Ep 466: Are You Telling Yourself a Story That’s Keeping You Stuck in Life? With Alicia Kay

Likely you’ve heard about trauma being stuck in the body and how your thoughts are stories you tell yourself. Perhaps you’ve dabbled a bit in working on changing your thought process but nothing is…
May 8, 2024

Ep 453: Harnessing the Power of Connection: Achieving Tangible Results Through Relationships & Self Discovery – With Brett Baughman

Are you looking to achieve extraordinary results in your personal or professional life?  Finding that reading books, taking online courses and group programs aren’t giving you the mindset, tools and guidance you’re looking for? …
March 23, 2024

Ep 443: Release Resistance, Silence Self Sabotage and Calm Stressful Emotions by Tapping With Brad

Are stress, anxiety, fear or anger hijacking your ability to enjoy life to the fullest? Looking for a tool that can accelerate your stress management process?  Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative…
February 17, 2024

Ep 433: Authenticity Unleashed: Navigating Your Path to Truth With Graham Wardle

Are you looking for a deeper connection to yourself?  Do you find yourself pondering your purpose and role in this world?  Are you interested in learning more about yourself? If so, you’re not alone! …
January 13, 2024

Ep 411: How to Break up With Your Old Self and Become More You – With Theresa Lear Levine

Arrived at a point in life where you know something has to change?  Finding lack of concentration and focus are getting in the way of you moving forward ?  Know there’s more out there…
October 28, 2023

Ep 409: Connect Deeper With Your Partner in 4 Minutes or Less – With Dr. Glenn & Phyllis Hill

Feel like you’ve lost connection with your partner? Find little things become big arguments more often than not? Couples therapy not helping like you’d hoped?  Dr. Glenn and Phyllis Hill had the perfect relationship…
October 21, 2023

Ep 399: Do anti-depressants and anxiety meds interfere with your authentic self expression?

Curious about antidepressants and anxiety meds?  Wondering if there are other options out there besides medications to feel better mentally?  Dr. Fred Moss, a recovering psychiatrist with over 40 years of experience in mental…
September 16, 2023

Ep 392: How to get a year’s worth of therapy in one session

Been in therapy for a while and not making progress?  Starting to feel hopeless that you’ll never break through your hang ups in life?  Wondering why nothing seems to help you change the way…
August 23, 2023

Ep 376: Change your thoughts, change your reality

Are the content, beliefs and thoughts in your mind things that were learned vs what you put there?  Are your thoughts and emotions really telling you who you are and your capabilities?  Could you…
June 28, 2023

Ep 373: Not getting what you want in life? Look at your vulnerabilities.

Do the same situations and patterns keep showing up that you’d like to change?  Can you thrive despite all of the things that have happened in your life?  Is it possible to truly heal…
June 17, 2023

Ep 372: What really happens when you hire a coach to reach goals…

Stuck with your health, personal development or career wise?  Curious about what a coach could do for you?  Matt Thieleman is the author of the book, “This IS Coaching”, has been a leadership coach…
June 14, 2023

Ep 362: Would your 90 year old self be fulfilled with the life you’re creating?

Is there more to life than the reality that you are living?  Could it be possible that your limiting beliefs are holding you back from your true potential?  How do you learn to trust…
May 10, 2023