Ep 397: How chronic illnesses provoke the body to attack you vs the bug
The effects of bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds and other infections can linger in the body long after the infection. These molecules of invaders can trigger your body to attack itself. This is a common…
September 9, 2023
It Took My Dog Dying for Me to Realize This Connection!
Your pet is like a canary in a mine shaft. What they experience is an indication of what you’re being exposed to in your home environment! I never really thought about this till my…
May 22, 2023
Ep 193: Is Your Home Making You Sick?
Eileen Durfee is a former nuclear power plant developer & home builder turned home health expert who was able recover from food sensitivities, psoriasis & Hashimoto’s by removing toxins in her home. To help…
July 23, 2020
Ep 069: How Spices Keep Stress from Killing You
Stress is often overlooked as doctors pick apart and investigate the symptoms that a patient has not the cause. How often do we really assess what we are eating and the lives that we…
March 16, 2018