Ep 549: Synthetic vs Natural Hormones, Testing and Helping Women Tolerate Hormone Support

Does all the hype on hormone replacement therapy have you confused as to what synthetic, natural and bioidentical really mean?  Are you curious about what your options are when it comes to hormone support? …
March 12, 2025

Ep 480: Mastering Your Hormones With Dr. Jannine Krause

Hormone replacement therapy is still controversial despite a plethora of research de-bunking the cancer – hormone connection found in the Women’s Health Initiative studies. Sadly so many women are missing out on the benefits…
June 26, 2024

Ep 211: What You Need to Know About Hormone Replacement Therapy

Are you curious about testosterone replacement therapy or are you on testosterone and can’t seem to get the right dosage? Are you interested in bio identical hormone replacement therapy but worried about cancer risk?…
November 21, 2020

Ep 210: What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Hormone Testing

Are you struggling with low energy, low libido, insomnia, weight gain, or hot flashes? Are you taking bio-identical hormones or curious about regulating your hormones naturally? Did your doctor look at your hormones in…
November 14, 2020

Ep 117: Why Bioidentical Hormones Aren’t Just for Menopause

Do you have anxiety, heart palpitations, night sweats, moodiness, weight gain and your memory sucks? Do you feel easily overwhelmed, quickly irritated and uncomfortable in your own skin?Chances are your hormones are imbalanced. Before…
February 14, 2019