Is Poor Circulation Causing Fatigue, Hormone Imbalances and Weight Gain?

When you don’t optimally circulate blood through your liver your cells will let you know. Short on time? Check out my infographic at the end of this email.  Mostly by causing you to have……
June 21, 2023

Ep 374: Speeding up the discovery of subconscious thoughts & memories to get a breakthrough to move forward

Tried meditation, read many self help books & maybe even tried plant medicine yet, still feeling stuck?  Just wish you could have a break through on your health or life situation? Been to a…
June 21, 2023

What Stage of Hormone Imbalance Are You In?

In the last 17 years I’ve seen weight gain, hormonal imbalances and fatigue progress in a certain pattern.  No two people are alike BUT they have similarities in this progression.  Short on time –…
June 19, 2023

Ep 373: Not getting what you want in life? Look at your vulnerabilities.

Do the same situations and patterns keep showing up that you’d like to change?  Can you thrive despite all of the things that have happened in your life?  Is it possible to truly heal…
June 17, 2023

Is Your Sunscreen & Skincare Regimen Messing With Your Hormones

Your skin is your largest organ! It silently absorbs and eliminates 24/7. Anything you put on it or come into contact with has the potential to impact your skin & your overall health.  The…
June 16, 2023

Caffeine, Coffee and Elevated Cholesterol Are Connected. Here’s How.

Coffee and caffeine are not the enemy, what matters is how your body responds to them.  Feeling tired, anxious, overwhelmed and stressed out from the moment you wake up? What do you feel like…
June 14, 2023

Ep 372: What really happens when you hire a coach to reach goals…

Stuck with your health, personal development or career wise?  Curious about what a coach could do for you?  Matt Thieleman is the author of the book, “This IS Coaching”, has been a leadership coach…
June 14, 2023

Sick of Supplements? Herbal Tea Lowers Cortisol + Targets Specific Conditions Too!

Rituals give you permission to slow down and get into chill mode. Short on time, scroll to my “Herbal Teas Guide” at the end of this email.  Coffee aficionados often share their intricate steps…
June 12, 2023

Ep 371: How much do you know about the tea you’re sipping on?

Have you ever wondered about how the tea you’re buying is grown or processed?  Curious about making your own tea?  Getting into how tea could help you relax, calm anxiety, help with energy or…
June 10, 2023

Did You Know This About Your Liver?

It’s likely your liver is bogged down, giving you brain fog, messing with your hormones, putting weight on you, and it needs your help.  From the chem trails in the sky to daily pesticides…
June 9, 2023

You Don’t Need Another Diet, but Your Emotions Do. Here’s Why.

Your predominant emotion is the #1 predictor of weight loss success.  If you allow frustration, anger, irritation to be your predominant mood you’ll become more of those emotions.  Feeling crappy about yourself sucks and…
June 7, 2023

Ep 370: How to restore your hunger & full signals to lose weight for good!

Asking yourself why can’t you seem to lose weight and get your metabolism in check? Perhaps it has to do with the clean plate club you were programmed to follow as a kid?  Maybe…
June 7, 2023