Ep 080: Do Natural Treatments for Seasonal Allergies Work?
A common question in my office is “do natural treatments for seasonal allergies work?” The answer is yes, if you are willing to swap out your allergy pill for an herbal combo in addition…
May 31, 2018
Ep 045: Itching, Rashes? Are your fave foods at fault?
Itching, driving you nuts? Unexplained rashes and hives? All the scratching keeping you from sleeping? Feel like you are allergic to everything? Skin sensitive to everything? In this episode Doc J explains how the…
September 28, 2017
Can Stress Cause Hives?
Can Stress Cause Chest Pain? It might start with chest pain, mostly on the left side, that of course makes you think you might be having a heart attack. The pain may radiate to…
October 29, 2016