where I look at my strengths and I’m overusing because of certain times of the month, maybe, and I’m feeling down and I’m under using others.

And so one of the things you called out on me that particular day was you need to journal what you’re using, what you’re, what you’re not and in what capacity.

And I learned that like, I typically will default to a couple of my strengths.

And the others are on the back burner.

Do you find that common for a lot of folks?

LINDSAY: Absolutely, because I think these things,

they just are so innate.

That’s what you go for.

And with you, what I just found, then it came up

quite a few times.

And I see this a lot.

If you have higher responsibility, high in empathy,

which we tend to use these also, so it’s slightly different

and probably we’re using towards other people.

And we have to then be aware that we need to also apply them to ourselves.

Because the default thing is we do that, we do that, but no, how can, and that’s

what we looked at quite a few times with you, wasn’t it?

How have I, how can I just flip it a bit?

So I’m still using these strengths, but in a way that really benefits me.

And it’s not to my detriment.


Empathy is a huge one for me, because I do when someone’s not getting better, when

someone feels pain. I am feeling it with them. And for me, that sucks. Right? But when I’m feeling

that way, yeah, it’s I’m like, dang it feel better. You got people to take care of, right? You know,

buckle it up chick, you got to move on get full get moving. But so yeah, like I totally admit that

in in this process of working with you have realized like, yeah, I’m not, I’m working on it for sure

now. But in the past, there was a lot of incidents, incidents,

incidences. I don’t know.

Episode let’s call it an episode.

Let’s have episodes of a non empathetic behavior towards

myself. And and so, you know, I, I, these last four weeks, like

guys, I can’t tell you how introspective it has been for me

to be like, “Huh, you know, this is why I chose certain things.”

It almost helps you to choose.

And so, Lindsay, I wonder if you’ve noticed this with folks, because this is another really,

like, not rabbit hole, but like pathway I went down is like, is it, is it common during

the four weeks of working with you for folks to really realize, like, “Oh, wow, I chose

certain pathways in life.

I chose certain pathways of relationships, you know, everything because of these strengths.”

LINDSAY: Yeah, absolutely. And I’m this one of the aspects I actually love. Well, I think I love all of them, but this one is

working with quite a few, you know, women who are entrepreneurs. They’re in there doing their own business and when you start to look at the strengths,

it’s crazy that they really match with what they’re doing because I think obviously once you’re choosing to work for yourself,

it’s generally born out of a passion.

So to have got there, it is going to match with your interests and with your areas of strength.

So with you, the harmony obviously goes everywhere, but your love of learning, I mean, this podcast, as we were saying,

this is, you know, you want more information and you also want to distribute it and share it with everybody.

So it really does show where it’s all kind of culminated in this moment that’s brought you to do all of this.

whatever it is that you’re doing there.

JANNINE: I think that’s an interesting point

to do all of this, right?

‘Cause a lot of people, we get to our mid 40s,

there’s this concept of midlife crisis

and you start to either doubt yourself,

you start to wonder, and I mean,

I’m gonna blame some on the hormones

because I do think that it does jack with our thought

process, right?

Like either progesterone’s low,

we wanna be on an island

and the heck with everybody else,

Forget the business, forget the family.

I don’t like anyone, you know, I’m out.

Right, I’m out.

And then if estrogen’s low, you know,

then we’ve got the teary or if it’s high,

we’ve got the like rage and, you know,

all kinds of other things happening.

So I think we can get to appointment life

where we’re like, am I doing what I’m supposed to be?

And I, and that when I came to you honestly

was in the back of my mind.

Am I, you know, am I doing what I’m supposed to?

Is this my purpose? Is this my mission?

Do you see–

LINDSAY: I’ve had that in so many people and it’s beautiful.

It’s just like, I’m really aligned with what I’m doing.

Even for myself, for me has been,

and it continues to be this, yeah, it’s an affirmation.

I’m like, yes, this is what I’m supposed to be doing.

And this is what I can do.

This is, let’s say, you want to call it a gift,

whatever it is, but this is what I’m making sure.


LINDSAY: Cause I can’t help someone just strategically

set up a business. That’s not me. I don’t have that in my

strengths profile. But so there I am, and I’m interested in

coaching and I’m, you know, these workshops with women and, and

then many years later doing this, you know, it’s really

positive psychology. I come across this strength stuff. And

I’m like, Oh, of course, I’ve got empathy. I’ve got

communication. All of these. Perfect, included, they’re all

my mind and so linked. So again, it just when you’re having those

days when you’re doubting yourself and I can’t do it and what am I

doing and who am I to be doing this and that you just find that

I’m aligned. But I, you know, I have these words written on my

phone that I, you know, they’re on my home screen. So it’s this

constant reminder when you need it. Okay, I’ve got this I can do

this. JANNINE: Yeah, yeah, it’s I mean, I can’t stress enough how wonderful

It’s been for me to see these and really integrate it in because, I mean,

honestly, you’ve given me a gift of knowing that like, okay, I have these strengths.

I am working in alignment with what I want to do in my purpose.

It’s like, but what, what was even more valuable than that though is knowing

that there are different ways I can get there compared to other people.

Because you, you had said to me the one time, you know, cause I’m like, man,

you know, I have this, this, I was looking for, oh, it was the,

It was the three main areas of executing relationship building, communicating.

And I was like, I feel like my message just doesn’t get out well.

And I’m not a great communicator.

And you were like, wait, you communicate in a different way.

You’re not it’s, it’s not.

We all communicate differently.

You have to think about it this way.

And I’m like, Oh. LINDSAY: Yeah.

This is the other thing, which is amazing.

And again, we go back to, you know, the comparison and.

the yeah, all of this. Yeah, I’m they’re better than me. Okay,

they’re not best. They’re just different. And we can all get to, you know,

we can arrive to do something in from different directions, the imposter

syndrome, the famous imposter syndrome. You don’t need it. Because there’s no

point comparing, because they’ve got different strengths properly,

There were different personality,

but a different way of achieving things.

Back to no worse, it’s just different.

And one is you know yours.

Okay, brilliant.

So how can I use that?

JANNINE: Right, right.

And you were also talking to me about,

there was a stat, like you’re like one in 33 million

or something they were determining.

LINDSAY: Exactly.

JANNINE: And then– LINDSAY: So according to the Gallup research,

they run, does I think it’s one in 33 million,

is the possibility of someone else

having the same top five strengths as you.


LINDSAY: So basically we’re all unique.

And even then, because we have more than the five strings,

the ones that come after that are gonna also influence

how those top five show up for you.

So what everyone has an ability in a different way.

JANNINE: Yeah, which is so cool because then it helps you to like figure out who to pair up with,

like who to team up with in that case.

LINDSAY: Yeah, for me, that’s amazing.

There’s been a really big game changer for me because now I really look for people

that are high in the strategic and the organization,

general skills and and discipline, you know, because that’s what I need.

I’m this, you know, big energy.

go for it, talk, spread it out, you know, whatever it go.

But I need so if it’s fantastic for me to make to have a collaboration with the people

that are going to balance it all out.

And that’s where the magic happens as well.

And that’s where you’re getting this power because you’ve got the whole package then.

JANNINE: So beautiful.

It’s so beautiful.

LINDSAY: And also on that one, when you’re working in a team, so even in the workplace, it’s really


But even at home within the family, when you’re aware of

your strengths, you start to also think about other people’s strengths because it’s just a natural

progression really. But if you think of teamwork, and this is an example I often think of, if I was

you know working in a team and there’s a problem to solve, my way of going about it would be, okay,

let’s talk and let’s you know, we’ll bounce ideas off and you know, go straight in there. Also,

I have activator high in mine, which just means I just want to go. As soon as I have an idea,

go for it. But if I’m working with someone who’s more, you know, introspective, they need to take

their time, they need to research, they want to look at strategy. Me going in there, like, let’s go,

go, okay, it’s really not going to work for them. And it’s going to cause a clash. And so it’s not

that we don’t get on it. It’s not that we can’t work together. It’s that we have different ways of

approaching things and different ways of solving problems. So once you know that about each other,

you can understand and appreciate each other’s differences. So it’s no longer like, oh,

I can’t work with that person. I know they work in that way. I’m like this, okay. So how are we

going to make that, you know? JANNINE: Right. Right. And this is where I mean in work situations,

I can see where this is incredibly useful and I know you’ve worked in and some of the

the worksite wellness kind of situations on this side of things. I’m kind of thinking of relationships

too. LINDSAY: Exactly. Absolutely. It’s something that impacts every aspect of your life.

Absolutely. Relationships, communication, the communication as I said.

I know that I communicate in a certain way. Other people don’t. They come to it in a different way.

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Devin Burke is a pal of mine. He has the Sleep Science Academy. He’s been on my podcast twice,

and we’ve talked a lot about how to work on sleep naturally without supplements, without

medications. Devin’s program really does work with you to help you understand what is going on

in your brain and body when it comes to sleep. And as a listener of the Health Fix podcast,

he’s given us a code for 10% off of his program, DRJ10.

So if you’re interested, use that.

I highly recommend his program.

So let’s get back to the podcast.

JANNINE: When you’re looking at strengths, right?

I’m super curious, have you tested your kids?

Or can you do like a certain age range?

Like do you have to be a survey?

LINDSAY: So the gal at the Clifton Stengths, no, but the VIA?

– Yes.

– They do a, yeah, one for younger kids.

And it’s really, it’s really interesting.

So I mean, some of the questions,

they’re not quite sure about,

but I think even there,

the really important thing is even to just get them thinking.

And I actually did the I did the strength sessions

with a teenager,

and it was beautiful,

because I made her first of all,

I just gave her a list,

and she came up with her own,

and then it was incredible,

because when she then did the VIA,

was basically the same.


LINDSAY: And I have to,

I hadn’t expected a 13 year old to be so introspective

and so self aware.

And it was beautiful.

And the other amazing thing is that then

when we went to see how they show up for you,

you know, as adults, we’re a little bit more,

you know, we don’t talk ourselves off

and we did this girl.

She’s like, oh yeah, well,

I am really kind with my friends and I had to my friends

I do it and it was just so natural and it was fabulous. So again, just there saying, okay, so

look, I don’t know, she had a summer camp she needed to go to that she was really worried about.

So we just went through all of this, how are you gonna face this and you know, you know,

that you are kind and you are, you’ve got all of these values that are you, this is who you are.

So just remember that if, remember that’s who you are, remember that you’ve got all of this stuff

that you offer and so you know stand up know you’ve got it then obviously which it is going to take

a long time but the earlier you start with this yeah I mean you’re just really instilling a

foundation of stealth belief just from the outset I mean I think if you’d have started this

so much earlier think of the things that you went to later on then obviously also there we’ve got

crazy hormones going on in teenage years and things. And all of those brain wiring,

it’s a fun that we have going on at that age. But again, I think it’s just something that you can

go back to. It’s just you’ve got it. And like you were saying, they’re just words.

But then when you go into it, you’ve got these words, then these words have a real meaning.

They’ve got power that you can go to and use and switch on when you need it.

JANNINE: I mean, how crucial would that have been to have in like six, seven, eight high school, you know,

in these great, like, I look at it and I go, man, if I would have known this, like, I could have

not that I want to say I should have cut a what a kind of stuff, you know, it’s just like,

like, it would have saved me a little grief. Let’s say that. Let’s say that. Like, if I knew that,

you know, I was all about harmony and no wonder I wanted to own a spa for so many years.

you know, and all about like, it’s like it makes so much sense.

LINDSAY: Everything just starts to make sense. I think university applications are

JANNINE: Right. LINDSAY: First job. Oh my goodness. Think how much stress and pondering you cut out.

JANNINE: Yeah. – Yeah.

LINDSAY: You have an idea, right? You know that you want to enter one field or another,

you know, maybe a more mathematical or more language, but you know,

it watered it, but having that confirmation, it just gives you that extra confidence and

the self belief again. And at that age, amazing. Well, at any age, as we know, but you know,

there are, I think there are certain moments in life when it can be extra important or

getting into new relationships. If you really know your values, my goodness,

Right. You know, if you have those feelings inside, don’t you? Those guttings things like the

red flag thing. Right. If you really got into your own values, instead of maybe putting some of them

aside, as you know, can happen at the beginning of a relationship, you might give it a bit more weight.

JANNINE: Yeah. Yeah. No, instead of being like, “He’s cute. He has a really nice car.”

LINDSAY: Exactly. Yes. But I exactly.

JANNINE: Yeah. Right. But he does not.

Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah.

LINDSAY: I mean, it’s just, yeah.

It’s just so much. I mean, I just love it.


JANNINE: I mean, it definitely radiates, right?

It radiates to the whole time that we’re working on everything.

It was just like, oh my gosh, you just love this.

And it’s great to work with someone who’s so fired up about what they do.

And, you know, like, like I said earlier,

It gave me a new spark basically on what I’m doing,

because I’m not, you know, as I said before,

I was kind of like, I love the podcast.

I love working with clients,

but I was kind of feeling like,

where do I go with this?

– I have to be okay.

– You know, how do I do it where I feel like

I’m getting folks the best results,

and I feel like I am in a state of

where I could contribute the most and get folks feel good.

LINDSAY: Exactly, so it’s this real thing of like,

you bring your own strength and values to other people.

So your impact is amplified when you do this stuff.

JANNINE: Mm-hmm.

LINDSAY: And even the speed with which you do things,

because you know that if you’re working

in your areas of strength, you’re more energized.

There’s enough, I can’t remember what we said

on the last one, but if you take it at a school level,

if you think about a subject at school that you hate

and a subject at school that you love,

and just the thought of going into that lesson.

Think of the energy that you can feel

having to go and compare the two.

Your energy, your natural energy comes

from your natural way of being.

And yeah, I love it.

I get, I can’t remember what we said last time,

but it’s because this has changed my life,

which I think so many of us do what we do

because it’s had such a profound effect

on us to start with.

I’d done the positive psychology course

to try and help me out of a really bad time in my life

when I was so negative.

I was so negative.

And then the particular aspect of the strengths,

I mean, all of it is amazing.

But the strength thing, like you said, is tangible.

You’ve got something there to look at.

And work on it, base yourself on, and believe in.

Because you know, like we said,

see these words, that’s just me. But okay, but what does that mean?

JANNINE: Right. I mean, I think so many people right now are getting into the

manifestation space, you know, and the non tangible. But when you’re

trying to figure out like, how do I become the person I want to be?

How do I create or manifest? You know, if you’re into those

sorts of words, that person and when you have something you can

anchor on. Yeah. And it seems like it’s such a great platform to

of forward. LINDSAY: Well, even the whole manifesting thing, it all comes in together. Because if

you’re wanting to believe it and you’re wanting to, you know, create that life that you’re

that you want, again, you can dream big and you can visualize, but you can actually understand,

it takes you that one step forward, right? So when you’re manifesting, visualizing, you

actually want to be there already. So again, what can help you do that is with it. Like

you said, an anchored belief that you actually can. Then how it’s going to happen. We know

that just comes from somewhere else. But again, it just gives you that extra foundation.

Or a springboard, even I really see it as a springboard. I think it’s a bit of a [inaudible].

JANNINE: Yeah, that’s it.

I like the springboard because, you know,

if I apply it to myself and I look at like, okay,

you’re an achiever, you’re a learner,

you’ve got intellect, you’ve got adaptability,

you’ve got empathy, you’ve got all these things.

And I look at this and I go, okay,

this is where I wanna take my business, right?

I can take every single one of those strengths and go,

okay, how can I use them strategically

in each and every aspect of my vision for the future

and be that, right?

So the manifestation like you already said,

be that person before you get there.

Well, you kind of already are that person.

You just have to see it through the eyes of the strengths.

That’s kind of what I–

LINDSAY: Of course I can do that and this is how.

So again, back to the whole toolboxing,

but it’s not just, oh, I can do it.

‘Cause again, that’s another thing.

I can. Okay. But yeah, that’s kind of abstract and hopeful and, but no, I can because I am

this and because I have these talents. So it’s not just, yeah, you can do this. I can

do it because– JANNINE: Right, right. And I think that gives such a huge level up on things because

before, before talking with you before knowing my strengths, I kind of was trying to do a

little bit of like, this is what I want to do this, I want to go.

But it seems so far away from because I was trying to take it from my

con my conscious brain versus the subconscious and the actual me.

I would love for you to talk a little subconscious conscious in terms of

these strengths, because a lot of people have some probably knowledge of

which, which things are conscious strengths, but subconscious on a lot of

these is where I was going that I didn’t really bring.

LINDSAY: Yeah, well, it’s just bringing everything to the forefront, isn’t it?

It’s again, it just is.

So it’s just really again, it’s there in your face.

And like we were saying, when you start and the reason that we do the four

weeks is because if you just do one session, you’re like, Oh, wow, that’s brilliant.

And then you just forget it.

So if you that’s why you need this consistency at the beginning.

And as I said, I have mine on my phone.

You put them on a post it.

because you need this time at the beginning to really, you know, see every day how these things come up.

Takes five minutes, but it doesn’t. So it’s not a magic solution. You need to put some time and effort into it.

But it doesn’t just by remembering each day, just for five minutes. Okay, what did I use today?

Just for this period of time just really starts.

And as I was saying, you know, it’s great for me because doing what I do,

I’m constantly being reminded of other people and it makes me think about my own.

So it’s brilliant, but you do just need to have that initial period where you are

thinking about it.

And it is at the forefront of your mind.



Was I going to say, oh, because the four four pieces is great,

but I’m glad that you’ve got more after that.

Because it just helps to like solidify things.

Because when we got to the last version of the course or time together,

you were like, okay, now we’re going to work on something.

And now we’ve got to go through the process of it.

And and I like it because I’m like, I could see people work through multiple

different issues in the course of time to work with you because like we started

dabbling, we’re working on one right now. And you know, it’s

really feeling good enough, feeling, you know, smart enough.

I am statement world. And for those of you that are familiar

with that, but it’s really just being confident in that I am

this I am smart enough I am good enough. And a lot of us have

that kind of things we’re trying to work on. But also I’m

thinking, like you said, the teenager who’s who’s trying to

to get into college or applications for jobs, you know, just in general, looking at this

to help work through certain issues.

LINDSAY: And to make it for me, exactly, it was from the separation divorce, these kind of things.

Massive time.

And especially there, I was reflecting, because unfortunately, I came to it afterwards.


LINDSAY: Unfortunately, these things happen as they’re supposed to.

I remember thinking that it’s at this most difficult time, well, there are others, obviously,

death, all these kinds of things. You lose your partner and suddenly the future’s gone that you

thought you were going to have. So these times when they’re the most challenging and you’re at your

weakest is also when you need to take some massive decisions. I remember thinking the

things I needed to do when I was on rock bottom. Right. I had that. I mean, it’s not going to be

sky high at any point, if you’re having one of these massive life crises. But just having that

knowledge, and again, it’s a self belief. Everything’s falling apart, but it’s just going to keep you

that little bit higher because, okay, but I know that this is my way of dealing with things. I know

it might seem impossible but you know I’ve got the concrete proof that in the past I’ve achieved

using those kind of personality traits and so you know I can’t even think straight today

but I know I don’t have to think about the fact that for me it would be reaching out to people

as a way I do it for someone else again it would be researching looking into it learning,

reading whatever it is. So even just that can just yeah, it’s just,

yes, we’re back to the empowering word, but that’s what it is.

JANNINE: Yeah, it’s true. It’s true. Um, it, I mean, I have to say it worked

well for me in terms of empowering me to move forward and what I wanted to do

with the business how I’m going to tweak it in the next coming months.

So for those of you guys listening, stay tuned. Things are changing.

LINDSAY: [inaudible] JANNINE: It’s going to get better. But like also at the same time, you know, I, we have this

talk, right, that we have in our head. And, and the running voice, right, that narrative or people

like to say like their, their roommate or your head. We have that negative or, or that observant

voice that’ll say things like, for you to do that. You know, why, how can you do that? Yeah.

And this is and this is where I’ve seen the the strengths to be able to be like, yeah, well, I have this strength.

LINDSAY: I have it exactly.

JANNINE: So you can go back to your little hole.

LINDSAY: Exactly. Look at me being all capable. But yeah. So again, and that’s the whole, you know, the comparison.

All of that kind of stuff. It just feeds into it all.

JANNINE: Yes, yes, comparison also doubt also negative self-talk– LINDSAY: You know, it’s reframe.

Is that really true?

I’ve heard you on other podcasts that I would love

about this  which is, you know, it’s something we do.

Is that really true?


JANNINE: Yeah, because like the beliefs are wild.

And when it comes to health, I want to switch to the health for a minute,

because obviously this is the health fix podcast.

And folks might be thinking like, well, why are we talking about business and career?

Well, that’s part of your health, but also you can look at your strengths to help you

get out of a health situation.

LINDSAY: Absolutely.

JANNINE: And I know that you have a background, of course, too, in health coaching and things

of that nature.

Let’s twist this a little bit out of my realm since I was working a little bit more in my

mental health and instead twisting it more towards a physical health condition.

Have you worked on your own physical health conditions or anyone else’s like worked with

anyone else that had a physical one?

LINDSAY: I think one that I always like to think about myself doing exercise.

I’m not the most disciplined person.

I get excited about stuff and you know, distracted and things.

But we know that I know that I like being with people and the communicators.

So my way of ensuring that I do exercise is that I will make an appointment with somebody

call a friend, make sure it’s in there.

‘Cause that’s how I work well.

And I know that that aspect is enough

that I will show up for that appointment

rather than getting sidetracked by something else.

So what is it that you’re good at?

What is it that you’re gonna stick to?

What is your way of working?

And how are we gonna apply that to whatever it may be,

getting out more, sleeping more, you know,

And then also as we went to our through the why, why are you doing this?

Because again, that’s a really important thing is anchoring it down there.

And that is a massive factor in keeping you going and keeping you committed.

JANNINE: Oh my Gosh!

LINDSAY: Yes, abstract.

JANNINE: It can be, especially when you’re looking at like we’ve got say XYZ health condition,

Maybe it’s an autoimmune condition, maybe it’s chronic fatigue, maybe it’s hormone and balance.

We all know that at the root of this, and especially in my world,

I’m going to start with food, air, water, like your environment.

And sometimes, like you just said, you know, for you to exercise,

you’ve got to make an appointment with friends because that way you can build on

your, your communication with friends and talking with friends.

But for other people, you know, let’s think of some other habits, like eating,

eating while meal prep, things of that nature.

How could, how could we look at the strengths and go?

OK, OK. LINDSAY: So we’ve got a lot of learning.

So let’s say someone really loves learning or responsibility.

These are kind of ones that you can go into.

Responsibility towards yourself or responsibility towards others as well.

I mean, obviously we always want to start with our style because that’s

how it’s going to work, but you can use it in whichever way is going to work best.

So you need to get, you need to eat better.

Okay, you’re high in the, you love learning.

Okay, so here’s some research, here’s some data,

here’s some interesting,

staring at you fact of why you need to do that.

And the person that loves learning will then

really get into that and that will help them stick

to their goal, responsibility.

You know, let’s bring it back to that.

And who is it, you know, for your self or others?

And maybe in that case, if at some times you don’t have the

sense of responsibility towards yourself, then okay, let’s

think of who else it is that you might be affecting with your

good or not good choices.

JANNINE: I can see, I mean, I can see how this habit would go towards

folks who are struggling to quit a particular bad habit.

My friend and I have a joke about just stop, just stop it.

But obviously, you know, if it was that easy– LINDSAY: We would have to be perfect.

JANNINE: Right. Right.

The the cigarette wine companies– LINDSAY:  That’s the thing with the goal setting as well,

that we did this hope mapping, which is another of this positive psychology thing,

which is also when you do this, you get these tools that you can use, these strategies that

then you can use for anything going forward.

But exactly if things were that easy there would be no problems going on. Everyone would be super

in shape, super healthy, super sleeping, as much sleep, sleep, all of that. But it’s not that simple

and life kicks in and this is the thing. So again, and that was another thing that we did is the

resilience and building up the proof. And if you already look at what obstacles may come up,

Let’s take the eating well, as we were saying, you know, okay, so I’m going to really excited. I’ve got

this new diet and everything is going to be great in there. And then three days later, it’s your

friend’s birthday party. Okay, so let’s see that coming. Let’s just take a little minute, see

that’s coming up. And what are you going to do to get around that rather than arriving at the party

and like, you know, and then flipping, tripping up, and then going home with a sense of failure.

And then we know where that then spirals to.

So again, prepare yourself because the road ahead is not going to be plain sailing.

And there are going to think, so if you take it also in like, if this was really practical way.

Okay, what am I going to do about that then?

And then as we were saying, that builds up the resilience and the self belief,

because then you’ve actually overcome a challenge and that gives you this motivation and hope that I can do this.


Right. Oh my goodness.

You’re so right.

Like there’s infinite ways to take this to the next level

for so many reasons.

And hope, the hope mapping is,

I think probably one of the best things that was outlined,

that we outlined together to really hammer down

like this is how we’re going to move forward.

And this is how you’re going to use your strengths.

Because I think a lot of people right now

might be thinking like, okay, that’s great.

I can maybe think of my strengths,

but if I’m in like a crap mood and, you know, life’s just–

LINDSAY: It’s raining, I was gonna go for awards.

It’s raining, or I didn’t see well

’cause the kids were crying all night.

You know, all of these things are let’s already think

about how we’re gonna overcome these problems

instead of falling down at the first hurdle.


LINDSAY: There’s many ways of goal achievement, right?

There’s a smart goal, so many of them.

person and everybody finds their own way and, you know,

however works best for them.

For me, I always got, I don’t know,

I just never particularly liked any of them.

They just never really resonated.

Whereas this one for me, again, a game changer.

And now I will use it and perhaps I don’t go

and put all of the columns that we’ll talk about now.

You know, you don’t go through every step,

but you, in your mind, you automatically are thinking ahead

So I think that’s secret. So one is again, we say we have all of these ways of so you think about what your goal is you think about why and again that’s going to anchor you down because you need the emotional connection to the to the goal.

And, and then so how am I going to achieve that. And then we look at okay but what’s going to what could potentially stop me from doing it in that way.

So again, I think a very stupid but for me very really example, but if I decide I’m going to go out for a walk or a run or whatever it is in the morning, I got to get my stuff out the night before.

Because if not, if I have to get up in the morning and start to walk to wherever they are, I’ve seen about 15 things to do on the way.

And that needs moving there and the dish and option needs putting on and whatever it may be.

And then by the time I’ve done all of that stuff, my window for what I was going to do,

it’s no longer open.

So again, so then think about that.

Okay, I’m going to get distracted.

I’m going to be late.

So think of the things, oh, it’s going to rain.

We were talking with you what we were thinking about meditating.



LINDSAY: How are you going to make sure that happens?

So what was, can we use one of your examples or?


LINDSAY: I can’t, you know, I’ve got so many to choose from.

And that sounds stupid, but if you sit down

and then you start scrolling.

JANNINE: Yeah. – Yeah.

LINDSAY: You’re not gonna be meditate.

You’re gonna be scrolling through

JANNINE: Anything and everything.

LINDSAY: It’s a good option.

And suddenly, oops, it was time to get up

and go and work and get the day started.

So it seems really silly,

but actually just these getting that stuff in.

And then what happens,

You got up to meditate, but you didn’t do it

because you ended up scrolling.

Oh, and then the Instagram post came on

and whatever’s going on.

And what’s the feeling that you get from that?

You’re disappointed in yourself.

I can’t do this, I’m not.


So we were talking there also about that atomic habits, right?

Which is the best, one of the best books.

But so it’s again,

and then you’re just building this proof that I can do this.

I’m the kind of person that meditates.

So we said that.

And then just trying to keep it so that I hope mapping.

So, and also then you can look at the support systems,

what’s in place, as we were saying,

it could be if you’ve got young children

and maybe exercising is one of your things,

you’re probably gonna need someone to help out with the kids

and that kind of thing.

And then what I want to bring into that hope mapping

to keep it relevant with the strengths is okay,

And what are my strengths that are we going to remember?

You know, that I’m going to remember that I have to keep me going and to keep the momentum

and to keep me motivated.



Like we said, you can apply that in and want something about starting a business, something

about sleeping more, something about eating more healthfully, whatever it may be.

It works.


You can apply every single thing in your life and like, yeah, literally are my goal, my

ultimate goal because I was working on, my big goal was like working on self-worth and

things of those nature, but then we had like a priority of finding Zen, right?

Which is funny because my top thing is harmony, which I know I can find it, the key is scheduling


That was my biggest issue.

And so why did I want the Zen is because I wanted to allow me to make a bigger impact.

And then going through like goal pathways, which way can I find Zen?

Well, I come off a sailing.

So I was like, yep, sailing totally zen and then nature walks and, and, you know, walk,

hiking, physical activity.

And so morning meditation, like you’re mentioning was one of my biggies.

And the biggest thing that, yes, scrolling or for me, my biggest procrastination, no joke is email.

I will find a way to just keep checking email, which is so weird.

And then, you know, really just tell my husband that I needed support and my dog

so that he could, he’s laying down here.

So he could keep me on task.

And then, you know, going through through the strengths,

like, yeah, I, I’m a cheever, right?

So I want to make sure I do, I, you know,

I like to complete my goals.

And Harmony, of course, being my big one.

And then also learning about myself.

And I think this is one of the things about me and learning.

I learn about everything else,

but my, I have learned about everything else,

but myself.

And that’s what this last past year has really been about

is me to be like, who is this creature that makes up me?

And why do I do what I do?

And I think this is a great thing

to kind of bring everything back around

for why did you strength-based?

LINDSAY: It’s self-discovery, absolutely.

And once you know yourself better,

what is it that you want to do with that?

You want to have a better relationship,

you want to make more money, you want to be healthier.

Okay. Well, I know how I work.

JANNINE: Right, right.

And so now it’s just figuring out how someone else works

and then coming into, you know, for a relationship.

Now for those of the folks that might be listening

who have businesses and they’re like,

man, I just wish my team would get along, right?

You do work with folks where you will put everyone

through the same thing that we went through.

And then from there, I’m curious,

how do you get everybody to understand

different people’s strengths and then be able to call on each other.

Cause that, when we talked originally, I was like, that’s fascinating.

And at some point I am going to have to have more of a team than just me and my

lovely assistant, Brian, which is not my dog.

By the way, it gets confusing.

I have my dog.

Keep Brian.

The dog can be an assistant.

Sometimes a Brian, the human is a, is a great assistant, but they’re two different

people, but at some point, yes, I want to expand my team.

And so I was.

LINDSAY: Oh, amazing starting point.

So yeah, well, if everybody does their own,

so you do like a mini strength session with everybody,

everyone does their own strengths assessment.

And then we put it together in a grid.

So again, like we said, once you’re aware of yourself,

you also start spotting strengths in others.

Naturally, it just happens.

And you appreciate the differences, you know,

it’s not like, oh, she’s not like me.

It’s like, oh, she’s not like me,

because she is good at that or he is good.

So that’s an interest.

So yes, you do a mini strength session for each person.

And then you just bring it all together.

Everyone shares a little bit about themselves.

We do a strength grid.

So you can really see written down joint strengths

’cause in each team you’ll have areas where,

you’ve got a lot of people with the same.

And then all of the individual unique strengths.

And then you can look at each, you know, each team will have whatever project it is

or whatever it is that’s coming up.

And so, okay, so how are you going to use that in that particular thing?

And who’s going to bring what?

And who’s going to work with whom you’ve been to achieve that?

JANNINE: Mmmhmm.

I like that.

I like that.

And so that’s where the grid comes in because you’re basically going to outline like who’s

roles are, but.

LINDSAY: And it’s already just the fact that you’re aware of your own.

so you can also reflect more on others.

Communication is already boosted enormously.

And also then if you’re pushing the right people to work,

you know, on the right thing,

you’re more motivated because you’re doing something

that you love and that you’re more successful at doing.

Results are going up, you know,

productivity goes up, more everything.

JANNINE: Right, and everybody’s happy

because they’re doing what they like too.

And it just makes for a better team.

I mean, I think about that in terms of teamwork

for families even, if you think about it too.

Like how, you know, chores, who does what chores, right?

Even maybe if we think of it that way,

but also just getting along in terms of family,

but also in terms of small businesses,

things of that nature.

And I think for a lot of people,

where we struggle in life with,

whether it’s continuing the business, whether it’s, you know, do we change

course? I think a lot of its interpersonal relationships too. That can take

a look– LINDSAY: Oh my gosh, it’s foundation. Things are going good at home or with

your friends with your partner. The world is do what we know when you’re in a

bad relationship and you know, yeah, it’s community. I think that’s so

important and it affects everything. JANNINE: Mm hmm. And so doing this work, you know,

The reason I wanted to bring you back on and talk about all of the different things that I’ve

experienced and just doing this is so vital for, I think, your mental health, but also can be

physical health too, because like we mentioned, if there’s certain habits, we can’t seem to

nail down. This is a great way to be able to use this and get the healthy lifestyle going and get

the momentum so that you know you can age well at any age. Yeah. And of course you are helping folks

with that too because you guys as I mentioned earlier, Lindsay does strength space coaching,

but she also has a background in holistic health and health coaching. And so she kind of brings it

all together for you. So if you really are struggling with something, this is where I’m seeing like

It all comes together, right? Because most of our issues as a doc when we get down to the nitty-gritty of a condition that is preventable, it’s a lot of times mindset and habits.

LINDSAY: Well, this is something, so I was obviously, I’ve been a health coaching for years in the positive psychology coaching. I started myself and wasn’t my intention originally to really go in that direction.

But I just saw the similarities.

Well, one we know it’s a jigsaw and you can’t have one without the other.

So we know that the outset.

But the similarities at the end of the day, thinking well, eating well, living well,

they all come down to small habits.

It’s all the same thing.

It’s all the same principle.

these tiny little things about positive thoughts reframing, you know, all of that kind of stuff.

Because with the positive thinking, they’ve seen their habits that you can acquire. Some people

have them naturally, but those of us who don’t, you can learn them like with all of the, yeah,

all of the eating better, you know, it’s just small, small, small steps, you know,

everyday little thing that all don’t contribute. But I mean, you need them both, don’t you? We know

that. You can’t, you’re never going to be healthy if you know, full health, if you don’t have a

positive outlook. And if you’re depressed, it could be eating in the most perfect way. But if

your mind’s not with you on board, that’s not health. JANNINE: No, no, it’s not at all. And I think this

This is a great way to kind of just give another up leveling to things.

But at a level, you know, a lot of people are like, “Ah, health coaching, you know,

I’m just going to talk to someone.”

No, we have concrete data here that you can enforce.

And I’m saying enforce, that may be a harsh word, but you can enforce on your brain to

realize that like you can do for getting anything you want.

LINDSAY: And it won’t be easy.

It’s like it’s not going to be without challenges.

So again, this is what I love about it all as well.

Let’s take the realistic approach.

There’s no point in saying I’m going to go from zero to 100.

You’re not going to change overnight, you know?

You’re diet, you’re not going to.


LINDSAY: But let’s do the small steps that get you there.

JANNINE: So huge, so huge.

Lindsay, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity

to work with you and discover so much.

And like no joke, I am forever grateful for you bringing back the spark in my mind as to

this is my purpose, this is why you’re doing this.

And hopefully folks will thank us one day for something of giving us good.

I don’t know what I’m saying, but thank you.

LINDSAY: It has been, I absolutely love doing this video and your work is just so important.

So and thank you for giving me the opportunity of coming to talk about it.

JANNINE: My pleasure. We will keep the conversation going because I’m sure there’s going to be certain things that we have to update on and do

a recap. So thanks again and I will make sure that we tell folks, actually before we do that, we gotta tell folks where to find you now.

LINDSAY: Okay, so well, Lindsay Guest is my tag on both Instagram and LinkedIn. And the newest, we’re having a big re-launch right now.

And you will find me at the Brilliance Project.

So website currently under construction,

depending on when you’re listening to this podcast.

But it’s www.thebrillianceproject.co.


LINDSAY: So that will probably go in the show notes,

but yes, you can find me there.

JANNINE: Awesome.

We’ll do it.

Thank you, Lindsey.

LINDSAY: Thank you.

[Outro] Hey fellow health junkie, thanks for listening to the Health Fix Podcast.

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(upbeat music)

Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

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