Can’t seem to kick allergies, bloating, gut issues, mental health or your chronic illnesses no matter what you’ve been doing?  Are you or your children or grandchildren struggling with mood swings, Autism, spectrum conditions, behavioral issues, depression, aggression, anxiety or any mental health disorders?  After looking into what was causing multiple food allergies in her children Zen Honeycutt realized it was the glyphosate and other chemicals in the food that her children were eating that were causing their symptoms. Zen is a Mom on a mission as the founding executive director of the non-profit, Moms Across America, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms.  Moms Across America’s leaders are raising awareness about GMOs, toxins in the food supply, and other environmental issues that pose risk to the health of our families. The organization’s mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities. Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America initiated the first glyphosate testing in America and successfully petitioned Costco to remove Roundup from their shelves. She is the author of UNSTOPPABLE, Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and Celebration of Community, the director of a short film called “Communities Rising” and the co founder of the recently launched program called “The Neighborhood Food Network” whose mission is to create a parallel food system, one street at a time.  In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Zen Honeycutt on the findings of her food testing, the connections to chronic illness and solutions to improve your food supply.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode: 

  • The connection between mental health conditions and diet
  • Restaurants, school lunch samples and fast foods with the highest amount of glyphosate and other pesticides
  • The foods that are sprayed with glyphosate
  • Why 98% of your glyphosate consumption can be eliminated by eating organic fruits and veggies 
  • Foods with lead, cadmium and other heavy metals
  • Veterinary drugs, aviary contraceptives, antibiotics and hormones in food and animal food
  • What testing of the food supply shows when it comes to vitamins and minerals
  • The connection between toxins in the food supply violence, homelessness and addictions
  • Food addiction and glyphosate consumption
  • Why the majority of Western diseases can be connected to glyphosate

Resources From The Show:

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Podcast Transcript:

JANNINE: [Intro] Welcome to the Health Fix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly

fix of tips, tools, and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds, and fit

physiques for life. Hey health junkies! On this episode of the Health Fix Podcast,

I’m interviewing Zen Honeycutt. She’s the founding executive director of the

nonprofit Moms Across America. It’s a national coalition of unstoppable moms

with the motto empowered moms, healthy kids.

Now they are here to raise awareness about the GMOs,

toxins in the food supply and other environmental issues

that pose risk to the health of our families.

The organization’s mission is to educate and empower mothers,

but hey, we’re here today to educate and empower everyone,

to really get to know what you are eating

because as Zen talks about in the podcast

and what I’ve seen in my practice,

if you can make changes to what you eat

to go closest to nature and incorporate in organic foods,

you will notice significant changes within your health.

Zen is the author of “Unstoppable,

Transforming Sickness and Struggle

into Triumph, Empowerment, and Celebration of Community.”

She’s also the director of a short film

called “Communities Rising”

and the co-founder of the recently launched program

called “The Neighborhood Food Network”,

whose mission is to create a parallel food system,

one street at a time.

And I can’t tell you how important this is.

So, nevertheless, let’s introduce you to Zen Honeycut.

Hey Hulk junkies, I have Zen Honeycut on

and boy do we have some things to talk about today

because I’m seeing my patients getting sicker

and I’ve been in the game 18 years

and it’s time to talk about folks getting sicker,

They’re kids getting sicker and what the heck we can do collectively to help with our own

food system.

So Zen, welcome to the health fix podcast.

ZEN: Thank you so much, Jannine.

Thanks for all your listeners supporting you and being with you and sharing this podcast.

I so appreciate it.

JANNINE: Absolutely.

This is information that is so important.

And of course, you know, a lot of folks will say to me, “Doc, really does does it really

matter about my food?”

And I’m like, that is the number one place

that we have folks getting sick.

So, Zen, give us a little background

in terms of how you came to start studying

the toxicity of our food system.

What was your first tip off that something might be off?

ZEN: Well, the first tip off, I, you know,

didn’t attribute to the food supply.

Like you’re saying, my listeners don’t.

My son had basically colic, you know, green stringy poo, he turns out he was allergic

to milk.

I was never allergic to milk when I was a kid.

You know, then he’s allergic to nuts, again, not something I was, you know, have and all

kinds of maybe 20 different food allergies.

And then my second and third child also had 20 something different food allergies.

And at first, I just thought, you know, there was something going on with that.

Maybe genetically, you know, there was something I just was missing it.

But I was very confused because both my husband and I did not have those types of food allergies.

And then I saw a, and also my son almost died on Thanksgiving evening from a pecan in the


And so we avoided food.

So I also just kind of avoided the issue as much as possible for a long time, you know,

like going to a friend’s house seemed like a minefield of walnut chocolate chip cookies

and, you know, nuts in, in, um, Trader Joe pumpkin bread or something like that.

You know what I mean?

Like there could be.

So it was a very scary issue when I just like sort of put my head down and avoided it as much

as possible for a long time and did the best we could. And then I saw a video on on Facebook,

somebody shared, shared, Robin O’Brien’s head talk on a plate, patriotism on a plate.

Sorry, yeah, patriotism on a plate. And I learned about genetically modified organisms. Later on,

I learned about glyphosate through Jeffrey Smith and Stephanie Senneth and Howard Fliger

and Don Huber, like all these scientists and researchers that I started to come in contact with.

And I was like, wow, this must have something to do with my kids at food allergies. And they’re

later, they developed autism symptoms and asthma and autoimmune issues, just like millions of

Americans today. And I put two and two together and realized that it’s not the food and it’s not

my children, it’s what’s been done to the food. The food has changed. It is not like it was when

your mother was around or your mother was feeding you. It’s very different. And so I learned about

the food supply. I avoided GMO as it first. My son’s allergies got dramatically better. And

then when we went organic, my other son’s autism symptoms went away. And my first son’s allergy

symptoms, for instance, his walnut allergy went from a 19 down to a point two. So he will no longer

die from food, which is not what the doctors told me. They told me that his nut allergy

would get worse. I’m sure you’ve heard this and that it could potentially be life threatening,

but that is not true. His has gotten better and all my kids can now eat as long as it’s an

organic version. They can eat the dairy, the wheat, the eggs, even the nuts. You know,

everything can eat anything now as long as it’s organic and not filled with toxins and all of that,

which we’ll talk about. So in that process, I decided that more people needed to know when

and I was willing to take on leadership and do something about it, which was not what I was,

my background is, my background is in fashion design and being an entrepreneur. I have no training

to run a nonprofit or to write articles about science and food and all of that. But I have

wonderful people on my team, and I think I have an ability to communicate what is going on with

the food supply in a unique way or a clear way that really supports people. So I’m willing to do

this to transform the food industry and health in America and beyond. And I’m honored to be

able to do this. And we have built a nonprofit that now reaches millions of people and around,

you know, nationally and around the world. We’ve had 600 leaders that created over a thousand

events in the first five years in all 50 states. Our moms are amazing and our dads. And they’ve

sent in their breast milk to be tested for glyphosate, which we found positive in, you know, tap water

year and we initiated the first glyphosate testing. We found glyphosate in vaccines,

childhood vaccines. It was really shocking. We found glyphosate in beer and wine and orange juice,

and most recently we tested school lunches and fast food, which we’ll get into. And it has

been a whirlwind of exposing what’s going on in the food supply and also empowering people on

what they can do about it. And I’m really honored to be able to do this.

JANNINE: It’s incredible work because so many parents come to me and even adults will do the testing

like you had with your your children. And same thing, they’re allergic to everything and they

look at me like, okay, what do I do now? And it’s like trying to explain why it’s not necessarily

the food. It’s what is in it is incredibly tough. So the testing you mentioned, I want to jump

into that. Let’s talk about some of your recent findings. Let’s talk about what you found with

the fast food, and even the ones that claim that they are the healthiest out there.

Let’s talk a little bit about what you’ve been finding.

Give us the scoop.

ZEN: Oh my gosh, Dr. Krause, it’s so disturbing.

So first of all, last year we tested 43 school lunch samples, and by the way, over 40 is

a statistically significant and scientifically important number.

So the EPA and the FDA can’t just say, oh, it was only six samples and ignore it.

So we really worked hard to raise a lot of money to be able to test 43 school lunch

samples and found them to be 93% positive for glyphosate, which is a carcinogen, an endocrine

disruptor, it causes liver disease, it has been linked to childhood leukemia through animal studies,

it causes the mobility and it has as detrimental effects for different detrimental effects on sperm,

it actually has been shown to endrogynize baby girls, make them more masculine and cause all kinds

of cancers. And so that was present in 93% of the school lunch samples and some at concerning

levels. I mean, there’s no safe level of glyphosate. So any glyphosate at all,

because it’s an endocrine disruptor, any even from very low levels can be very harmful.

We also found harmful pesticides, 29 different harmful pesticides, and 74% of the samples.

we found heavy metals and 100% of the school lunch samples like cadmium and lead and mercury.

These are neurotoxins that can cause lifelong permanent brain damage and also cancer.

We found very low levels of minerals. During this process, we found out that the suppliers for

school lunches are primarily or often our fast food grants. Fast food will have booths in their

little school lunch conferences where they go and choose what food that they will have

for the year for the school lunch directors. And it’s often Domos, Pizza Hut, Del Taco,

places like that. And I was horrified. So when the idea came up to test fast food, I was like,

hell yeah. We’re going to get to the source of it so we raise money to test fast food for not just

glyphosate and harmful pesticides and heavy metals and minerals but also phthalates and industrial

compounds and vitamins and vitamins are especially important because your prefrontal cortex cannot

work without proper levels of vitamin B and the results were extremely disturbing okay to get back

up to the top, we found glyphosate 100% of the fast food samples, 100%. We found the

highest level of glyphosate in panera bread and there are sandwiches. And the second highest level

in Arby’s. And I think this is predominantly because the bread portion of the meal is it’s like

primarily made up of bread, right? The bread is a very thick portion. So that’s why they were

higher levels because the bread is sprayed with glyphosate, not the bread sorry, the grains used

for bread are often sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent before harvest. So they’re not

genetically modified like corn and soy and sugar beets where they spray glyphosate on those crops,

it kills the weeds, and then the crop keeps growing because it’s genetically engineered to

withstand it, right? That’s called an herbicide tolerant GMO. But these are regular crops,

their conventional wheat crops, also peas and beans and oats and barley, other types of grains,

are often sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent if they are not organic in order to speed

up the harvesting process. So Americans are consuming glyphosate in almost every meal that

they’re eating, especially if there’s wheat or oats or grains in it, because of this drying agent

usage of glyphosate and also because of GMOs, right, because corn and soy and

canola and sugarbeats are in like everything process that we eat. So glyphosate, that is very,

very disturbing that glyphosate was found was that present in fast food and, you know, in foods

that are supposed to be considered clean, wholesome, good foods. So we’re asking Panera Bread to put

glyphosate on their no-no list and we have a petition and we hope that you will go to the website

and sign. We want to give it to them in January 1st. So we’re hoping in December to get a lot

more signatures and to let them know that they could make a huge difference if they put glyphosate

on their no-no list and tell their suppliers that they only want grains that have not been

sprayed with glyphosate. I mean, it could be gang breasters. I mean, we would tell the world

about that, right? Even if it’s not organic, if they’re not using glyphosate and toxic grains

on that bread as a drying agent, it’s going to be healthier than other foods out there. So it will

be more wholesome and good food, right? So then we found also harmful pesticides on 76% of the fast

food samples. And the disturbing thing was that we confirmed the work of the Heartland Health

Research Alliance that says that if you just switch out your fruits and vegetables to organic,

you’ll eliminate 98% of your harmful pesticide consumption, and I’m not talking about glyphosate

because that’s on grains, right? I’m talking about other harmful pesticides. You will eliminate 98%

of your consumption if you just switch your fruits and vegetables out to organic. And we saw this

when we tested the pizza hut pizza. We tested sausage and cheese slices, and then we also tested

vegetable top pizza. And the sausage and cheese pizza did not have any detectable levels of harmful

pesticides. But the vegetable top pizza had over 21 parts per billion of harmful pesticides.

So the harmful pesticides are coming from the vegetables. That is really so salads

and ordering, you know, peppers and things like that and vegetables and, you know,

onions and things like that on top of your piece. It’s just worse. I’m sorry, folks.

So yeah, the highest levels, sorry, I don’t have that stat off the top of my head right now,

but you can look on at our full report, but they were very concerning levels

of harmful pesticides, some like six out of time in a sample. Yeah, and then we found heavy metals

in 100% of the samples as well, lead in cadmium. Now, the mercury didn’t show positivity, and I

I think there was something wrong with this machine and I need to get back to the lab

about that because it was 100, they were 100% positive in the school lunch sample.

So I don’t know why mercury wouldn’t be 100% positive in the fast food.

But they were 100% positive for cadmium and lead and the highest levels of cadmium were

in in and out french fries, which we thought in and out was going to be one of the healthiest

because they do take action there.

They source much better foods than a lot of other fast food places.

But for some reason, the cadmium was of high level.

So we hope that they’re going to address that and respond to us about that.

We also found high levels of lead in the sonic cheeseburger and lead is something that can

accumulate in large animal meat and through their bones and their meat, get into the food.

And again, highly carcinogenic and neurotoxic.

We found high levels of veterinary drugs and hormones.

Oh, that’s the other thing we did test school lunches for veterinary drugs and hormones.

And we found in the top 10, because it’s very expensive to test for these things, we

found 40 to 60% positive for antibiotics.

And one of them causes the hind legs of dogs and horses to go paralyzed at extremely low


And so there has been contamination problems with dog food, because a lot of the makers

that make cattle feed and chicken feed and all that.

They also make dog food and horse food, right?

They just make all of it.

And then when this contamination,

it can cause that problem of the parallelization

of their back legs.

And so we’re wondering, what is that doing to human beings?

Eating that on a daily basis.

You see so many people with the big purple swollen legs,

it also causes bloating, by the way.

And that’s what makes them eat more,

is they get bloated, the stomach expands,

and then they eat more.

that’s how they faten them up faster. Basically, they’re making them sick to make them fat.

And we also found an aviary contraceptive in the Chick-fil-A sandwich. And this is because

it’s an antiparasitic. It treats cocositis. It’s a common chicken disease, but they can’t give

this antiparasitic to egg-laying chickens because it will prevent them from laying eggs. They can

only give it to meat birds, which are used in Chick-fil-A sandwiches and chicken nuggets and

things like that. And nobody knows what an aviary contraceptive is doing to the American

population on a daily basis if they’re consuming, you know, chicken from fast food places and

restaurants that’s not organic. And, and by the way, we had a person come on our call

through, she met us through TikTok, our posts have gone viral there. And she worked for on

the front lines of a chicken processing plant, and she processed for Chick-fil-A and also for

all of garden. So you can assume that the chicken at all of garden may also have, you know,

that may also have the same thing. And then we look back at our school lunch samples and found

that four of the school lunch samples had the same aviary contraceptive. We didn’t realize it at

the time. We just thought it was antiparasitic. But, you know, when doing research on these

chemicals, it takes a long time. And we don’t have enough staff or help to really, you know,

do as much as we would like. But we did find that out. And that’s 10% of the school’s lunch

samples from positive for this aviary contraceptive. And three of them were chicken, but one of them

was beef. So what the heck is this anti-parasetic, you know, also doing a beef? I don’t, I’m not aware

if they can get this cocositis thing too, or if they use it for a different, you know, parasite

in beef. But that’s very concerning. So yeah, a lot of, okay, and I’ll keep going. We found very

low levels of minerals, for instance. If you wanted to get your proper nutrition level of copper,

you’d have to eat nine servings of Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets. Copper is very important in

the regulation of zinc and copper, you know, they need to be balanced into autism,

so that’s very concerning. There were no levels of vitamin B or B9 or B12 in any of the samples.

And that that vitamins are essential for prefrontal cortex development and processing. Like a person

cannot make good decisions if they do not have proper levels of vitamin B. It’s like it really

messes with your prefrontal cortex. In my opinion, everybody should be on a B complex,

I mean, it’s just from looking at the results of the food supply. I’m not a doctor, right? So,

you are, thank goodness you are. 

JANNINE: Well, here’s the thing though, like everything you’re describing,

and this is why when I started listening to some of the podcasts that you’ve been on previously,

and researching what you’re doing, I’m like this parallels to the T, what I’m seeing in labs

of my patients, the lead, the cadmium, the mercury, and, you know, and in young patients of mine,

in addition to the chemicals coming out when I do some of the chem talks and different types

of screens, I mean, guys, those of you who are listening to this, she’s not just talking crazy

talk, like this parallels exactly what docs who are testing this stuff are seeing, B12 and folate,

and, you know, I don’t think we’ll go down the methylation pathway and rabbit hole, but this is

huge too for autism and so many things. 

ZEN: And people with MTFHR, like I have and I’m pretty

sure my kids have, we need that methylated B vitamins in order to be able to process things

in our bodies and it’s essential. And so, you know, these are very scary results. You know,

we found that if you had to get your recommended daily intake of vitamin B3, again, essential

in the prefrontal cortex development, a woman would have to eat 333 Chick-fil-A sandwiches and

a man would have to eat 380. So this is what I call the high cost of cheap food. There’s a very

high cost to people consuming this type of toxic nutrient deficient food and it’s– that they think

they are actually eating and feeding themselves and taking care of their bodies potentially,

at least in some way, but they’re really not. The lab owner said that there were actually

more toxins found in this food than there were nutrients. 

JANNINE: Wow. Oh. Start– 

ZEN: And I have to tell

a story about this vitamin B situation because this is what really led me to make sure we had

the money. And I want to say shout out thanks to Children’s Health Defense and Center Academy

and Moms Across America supporters for teaming up together. Some very special people donated

to make sure this happened and we really appreciate all of you. So the vitamin B aspect is super

important. For instance, Dr. Barbara Reed Stitt a lifetime achievement award winner,

studied food for over 20 years in the late 80s and early 90s, and her studies were a year long,

right, on prisons and school systems. There were no jokes. She’s very serious academic in this area

and highly respected. And she showed that in the prisons, the one thing, the prolys criminal

serial killers all had in common, I believe even the high school dropouts, they bragged that they

lived on junk food. That was the one thing they all had in common. It wasn’t their race,

it wasn’t their socioeconomic background, it wasn’t that they lived in the projects, right?

It was the fact that they were bragged that whether it were rich or poor or black or white,

they brag that they lived on junk food like they only had soda and you know pizza or fast food or

whatever and they also had very low levels of vitamin B’s when they were tested and when she

switched out the foods from the processed high sugar you know junk food to whole clean wholesome

foods which at that time I believe would have been non GMO and non glyphosate spray right because

that was happening in the late 90s. That’s when all that the GMO and glyphosate spray foods started

happening. And she found that the recidivism rate in the prison, the recidivism rate switched

instead of 70% going out and coming back in, 70% went out and stayed out. Only 30% came back in.

And in the school system, a school of 5,000 instead of 500 dropping out when she switched

out the food, only 14 dropped out, and a significantly higher number went on to graduate from college

and to be successful in lives. And other studies have shown a 37 to a 50 percent drop in violence

in prisoners just when they got supplements, you know, mineral and vitamin supplements,

within two weeks. And this mirrors an animal study out of the University of Strasbourg

that I came across from a Smithsonian magazine because I was taking care of my dad in the last 18

months of his life, it was due to a vaccine injury is what actually ended up killing him.

And during that time, he loved to read Smithsonian Magazine, and I came across an article on that

about this hamster study in Germany that where the farmer was concerned about a decline in hamsters

in his GMO, well, he didn’t say GMO, but his monocrop cornfield, right? Monocrop usually means

GMO, it could be hybrid. But regardless, it means pesticides and herbicides. And this was shown by

the quality of the soil. It was like sand. And when they tested these hamsters to find out why the

population was declining, they found a very disturbing behavior. They found out that the

mother hamsters were cannibalistic. They were eating their young on the first day of life.

And when they tested these mother cannibalistic hamsters, they found out that they were completely

devoid of guess which vitamin? Vitamin B3. And when they administered vitamin B3, the cannibalistic

behavior completely stopped. What does that tell you, right? That tells us we need nutrient-dense food

that’s not raised by monocrop farming. That’s not industrial farming. That doesn’t make the soil

like sand and completely devoid of nutrients. And so we hear this echoed from our moms. We had a mom

call us from Santa Ana, low income single mom of four kids who had a child with mental health issues.

And one day the school called her and said, you need to pick up your school. I mean, sorry,

you need to pick up your son. He just said that he wants to blow up the school with a bomb and

kill everybody in it. And she said, well, I told you, he has mental health issues and we need help.

And so they sent him to a psychiatrist and the psychiatrist assessed him and then gave her an SSRI

and antidepressant, right? And she said, “Isn’t there anything else we can do?” And he said,

“Well, have you thought about the food you’re feeding him? What kind of food are you feeding

him?” She’s like, “Well, whatever you’ll eat, hot dogs, pizza, tacos, right? American standard diet.”

He said, “Have you thought about the pesticides, the GMOs, the toxins, the food dies, the preservatives

in that food?” She said, “No.” He said, “Well, you either feed them organic or you give them this

medication.” So she decided to feed them organic. And actually, rice and beans can be, you know,

You know, less than $1.65 a meal and very packed in  folate and vitamins and, you know,

all kinds of good food, good nutrients.

So she did that.

And within two weeks, the school called her and said, we don’t know what you’re doing,

but this is a completely new human being.

Keep doing what you’re doing.

And so she called me the day after the Florida school shooting.

You remember that one?

JANNINE: Yes. Yes.

ZEN: And this is when she called me and she said, I’m calling you because my son is now 17.

And I know he could be, he would have been one of those kids that would have gone out

and got a gun from Walmart or wherever and shot up the kids at his school.

But and that’s a very hard thing for a mother to admit.

But she said, but he will not do that because he’s eating organic, he’s working on community

gardens, he’s healthy, he’s responsible, he’s happy, he’s a completely new person.

And I was like, holy cow, you created a whole new future for your son by being committed

to feeding him organic and avoiding all those toxins, and you created a whole new future

for everybody at the school because they’re not traumatized, and all of their thousands

of families and friends because they’re not traumatized by a school shooting and loss of

children. And you may even have created a new future for this entire country, because who

knows he could run for office, he could create a product or service or touch the lives of

people who influence others, and that’s why we’re doing our work. We want people to be

able to live up to their fullest potential, we feel that these toxins and the lack of political

will up on the hill is robbing our children and our loved ones of their potential. And America

is putting ourselves into a crisis of not only physical health, but mental health that is and will

affect the safety and security of the future of our country and the world. I mean, when you have

mentally ill illness affecting one out of five people. That includes our politicians

who are making decisions with fingers on the buttons. It is a major problem to have mentally ill

people elected to office. It just doesn’t work for the future of our country. So we need to resort,

resolve this mental health issue. And I think that rather than focusing on gun laws that criminals

are not going to follow anyway. I think our politicians should be focusing on getting safe,

non-toxic, nutrient-dense food in the schools and in the hands of Americans

everywhere, no matter what their socio-economic background. You should not have to be able to

afford increasingly expensive organic food in order to not have mental illness or physical health

problems. We should have access to safe, non-toxic, nutrient-dense food.

JANNINE: I wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly agree because I’ve seen, you know, what happens when we do change

the food source where the kid doesn’t go organic. I think one of the things Zen that might be

coming up for a lot of folks and something that I hear in my industry a lot, well, these chips,

you know, these particular chips that are wheat-based have a label that says non-GMO. Are they safe?

And then there’s the other one which I want you to talk about these and is the dirty dozen.

Well I’m eating by the dirty dozen. Aren’t I doing good enough? Explain to us why those two aren’t


ZEN: Sure, yes. So we appreciate the non-GMO project verified very much for bringing attention

to GMOs. They were really the ones that broke the, you know, sort of perception, you know,

it was very exciting to see a natural products expo to walk down ills that say non-GMO. Like,

oh my gosh, somebody’s paying attention to this. And, you know, there’s whole sections and grocery

stores and labels on things. And we appreciate that. However,

non GMO project verified only means that they have tested the

ingredients and verified that there are less than 0.9% of

genetically modified ingredients in that food. It has nothing to

do with pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate and or

heavy metals, right? It has nothing to do with anything else

except for GMOs. And the problem is, is that there are so many

crops that are non-GMO like wheat and peas and beans and oats that are sprayed with glyphosate

and other toxic pesticides. And so when you see non-GMO project verified, that does not mean no

harmful pesticides and herbicides. It could mean very high levels of harmful pesticides and herbicides

and heavy metals. So it’s best to buy things that say non-GMO project verified and USDA organic

or a CCOF organic, or a regenerative organic, or a real organic project, any of the other ones.

However, you should know that none of those other organic brands actually test for pesticides

and herbicides. They don’t require it. It’s just that they say that they’re not using them and

they’re not allowed to in organic, right? They’re not allowed to use glyphosate and toxic pesticides

and herbicides. They use the ones that are approved for organic standards. But none of them are

actually testing and that’s why moms across America started our moms across

America gold standard where we would require the companies to test and we

had a couple dozen willing to do that and then COVID hit and it just didn’t

happen and it didn’t go through we’re very sad about that because we think

moms have the highest standards for what should be going our kids’ mouths and we

think that having a gold standard you know would be incredible but most

food companies are not willing to test their, you know, batch test at $600 to $800 to test just

for one, you know, just for, you know, one type of pesticides, there’s different types of pesticides

and they have to be in categories. And it’s extremely expensive. But we think that the government is,

you know, printing money to set $140 billion now going to Ukraine when the entire budget for the

The EPA is 13 billion.

Where are the priorities here?

We have to feed our people, non-toxic food, that’s not causing neurological damages and

endocrine disruption and cancer.

I think some of that money could actually be going towards proper testing and making

sure that we know what the source is of contamination.

We talked about that to the FDA and the USDA when we met with them.

We had a congressional briefing after the fast food testing and we talked to them about that

and they said, “Oh, we are testing.

The EPA sets the limits.”

So the FDA pointed the finger, the USDA pointed the finger at the EPA.

And when we met with the EPA four times, they pointed the finger at Congress.

So we did a congressional briefing.

They said, “Go to the USDA.”

The USDA said, “Well, the EPA sets limits, but the FDA sets the guidelines and the dietary


FDA, and it went all the way around. And what they basically came down to is the FDA says that the

EPA sets the standards of the levels of pesticides, right, and herbicides and heavy metals in the

food, and the FDA enforces. I said, well, how do you enforce? Are you testing to see if

children’s, you know, the levels in children’s aren’t acu– bodies aren’t isn’t accumulating past

a certain safe level? No, no, no, we don’t tested children, right? They don’t want to know what’s

accumulating children’s bodies, right? They just test the food and they their report comes out two

years after they actually get the testing. And I said, well, actually, I’ve seen those reports.

I was a member of the Organic Product Advisory Committee for the Secretary of Agriculture in

the state of California as a representative for consumers because of my position at Mom’s Across

America. And I saw those reports and I saw that they said, oh, yeah, out of 1200 samples that we

we tested across the nation, 98% of them

were below the maximum residue level allowed of pesticides.

First of all, we all know, well, we know anyway,

I’m not sure, the maximum residue level for instance,

glyphosate is like 30,000 parts per billion,

like 30 parts per million.

It takes one parts per billion or 0.1 parts per billion

billion in some examples to cause liver or kidney disease

or sex hormone changes or organ damage, right?

that those maximum residue levels are completely set

by the industry who just wants the use of their chemicals

to be accepted and profitable.

Has nothing to do with human health, okay?

And then second of all,

I looked at what pesticides were they testing for.

And I got a list from them of what they’re testing for,

the federal government and the California government agencies.

And then I asked for a list of what are the top 25

most widely used pesticides.

And guess how many were on the list

that they were testing for?

The federal government was testing for two

of the top 25 most widely used.

And the California government was testing for three

of the top 25 most widely used.

So for them to say 98% of the samples that we tested

were below that maximum residue level

is completely misleading to the American public

that the food supply is safe.

because first of all, the maximum residue level

is ridiculously high.

And second of all, they’re only testing for two or three

of the pesticides that are most widely used.

They’re not testing for them.

So, you know, this is a classic example

of the monkey covering his eyes.

You know, I’m not gonna see what’s there.

And so then I don’t have to do anything about it.

And it’s infuriating.

It’s absolutely infuriating that our regulatory agencies

paid by our tax dollars put in place

by our elected officials are perpetrating fraud

on the American people by telling them

the food supply is safe when it is not.

It is poisoning us, it’s killing us, it’s toxic.

And we can attribute the majority of the Western diseases,

or 40 Western diseases to glyphosate alone.

And we can also link mental health issues,

addictions, homelessness, violence, school shootings,

pretty much all the problems that are going on

in America right now to the toxins and the food supply.

So this is why it’s infuriating for me

when I see millions and millions of,

hundreds of millions of dollars going to nonprofits

to sort out addiction or homelessness, right?

Very big issues.

When nonprofits like mine working on dimes, pennies and dimes to get something done about

addressing the cause of these issues, like did you know that when you go to an AA meeting

and they serve coffee, it can be laden with pesticides when they serve cake, that wheat

could have hundreds of parts per billion of glyphosate in it.

And that glyphosate is going to destroy the beneficial gut bacteria.

This has been proven and it destroys the beneficial gut bacteria and allows for the proliferation

of the pathogenic gut bacteria, it destroys the stronghold of where the hormones are,

such as serotonin, that regulates how content you are. Meaning, have you eaten enough, you know,

fatty foods, and if you don’t have serotonin, then you’re going to say, no, I need more. Have

you watched more or enough porn? No. They’re going to want you that person’s going to want to

watch more. You know, drink alcohol, take drugs, anger, you know, like endorphins from like anger,

or dopamine from anger or watching horror movies, right?

Your body is not going to feel satiated

if you don’t have enough serotonin in your gut.

And glyphosate is instrumental in destroying

that your body’s ability to do that.

So when you are addicted to something

and you continue to eat glyphosate spray grains,

you’re not eating organic,

you are not helping yourself

and getting over that addiction.

You are working against yourself.

You can pray to God all you want

to remove that will, you can know to remove that desire

to drink alcohol or take drugs.

But if you are consuming non-organic food with glyphosate

in it, you are working against yourself

and against God’s will, apparently.

So I’m very passionate about this, as you can tell.

JANNINE: I love it, I love it.

I for so long, preach the food, preach the food,

and people roll their eyes or people will tell me like,

No, you know, all those tests, the government wouldn’t, you know, lie to us on, you know,

they wouldn’t cover up things, you know, people, people really do fight this on me.

And the biggest thing that I would agree with you is we’ve created an addiction within the

food from, you know, the flavors, but not only that, the biggest addiction, I think too,

is like we’re all like heat-seeking missiles to the glyphosate.

We just keep going back for more and you mentioned the bloating with the animals.

So many women in my practice will tell me, talk, I’m eating clean, I’m not losing weight.

And I go back to like, okay, you’re eating everything, you know, more or less at home,

but yet you still got your bread, you still got your crackers.

ZEN: Yeah.

JANNINE: We still got glycine.

ZEN: Especially if they’re not organic, they are going to cause a lot of problems.

And a lot of people because of what’s been done for the food, they really need to cut

gluten out all together for a while, at least for their gut to heal.

And when I tell people this, they really don’t like it because the gluten free options are

also not organic in most cases.

And so you could be also be consuming glyphosate there.

eating any kind of, you know, it really needs to be organic, ancient grains or gluten free

for most people now in order for their gut to tolerate it. And it can’t be 80/20. I’m so sorry.

And as a practitioner, I hope you say this, when there’s a fire, a campfire, you do not put a teaspoon

of fuel on it to help it go out. You can’t do the 80/20. You have to stop putting fuel on it all

together. And when you do that, which I did with my with my sons, when you go 100% cold turkey,

organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, that kind of stuff, that gives your gut a chance to heal.

We’ve got holes in our small intestines. Leaky gut is happening to my doctor, my child’s doctor

told us pretty much every child in America has got now. And your kids are just lucky that they

have a mom that found that out. And when I learned about BT toxins, the GMOs that caused

the holes in the stomach of the bugs to explode because it creates so many toxins, I was like,

“Oh, well, there we go. There’s leaky gut.” It’s been eating these GMOs for 17 years,

or my child at a time bite for nine years, causing holes in the small intestines,

causing food particles to get out through those holes, and then the body sees that

foreign food particle that has not been digested, right? It’s just in the blood system

because of the holes. “Oh, it’s a foreign invader. Attack it. Oh, now we have 20 different food

allergies, you know, 100 different food intolerances, things like that, you know, it’s like these

kids that can’t eat anything. Well, it’s because they have holes and they’re small intestines

due to these GMOs. 


ZEN: It is important. The 20% that you eat can cause those types of problems.

So it’s really important to eat organic as much as possible. And if you do, you will start to see

changes in your sleep and your behavior and your mood within days, definitely within weeks.

And within a couple of weeks, you could feel like a new person, just as the example I told you,

within a couple of weeks. So I really urge you to do that. Now, could there be some contamination

of organic? Yes, there’s rain, there’s drift, there’s water, you know, all of that. But if you

stay away from processed organic foods, like protein powders, that’s where there’s been fraud,

you know, like, like, fraudulently labeled soy or peas, stay away from the protein powders and

go for whole organic local foods as much as possible, even if it’s not labeled organic,

if you know the farmer and you know that he’s not feeding, you know, the animals, GMO glyphosate

sprayed grains or using glyphosate on the crops and other toxic chemicals, then you really are

setting yourself up for success when you do that. Absolutely incredible to know your farmers.

That is probably the best thing that, you know, folks could do to get started. And then the next,

which I want to talk about is the neighborhood food network because this is something that

when I lived in Colorado, we were starting to help folks to learn how to grow on their own,

even in little planter boxes, just to start and then moving from there to a community hoop house

types of gardens to kind of help with a network of solid food. Tell us a little bit about creating

a parallel food system one street at a time because I really think that this is a cost-effective,

but huge way to help folks remove some of those barriers, like you said with cost, but also

to see firsthand how the food’s grown. What’s going on? Because I’m to the point where I will,

I make sure I grow all of my vegetables and my one fruit, my apples at this point.

So give us the scoop there and tell us all about that. 

ZEN: Oh, it’s so exciting. Well, we decided we

wanted to focus on the solution because the federal government is taking forever, you know,

decades in order to make changes. And also when COVID happened, we realized, you know,

if the stuff hits the fan, our social media network is not going to be there to support us

and help us. It’s only going to be your neighbors that will be there to support you or help you or

you vice versa, right? And, um, and it only takes nine missed meals according to preppers for a

person to resort to violence, to feed their family. And as a mom, I would say five, you know,

So you got about a day and a half before somebody’s going to start raiding your basement, you know

what I mean, at night to try to get food. And it doesn’t matter how many guns you have, if that

happens really, it really doesn’t. It’s like a very scary situation. And I don’t like thinking

about that. I don’t like thinking in that way. So what I like thinking about is partnership and

people supporting each other and working together. So if you get to know your neighbors now, which

a lot of preppers, that’s the first thing they say, get to know your neighbors right now,

get to know your neighbors even if there doesn’t isn’t a catastrophe ever which I hope not will ever

happen but when you get to know your neighbors awesome things happen you really can connect

with them on new ways I met neighbors they have alpacas they’re adorable they’re like giant teddy

bears they’re growing food we should we you know we swap some food and and you know they hire my

kids to work for them like you know we somebody gave us some art we exchange, you know different

things happen when you get to know your neighbors that are that’s really wonderful. Now, might

you have some neighbors that are jerks you might, but if you come to– at somebody with a basket full

of peaches or apples to share with them, they’re not going to care if you’re, you know, had issues

in the past and they’re not going to care for Republican or Democrat or vaccinated or unvaccinated,

they’re going to see food and you’re going to come together and it’s going to be a beautiful

thing. So we encourage people to start growing food in their backyards, their rooftops, their

porches, their front yards, anywhere you can to start growing food. It really isn’t that hard.

I mean, I know it can be complicated. There will be failures, there will be successes,

there will be bugs, there will be weeds. But when you hold up your first like yellow squash,

like I did, like H. Rofi, you will feel like King of the World. It is really amazing to grow

juicy, delicious tomatoes and walk out into your garden and pick kale and spinach for your morning

smoothie. I mean, it is the best. And then you will always have more than enough, especially if

you grow zucchini. You will be hiding zucchini in your neighbor’s front seats if they leave their

cars unlocked, right? Like you will be giving away zucchini. So do that, right? Grow more food

than you need and share with your neighbors and you will eventually, we could eventually create

a parallel food system where we don’t need to be buying processed food from the grocery store

because we can walk in our backyard, harvest potatoes, sweet potatoes, zucchini, kale, onions,

garlic and make a fabulous stir fry or a casserole with everything from our backyard, you know.

Now, as some people don’t have room for chickens, some people don’t have room for pigs or beef,

you know, cattle. So you, if you eat meat or fish, you are going to have to source from other

places. And we strongly encourage you to source locally. And organizations like the West and A

Price Foundation have has sources for how to get local food. And at Mom’s Across America,

we’re going to be starting up things like cooking clubs and book clubs and hopefully

grandma mentorship program. We have a new volunteer that’s going to be starting up this type of thing

and we have a new partner in Dr. Michelle Gamble who has a non-profit called It Takes a Village

and they do the same type of thing. They create healing, sorry, natural healing communities around

the world and they encourage their supporters, men or women, but they do have a women’s healing

circle program that we’re going to be adopting and sharing and doing in partnership with them.

And the women are encouraged to source, you know, meats locally and dairy locally and share those

resources with the moms and the women in that group. And we just think that should be happening

everywhere. If somebody, you know, loses their ability to produce breast milk, they should be

connected with somebody in a local community for goat milk or for other women who can donate breast

milk, right? We should not be dependent on the government’s baby formula that contains GMOs and

glyphosate and toxic chemicals to put into our children’s body. We should be completely connected

to our community to be able to resolve those type of problems. So that’s what we’re doing

through the Neighborhood Food Network. And we’re happy to report that some people like

Carol Gervais, one of our board members, started it in Plateau in California and has over, I think,

70 or 80 members now. And she says it’s the best thing that she ever did in her community,

because she is sharing, you know, exchanging squash for potatoes and raspberry bushes for,

you know, peach jam. And like, she’s getting every week, especially during harvest season,

she’s meeting new people and connecting with people in her community and really feels,

you know, safer and happier in her community because of the neighborhood food network.

JANNINE: You know, that just alone, creating a community. Now you’ve got friends, right? Now you’ve got

the trade system. I love what you’re saying about that. I live in the middle of central Wisconsin.

It is a high like farming community. I see the negatives right of the glyphosate. I watch them

spray it on the crops to watch it dry. I’ve seen it. A lot of folks tell me like,

Oh, they just say that. No, I’ve seen it come out to the farmland. You know, you can see it firsthand.

But the other part that’s so beautiful is everybody with their gardens and everybody

doing like, yo, do you guys got carrots? What about parsnips and everybody’s trading? It creates

and a great sense of connection. And you guys are doing it. Are you in California? Is that where

you are? 

ZEN: I used to be. I lived in California for 20 years, I lived in Connecticut, New York before that, but now I live in Asheville,

in North Carolina. 

JANNINE: Oh, nice. 

ZEN: No GMO crop farms here, really, because it’s too hilly. And lots of small

farmers, lots of farm to table, lots of organic at our farmers markets. And I grow most of the

fruits of vegetables that, well, not fruits, the vegetables that we eat during, you know,

the summer season, which is wonderful. And I just highly encourage people to go to the

Neighborhood Food Network and go to also or .com and sign up for our newsletter.

and you’ll get alerted to our mom’s connect call on Monday nights at 7 p.m. Eastern time.

You can be live with me in person, ask questions of me or of Ann Temple, who’s the co-founder of

the Neighborhood Food Network. At 7.30, sometimes we have a neighborhood food network guest on,

especially during growing season, you know, for what you can do in your garden. And we really

encourage you to come on. And we always have guests that teach us something too. You know,

we’ll have a doctor or scientist or health coach or somebody pop on the call and share some nuggets

wisdom. And so every call is different. It’s not a show. It’s just a discussion. And some people

tell us it’s their shot of inspiration every week. You know, it’s the way they feel empowered.

So we are proud of that. And we hope that you will come on the calls and find out. So it’s and it’s or .com and you sign up for our newsletter.

And please also donate if you can. We would really appreciate more monthly donors. We’re

going to be having a program for that launched in January with a cooking club and a book club.

in hopefully a Grandma Mentor Program. So if you’re interested in any of those things

in volunteering, we would super appreciate that. We’ve had just an onslaught of volunteers,

you know, tell us they want to help and over the past month, and I need help with helping the

volunteers. So, you know, we could use more support in that area too. And we want to test

more foods. We want to test gluten-free food because we think if it’s the ingredients are not

organic could be higher in glyphosate than what we would like to see and military food

and children’s hospital food infant baby formula. I mean there are so many things that we want to

test further because the government is not doing their job and they’re not protecting us and we

think it’s time for moms and dads and citizens to stand up and say we can do better. We need access

to safe non-toxic nutrient dense food and we need it now. It’s a matter of national security.

So, we hope you’ll join us and we hope to see you on the Mom’s Connect calls on Monday nights.

JANNINE: Love it, Zen. I’ll be there. I love this. I love it so close to my mission as well for all of my

patients and, of course, all of my podcast listeners. So, you threw out a lot of information. And so,

guys, I’m going to have that at and It’s going to be in the show notes. And we’re

definitely going to make sure that folks head over to And you guys,

There’s a petition that Zen needs some help up until let’s see we’ve got the end of the year

So we need to get that petition some some signatures on there

So let’s get everybody over there and let’s make some real change and really a matter of national security for all of us

You guys this is huge stuff Zen. Thank you so much for coming on

I sincerely appreciate all you are doing for helping all of us

ZEN: Thank you, Dr. Krause for having the courage to speak up about this not many doctors do and I really appreciate all your patients

that support you because that makes a huge difference for everyone.

JANNINE: My pleasure.

We’re going to keep fighting.

ZEN: Thank you.

JANNINE: [Intro] (upbeat music) Hey, fellow health junkies.

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Jannine Krause

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