Chronic gut issues have you wondering if you’re ever going to get things under control?  Curious what sets someone up for autoimmune gut issues? Gut health is connected to 93% of the leading causes of death, and 72% of the USA is dealing with regular gut issues.  Josh Dech is an ex-paramedic, podcaster and Holistic Nutritionist, specializing in gut health. Having battled with gut and skin issues for many years Josh became fascinated with gut health as he worked to resolve his own gut health battles.  Today he’s guiding clients to successfully reverse complex digestive diseases and working with top doctors in the digestive health industry. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Josh Dech on the trends and threat’s he’s seeing with gut health plus crucial things to think about when you’re struggling with gut issues.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Why restoring your gut health involves permanent lifestyle changes
  • How food addiction plays into digestive health issues
  • Why there’s an increase in autoimmune gut issues in North America
  • Habits and exposures that can impact gut health
  • Why modern diseases require old fashioned solutions
  • The power of giving the body what it needs to rejuvenate itself
  • How gut autoimmune treatment medications work
  • Effective herbs and natural products for gut health
  • Why it’s crucial to figure out what has you inflamed in the first place to prevent autoimmune conditions

Resources From The Show:

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Podcast Transcription

2:44 – Josh’s background

6:39 – Personal issues that can affect our health

10:20 – Biggest irritators to the gut / things to remove from diet

13:52 – Some signs you may be developing autoimmune condition

15:50 – Some stats around pesticides in our food 

16:49 – Acute infection causes

21:10 – Common tests used to diagnose the issue

26:10 – What a natural restorative gut health plan looks like

32:08 – Josh’s thoughts on probiotics

36:04 – Common things used to repair the gut

40:06 –  Importance of getting to the root of the problem

44:10 – Average time to heal moderate to severe situations

45:26 – Working with patients on medications

50:10 – Josh’s favorite part of working with people on digestive disorders

JANNINE: [Intro] Welcome to the Health Fix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly

fix of tips, tools and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds and fit

physiques for life.

Hey health junkies, on this episode of the Health Fix Podcast, I’m interviewing

Josh Deck. He’s an ex-paramatic and holistic nutritionist who specializes

in gut health. He actually has a podcast as well called ReverseABLE.

And really, what we’re gonna be talking about today is how 93% of the leading

causes of death in the United States are chronic inflammatory diseases that are

related to poor gut health. And poor gut health is on the rise. We talk about it

in the podcast. We’ll give you more details. But here’s the thing. If you’re

thinking that your gut health isn’t optimal, maybe you’ve got some chronic

inflammation. Maybe you have been diagnosed or told you probably have IBS.

Well, guess what? This podcast is for you. It’s going to give you some insights into what’s going

on in the gut health world and what folks like Josh Stack are doing to help folks reverse their

chronic gut health issues and even reverse autoimmune gut conditions. This is a fabulous podcast,

very informative. I highly recommend you spend some time

listening into this one and take good notes. Let’s introduce

you to Josh deck.

Hey, health junkies. I have Josh Deck on today. We’re going to be

talking about gut health, but in particular, because I know

there’s a lot of gut health conversations. And I don’t want

to be like, Oh, it’s another conversation on God Health.

Nope, this one’s talking about reversing some serious stuff,

like crohns, colitis inflammation, things of that nature,

– IBS, I’m gonna let Josh tell you all about that.

But nevertheless, Josh, welcome to the Health Fix Podcast.

JOSH: Jannine, it’s a pleasure to be here.

Thanks for having me.

JANNINE: Hey, my pleasure as well,

because I haven’t had the full conversation.

You know, we’ve had the basics of like,

what’s great for the gut on the basic level,

but we’ve never really talked about reversing things.

And I think a lot of people,

especially in my world when I start talking with patients

as a naturopath, they’re like,

can you really reverse things?

I think I need X-Y or Z medication

And that is being presented to me on the television all the time.

So it’s refreshing to hear that there are options, you have a 90% success rate, holy


So we’re going to get into that.

But first and foremost, I’d like to ask folks, why the gut?

We know you have a story.

Do you tell?

What did you have going on and give us a little background on your personal story so that

folks can kind of relate and see where you’re coming from?

JOSH: Yeah, sort of my villain origin story, if you will. So it’s a funny situation. I’ve had

gut issues most of my life. I remember as little as 12, 13 years old, I was having problems, digestive

issues, loose stools, food sensitivities, the works. But I was diagnosed with IBS, like everybody

else, it’s just IBS, it’s a syndrome, it is what it is, it’s genetic, your parents have gut issues,

call it a day. And so that was me right through till I was 14, 15 years old, I started getting

acne. By the time I was 20 years old, my back was covered. Like every inch I had some kind

of cystic or external acne coming out. It hurt. I was in martial arts and wrestling and grappling.

So like I was in constant pain getting hit and punched in cysts. Like it’s not comfortable.

And so that was a rough ride all the way through even in my early 20s. I became a paramedic. That

was my first career. And I went to go see the local doctor. I was working in Newfoundland,

Just a little, little small town there and I went to go see the doctor and he goes, well,

scrub, try a scrub, try the St. Ives, try this, try that. They made me worse. And so I had no idea

what was going on. And back again, when I was diagnosed with IBS by 12 years old, give or take

around that time, my mom had Bible issues her entire life. And so one night we were actually at home,

we went out, had some McDonald’s, and she came home and she was having a lot of gas and bad

pain and she laid on her left side. Normally she’ll pass the gas, things go away, she’s fine,

she’s done that her whole life. But this time it got worse and worse and she got really sick

and got really nauseous. And my stepdad says we are going to the hospital. She refused. She says,

nope, picked her up and made her go. And thank God he did. They brought her into emergency surgery.

That hour said another two to three hours, you might not have made it. She had a perforated

bowel was actually leaking bowel contents into her visceral cavity, which of course leads to

all kinds of septicemias and all kinds of things. And that can be very lethal. And so she had a

colostomy and a bowel resection done and a lot of issues that way. My dad’s had gut issues his

entire life. So as far as I know, it’s genetic. It wasn’t until I shifted careers from paramedics

to personal training and long story short, I ended up here in gut health. And it was because

I was actually at a conference working another job. It was a trade show. And I heard somebody

talking about the gut microbiome and how you know bottle fed and breastfed makes a difference

and vaginal and c-section makes a difference and the information they were throwing out hooked

me and I thought that right there that is what I’m going to do for the rest of my life. It was

love at first sight I was hooked and so I saved up a few years when back to school and I became

a nutritionist and I started specializing in gut and here we are my gut issues I’ve never had a

better gut my skin is clear the acne was a candida issue which came from my gut we’ve done so much

amazing stuff. And as you mentioned earlier, I specialize now in Crohn’s and colitis,

thought to be an impossible disease, take the drugs and hope we don’t cut out your colon.

And we have a 90% success rate in reversing these and putting people in full clinical

and histological remission, which means their colonoscopies or CT enterographies come up with

zero signs of disease. It’s really quite amazing. 

JANNINE: You hear of these stories, right? And a lot of

people will ask me, of course, like I mentioned before, is it legit? Is it real? Is it is it

snake oil? You know, I need to know, you know, if this is a this is real deal. And I’m like, well,

I I believe it. Now, have I focused on that my practice? No, I I’m all about hormones. But

in the case of the gut, it is always the foundation anyway, we’re always going to work some level of

that. Now, being a paramedic, I’m guessing you had to have seen a whole bunch of gastro cases

when you’re making people up and transporting.

JOSH: Origins and all kinds of stuff, yeah.

JANNINE: Yeah, and see, that’s the thing.

I was thinking about, I’m like, gosh, it makes sense.

You know, I would imagine like paramedics would choose

directions because of all the crazy stuff you see,

just as a paramedic.

How’s mom today?

What’s going on with mom?

How’s she doing?

JOSH: So she’s still having some issues

and a lot of that’s due to a lot of her own stuff.

You know, we have food addictions, we have personal stuff,

we have dietary habits, we have cravings,

We have stress.

My youngest brother is turning 16 here coming up and he’s got Asperger’s.

And so everybody, there’s just a lot of things.

And so even though she’s improved, she still deals with her own issues.

And so that was something that’s tough for me as a practitioner, you know, because that

actually contributes to imposter syndrome for me.

I’m not told of this.

Hopefully she doesn’t hear this episode.

But we often go through that and like, well, if people think I can’t even fix my own mom,

you know, how they’re going to trust me.

But the reality is, we only have control over ourselves.

I don’t hear from her for a few months and we’ll come back and she’ll go, “Well, I had

XYZ happen and I really binged and Christmas was really hard and I’m okay.”

That is what it is.

And so, I apply the same things to my clients where if you follow the programs and follow

the recommendations, you have the discipline, you have the—I’ve had people fail because

it turns out they actually have food addiction, so you put them off and say, “Hey, go talk

to somebody first, deal with this first, deal with the roots of this, and then we can

come back.”

There’s a lot of layers to this and so I say 90% success rate, that is to the people who complete

the program, stick to it and do it. I’d say about 40, 40% of that 90% probably give or take

don’t actually follow through on everything and get kind of better or mostly better. But the question

I get asked often is, if I do this, how soon can I go back to eating like normal? I said,

what is normal? Do you have to exercise every day to stay fit? Yes. The same thing applies to

to your gut. So those those stats are the ones who complete things through and through,

but you’d be surprised at the vast majority of people dealing with what is a debilitating

disease who don’t follow through and do things to the T.

JANNINE: Yeah, no, it’s wonderful you bring that up because any practitioner out there, we all

have that kind of stuff. I mean, I could name, you know, most countless people in my family

that I try to tell them things and they’re like, you know, okay, whatever, you just can’t

treat your family. It is what it is.

JOSH: I won’t I won’t work with my family, my wife, I could help.

But like, I prefer I tell it to him, like, I would rather you

work with somebody else because if there’s problems, I don’t want

to be responsible. Yeah. I just think it creates a lot of

tension where it doesn’t need to be.

JANNINE: Yep. Yep. Absolutely. Absolutely. But getting back to the

food addictions and and why people don’t have success on

programs. I think we have number one, a mindset issue in all

the world, you know, about we’re looking, are we looking to help ourselves or are we looking for

magic? You know, and I always will ask patients that, you know, what are we looking for here?

Because if you want magic, I can’t help you. If you want, if you want to put in the work,

then then we’ve got the tools to help you. And so that 90% is reflective of that. Of course,

you know, when people are looking at a program to help their gut there or any program for that

matter, they’re always like, is this going to work for me? There’s always that question.

But food addiction is a huge one, and I think probably one of the things that unfortunately is the

downfall of the digestive system as us creep–I’m going to say cavemen are trying to navigate this

or cave women, cave person, as we’re navigating this modern world of food. So I’d love to hear

from you kind of when you start, get someone started on the program with all of the different

from Franken foods and not foods.

What do you kind of tell folks?

Where are you starting at?

What kind of things are some of the biggest,

like, irritators, or maybe even precipitating factors,

barring other genetics and things,

we’ll get to that too, for the gut?

JOSH: Always, always, always.

I remove gluten.

Number one, I get arguments with it all the time.

Well, gluten doesn’t affect me.

I have had people come to me and say,

“I can eat Taco Bell and feel fine.”

I’m like, “Honey, you are medicated.

“You are taking biologic drugs,

which suppress and inhibit your immune response

is a block signaling system.

So you can’t become inflamed.

Of course, if you’ll find, like,

we can’t eat these things and get away with it.

We convince ourselves we can.

So the big things I always remove,

and I get arguments with it all the time,

people trying to find substitute foods.

Well, if I can’t have gluten,

what kind of bread can I have?

I’m like, don’t eat bread.

Like, it’s not hard to do.

I don’t believe in the incremental stuff.

I know a lot of people go,

“Well, I wanna make small transitions.”

To me, you’re either in or you’re out.

And if it is a debilitating enough disease where you are serious, right?

Cause I’m sure you’ve seen Crohn’s colitis in your practice as well, where people come in.

I’ve had people come in, like I literally just brought a fellow on today.

Or yesterday it was who just joined the program.

We spoke about a year and a half ago.

And at that stage, he was, eh, it’d be nice to fix.

But the mesalamine, the medication is working and it’s fine.

I’m not worried about it.

I said, okay, I said, ultimately it’s your decision.

You can change the oil in your engine regularly or one day change the engine oil.

We met last, we were a couple of days back now and he just joined the program here recently and we got to change his engine because he didn’t change the oil and that’s fine.

That’s your prerogative.

I’ve had other people come in who are 40, 50 bowel movements a day with blood and mucus and it’s debilitating and every bowel movement feels like childbirth.

And that’s from a woman who’s given birth many times, I believe her when she says it, that, you know, it’s, it’s everything.

I’ll do whatever it takes, and so it really is exactly what you said it’s a mindset thing.

Are we willing to negotiate or is it a whatever it takes type of situation?

And so I don’t really subscribe to the incremental well.

Okay, cut your ice cream down.

Now, I have to work with clients as individuals.

And if that’s going to make or break them, less is better than always.

But in the cases of gluten and autoimmune disease, for example, if you eat a single bite

of gluten, one bite can trigger inflammatory responses for up to three months.

And so the people say, “Well, I have it once in a blue moon or once on a vacation or once with

Christmas and once on a birthday.” It’s like, “Great, that’s four times a year. Four times three

months is 12 months. You’re inflamed all year.” So there are some non-negotiables where we will

effectively have to start over. But for the most part, it is reducing and rejuvenating the immune

system, reducing triggers and inflammation and rejuvenating the immune system in whatever way we


JANNINE: I mean, yes, gluten for sure is it does seem to be quite a big trigger. And I think a lot

of people are onto it. But like you said, it’s like, we’re gonna go from one thing then to the

gluten-free versions of bread, which I think might actually be worse now, but I kind of

look at things more. I’m like, I think we just created more monster on that level.

So when you’re looking at folks, in terms of, you know, more severe conditions like the Crohn’s,

you know, like the Clutch’s, because like you said, multiple bond movements, a day of blood.

I mean, this, this is more folks that, you know, who are listening, this is more than

Josh’s chair. I feel off a little bit here and there. This is like what can happen. So I’d love

to talk a little bit about what do you hear from people, kind of like this guy who need his oil

changed going to needing his engine changed. What are some of the early signs that things

are going a little south in the gut and you’re setting yourself up where there’s possibility

for things to develop into an autoimmune gut condition?

JOSH: Well, there are two ways I see people get gut disease, particularly the Crohn’s and

Colitis, and I say anyone can get it. It’s not just genetic. The common ideology in Western

medicine is its idiopathic, meaning no known cause. It’s genetic, which means it’s inevitable,

it might be environmental and who knows what it is. But we look statistically at what’s happening

to it, right? There are really two ways that we end up getting it. And if we look at the data,

we can really establish this firmer. And I will refute anybody who says it’s always genetic,

it’s always idiopathic or unknown. Because back in 1990, I adjusted a lecture on this one with

these stats too. So I can all cite anybody who wants them. Feel free to ask me for the show notes

from this one. But back in 1990, as per the CDC, and the different estimates said between one and

One and a half to three million cases of inflammatory bowel disease worldwide being actively seen

and treated by medical professionals.

That’s in the system.

One could argue there were maybe more.

And so let’s say one and a half to three million, 30 years later, as per 2020, the last

time the data was collected, it was north of seven million.

So how do we two and a half to five X cases and call it idiopathic?

If it’s not a known cause, you better figure it out pretty fast.

The second one is to say it’s just genetic.

I had a client in recently, in his mid 20s, and his doctor said, “Well, it’s because

you’re Jewish.

And so you’re more likely it just happens.

It’s in your family.”

I laugh too.

I’m like, “That is the stupidest.”

It’s like, “What a cop-out answer.”

And so we did a proper history and figured it out.

It turns out it was a mold infection, but that’s another topic for another time maybe.

But the studies say it’s just genetic.

But if it’s just genetic, out of those 7 million cases worldwide, how are 50% of them residing

in North America, which is less than 5% of the world population, that is a statistical

impossibility, or at the very least, an extreme improbability.

And so it can’t be, if it’s idiopathic, you better figure it out.

We can attribute to environmental, we can talk about pesticide usage going up.

You know, we have, what is it?

We had 900, give or take, pesticides approved in 1990 for use in North America now at 17,000.

We have 19 times the variety of pesticides being used.

we have four times the amount in poundage,

a billion pounds a year on top of everything else.

It’s no wonder.

So I don’t think it’s idiopathic.

I think we’re just not looking.

And so the two ways I see people get them

are like this 20 year old kid, right?

Talked about how we get this gut disease.

His doctor said it’s your genetics.

There’s nothing we can do.

I said, okay, let’s do a proper history.

In about 15 minutes, we figured out when he got the disease,

he started a new job in HVAC.

He didn’t wear his PPE.

Two months into his job, he was diagnosed with IBS.

Six months after that, he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis IBD.

I thought, well, it’s got to be a mold infection.

I said, let’s confirm it.

Got a urine test done.

Alone, behold, it was a mold infection.

Ochrotoxin A, very common mold to get from air and environment.

And that’s known to cause bowel disease, kidney, and liver issues.

So that was an easy one to figure out.

So that’s your acute.

That’s the number one way I see people get it.

Or I should say one of the top two ways, rather, is acute infection.

That’s going to be excessive antibiotic consumption and usage.

It’s going to be medication, mold infection,

some kind of disruption to the gut microbiome.

It’s going to be something that acutely,

over days, weeks or a few months, causes this problem.

On the other hand, I see accumulation

or cumulative wear and tear.

And I use the analogy of like wearing a pair

of shoes and going hiking, but not wearing socks,

where that heel rubs a bit, gets red,

gets ballisters and bleeds, and now you have this tear.

And the same thing I see happens.

Maybe 20 years ago, you got your gallbladder out

on top of eating poorly, on top of drinking,

this and that. And that accumulation process of wear and tear under a high stress lifestyle

and, you know, occasional drug use or whatever it was, eventually wore down that until it

started bleeding. And that’s another way I see it come on. But I have never seen anybody

who’s just born with ulcerative colitis as a baby with no known cause issues. And the

youngest one I’ve seen was a four year old who came in. And that was also an environmental

issue due to mold, a five year old I had in due to mold, I see a lot of mold in my practice.

but those are the issues we see.

And so to say they’re unknown, I think it’s silly.

I just don’t think we’re looking hard enough.

JANNINE: Or we’re, it’s not meta, let’s say,

beneficial for someone’s pocket.

Let’s go there, you know?

It’s hard to say, it’s hard to say.

And it’s so obvious to me too.

And mold does seem to be a thing lately

in terms of really picking up traction

in terms of exposures with gut.

Now, are you, are you still in,

I know you’re in Canada, where do you practice

in Canada, where are you guys seeing people? I know you do virtual, so I’m guessing I’m saying,

if you’re seeing four year olds, they’re probably all over North America or

anywhere at this point. 

JOSH: I do work worldwide, thanks to COVID. The HIPAA compliance and all

that stuff has changed dramatically since COVID. And even Zoom has a health practitioner’s HIPAA

approved version, which is really nice. We can make sure the health information protection is

taken care of. So we do work globally. I’m based in Calgary, Alberta, but we do work all over the

world. And it’s interesting to me to see as well, because different areas of the world have different

correlations. You know, I’m working with somebody right now, for example, who grew up in Indonesia,

till they both the age of 10, she had malaria, she had a bunch of issues and looking back,

a lot of the women, for example, down at the fish market had goiters. And so we’re going,

okay, so back to environmental and root causes, it’s always root cause, because these diseases

don’t just follow the sky and drop on your head, something has to happen. And so we’re able to trace

back, parasitic issues, malaria infections, heavy metal toxicity, and all kinds of things

in her body from when she was a little girl, that translated to this wear and tear now,

which led to this precipitation of events. But that’s what it is. It’s thorough history taking,

but you’re so right, Jannine. Unfortunately, it’s worth the healthcare industry in North America,

and US particularly is $4.5 trillion per year. If we look at businesses, the best revenue model

is a subscription model. And if you can get people on medications for life, it’s incredibly

profitable. I mean, gut health and gut disease alone is almost a trillion dollars. It gets 800

million plus or 800 billion rather, plus per year. And so that’s the gut health industry alone.

It’s it’s bizarre. 

JANNINE: I don’t know if it’s happening in Canada like it is here. I haven’t watched TV

when I’ve been in Canada recently. But in the US, it’s like constant immunosuppressive medication

commercials every, like between the lawyers, it’s like lawyers and medicines that are getting

pushed. It’s like, wow, this is crazy. But, you know, neither here nor there, what I was kind of

wondering about and why I asked the geographic location and if you’re noticing anything from

certain clients from certain regions, if there is a connection in that case, because you alluded

to the North America being very heavy on like gluten and things of that nature. But mold does

seem to be something that like I was saying, seeing very, very often. Are you using so sounds

like maybe the mica talks test from Great Plains for the looking at the urine mold toxins? Are you

doing any other testing? Are you using GI maps and seeing which shows up there? I’m curious

where it’s showing up for folks is it showing the metabolism with the urine or is it or are you

actually seeing stuff installed too on these cases.

JOSH: Great question. It depends on the individual. I’m not a big fan of over testing, as I’m sure

you aren’t either. It’s very expensive. 100 bucks here, 500 bucks there. It depends. So, for example,

if I have somebody with IBD and autism, I’m likely to do an oak test or your organic acid test,

as well as like a maybe a heavy metals hair analysis. If I get somebody coming in who’s a child,

I do a big fan of organic acid testing as well. Adults with wear and tear history,

it might be a GI map so you can see what’s going on that way. It just really depends and all of them

are tools. And I think a lot of people go out there and ask the practitioner, you know, what’s

the test I can do? Because I always want to save money. Unfortunately, we do compromise money for

health. The challenge is it’s health we can live with. If your doctor said you have cancer and you

are going to die tomorrow, but we can fix this, it’s going to cost you half a million dollars,

you’ve started to go fund me, you get a loan, you’ve refinanced your home, like you do whatever you

you had to do because if I guarantee of success, the problem is a bowel surgery in the USA,

it’s about $230,000 to remove a colon after everything. Insurance pays for most, but you’ll

still be on the hook for 15 to 20 grand, which will pay off over years. Whereas you work with

a private practitioner for maybe two to 5,000, whatever it might cost, and you can reverse

it and forget you’ve ever had the disease. I can’t say the words cure, treat, or heal,

But that’s the difference, right, is everybody has a different need.

And we don’t have the reach that these pharmaceutical and drug companies and really the American

healthcare system, we’re just individual practitioners.

And so I don’t like over testing.

I test where necessary, but it takes time.

An interview is 30 minutes to an hour at minimum to get a history.

Then we do intake paperwork, then we do lab work, then we do this and that.

And then sometimes I bring another practitioners.

I have two phenomenal practitioners working with me now, just starting this month.

actually a nurse from the FLCCC, the other one, he’s my bloody Sherlock Holmes.

I’m so excited to get him out here because nobody knows who he is, but this dude has

been my Rosetta Stone.

When I’m stuck on something, I bring it to him, I’m like, “Hey Curtis, I have a question.

Here’s a moment.

He looks at it for three seconds.

Oh yeah, here’s what you’re missing and boom, they’re fixed.”

This dude doesn’t even lab test, and so we have an amazing team around us to be able

to dig into these histories, but that’s just it.

cost time and money. People have more emotional security in going to the doctor and removing

a colon than they do, spending a couple thousand bucks and working with the holistic practitioner

to possibly reverse this thing for the rest of their lives. It is a bit of a dichotomy,

which is challenging. You brought up drug companies and commercials. It’s all it is. I think it’s

70 some odd percent of all commercials in North America are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.

14% I believe are fast food companies. I might be mixing up my stats from New Zealand,

but something like that. The other 10, 20% are kind of whatever, like kids, toys and stuff.

But it’s amazing. There was a stat I got back in college years, I was 2013 or something,

2012. And it was something like pharmaceutical companies spent 17 times more advertisement

than they do research and development. Because it’s a business model. And Martin Screlli

voted the most hated man in America is kind of the fall guy for big pharma was on record quoted

saying we are in the business of making money we have a responsibility to our shareholders

are not in the business of curing people and that right there tells you everything you need to know

JANNINE: Yeah it’s it’s sad it’s really sad and and unfortunately I mean we do work in this realm of

the functional medicine space where we do get a bad rap because a lot of docs are running every

test under the sun, whether they need to or not. Yeah. And

unfortunately, now we’ve we’ve transitioned medical, you know,

pharmaceutical model to to this model. And it’s one of those

things that for me, I cringe because I feel like, man, getting

healthy shouldn’t have to be an arm and leg. And so, you know,

a couple thousand dollars to to really be able to turn things

around. I mean, it’s priceless. In this case, it’s priceless

when you can get to the state of being able to help.

So, you know, one of the things that I get a lot of questions

about from folks is, okay, we do the testing or we do a lot

of intake, which I think intake gives you a heck of a lot more

clues on the Sherlock Holmes, like you’re saying, department,

then, then a lot of the testing, I personally believe.

But you do this, you get all the info and folks are going

to be like, okay, they’re going into it knowing that you’re

They’re probably going to change the diet, but they’re also going to be like supplements.

Do I need a probiotic?

That’s always the question number one that I always get.

And especially with Crohn’s Eclitis, what about probiotics?

The next one is, okay, gut lining repair.

Is it, are we looking at glutamines, or are we looking at tributrogens, are we looking

at bone broths, collagen, etc?

All the things on the market.

I’m curious just kind of what a, what a restorative plan looks like when you’re talking like interventions

on the natural side of things.

JOSH: That is a great question.

And I love talking to healthcare practitioners.

You guys just ask the best questions.

Here’s my thought on this.

Everything obviously is nuanced, right?

No patient or client is gonna be the same.

So I look at restoration.

First thing, if you’re hiking in a pair of shoes

with no socks, the first thing you gotta do

is put some bloody socks on or take the shoe off.

You have to stop the insult.

And unfortunately, the healthcare education

is pretty piss poor.

I mean, look at the healthcare system.

I call it sick care because it really is.

We put people on meds and that’s when I was a paramedic,

I was in reactive medicine.

We get a medication taken with a hospital,

they were sick for a heart issue or whatever it was,

they get a new medication or a new dose of the same,

they get sent back, I pick them up until they died.

And that was just the rinse and repeat cycle.

And so what we want to look at here for people

is what is the root or at least the root causes

in contributing factors.

It’s often very multifactorial.

It’s very layered.

So again, is it mold?

Is it antibiotics?

Is it family history?

how much is genetic, what is food,

what about food sensitivities, allergy responses,

what is going on in your system leading to these things?

And so a restorative process, number one,

we have to figure out all causes,

contributing factors.

The very first week in my program,

clients come through,

they do a toxicity profile of their home,

where everything, the VOCs from like the bloody paint

in your home, is it new?

That new car smell that you get, that’s formaldehyde, right?

These things that create chemicals,

which create toxins in the body.

I had them look at perfumes, candles, shampoos, carpet,

like all these different things we don’t consider.

Now in the grand scheme, they’re often a smaller scale,

but for the very small percentage that I feel

I see in my practice, a very small percentage

were actually genetic autoimmune.

The rest are on the spectrum,

but in my experience, aren’t truly autoimmune yet.

The vast majority, like 70, 80% that I see.

So they have lots of room to recover, right?

They’re on that spectrum, but not full-blown yet.

And those things are all contributors.

It matters more the true autoimmunity.

I find they do matter more for those people,

these toxic profiles in the home.

But for everyone, it’s worth doing.

That’s number one, take away the things

that are causing the insult in the first place.

Number two, we wanna clean things out.

I look at it where, if we have, for example,

somebody with bacterial dysbiosis,

for the listeners, that’s just imbalance in bacteria.

That’s, maybe you have an overgrowth of candida.

Maybe it’s toxins like mold toxins.

maybe you’re recirculating your bile

due to some other medical markers

we can check for, the toxins are bound to.

And so we have to empty that cup

because your body has these toxins in them,

within them from whatever they’re being created,

the inflammation, whatever it is, that’s what’s building.

You have detox pathways in the body through your liver,

your skin, your limbs, even your lungs,

your kidneys, right?

All these things can push toxins out,

but often those toxic detox pathways

get blocked up, they get junked up.

So we have to detoxify and promote natural detoxification,

get your body to empty out first.

And then we can start clearing out these other ones

within the system, right?

So we have to reduce the insult, promote detoxification,

and then detoxify the toxins themselves

and start to balance and rejuvenate the immune system.

Dr. Jeffrey Bland talks about this.

We had a great conversation just,

maybe a week or two ago.

And again, for the listeners,

he’s the father of functional medicine.

Jeffrey Bland’s work is the reason we have functional medicine

North America today. And he talks about immuno rejuvenation. We often talk about immune boosting.

Take this, take that herb, take that supplement, take this vitamin that boost the immune system.

But if you have imbalances, that’s where auto immunity comes from. It’s imbalances in the immune

system. You could call it confusion where the different pathways are one’s dominant over the

other. These immune boosting properties might feed that domination of one pathway. So instead,

let’s rejuvenate. Let’s give your body what it needs to heal and balance itself. And that’s

effectively what we have to do. Now it’s obviously, as you know, as a practitioner, it’s years and

years of specializing to be able to make that sound like a smooth process. But the idea is it’s

very possible. You find the roots and contributing factors, you remove those first and then you just

clean up and repair the damage. That’s as simple as it gets. And unfortunately in medicine, we go,

well, you’re your symptoms, right? Those symptoms get you classified as here’s your diagnosis. If

there’s no diagnosis, millions of patients all over the world unhappy with carry goal. My doctor

don’t know what’s wrong with me. They don’t know how to fix me. They don’t they can’t diagnose me,

which means they can’t help you because they can’t give you a drug because that drug is for that

diagnosis. So they’re saying it’s not broke. Don’t fix it. If it’s not broke, don’t bother.

That’s Western medicine. They wait till it breaks and then they give you drugs. On the other hand,

we want to figure out before it breaks, right? Or if it’s on the way to breaking. And it’s just

a very different way of looking at it. 

JANNINE: Absolutely, absolutely. It’s definitely a different process

when you’re running down things. And one of the things you mentioned was diagnosis. And I think

for a lot of people, we’ve all grown up in that environment. You must have a diagnosis to be able

to have a treatment even with alternative care. Same thing goes with alternative options like

medication, like the probiotic, the glutamine, the all these things. I mean, they’re just like

the alternative to the pharmaceutical, you know, attenuate the immune system, coat the gut,

you name it, right? The glutamine, I call kind of like the pepto bismol of, you know, the natural

version for for gut health and gut soothing. But it’s, it’s what happens, right? And so,

a lot of people will come to me, no doubt and be like, probiotics. Do I need one? Do I not?

And that is one of the really great questions that I’d love to pose to you in terms of as a whole.

What’s your opinion on probiotics when it comes down to the process of actually restoring your gut?

Do you wait till later? Do you even consider them? What’s your thought?

JOSH: Also very nuanced, as with all things. And some people love that I don’t give straight answers,

some people hate it because they want magic, right? Like you mentioned. And unfortunately, probiotics

to not magic. And so, you know, if I’m going to use probiotics, typically, I’ll wait until I have

a GI map or at the very least, a history. If I get somebody who was, I got a client right now,

for example, who was C-section birth and strictly bottle fed, never breastfed. I’m giving them some

spore probiotics and some very basics to start regrowing some of the stuff he’s lacking. So,

that’s something I might do in that regard. But, you know, I don’t think there’s a best probiotic

to use because it’s all contextual. You know, it depends on the individual, depends on the person.

in my practice, something I see depleted often, but not every time, is one called acromancia.

It’s got a lot of popularity in the press recently. It’s known for balancing immune systems

and glucose metabolism and even estrogens and all kinds of great stuff that it does.

But people with complex issues, like autoimmunity, PCOS, and other challenges,

acromancia above and beyond the normal dosage, it’s no longer therapeutic. It can actually cause

problems because these probiotics act as signaling molecules to certain things

within the body and the brain to the immune system and all over the place.

And so I choose them very specifically.

But if I have a GI map, for example, right, and I see someone is depleted,

then I can utilize that effectively.

So maybe they’re depleted on one string.

I can find a spore probiotic that will grow in culture, but a lot of them don’t

or I’ll choose specific strains.

So if someone comes in, for example, with maybe a SIBO condition or an overgrowth

or has a class of bacteria called methanogens,

which produce methane,

I might use lactobacillus rotary,

which is a very specific strain

that’s been shown in evidence to reduce overgrowth

as well as methanogens.

Or if someone has candida overgrowth,

I might use saccharomyces bilardi

because that’s been shown to inhibit.

Or someone going through antibiotic treatment

who has a history of C. diff,

I use a certain combination of specific lactobacillus

or bifidobacterium strains, different genus,

are shown to reduce the probability

or even completely prevent them

from getting a C-diff infection.

Some people with depression or anxiety,

I might use specific strains of bacteria

known to boost those types of serotonin

and other neurotransmitters.

And so I think we have to treat them like medicine

to just throw them into a body,

not knowing what we’re having in abundance or lacking.

We could be putting gasoline on the fire, right?

If you have a probiotic, maybe it’s a lactobacillus,

a very common one that you’ll see

in all kinds of probiotics at the grocery store

Bifidobacterium, like acidophilus, right?

These different types of things.

If you have an abundance in your gut already

and you start adding them in, you might make it worse.

And so I think it’s very nuanced

and there’s no silver bullet.

There’s no probiotic capsule or pill

to fix anybody ever.

That’s sort of my non-direct opinion on those.

JANNINE: No, it’s great.

I mean, I think it’s great for people to hear that

because it is thought of as being like the magic,

you know, thing, I’ll just take a probatic.

And it’s much like, now seems like the alternative.

You just take a pill and it goes away.

Now we’ve, once again, looped back

into traditional medical society.

And, you know, no fault of anyone.

It’s just how we think and the way it goes.

Now, in terms of someone that’s actually bleeding,

turning things around, obviously you take out

the inflammatory foods based on history

and what’s kind of got them irritated.

Is there actually anything that you do for supporting the gut lining based on

certain conditions?

If you want to give us kind of a rundown, do you, do you buy into the bone


Do you do the collegens?

What about BPC 157 kind of what’s the peptide?

But you know, kind of what, what are you guys seeing works?

Well, for certain conditions or in certain types of individuals, if you will.

JOSH: Great question.


You mentioned the Tributyrin, for example, or like a, you know, the more available

form of butyrate is a big one. So I look at bacteria, right? Like fish in a fishbowl where you have

your prebiotics of the food, the probiotic, living organisms, your fish in the postbiotics of the

fish poop. And bacteria poop good things and they poop bad things. It depends on the fish depends

on the ecosystem. And butyrate is one of those ones where in high doses, like four to six grams a

day spread out have been shown very beneficial in correcting gut dysbiosis, helping inflammation,

repairing, gut lining, all kinds of stuff. But it can get expensive and the pills smell and

taste like old cheese. So that’s not very nice by itself. But peptides can be great.

I’ve seen people, for example, if it’s auto immunity, you know, I’ve worked with doctors,

for example, because a lot of these things I won’t touch on my own regard for liability reasons

as well. But we’ve used combinations of peptides like thymosin alpha 1, BPC 157, and pharmaceuticals

like low-dose noctrexone to actually modulate the immune system. And the big difference between

biologics that they commonly use for these things and immunomodulators is biologics are

suppressives. They stop the chemical signaling to the immune system which creates the inflammation.

Now, inflammation is a good thing. We want it because it brings healing properties.

It sensitizes the area, causes irritability and nerves leading to pain. But inflammation is good.

Inflammation is what we want to have inside of us when we’re sick, but it’s this chronic

inflammation, sustained inflammation, hyper-elevation, and cytokine responses in lymphocytes that

destroy tissues in the area, that causes problems. They suppress the immune system,

but that’s clearly an imbalance. So, like we talked about, one, address why the immune system is

reacting, but two, we have to correct the imbalance, and that imbalance can be very easily addressed

a lot of the time by using these immunomodulators where they can modify the immune responses rather

than suppressing and stopping them altogether. And so what do I use to repair a gut? Sometimes

it’s bone broth, sometimes it’s meat broth. If somebody has histamine issues, I’m not giving

them bone broth because of the histamine content. If people don’t like injections, BPC is a gastric

stable peptide, you can use it under the tongue and ingest, you could also inject. But it seems

to be ingested is better for that one anyways. thymosin alpha one, very expensive. thymogen

can be very expensive. And so these things add up. And so it just depends on the person.

If we’re dealing with inflammatory issues, I might use DGL. You can use licorice, which

can be great, but watch for blood pressure issues, right? So we can use that de-glisinated version.

We can use slippery elm. We can use aloe. There’s all kinds of stuff. But we’ll have to look at these

things as having a strategy. Otherwise, it becomes plant-based medication or just throwing

curcumin or just throwing these things at it. You end up on 20 supplements a day for the rest of

your life. If we’re not targeting a strategy and using them in phases with a purpose, it becomes a

big waste of money and you have a behalf of it, you’ve got expensive urine and so we just have to

use them very specifically and strategically. 

JANNINE: That’s really important for folks to be thinking

about because that is the one thing that, you know, have I done it in the past when I,

as I was evolving as a practitioner, of course, now it’s, it’s definitely my goal to get folks

down off of so many things. Oh, look at that cute pup. Hi, Bruce, you’re cute. So they all do,

they all do. So, you know, when I look at the medications, right, and, and, and let’s talk about

them for a minute because they think a lot of people, like you had mentioned when we first started,

like, “Hey, I’m eating Taco Bell and it doesn’t bother me.” Well, yeah, you’re on a biologic,

meaning your immune system of your gut is doing nothing to help you. So, essentially, yes, we’ve

shut down the immune system, but at the same time in the implications for the gut lining,

you’re just masking, correct? I mean, I would love to hear your kind of description of how you

described this to folks in terms of using a biologic and what’s really happening in their body

by using a biologic. 

JOSH: So glad you asked. I do, I have a Facebook group that I do lives every single

week. I do a Facebook live and it’s Thursday, today, Tuesday. I adjusted one on biologic.

So timing is just perfect. So I look at it this way. All right, drugs, we have drugs like

mastalamine, very common one, right? It reduces prostaglandin activity, which is like a hormone-like

inflammatory mediator. We have prednisone or bedesinide, which are cortical steroids.

They suppress immune responses. We have immunomodulators, so your methyl treksate,

your emiran. They modify the immune responses. There’s a newer class called

jack inhibitors, like zeljans. They block transmit signals from these cytokine or these

inflammatory receptors. So we’re shutting down. Picture this. If you have company over at your

house, if they’re really relaxed and comfortable and happy, that’s good company. But if they have

have tape over their mouth, their hands are tied behind the back. They’re a hostage. They

don’t make very good company. And the same thing happens in the body, right? We use these

biologics, which because your body is still inflamed, right? You put tape over its mouth,

and it’s still screaming, but you’re like, look, I can’t hear it. I fixed it. We’re better now.

It doesn’t work that way, right? Just because we suppressed it. And all these drugs

remikade, right? It’s a what we call a TNF inhibitor.

Simzia is another one. It’s a TNF inhibitor. There’s all kinds of these drugs, right? Intivio,

right? It’s an integrin biolog, it’s an integrin antagonist. So it stops this integrin response.

Humera, right? These monoclonal antibodies, stelara, all of these put tape over the body’s

mouth. They suppress the immune system, but they don’t stop it from screaming. What these

amino modulators do, if it really is autoimmune, is they just calm it down. They give it an out of

advantage. It just sits there and goes, “Okay, I’m better now. I’m not perfect, but I’m under control.”

And then we can start to work at the factors, right, that are contributing to it. And so I tell

people no matter what drug you take, no matter what class of drug, whether it’s a monoclonal antibody,

if it is a biologic of some sort, if it’s a corticosteroid, whatever it is, you are stopping

the immune system from doing its job, and we are just inhibiting the symptoms, but we are never

asking why? Your doctor goes, look, hey, you’re inflamed. Okay, here’s your diagnosis, here’s your

drug. Never do they go before that and go, you’re inflamed, but why? Functional medicine says what

inflamed you in the first place? We chalk it up to autoimmunity, idiopathic, unknown, or environmental,

and we kind of guess, and we just suppress it. Because your average physician gets seven to nine

minutes with you inside of a clinic that discuss what’s going on, what’s changed, here’s a new

drug see you later to meet their quotas for the insurance driven system to get paid at

the end of the day. And so even physicians who mean well, their hands are tied, right?

That sucks. There are physicians who mean harm. There are people who’ve gone to prison

for overprescribing cancer drugs. Dr. In Detroit, Michigan was prescribing cancer drugs for years

that people who never had it because you got a kickback. And that’s another issue is financial

incentive. And so we need to find the root cause, sit down for an hour, do an interview,

go through a history, do the right testing that you need, and you can actually figure out why you

are inflamed. Because if you don’t, over time, that severity spectrum that heal in the shoe, rubbing

raw, will get worse until it blisters and bleeds, and now you are truly autoimmune, and it will be

a lifelong issue. But I’ve had people come in and fix it in weeks, fix it in months, and they’re fine.

It just depends on finding the root cause and how good you are doing that.

JANNINE: Yeah, it’s definitely an art. It’s definitely an art and also having someone working with you

and giving you full transparency because that’s part of it where I’ve run into folks who didn’t

want to tell me some of their habits, right? And that’s where it’s really incredibly important to

be able to get the full picture. Now, a few weeks to a few months to possible years, what’s the average

time to turn around, someone that has a moderate kind of IBS, Crohn’s, colitis kind of situation,

and then what’s the average time for someone that’s a little bit more severe coming in?

JOSH: Yeah, great question. So I say on average, it’ll take one to two months per year you’ve had the

issue, give or take. I think that’s a fair estimate. But again, that’s 60, 70% accurate. Everyone’s

different. I’ve had people come in who theirs was a dietary wear and tear issue diagnosed with IBD,

right? Very poor diet, standard American, fast food, fried food, packaged food. Three weeks,

their symptoms are completely gone. And within two months, three months, they have no issues.

But you know, they had it for say three years. There’s your one month for three years. I’ve had

people come in after 16 years, who are symptom free in as little as three weeks, four weeks. But

they obviously still have a lot of issues or it’s a hair trigger. One wrong step, one stressful day,

and boom, it pops off. They take months, sometimes years to correct. And so everyone’s going to be

different. But I think it’s a fair estimate is one to two months of very dedicated, very strict

unwavering correction for every year you’ve had the problem. And you can expect to see some very

good results. 

JANNINE: Wow. So getting off meds is something that a lot of folks talk to me about.

They’re always like, okay, but I’m on Entyvio. I’ve been on Entyvio or, you know, I’m due for

another shot of X, Y, or Z. What do you guys do when it comes to coming off of meds or working with

someone who’s on meds and trying to figure out how they get off.

JOSH: Yeah, well, that’s a really great question.

It’s actually one of the most common ones is, can I even do a program?

If I’m on drugs, do I have to come off drugs?

Are you going to take me off my drugs?

And obviously for legal and liability reasons, I’m not a medical doctor.

I can’t tell you to come off your drugs.

I’m not your doctor.

I can’t tell you to come off drugs.

And so when I say to people, I’m actually a big fan of the

integrative medicine approach.

And so for those who don’t know, integrative medicine is the integration of other

practices with Western medicine.

It’s taking all things kind of inclusive.

And so for me, if I get somebody coming in who’s on prednisone, right?

Like if your quality of life is so terrible, you can’t do anything.

You can’t go to work.

You can’t play with your kids.

You can’t eat food.

You can’t take supplements.

It’s going to be hard for being on the program anyways.

And so use the medications.

That’s great.

It’s even easier if you’re on medications and still having symptoms.

It becomes even easier because then we can go through,

keep your quality of life better and like, no way and you’re getting better.

You say, Hey, like I’ve been on Entyvio for two years.

I’m still having 15 bowel movements a day.

It’s been a month.

I’m down to five.

I feel amazing.

I thought great.

So now it’s time for you to talk to your doctor and let them know what’s happening

and say, Hey, would you support me?

And many actually don’t.

Would you support me in either lengthening the time between infusions or

reducing my medication or something?

Some say absolutely.

It’s pretty rare.

I’d say, you know, maybe one in five.

Um, the rest say, no, I’ve had a client who came in with Crohn’s disease, 12 weeks.

Hers is a gluten issue and some other things.

It was actually quite that simple, but 12 weeks.

And she was in full clinical histological remission.

She had a CT and telegraphy done, no signs of Crohn’s blood work perfectly clear.

And her doctor goes, well, I’d still like you on Entyvio.

She goes, why?

Well, cause you have Crohn’s disease.

She’s like, yeah, but I don’t have symptoms.

She says, well, you have Crohn’s.

So take the drugs.

Like, what is the rationale?

It doesn’t make sense.

And so she tried to show her, said, here’s the program,

here’s my GI maps, here’s what I did.

She goes, I’m not interested in seeing that.

She goes, great, I’m not interested in taking Entyvio.

And so it’s sometimes it’s supported by doctors,

but that’s the process.

If you’re on them already, stay on them.

I’m not gonna tell you, I don’t want to tell you,

nor can I tell you to come off,

but it’s up to you to become your own advocate.

And I can advocate on your behalf.

You give me permission to email or talk to your doctor

and say, can we do this and come off?

Here’s the rationale, here’s what we’ve done.

You’d be surprised, maybe or maybe not,

how few doctors will actually indulge me in a conversation.

It’s not as common as people think.

They often think, well, my doctor wants me to get better.

So whatever it takes, they’ll have a conversation.

One, a lot of them are just too busy

because they’re required by the system

to see 30 plus patients, 40 patients a day,

which means they don’t have the time.

Two, a lot of them are too busy and overwhelmed

to learn this information three,

many don’t care and refuse to learn it.

I’ve seen a lot of that as well.

And so unfortunately,

the patient has to advocate for themselves

and say, absolutely not, I will not take this

or I want to do this instead.

And your doctor might fire you and say,

you’re non-compliant out of my sight to be gone with you,

which we’ve seen a fair bit as well.

Some say, whatever, do what you want to do

and some are supportive,

but that’s between you and your doctor.

And so long answer short,

medications are perfectly fine,

But ultimately, I don’t see them as a solution.

JANNINE: Yeah, I would absolutely agree, I’d absolutely agree on that.

And yes, those of you who are listening,

talking to your doctor may or may not go well.

You know your doc, you know their opinions,

you can pretty much tell,

having been a naturopath for 17 plus years,

I am well-owned, the fact that I am a quack doc

and batty as all get out.

And I know that a lot of people are like,

can you talk to my doc, I’m like, well, I’ll try.

And like you said, you know, I’ve met some very amazing doctors out there in the course of time and there are some really great ones.

And a lot of folks will ask me, you know, why do you work with certain, you know, why do you refer to only this particular doc?

And I’m like, because they’ll talk to me and they’re open to it.

And so anyway, it’s it is so much about self-applicating in any industry, even in even in working in the functional medicine, you know, you guys are in charge.

So that’s the big thing, you know, we want folks

to be thinking about.

So before we wrap up and tell folks how to find you,

I think what I would love to hear is kind of,

what’s been your favorite part of working with folks

with the digestive system disorders and thing?

I’m gonna call them disorders

’cause I think it’s just a little glitch in the system.

What’s your favorite part about it?

What do you love?

Do you love the investigation?

Do you love meeting people?

Do you love seeing the progress?

Obviously we all do,

but I would love to hear what lights you up about it.

JOSH: It’s a personal stories.

One of the things we’re not supposed to do in medicine

is get attached to our patients, right?

My clients, I do, I try not to because, you know,

it is still like a client patient

or client in a practitioner relationship,

but it’s hard not to, you know?

I think I mentioned this little boy

I was working with, he’s five years old,

diagnosed with ulcerative colitis,

and his doctor wanted him on the biologics and the drugs,

and he tried the Prednisone zone and this and that,

and he wasn’t getting any better.

And this little boy is losing weight, he’s pale and gray in color.

He’s not feeling good.

And five to nine is really when development starts, right?

That prefrontal cortex, frontal lobes, like if you have a problem,

you will have developmental delays for the rest of your life, right?

You will always be behind your peers if we don’t get this now.

And this little boy, he had joint pain.

He was limping around and his mom came to see me just desperate.

And we, we took a look at his GI map.

And it was one of the worst I’ve seen in my entire professional career.

I thought, it doesn’t make sense.

His doctor didn’t even do a GI map one, but two, it doesn’t add up because he doesn’t

have a lifetime of antibiotics or drug use or abuse to his microbiome.

It shouldn’t look like this.

Something had to cause it.

Well, the number one thing I see in kids that causes these types of GI maps and these

type of immune responses is mold.

So we ran a urine test and lo and behold, he had, he had what, 12 or 13 some odd, maybe

15 different strains of micro toxins and mold toxins in his body leading to all this inflammation

that even creates what we call pleomorphing

or changing of the morphology of gut bacteria,

which caused this problem in the first place.

And that right there was the first thing we had to do

is get him out of the environment.

So right away, they tested the home mold everywhere.

Okay, great.

Like, even though they don’t see mold damage,

there can be mold in your home.

You may not see it.

And so they got a trailer right away.

He slept in the trailer with dad.

And within five days,

he was already feeling substantially better.

His limp went away.

He was feeling phenomenal.

In this poor family, 40% of all homes in the USA

are reported to have some kind of mold issue.

This poor family has moved something like 14 times

in the last, I don’t know, six months,

trying to find a rental while their home

is being remediated that has no mold.

They finally found one.

And so it’s a process, but that to me is the greatest.

JANNINE: So to get out of the rat race, how do folks find you?

You also have your podcasts too.

We definitely should bring that up

so folks can get more information

you’ve got some really great short tips and longer information and great docs you’ve interviewed

as well. So give us the scoop in terms of how can folks find you, how can folks link up to work

with you and tell us about the reversABLE podcast? 

JOSH: Sure. Best way, easiest way to find me, we do

work worldwide is through,, That’s a Canadian one, the other one,

I’m trying to get ahold of the rights for that. It’s just kind of a dead website right now.

But if you had to gut, you can contact us, ask questions, get help with your IBD,

you can access the podcast there as well, whatever you need. And that one you did mention,

it is called reversABLE, that’s ReverseABLE, The Ultimate Gut Health Podcast.

And it’s exactly what you said, Jannine, we have some fantastic, brilliant, famous somebody,

some doctor, or health care professional or specialist once a week, talking about whatever

aspect of our world influences our gut, how our gut influences our world, health conditions,

anxiety, depression. We have Joel Salatin. If you’ve ever seen food, Inc, I’m really excited

to publish his world’s most famous farmer talking about bio regenerative organic farming.

We have homesteaders. We have all kinds to just talk about your health and the gut connection

between all of it. And we do as well once a week. It’s a short where you can write in as a listener,

submit a question. We’ll make an episode for you answering that question and that can all be found

directly through

JANNINE: Awesome.

You know, I love the fact that you’re doing a lot of the interviews with the homesteaders

and the farmer folks as we mentioned before we hit record.

I feel like I sometimes should have lived in 1896 because I love to garden.

I love to grow my food.

We live on a farm that isn’t really ours, but we have an acre on a 400, surrounded by

a 400 acre farm.

And I love it because it’s like, uh, growing.

And I think that’s a lot of this is where we’re at.

We need to help educate folks on how to grow their own food, how to get out of the system.

And that also is a huge impact on how we can help the gut, too.

JOSH: I think these modern diseases require old-fashioned solutions a lot of the time.

They really do.

There’s a direct correlation between the spike in these diseases and the modern food supply,

food chains, food systems, additives, and chemicals.

So modern diseases require old fashioned solutions a lot of the time.

JANNINE: Oh, well said.

Well said.

Great point to just wrap this whole podcast up.

Gosh, Josh, so much information.

I think this answered a lot of questions for folks that at least what I hear in my practice

and a lot of folks that come to me looking for solutions, especially for gut health.

I look forward to putting this podcast out and sharing all of your information.

Thank you so much for what you do.

JOSH: It’s been a pleasure to share it.

Thanks so much for allowing me to just have the platform to get this information to the

world where I believe it absolutely belongs.

JANNINE: Absolutely.


[Outro] (upbeat music) Hey fellow health junkie, thanks for listening to The Health Fix Podcast.

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Thanks again for listening.

Jannine Krause

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