In this episode, I dive deep into a question that’s been on my mind for weeks: “Am I helping?” It’s something I’ve been reflecting on as I consider my experience in the traditional medical community. After 17 years in the field, I’ve seen firsthand how the system often focuses on treating symptoms rather than empowering patients to take control of their health.

I share my own journey—how I tried to fit in, how it led to frustration, and why I finally decided to break away from the conventional mold. I now prioritize a holistic view that considers diet, lifestyle, thought patterns, and energy as key components to resolving chronic health conditions.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. The Limitations of Traditional Medicine for Chronic Conditions:
    • While traditional medicine is invaluable for acute traumas and emergencies, it often falls short for complex, chronic health issues.
    • My experience revealed that patients are frequently encouraged to seek solutions externally, which can lead to feelings of disempowerment.
  2. The Power Within You to Heal:
    • The biggest lesson I’ve learned: You have everything inside of you to heal chronic conditions. But we’ve been conditioned to look outside for answers.
    • By shifting the focus inward, we can explore how lifestyle changes, diet, mental frameworks, and energy alignment can bring transformative results.
  3. My Personal Struggle to “Fit In”:
    • I spent a lot of my career trying to fit into the traditional medical framework, but it only led to frustration and feeling disconnected from what I truly saw working for people.
    • Now, I’m choosing to speak my truth and share what I believe works best—even if it means standing out.
  4. An Invitation to Reflect:
    • I invite you to question: What chronic health conditions might you be able to address by looking inward rather than seeking external fixes?
    • Consider how you can shift your focus to holistic, root-cause healing approaches rather than band-aid solutions.
Restoring your natural ability to sleep.  Using personalized sleep coaching. Technology and online sleep education with sleep specialist and coach Devin Burke.

Discussion Points:

  • Why do we often default to external solutions for health conditions?
  • The role of mindset, energy, and lifestyle in healing.
  • Real-world examples of people who have healed chronic conditions by taking a more holistic approach.
  • How to start reclaiming your health from the inside out.

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Journal Prompt: Reflect on a health issue you’ve been struggling with. What might happen if you started looking inward—considering your diet, mindset, or energy—rather than seeking the next external fix?
  • Experiment: Try making one small shift in your diet or daily routine and observe how it impacts your energy and overall health.

Final Thoughts:

I’m choosing to share my experience openly because I believe in the power of integrative, patient-centered approaches. My hope is that by asking this question, “Am I helping?”, I’m encouraging you to ask yourself the same. How can you start becoming your own best health advocate?

Tune in, reflect, and let’s embark on this journey together!

If you enjoyed this episode – comment, rate and review my podcast – or share it with someone who could benefit!

Resources From The Show: 

Want to learn more about Dr. Jannine Krause?  Head to

Neurological System Support?

Check out Veronique Mead’s comprehensive site – HERE

Energetic healing using bioenergetics – Check out my podcast with Dr. Shiroko Skotich – HERE

Our Partners

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Podcast Transcript

TAGS:  Alternative Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Natural Medicine, Holistic Medicine,

4:50 – The food system

9:24 – Questioning my training

13:13 – Medical testing

19:51 – Am I helping?

24:18  – Quantum healing / vibration

[Intro] Welcome to the HealthFix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly fix of tips, tools,

and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds, and fit, physiques for life.

JANNINE: Hey, Health Junkies.

On this episode of the HealthFix Podcast, you get me Dr. Jannine Krause, naturopathic doctor,

acupuncturist, and yes, host of The Health Fix Podcast.

Today’s episode, I have to speak my mind a little bit.

It’s been a minute since I’ve done a solo podcast and it’s time.

So right now, one of the biggest questions that I have in my mind rolling around in it

is, am I helping?

Am I helping you to move forward in your health journey, helping with aging, helping with hormones,

helping with whatever it may be, and getting your health fix?

But the question beyond that is, am I guiding you?

Am I supporting you?

And why do I say these things?

Well, because as a naturopathic doctor, I was taught to look for root cause.

I was taught to dig and look for what’s going on.

We were also taught that patients know best.

You know your body, best you are in your body.

We were taught all that.

And so that’s how I’ve always approached practice.

I’m not an authoritarian in my practice.

I’ll tell you what I think, but I’m also not going to be the one that’s like, “You have

to do this.

I’m going to give you my opinion.”

But at the end of the day, it’s your body.

You know what’s going on in your body.

You can tell what’s going on.

You can feel what’s going on.

You know when a supplement doesn’t work.

know when a protocol doesn’t feel right. You know these things. The traditional medical model has

jacked with your brain. It is jacked with your brain to convince you that you need a pill.

You need something outside of you to help you. Well, look around you. Is the medical system healthy?

When you just look at it, face value, no, it’s jacked up. I have to fax four times just to make

sure a clinic gets a stinkin’ fax because I’ll tell my patients they don’t have a fax.

Do you know how much admin time that takes out of me being able to help other folks?

A lot. Could I hire another assistant to do these things? Absolutely.

But if I’m having to do this, do you imagine what larger clinics are having to do?

This is insane. Same thing with pharmacies. I put in a prescription. They tell my patients

the prescription didn’t go in. So being the agitated trauma, let’s say trauma, because that’s

what it is. Experience that I have, I will screenshot. No, I did turn it in person. Here’s

was my work, I did my work.

And that’s the thing.

I’m gonna straight up admit if I screwed up and forgot.

But nine times out of 10, I’ve done my job in the system

on one end or the other is broken.

And it’s frustrating, it is so frustrating

because it’s a lot of time wasted.

And should it bother me?

Maybe, maybe not.

But when it really boils down to it,

why would it bother me?

Because most of the time, it’s getting me thinking about, do I really need to give this

person that prescription?

Because yes, in Washington state, I can prescribe.

I am on the same level as a medical doctor.

I can prescribe.

I cannot prescribe antipsychotics.

Don’t want to.

Can’t prescribe opioids.

No, thank you.

Not interested in that.

But here’s the thing.

frustrates me because I think, you know what, could we be doing better?

Could we be doing something else internally, energetic work?

Could we be doing something dietary wise?

Is there something in the food system that’s jacking with this person’s health?

And hence they need this medication.

Now am I talking about things like bioidentical hormones?

Am I talking?

No, those are optimization.

These are choices.

I’m talking about blood pressure medications.

I’m talking about statins.

I’m talking about these kind of things that unfortunately people will come to me on them

or if we can’t get something under control and I am sincerely worried about someone’s

health, yes, we have to go there.

I’ve never prescribed more medications in my life than in the last couple of years.

I do feel some days like a glorified drug dealer and it sucks because I know that that’s

not helping.

That’s not helping what’s going on.

It’s not helping the situation.

And so I have to speak out about this because I can’t not anymore.

The medical system is broken.

We know that.

The food system is even more broken.

Your food is making you sick.

Bottom line.

You’re addicted to certain snacks and treats because there are things in there that are

meant to make you eat more of them.

Copious amounts of wine is not going to help your heart health.

Drinking a beer or alcohol to help you relax at night.

Yeah, it might help, but it’s going to do other things eventually to your body.

And if you are struggling with gut issues and you keep drinking, I can’t help you.

You are literally putting toxins into your body.

Bottom line.

So where did this come from? Where am I kind of on this rant form?

Well, Kate Northrup.

She’s a gal who I work with in terms of helping me with my nervous system and helping me to understand money and work well with it.

I think a lot of us have to look at our financial wellness just as much of our health, but point being she had a podcast that came out on her plenty podcast that talked about credentials.

and who the heck cares if we have credentials when the ivory tower people.

So meaning the people who create the medical system.

The system that is sick by the way.

But then beat up on people who do not have credentials and are trying to help people.

And beat up on folks like naturopathic doctors who have a lot of freaking training.

I went to school for seven years. Seven years.

Yes, it’s longer than the traditional naturopath training because I also did acupuncture.

Now I’m not trying to get you to think, “Oh wow, that’s so impressive.

I could care less.

I could care less if people call me doctor.

Most of my clients call me Janine and I don’t care.

I want to be on the same level.”


Because you are in your body.

I’m just here to keep you out of trouble because of the things I know via my training

of I probably shouldn’t take that herb with this one, you know, and maybe it could be

food, this or that.

I’m a guide.

I am your guide.

I’ve been through a lot of trauma in my career.

And I share this because if any of you out there listening,

maybe you are a coach, maybe you’re a massage therapist,

maybe you’re an acupuncturist.

Maybe you are a Reiki master.

A lot of people do these things on the side,

they won’t pull the trigger for the full career.


Because we have in the back of our mind,

this imposter syndrome,

We have in the back of our mind this,

I’m not good enough, the medical system doesn’t accept me.

There are some very strong people out there

in my field that do not care.

I spent too much of my career

worried about what the medical system says about me.


Because I would get calls from medical doctors saying,

why do you have this person on this?

This is gonna do nothing for him.

You’re a quack, you should stop practicing.

No joke.

Early in my career, I was getting phone calls like that.

I also would refer patients to, well,

some neurologists in endocrinologist in Tacoma.

And yeah, if you’re from Tacoma

and you know an endocrinologist or a neurologist,

you can tell them I don’t even care at this point.

No love, no love there from them for natural medicine.

And it sucks, it sucks.

You know why?

Because a lot of people need endocrinology

and the specialty of the neurology

to help us get some answers,

just to rule some stuff out.

Because like I said, after all,

you are your own best doctor.

We wanna keep that in mind.

But I’ve referred people to endocrinologists.

I’ve referred people to neurologists.

I’ve referred people to cardiologists

and they look at my patients to go, “Why are you here?

“Are you kidding me? Why are you here?”

Well, did you read my notes to say I’d like you

to kinda roll this out and help me out here?

Like, how much to strap?

That’s all I want.

Instead, they tell my patients why

naturopathic medicine is quackery.

That is sad.

It’s absolutely sad.

And the sad part about it, the even more sad part about it, is that in the statistics

for naturopaths and acupuncturists, only 10% of my graduating class will still be practicing

10 years later.

For me, it’s 17.

And I can tell you right now when I look and search to see who’s still practicing, it


And COVID took a big hit on a lot of folks, especially acupuncturists and massage therapists.

here’s the here’s the point and in my rain rants or Ray or whatever you want to want to hear it as I

believed that I was a quack

For a long time. I believed that my training from Bastyr was bullshit. I

did I

Started to think everything I had done and everything I had learned was stupid


Started to believe that maybe I do need to use the pharmaceuticals because these herbs aren’t getting the results

Anytime I don’t get results with someone I shouldn’t say now. It’s it’s changed

Anytime I didn’t get results from people with people, not from people, but with people I would beat myself up immensely and be like this stuff I do is bullshit.

But that’s not the truth. That is not the truth at all.

I mean, I’ve had people blast me for working with me and not getting results, but here’s the thing.

What effort did you put in? Because I give it my all.

Because of how much this affected me and I let it and this is the point I want a lot of people to take from this podcast is

we let others

Get in our heads and hold us back from the potential that we have potential the heel potential to overcome a certain

medical condition potential to

Thrive in our careers, whatever it may be and

I let the medical system beat me down to a point where I literally

We’ll talk about jumping in front of buses.

My husband can tell you all about it.

I’m not proud of saying that, but I’m gonna tell you guys the truth.

I really struggle for a long time.

Which is hard when you’re trying to guide people, when you’re trying to give people

positive messages and guiding them when you’re like, “I don’t even know if I trust me on medicine.”

Which is crazy to say and to hear myself say that out loud.

Do I trust that now apps are freaking lutely?

Do I trust that the food system is broken

and that’s one of the main factors people can’t get healthy?


Do I also trust the fact that most of us

have everything inside of us to heal?

You better believe it.

We do.

But the thing is we’ve been all freaking brainwashed

to think that we need to think outside of our bodies.

We need to think about,

we need to find someone that’s going to fix us.

I even debated on changing my podcast,

The Health Fix Name,

because I wasn’t trying to have people think

that I was fixing, it was more like a drug fix.

What, even now saying that, oh my God, I don’t know.

I’m changing the name of the podcast maybe.

I probably won’t because really the bottom line

with the health fixes, it’s getting your daily dose

or weekly dose whenever you listen to things

of this podcast or episodes of this podcast,

it’s really getting your dose of what’s legit

and what can maybe can give you an insight

to look within your body and see what resonates with you.

So let me tell you a little story about a patient of mine, been working with her for over a

decade now.

And recently she started to have a lot more gut issues, a lot more.

Your gut is your first brain.

So of course we have to think about neurologically.

What’s going on there?

Am I going to send her a neurologist and tell her, tell her, refer to the neurologist

to say, hey neurologist, we think that her first brain is an issue.

Can you work on the neurology or your gut?

Heck no.

Don’t do that.

That’ll get you quackery.

That’ll get you the Quackery stamp.

You put that around in my forehead.

I’m cool with it now, but I’m not going to refer.

No, I’m going to be like, OK, we have gut issues.

We have cramps.

We have constipation.

When did they show up?

When she’s not feeling good in her body, meaning mentally, not feeling good.

Right now she’s struggling with a lot of loneliness, with a lot of not finding your


How hard would it be to walk through this world by yourself without any

friends not getting along with your family.

I can’t imagine.

Of course that would have you energetically off.

So in all of this, we were looking because I’m not going to deny someone.

The look at, you know, the desire to look at things, like whether we look at DNA,

which we did in her case, because we wanted to know why to show we feel in

flame, but what’s going on with their gut?

We also looked at a stool test.

We also looked at a host of other things.

Now, do I run copious amounts of labs with every patient?

No, it’s based on what are you wanting.

How can I help you?

I’m here to help.

Not going to tell you no, I’m not going to do that.

I will tell you if I think it might be a waste of money

and then let you decide.

I’m not going to say no, but I won’t run it.

Because I’ve heard that from the conventional medical space.

In fact, I just saw a fellow yesterday

who’s complaining of chest pain and his doctor told him,

no, you don’t need a EKG.

No, it’s probably just from working out.

If he doesn’t has a heart attack tomorrow,

I mean, if that was me telling him not to do it, I would feel terrible.

So the point is, is if someone’s asking for care, they’re asking for tests,

they’re asking for these things.

It’s because intuitively they need to know the information.

Now, could you argue with me that this is looking outside your body for answers?

Well, maybe.

But what if looking for instant looking for the test is also looking for what you

with instant, okay, what am I saying?

Within you, we’re looking for the answers.

What if that’s the case?

Instead, we’re looking within you with the labs.

So the gal I was talking about that has the gut stuff,

she’s had the gut stuff for over a decade.

And we have thrown all kinds of things at it

to the point where we’ve gone even into higher level treatments

like ozone therapy and hyperbaric chamber

and things of that nature.

Nothing’s working.

When you’re dealing with the same thing for over 10 years

and nothing’s working, we got to go energetically.

Same thing goes with my clients that have shots.

So posture ortho, sad, attack, a cardio syndrome, which is kind of a new diagnosis

lately, but really fits into a lot of categories.

Same thing with mold exposure, lime, MS.

I’m going to be looking at what set the body off.

And how long has it been going on for?

And when it’s been going on for years and years and you’ve tried supplements,

You’ve tried different diets, you’ve cleaned up your diet,

you have the, like your waters, the cleanest water

in the universe and your air in your homes,

the cleanest air in the universe.

If you haven’t worked on you and how you’re thinking,

your thought process, your energy, your energetics,

nothing’s gonna happen, nothing’s gonna happen.

Same thing goes with me as a doc.

If I’m not working on my energy, my energetics,

I can’t help to guide people at my prime.

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JANNINE: Because I’ve been brainwashed my whole life, grew up with a mom who was a nurse, hung out

with her while she worked for Dr. Bain, this beautiful man who was the sweetest old school

pediatrician. Love that guy. I don’t think you’ve ever talked about him on the podcast.

He was my first experience with doctors and he was he would get down on the floor with me. He would talk to me like I was an adult and we’d play and then he would come up with whatever protocol he was going to do.

He was old school.

He was probably in the 70s when he was seeing me.

And he probably practiced a lot more like a naturopathic doctor than a conventional doctor does today.

He had me feeling good and not scared.

But all that aside, the point is there’s a lot of noise right now in the health space.

There’s a lot of noise like take this supplement, do this protocol, follow my program, do this

particular diet, do this detox.

And yes, I’ve brought on a lot of people that talk about these things.

Why do I bring these people on?

something might resonate with you.

The health fix podcast is all about bringing you, you know,

connecting you with what’s out there.

What’s what’s a possibility that maybe resonates with you and can help you in

your health journey or help you optimize your health?

Do I think that supplements are the future of your health?

You know, do I think they’re magical?

No, I don’t actually don’t.

Natural paths have a terrible reputation for here’s your basket of supplements.

go, you know, go on your merry way.

I’m not like that.

Yes, do I give them in protocols?

I will, but do I want you on that stuff forever?


And here’s the thing.

We’re going to test and try to figure out what to target.

But at the end of the day, all of these extra things are just


If you’re not looking within.

If you’re hung up on something.

It’s said that when you focus on a problem and you keep focusing on the problem, the

problem gets worse.

Let’s take weight loss, for example.

That’s probably the primist one because people become obsessed about losing weight and guess

what happens?

The weight doesn’t come off until we start using peptides.

Do they work?


Do you have to put in the effort with protein and exercise and all of that?


Do you need to make sure you’re detoxing so that all the way you’re losing, you’re able

to release those toxins?


But once again, we’re looking somewhere outside of ourselves.

We’re looking at the peptides to be the magic.

Peptides won’t be magic.

Yes, they’ll help you lose weight.

They won’t be magic unless you’re working on you.

So, back to the big question I started the podcast with.

Am I helping?

I want everyone to ponder on that question.

Am I helping you?

Are you helping you?

What’s helping?

What isn’t helping?

And taking a really good look at your health and going, “How could I listen to my intuition

a little bit better?”

on what resonates with me and what doesn’t.

It’s very important, this day and age,

when things are so heightened on social media,

giving you all these quick fixes.

I just heard about rice sempic, using rice and soaking it.

And then you’re gonna lose weight

because of the supposed starch that’s in the rice.

Guys, this is BS and rice has a lot of arsenic in it.

Guess what arsenic does?

It suppresses your appetite.

There’s your racemphic.

You’re almost better off using a peptide.

These are the things that are out there.

And if you look at something and you’re like,

wow, that’s kind of weird.

Don’t really resonate with it.

Yeah, it probably doesn’t.

But if you’re looking at energy work,

you’re looking at quantum healing.

Quantum healing is looking at every single yourself.

You’re nervous system, how your whole body is vibrating.

Your vibration.

You can have good vibes, you can have bad vibes.

How do we know the difference?

You walk in a room when everyone’s angry,

there’s your bad vibes.

Walk in a room where people are celebrating feeling good,

that’s the good vibes.

We can feel these things.

And we know inherently if we feel good or bad in the body.

And we can change the energy by working on, yes,

thought process, yes mindset,

but also working on healing our nervous systems.

And one of the most controversial,

kind of woo things right now that’s out there

is working on helping your nervous system

and feel safe, safe to heal, safe to lose weight.

Sounds weird, but it’s a thing.

Safe in your body, in general, with pots and lime and MS

and chronic Epstein-Barr and hypothyroidism.

I mean, people come in with all these complaints to me.

That person is not safe in their body because chances are they’ve adopted the concept that

their body is attacking it and it’s rebelled against them.

It’s betraying them.

You can fit in the words.

If you have these conditions, you know what I’m talking about.

You feel this.

I feel it when I talk to these folks.

There are a lot of people out there that have all of these programs to try to help to heal

these conditions, but if they don’t have a nervous system component of safety in the

body and helping you to heal your nervous system, that program might not work.

It might not.

But here’s the thing.

We’re back to the concept of does it resonate with you?

Does it feel like it’s going to help you?

So what happened with my patient with the gut issues that we realized that all the

bug kills and all the different things we were trying to help her digestive system

weren’t working. She was feeling worse. We had to go back to training her to see what resonated with her.

How do we do it?

Muscle testing. Another super woo thing. This is taking a particular supplement, taking

particular food, whatever it may be, it could be even taking water. Put it on your chest,

See if you lean forward, see if you lean back or if you stay neutral.

If you lean back, your body doesn’t want that.

If you lean forward, your body’s like, yeah, that’s cool.

If you pick something up and it feels super heavy and doesn’t feel good,

that’s another sign your nervous system is telling you.

I don’t like that.

I don’t want that.

It’s probably one of the most simplest ways to learn.

If something’s going to help or not, if something resonates with you or not.

And I know so many people we’ve been stuck in the space of your healing is outside of you.

The conventional medical model doesn’t have you ask your body if this is going to help.

That makes it look very quackery.

But the truth is the longer and the longer I’ve been in the game, this is what works.

Like I said, I’ve been in 17 plus years now.

This is what works.

The energy stuff, the quantum, how you’re vibrating.

This is why PMF pads and things like the amp coil.

I did a podcast with the folks from Amcoil.

It’s changing your vibration.

You’re laying on your lane with something that vibrates.

This is why music is so healing.

This is why tuning forks, the things where I hit them and put them on to the body.

This is why to bet in singing bowls.

All of these things we vibrate with them.

We’re vibrational beings.

We are energetic beings.

So we need to be looking at what can help us to vibrate at a better level.

There are programs, my one good friend, Dr.

Shiroko Skoda, I’ll put it in the podcast notes.

She has a whole program where it listens to your voice and can tell from the

vibration that comes out.

So the hurts that comes out with you saying, A-E-I-O-U, what’s going on with

you internally?

What’s out of balance vibrationally?

And then you get liquid droppers where you take them.

It’s energetic medicine, it’s quantum based kind of medicine

where you take it and you’re changing

what’s going on inside.

Now, probably you’ve heard of Dr. Joe Dispenza,

but slipped in those guys work on quantum energy fields.

This is working on the energy

to help you change how you feel,

help people heal from cancer

and all kinds of conditions.

It sounds almost too good to be true.

And I’m not here to sell anyone on anything.

Like I said, I’m here to put the word out about trusting yourself, trusting your intuition.

My gal with the gut stuff, she now is taking boots and taking supplements and seeing what resonates with her.

Interestingly enough, she’s feeling better.

Now we have a long way to go in terms of helping her to find her tribe.

Because loneliness will impact your energy.

And when you get down on it and you start focusing on it, you’re going to attract

more of that because like vibes attract.


Just want to plant that seed.

I am by no means a specialist in quantum energy fields.

I’m just starting to learn about it.

and really starting to understand how crucial it is for us to realize we can take care of ourselves.

We have everything inside of us to heal ourselves,

especially from these chronic things like hypothyroidism,

thoughts, long haul, COVID, Lyme. Do the supplements help in these cases? Sure. Do certain interventions

help? Sure. But here’s the thing. Working on your nervous system is key, helping you feel safe in

your body to trust your intuition to know what’s best for you. Your nervous system has probably been

through some kind of little traumas or big traumas or little things that have happened.

Whether it’s someone saying something to you over and over again to not trust the schooling

that you’ve had actually has merit.

My gosh, I went into it for a reason.

I wanted to help people.

I wanted people to feel good.

What is that boiled down to?

I want people to feel good.

I want people to vibrate on a good level.

A lot of things that I’ve done with treatments and different things over the years.

were band-aids, maybe some people got better. I say maybe. I know that. I’ve helped people.

But here’s the thing. I’ve helped guide them. They did the rest of it, not me. And this is the

most important thing. Asking yourself. Am I helping my situation by focusing on things outside of me?

Would I help myself more by looking within, trusting my intuition?

And when something doesn’t feel right, perhaps not going towards that and going towards what

feels right.

Now I know a lot of people might come back at me and say, “I don’t know how to trust

my own intuition.

I don’t know how to trust myself.”

Especially when it comes to food.

You know how to trust yourself when it comes to food?

Stop eating processed food.

eating anything that is made in a store comes in a bag, just stop it. Because those things

are meant to manipulate and hijack your brain and your choices. Bottom line. Eat 100% whole

foods. You’re not going to have troubles trusting yourself. You’re going to know. You’re going

to learn. Beyond food, we know when things feel good, we know when things don’t. Trusting

that and speaking up with your medical providers. I love it when people tell me like, yeah,

I didn’t really resonate with me. Great. Let’s not do that.

If you have a medical provider that is very authoritative and won’t listen to you, find another one.

Find another one. There’s plenty of us out there. So, bottom line, am I helping?

Are you getting benefit?

Things to think about.

Asking yourself.

Am I helping myself?

Am I trusting myself?

Have I given myself the authority

to take care of myself?

Do I trust myself to take care of myself?

Here’s the thing.

Docs like me.

functional medicine docs who understand that

medicine is

Much of a partnership

Not an authoritative situation we’re here to help you here to guide you

If you feel like you can’t trust yourself, but you want to know the tools to do that

You want to know how to help your nervous system reset you want to know how to do this

This is where to head

Stop trying to go to the sick care system

It doesn’t help in a lot of cases.

Now, are there great doctors in the medical system?


Are they stuck within a system that they have to adhere to?


I hope someday we can free them.

I really do.

But in the meantime, if you’re struggling, you’re not getting answers.

You want to know or you want to optimize your health and you’re not being listened to.

First, you got to listen to your own self second team up with someone that can help you.

So that’s been a long journey of a podcast with this stuff here.

I just had to share it.

I just had to share it.

I had to get off my chest because I think it’s absolutely important how much we need

to emphasize that we are strong human beings on our own.

Whether it’s our career, whether it’s our health, whatever it may be in life.

look to others for approval, don’t look to others for feeling like you’re in the tribe.

It may be hindering you. Yes, we’re tribal people. We want to be the cool kids. We don’t want to be

the outcast. But if it’s harming your health and your ability to thrive in life, it’s time to step

out of the box. It’s time to step out of the box. Start to train yourself to trust yourself and

feel safe in your body.

Now I haven’t given a ton of resources I like to do that when it comes to feeling safe in

your body.

If you’re a woman looking to help with nervous system and work on financial stuff, that’s

Kate Northrop at kate

Check her out.

If we’re looking for things like quantum healing, what’s that all about?

Definitely Bruce Lipton and and Joe dispens of those guys are the top in that department.

If we’re looking at what to do about the nervous system

and really being able to understand the nervous system,

there are a lot of folks out there

who are working on nervous system balancing

and things of that nature.

And I’m gonna put some resources of the folks

that I have learned from, but also do like in the space

and see if you resonate with them.

There are folks out there.

What can you search if you’re looking for somebody

you’re looking for nervous system healing, that’s what we’re putting out there.

And, and it’s incredibly important to, to know that you can pretty much find

everything you need to help you use what you have inside of you to put yourself

in a place where you feel vibrantly good,

and you feel balanced, and you feel safe,

and very possibly if you can work with certain things

in the right way, you can get yourself back up and healthy.

Doesn’t matter how many multiple

different types of conditions you have.

Don’t let be a victim to them.

You can overcome these things.

You have to buy into and trust that you have everything inside of you to heal yourself.

Stop looking for outside magic pills, start looking within and find somebody who will

align with you to help get you to the next level.

All right.

This one’s been a big dose of The Health Fix.

I hope you guys enjoyed this.

I would love to hear feedback as to what this brought up for you, what kind of things you

are looking for.

And as I asked originally, am I helping and how could I help more?

All right.

Have a great day.

Whatever you’re doing.

[Outro] Hey fellow health junkie.

Thanks for listening to the health fix podcast.

If you enjoyed tuning in, please help support me to get the word out about the podcast.

Subscribe, rate and review and just get that word out.

Thanks again for listening.


Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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