Hit a rough patch in life with your health?  Wondering what life has in store for you with age and if you’ll ever get back to feeling good again?  Sheri Dimaggio is a Mom of 3, as well as a health and fitness coach who at 39 years old had her health rapidly decline during preparation for a fitness competition. After a decade plus of working with her chronic illness, Sheri is now on the other side and she’s on a mission to help clients restore their hair growth while learning what it takes to live a joyful active life. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Sheri Brown Dimaggio on what it’s like to have a chronic illness and bounce back to coaching clients. 

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Why overtraining and not resting set you up for chronic illness
  • The power of never losing hope
  • Why diagnoses are dis-empowering when it comes to healing
  • The connection between your thoughts and hair loss

Resources From The Show:

Made Well Holistic Health – wholistic lifestyle and wellness company focusing on natural hair loss solutions – look for a website coming soon – Made Well on Facebook

Sheri Brown Dimaggio on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sheri.dimaggio/

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Podcast Transcript:

JANNINE: [Intro] Welcome to the Health Fix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly

fix of tips, tools and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds, and fit

physiques for life.

Hey health junkies, on this episode of the Health Fix Podcast, I’m interviewing

Sheri Dimaggio. If you’ve listened to some of my previous podcasts, you might have

noticed that I had a request for listeners to submit stories of

of bouncing back from chronic illness and thriving

and just breaking aging barriers

and Sheri submitted a request.

So Sheri is a mom of three, she’s a wife

and she’s a health and fitness coach

who after many years of coaching noticed

that she was starting to decline

in her fitness capabilities and wasn’t feeling too great.

And of course she was training for a fitness competition

and for those of you who know what those things are,

Ooh, those are tough.

And there’s a lot of nutrient stuff going on

in terms of cutting calories.

And after that, it’s set her on a 10 year plus decline

in her health that rounded out with feeling worse,

with getting bit by a tick four days

before getting COVID and then some mold exposure.

Yikes, lots of things happening there.

And you know what?

Unfortunately, her story isn’t uncommon this day and age

where something happens and it seems

that there’s a cascade of things that just keep happening

and the struggle to get healthy just seems to be so far away.

But Sheri’s got a great message

and we talk about aging, we talk about bouncing back

and boy it’s just a feel good podcast.

So I hope you guys enjoy this one.

It’s a beginning of some of my series

where I’m going to be interviewing my listeners.

So if you’re hearing this and you’ve got a bounce back story,

You are aging well, you’ve got some amazing things

that are going on in your life

just based on your habits, routines, and behaviors.

We want to know about it.

So let’s introduce you to Sheri Dimaggio.

Sheri, welcome to the Health Fix podcast.

SHERI: I’m excited to talk about this.

JANNINE: (laughs)

It’s a fun subject because I think a lot of people

really don’t realize how much they’ve been programmed

by society and their family and what they’ve seen

in life. And so they just like automatically think like, oh my God, I’m going to get old

and it’s going to be this particular way. Did you feel like that before you started to realize

that maybe things were different? 

SHERI: Yeah, I just remember thinking, even whenever I was working

out, like I kind of gave myself like the age 80 thinking, okay, well, I’ll just make it to 80.

And as long as I can still change my lot bulb then, then I’m good to go. But now I’m like,

Now that I’m 52, it’s like 80. What was I thinking? Like, no, I’m going for 100, 100, whatever.

And so, you know, I just believe that, you know, with taking care of yourself, taking care of

your mind that there’s just way more potential for us as humans. And that’s what that’s what I’m

going for. 

JANNINE: I, yeah, I like you. I started to realize the older I got in terms of numbers,

and then I call numbers at this point, I’m 45. And I looked at 45, you know, when I was in my 20,

I was like, oh, that’s old.

Now that I’m 45, I’m like, wait a minute.

I still feel like I am not a day over 18 in my mind.

I wake up, you know, and I’m like, let’s do this.

And then I look at myself in the mirror and I’m like, yeah,

okay, I could, got a couple of wrinkles,

look a little different, but really my 18 year old self

is still live and well inside.

And sounds like you’re feeling the same way.

SHERI: Exactly.

And I think that so much of it comes from

what we’ve been taught about like even playing like who told us to stop playing we just do

if you’re not on intramurals you know in college or whatever kids just start

stopping playing and i’m like why why is that a thing i don’t understand that and so for me it’s

like you’re saying you feel so much younger on the inside and so yeah it may not be as fast as i

used to be or as agile but i can still play, like i can still ball, i can still play and you know and

still engage in activities that society kind of has told us, no, you’re too old for that.

You know, you probably need to start ratcheting back a little bit, start preserving some of that

energy, you know, kind of take it back and, you know, make sure you don’t fall kind of thing. And

so no, I’m not about that at all. 

JANNINE: It is funny that we do tend to get like all those fears,

like all that fear stuck in our head of like, Oh, what if you fall? What if you hurt yourself?

What if this? Oh, you’re going to be out of work for this amount of time. I used to be like

terrified that something would happen to my hands because that was my job with acupuncture.

And I was like, God, how many things did I miss out on with that fear? Do you feel like you got

fear, fear mongered quite a bit as a younger version of you? 

SHERI: I kind of have always lived

against the grain. So, you know, probably it might have been, you know, tried to be forced upon me

or whatever. But knowing me, I probably dismissed it and kind of didn’t check up on that. So no,

probably haven’t I don’t I don’t live with fear bungee jumped like a hundred feet had first into a lake

that I didn’t even know what was below me um when I went to Japan my first flight to was to Hawaii when I

was 16 by myself um lit like I said went to Japan when I was 19 by myself um so I mean it was just

like in back in those days that was kind of unheard of and just um so no there were other

people that had fear around all those things for me but as far as me no I just I don’t think I

well that but i i do know what you’re saying and i do agree that that does happen. 

JANNINE: yeah yeah that’s

cool you and i are similar i i moved to Mexico for a year when i was 19 because i was like well why

not let’s let’s do this i mean granted i i also tried to convince my parents that i was going and i

would never party i was going there just to learn spanish which they of course promptly rolled their

eyes and said “yeah right” but you know you know a lot of my friends like i can’t believe you moved there and

you went by yourself, most of my friends that I associate with are like, I wouldn’t even travel

by myself and I do it nowadays all the time. So I see you and I definitely roll against

the grain. Now, what are your parents like? Are they still live? Give us a scoop on your parents.

SHERI: Yeah, so my parents are still alive. My dad, we call him the bionic man. He just had a complete

total shoulder replacement. He has two 12 inch rods down his spine. He’s had both knees replaced,

both at the rotator cuff shoulder surgery before the replacement. So he has lived a very hard

working life. And so he has, he has remained active. He’s not in the form of the as far as,

you know, sports or leisure or whatever, but he is, someone has been that has been riddled with

ulcerative colitis, arthritis, you know, all the things. And did I didn’t know what I know now to be able

able to help him because I believe that he would have been able to live a different

life had I known how to help him earlier because he’s been on prednisone for so many years.

And so but he has maintained a level of activity he will not stay put and he knows that if he

sits down he’s not getting back up.

So he has proved the pain and you know all the adversities of the ailments that he’s had

and he’s you know just made a very strong man 75 and then my mom was a school teacher forever

and took you know gazillion kids on gazillion field trips and was extremely active in that

capacity but not again not someone who perceived activity outside of that or you know exercise

programs for any kind of you know sport or anything like that. That was not her forte

at all. I just kind of came along and was very active as a child and into all the sports and

then dance and then I had a cheer gym and so I’ve just it’s one of those things that has just

been a part of who I am as a person that’s just something that I’ve never laid down. The activity,

you know, nine months pregnant, it didn’t matter. I was running across the Dallas Cowboys football

field. One of the cheer competitions, I mean, literally about ready to pop and I’m running

across the field. So it’s just never been something hard for me to pursue an active lifestyle. But

but yeah, some of my parents just are active

and just in a different way.

SHERI: Yeah, I think the older generation,

they, you know, yes, there’s some folks that played sports,

but for the majority, I feel like it wasn’t as kind of popular

as our age range.

It seemed like, you know, sports did take off a lot more

in the gymnastics and like you’re saying, you know,

cheering things to that nature really seemed to take off

and continue longer in our generation

compared to our parents.

Now, you mentioned cheer, like what all sports do you play?

Have you played?

Give us the scoop in terms of what you’re into now

and what you used to do.

SHERI: Okay, so I played softball growing up

and of course, you know, we didn’t have all the year round

sports that they do now.

And so I would play a softball and I would do the whole,

you know, twirling and gymnastics and all that kind of stuff.

And then when I went to school,

I played volleyball, basketball and ran track.

And then did that, my freshman year of high school.

and then I ended up joining the drill team,

and I tried to do both,

and they wouldn’t allow that.

And then they also didn’t have a softball team at the time,

and that’s a whole other story because my mom is the one

that ended up blowing the whistle on title nine,

and took a whole, it was a whole thing.

And my mom ended up getting the girls a softball program

at our current high school.

So that was pretty, yeah, pretty big deal for her

to be able to get that.

And it was very difficult to get it done,

she managed. And now they have, you know, it’s just a great program. But they didn’t have softball.

So I played boys baseball instead. And then I finished out with the drill team. And then when

I went to college, I played the intramural softball and joined the little dance team briefly. That

was really not my thing at that point. And then later got into weightlifting and personal training

after that was after having my cheer gym and a power tumbling gym and then got

wrangled into competing for doing a figure competition and so I ended up

doing that and then ended up going through like a 11-12 year long

chronic illness but I still even through all that maintained as active as I

could and but now I’m feeling amazing and so much better and I’m back to my

weight training and running and all the things and my goal is to make it to be able to compete

in the master’s track and field. 

JANNINE: Tell us more about that. I’m not so I’m familiar with masters

and for those of you guys here listening probably most people understand the masters is us older

folks that are competing in sports but like tell us what would you do in track and field what would

be your thing? 

SHERI: Probably I can still triple jump so I would still probably like to do triple jump

And then any kind of sprinting, I may try a quarter, but probably the 100 meters,

I would not do 200 meters.

I didn’t like it then.

And I still wouldn’t do that one.

200 is just brutal.

And so yeah, I probably just want to do 100 meter dash, just a sprint.

That’s what I really want to do is get back to sprinting.

There’s just something about sprinting that I love.

And then I would maybe do the quarter or 800, something like that.

JANNINE: Mmm. Nice. Now this is fun. This is fun stuff to talk about because, you know, a lot of people will say at a certain age, like, you know, well, I guess I should probably stop running and start walking.

Sprinting isn’t even like, you know, like, when’s I was challenged everyone on here to think about when’s the last time you sprinted.

just to think about it. I actually had a weird experience once in Vegas. I was running and doing some of my running early in the morning because I found it absolutely fascinating on the strip to see who’s out at five o’clock in the morning.

Have you done this? Have you done this? 

SHERI: No, no. Oh my goodness. 

JANNINE: I encourage anybody who runs to do this because it is the most fascinating thing ever.

Um, a lot of great people watching at any time in Vegas, but especially at five

in the morning. And I had one guy on the corner say to me, who are you running from? I’m like,

no one, no one, I’m just running. He’s like, oh, he’s like, what’s wrong with you? I know like,

why is going on with you? But, but running is something that, you know, I have a lot of

of patients that come to me and no joke Sheri they say to me, like, they’re like, yeah,

my doc told me I should just hang it up because now I’ve got, you know, plantar fasciitis

and that’s an old person’s thing.

And so it’s a bugger and, you know, that’s never going to get better or they’ll come

to me and be like, yeah, doc said I should quit because my knees are hurting or doc said

I should quit because, you know, you can name the reasons.

So the fact that you’re like, how can I sprint and how can I run 100 meters and this and

that. I mean, huge. 

SHERI: Yeah. Yeah. And

sprinting like every time we’re driving somewhere and there’s like a big hill. I

mean, my husband just looks at me. He goes, I already know you want me to pull

over so you can try to run this hill. I mean, like, I love running hills. I mean,

it is, it is just something that I seek out to do. I love to run up and down

hills. That’s just something that I love today. Plus it engages, you know, all

the muscle groups. But so it’s, that’s, that’s fun. But that’s how I look at

everything. I mean, everything is an activity because I believe that movement is medicine.

And it’s so, it’s even more important as we get older, that we, you know, continue to move our


JANNINE: Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, I say it over and over again and I don’t even care anymore

that I sound like a broken record because I’m like circulation. How do you get circulation? You

move. That’s, that’s what you do. That’s how it works. So what’s the, what’s the wildest place

you’ve had your husband pull over so you could run a hill? Give us a scoop. I want to hear

SHERI: Well, he actually hasn’t.

He just knows that that’s what I want.


‘Cause I say it every time when we encounter a hill

’cause he knows it’s coming out of my mouth.

So no, he actually doesn’t ’cause it would take me quite a while

to probably some of the ones that I pick out

that are pretty long.

So they’re.

JANNINE: Oh man, that’s funny.

Now let’s talk about this for a little bit

because I mean, obviously sprinting,

as we get older, things we have to think about, right?

There are things we have to do to prep ourselves

to do these things.

And, you know, I’m not gonna be wanting to be like,

oh yeah, everybody tomorrow go out and sprint

because there’s a lot involved in that.

What kind of maintenance do you do for your body?

What’s your maintenance routine for your joints

and body as a whole?

I think folks would love to hear that.

SHERI: Yeah, so first I believe that we’ve, you know,

you have to consider your nutrition.

I mean, if you’re going through a drive-through,

you know, constantly or you’re eating

a ton of processed foods all the time,

you’re not going to be in position to just, you know,

take off and run daily or sprint hills or whatever.

Hydration, definitely hydration is key.

And then I also am careful about the amount of stretching

I do because I have found for myself personally,

if I stretch too much before I go run,

then it kind of sets me up potentially

for a little bit of an issue.

So I do a light stretching, but then more focus stretch after the run.

JANNINE: Mm. Okay. Okay. Good to know.

Cause I mean, there’s so much debate on like stretch, don’t stretch mobility.

You know? 

SHERI: I think it’s kind of everyone’s different.

And so, I mean, like for me, I found like when I would stretch like a lot before my back,

my lower back would end up getting tweaked during running.

And so because I would be stretched out and then all of a sudden, I’d be contracting it,

you know? And so it just wasn’t that for me didn’t work, you know? So, and then like I said,

I just view everything as an activity during the day because we know that the sitting is the new

smoking. And so the more that we can just get up and move during our day, you know, just our daily

activity regardless if you sit at a desk for your job or whatever, or you’re driving a lot,

if you’re just mindful that you need to get up and move, you know, just for a little bit,

so that you can prep your body into a next phase of activity. And so that’s just kind of how look

at everything during the day. It’s just, but I’m also very now, after being through chronic illness,

part of the reason why I entered into that is because I did not heed rest very well at all,

never thought that, you know, just never valued rest. I just thought there was never a reason for

it. If I felt good, why would I rest? That’s such a waste of time. Well, you get humbled in that

real quick. Well, actually, it wasn’t real quick. It took a while, but I got humbled there. And I

now the very value rest for sure. 

JANNINE: It is incredible. And that is the one thing that, yeah, as a younger

person, we can pull all nighters. We can, you know, we bounce back a lot faster, but it is something

that a lot of us will still try to push the limits on and learn the hard way over time.

And that segments me into…

Sheri had mentioned that she had been dealing with some health stuff for a while.

I would love for you to talk about what happened, Sheri, because a lot of people, you know,

they’ll look at someone like you and I and they’ll be like, “Oh, well, you’ve been fit

your whole life and like you didn’t have any struggle. So, you know, it’s so much easier

for you guys. And I’m like, wait a minute. Wait a minute. You don’t judge the book until

you know the story. So right. Yeah. So give us your story because I’d love folks to hear


SHERI: So I had, like I said, I had entered into I was doing personal training and then

I ended up doing a bigger competitions and probably about the third competition and everything

was, I mean, I was, I thought I was feeling amazing. I mean, moods were great. It was just, I mean,

everything just seemed good. I was 39 years old. So go ahead and put that as a note for people.

I started bodybuilding/figure competitions at age 39. And I at the time had, you know, I still

have three children, but I had three younger children at the time. And so that’s just a

make a mental note that you’re never too old to do something new and that there are no excuses

if you’re a mom of three children. So there’s that and a wife. So yeah, but I was like the third

competition and things my recovery time started being really, really super long. I was having tons

of joint pain, started noticing a difference in my hair. I mean, it was just a whole thing. And so

it just long story short ended up I had breast implants at the time. And that was the second set

because they tell you to replace them after your 10. So I did. And we knew instantly that

something was different. I ran fever for the first two weeks. We should have taken them out.

We considered it, but we opted didn’t we opted not to cap them for seven years ended up. I mean,

the only way I can describe it is that it just felt like raw meat being raked over hot coals.

It’s only thing I can tell you, I wanted to reach into my chest and pull them out and just

chunk them as far as I could. So I ended up getting them out and I’ve lost over half my hair.

I mean, could not work out hardly at all. It was just, I was literally like crawling to the

shower, crawling back to the bed, went to a holistic heart after exhausting all the

ologists, you can imagine, over years time and thousands of dollars worth of blood work,

they would just tell me nothing. Nothing. They would tell me I’m fine. And I’m literally,

like I said, crawling to and from the bathroom.

And so, went to a holistic chiropractor.

He looked at me, told me out of 30 years of practice,

I was one of two of the worst patients he had ever seen.

And that my entire body systems were completely shutting down.

And I already knew that.

I was just, it was so, I was so happy to hear it.

I mean, not that news,

but that someone could validate what I was feeling.

And so he was able to supplement me

and get me to where I could function again,

but then years still went by.

I had the breast implants removed, got a little bit better and then just kept on until COVID hit

and COVID sent me into I don’t even know what it was all the eight years prior to COVID.

I would take all eight years over those last the last two and a half years or that two

and a half years after COVID because it went into my nervous system and just went into

a huge spiral.

And I mean, to the point where I miss my son’s football games, I couldn’t be under fluorescent


I couldn’t drive.

I couldn’t be around people.

Could it lift a five pound weight?

I was, had to sleep on five or six pillows.

So all that to say that I have experienced

just about everything imaginable

from on a pain perspective and so many different symptoms

and things that have come and gone.

And then, oh, because I got bit by a tick

four days before I got COVID.

So it was potentially a lime slash COVID experience

so that I don’t, I do not recommend that.

definitely 10, 10, do not recommend that.

But anyway, so all of that.

And then it was just, you know, there,

so I had to go back to the drawing board

and figure out like what,

what are we gonna do here to be able to continue living?

Because my quality at that point was just not good.

It was so horrific, the anxiety,

I’d never experienced anything like it in my life.

And the mood swings, it was just horrific.

And so I just came across lots of different modalities

as far as reframing my brain and just, you know,

putting things in perspective.

I was still alive, I was gonna be fine.

You know, just really a lot of talking therapy to myself.

And just, yeah, just went through a whole different way

of healing and yeah, it just was a long road back,

but I’m back and feeling amazing, like I said, I’m 52.

And I look forward to being able to have lots and lots

and lots of years of vibrant longevity,

not just living, but thriving while I’m here

and being able to be a service of people and help people

and encourage the abundant life.

JANNINE: Absolutely, absolutely.

I mean, one of the things you mentioned,

and this is probably the hardest thing for me

to really, really get across to folks

is the mindset part of thing.

– And really rewiring the mind.  Tell us more.


– Oh gosh, it’s hard work.

I mean, it’s something that you really have to commit to

and it’s an ongoing process.

And but it is, it’s just super important

and I’m a Christian and so I spent a lot of time in prayer

and it just, there was just a lot of revelation

during that time.

And so whenever I just feel like now,

I have so much more awareness about just the way

I perceive, I was staying in fight or flight.

Everything that would come across me was a threat.

And now I’m just able to rewire that and not live

in a state of fear or fight or flight.

And I just try to maintain that rest and digest age

not go into, you know, just or even the freeze, you know,

freeze and fawn.

I just try to stay grounded and know the truth

and that I’m, you know, fine and that not everything

is ’cause I mean, I had mold exposure,

I had, you know, all the mold toxicity

and all these other things.

I mean, that was the other part of that

after the lime and the COVID,

then shortly, probably four weeks after that,

I was exposed to mold in a hotel in Florida

That was just terrific.

So I mean, there’s a whole gamut of things.

I mean, like I could, I probably should literally write a book.

There’s so much to the story that people just don’t realize.

But the, the main thing is whenever I think about the brain

rewiring, um, the word that comes back to me all the time

is hope is that you can never lose hope.

And as long as you have hope, you’re going to be able to continue

walking and taking that, you know, that next step and just, you know,

one step and one step at a time.

So yeah, I always want to encourage people

to never lose hope because they’re going to get better.

There, it may take a while.

It may not be an overnight thing, can be,

but it may, you know, chances are it’s not.

You may have to walk through some things,

but who you become through that process is so amazing.

And character that you develop during all of that

is amazing.

And not that I want to go through any of that ever again.

I can say that it was worth it

because so many of the things that were revealed to me

in the process and who I’ve become in the process,

it’s worth it.

JANNINE: Yeah, no, I mean, it’s definitely not something

that medical practitioners are gonna tell you about

right off the bat and go, “Hey, you know, a lot of this,

you know, is getting better and getting,

and aging while even is mindset and thinking through things.

And really kind of like you said, you had to go through

realize you are become, you know, I’m not going to put words in your mouth. I’m going to say it,

like, I feel my process has been and I want to hear what yours is. But me, it’s like, I’ve had

to become a different person to be able to put aside a lot of the crap that comes at me.

SHERI: Yeah. So yeah, I mean, being type a perfectionist, yeah, you learn that, you know, that’s not where

where it’s at, really.

Growing up, you almost wear those things

as a badge of honor because you can just get so much done,

you can accomplish so much and you do it with excellence,

and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do things

with excellence, but when it takes a toll on your health,

then you’ve got to reevaluate things.

And I’ve just put it all the time

that we live in this freaking society

that we have created in our own minds as the rat race.

And we have allowed the chronic illness

that we were experiencing just because

of what we consider successful lives.

And the successful lives that everybody’s chasing

is literally killing us, you know, especially in America.

We just have everything backwards as far as I’m concerned.

And, you know, and success is a relative term.

I mean, and we related so much to, you know,

financial success and really taking, you know,

or getting eight hours of sleep.

That’s what I call success, you know.


JANNINE: Absolutely.

SHERI: You’re pretty successful if you can eat well

and exercise and, you know, be able to sleep eight hours.

Yeah, heck yeah, all that success.

So yeah, we have it all wrong.

And we have created some, you know, this craziness

and the chaos that we witnessed every single day.

I mean, you just sit and watch people

and you just watch, I mean, it’s just so sad

because the level of unwellness

that is just walking among us all the time

is just really disheartening and sad.

And I’m hoping that through my next venture

that I’m able to really encourage people,

just solid nutrition and your mindset

and just being able to make sure they understand

that movement is medicine and being hyper aware

their thought life because you know you and I have talked about before about hair loss and

like I mentioned I lost half my hair just you know jumped up or came across this amazing solution

and a lot of it has to do with the thought life. It’s going to people are going to be blown away

whenever you know they come to us for the protocol and you know some of it is going to be centered

around you know the words that they speak and the thoughts that they think and they’ll think that

that that’s all hokey-pokey, but I promise you it makes a difference and people don’t understand how

how viable that is. I mean, it really makes a difference. 

JANNINE: Oh, incredibly. It’s one of those

things that in my mind, you know, I used to be like, really? I don’t know. That’s kind of strange

and hokey, but but you are what you say, you know, you are what you think. It’s incredible. So tell

us a little bit about your journey from where you were, you know, kind of what you’re going to

integrate into your new venture, which of course folks will

get into here in a minute. But with this thought process, you

know, that was going on in your head over and over again, what

was on repeat in your head? What were you saying to yourself?

What was, what was on repeat? Was it? And you don’t have to go

into the straight detail because I know that once we get past it,

we don’t like to say those things out loud anymore. So if you

even just want to talk around it, that works too.

SHERI: Well, I mean, whenever, I mean, there were times that I

literally felt like the spirit of death on my back and then maybe

it’s just you really feel like you’re in a pit and you’re never coming out like you just

you’re way out and you you know you have a choice to make I mean I’m not sitting here saying that

I just blew through this whole you know 11-12 year journey with just roses and rainbows and

everything was just perfect and you know I navigated everything beautifully because I didn’t but

I would always come back to the truth and you know of course I’ve you know read

the Bible and I would just research scripture and just trust the Jesus as my healer and would

always come back to that and be able to stand. Romans 8:28 was my and my verse that I would

really stand on among others. But yeah, I could see myself getting into a negative mindset because

you just really don’t. Some days you just say, it’s never going to end. It’s never going to end.

It is never going to freaking end. I might as well just, this is it. This is my lot life. This is

not going to, this is not budging. I’m not, I mean, it’s just, you know, between the pain

and discomfort suffering, it was just like you could not see the light. But then you’d just get

that little bit of hope. And you were just grind it out another day. And then, and now being on the

other side of it and just being able to manage my emotions so much differently than I ever have

before, because you’re not, we’re not taught about that. We’re not taught about nervous system

regulation. We’re not taught about any of that. So, you know, we see so many things going on in our

lives are around us, you know, with people. And we just look at it for the action that

they’re, you know, saying or doing or whatever and just viewing it like, whoa, but not even

understanding they have no idea. They have no idea about nervous system regulation. And

then of course, you can get into we could go down a huge rabbit trail, nutrient deficiencies

and food sensitivities. And so all these people have all these things that don’t even know,

they don’t even know how to reach out to someone and ask questions unless they’re in kind of

like our wheelhouse, but all these people are experiencing

all these horrific things, and there’s just so many,

there’s little things like we’re talking about,

just the mindset work alone and nervous system regulation

and just having some emotional control

and knowing, having some tools in their toolkit,

how to navigate with some of those things.

So yeah, we could talk for hours on this.

JANNINE: Oh, no doubt, no doubt.

And for those of you who are listening,

I mean, this is probably one of the first conversations

that Sheri and I are gonna have over the course of time

because it’s something that’s very important

that my message that I wanna get out

and I know it’s very important to you as well, Sheri,

to get out to folks so that folks really do understand,

you guys really do understand that what you think,

what you say about yourself, what is on repeat

in your head is going to keep coming back

unless you change it.

SHERI: Yeah, and I think we get so self-critical

because we live in this social media age

and there’s so much comparison.

And I think that we just don’t give ourself

enough credit for what we’ve been through

and how we’ve gone through it.

And then we just become hypercritical of everything.

I mean, our parents and where we’re at in our life

as far as our socioeconomic status, whatever.

And all that stuff just matters.

And so until you can get it in perspective

and just be so thankful and like we’re just

with the season of gratitude and just be so grateful

for where we are, you know, you can get yourself in a bind

that you, you know, that you won’t experience any kind

of fruitfulness or joy or all that because you’re too busy

being so critical of yourself.

And that just will get you in a very dark place.

JANNINE: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, and have your hair falling out

and have you feeling stressed and have you aging faster,

which of course, all the things that we want to work on reversing it because unfortunately

the media doesn’t help, social media now doesn’t help.

I try to put positive lights up, but I know that it’s hard.

So tell us a little bit about what you got in the works, Sheri, give us a little hint

as to what’s going on so folks can kind of get a little scoop as to what you’re up to

and how perhaps you may be able to help them.

SHERI: Yeah, so it’s, we are now forming a new LLC called Made Well and it is a lifestyle holistic,

holistic lifestyle health and wellness company. And we are focusing on thinning hair and hair loss

solutions. And we have just stumbled across some amazing results for hair loss. I mean, amazing.

and we’re so thankful and we’re in the finishing stages of getting everything solidified and all

of that. So we’re hoping to be up and running mid-January. I mean, that’s probably maybe a little

hopeful for that, but I would say by February, for sure. And so we’re very excited about that

because I know hair loss was probably one of the most devastating, I mean, even after having to

to have my breast implants removed

because I wasn’t blessed with any breast tissue at all.

So when I had mine removed,

it was literally I had mine removed.

It wasn’t like I had mine removed

and I still had a little bit, no, had mine removed.

So even that as devastating as that is for a female,

honestly, it was the hair loss that would just keep me.

I mean, like wake me up at night

and just be so, so hard.

And such a, I mean, for your self-confidence,

it would, I mean, just plummeted.

I mean, I lost so much self-confidence,

which led to being isolated,

which we know being isolated is just a really bad thing for us.

We know that we’re meant for community.

And so that was just, it’s been bad, you know,

and I feel like I’ve been in a cave for a long time,

but I’ve now, I mean, literally, you know,

when people see our results

and they see our testimonial pictures,

my husband and I both, it will be quite impressive.

And if I can help someone get their hair back,

that will, you know, be able to boost their confidence

and be able to continue what they are, their purpose,

then that will just be so amazing for me.

JANINE: Absolutely, I mean, hair loss is one of the biggest things

that I have struggled with in terms of being able

to give solutions in my office.

We had some good peptides there for a minute, FDA took those.

So now we’re kind of in this state of what’s next for folks.

And I know I’ve had different hair specialists on earlier,

but what I’m interested in and what I think is part of the missing picture on my end

with being able to give folks the mindset and the total package, you know, as a doc,

trying to find the quick fix as a doc and working on other health issues,

this is where, you know, having someone who can coach folks through the process and having been

through it. 

SHERI: Yes. And I do think that really does make a difference because I have so

much empathy for people who have had hair loss because it, like I said, it is just super devastating.

I mean, I think it may be, you know, harder on females. I’m not sure, but I know my husband was,

it was pretty devastating for him. I mean, he was super close to just shaving his head because it

was just like, I can’t look in the mirror and just see this loss like this. I just, I think I’m just

gonna shave it. And we went to Bosley and we got the consultation and the front alone was gonna be

$14,000. And then by the time they did the crown, it was going to be a total of $30,000.

And so we just started dabbling in stuff and modalities and the process and protocols and

started making, you know, some of our own solutions. And we just found something that has worked.

And it’s quite incredible. And we are so thankful because we really are hopeful that we can help

people, and because it does, it makes a huge difference to, to

have your hair.

JANNINE: Yeah, yeah, I mean, emotionally, mentally, I mean, it’s so, so

difficult. And for women, you know, kind of to bring this whole

conversation full circle, you know, we were talking about

aging, we’re talking about aging, wow, movement circulation. So

important when it comes to your hair and, and how much stress

blocks our circulation to and so mindset. 


JANNINE: So so incredible. And of course, hair loss is something that starts to happen as we get older or as we get more stressed and go through certain nutrient deficiencies and things of that nature. So Sheri, for folks that are listening and they’re like, Hey, okay, you know, you’re, we had talked your, you’re in East Texas, but yet if someone’s virtually they want to get in touch with you.

What’s a good way for them to at least reach out to you while you’re working on getting your official site set up in Texas.

SHERI: Yeah, so right now, they can just reach out to me via Facebook on Sheri Brown Dimaggio,

and that’s D-I-M-A-G-G-I-O, and then the Madewell Holistic Health page will be, I’m

hoping to have it this week, so I don’t know when this will air, but it will be soon.

But either, you’re more than welcome to reach out the messenger on Facebook.

That would be a great way to just kind of touch base with me while I can get you on

the list and then be able to forward the information.

But the one thing I want to say about the hair loss stuff is that I was diagnosed with

endrogen and gallopecia seven or eight years ago.

And so I’m the kind of person that I just rebuked the diagnosis right then and there

in the Jesus name and said, “No, I’m not accepting that,” and I would challenge anyone.

Anytime you have any type of diagnosis, don’t own it.

Just because the doctor said that you have something, and I’m not saying that you don’t,

you don’t have to run with it. You can sit with it and you can process it and then you can determine

how you’re going to navigate. The way you choose to navigate that is going to determine

that your path. And I just believe that the mindset work that we’re talking about,

so many things can be circumvented just by refusing to go with what the practicing

doctors are practicing, you know, that’s what they’re doing. They’re practicing medicine, and

I respect doctors and I think they have a place in this world and I, you know, I really do think

they’ve done amazing things, but they’re practicing medicine and they don’t know everything. And so

we don’t have to take everything that they say as gospel truth and run with it and own it and

and where it, you know, where it with 70 shirts on, you know,

like you’ve got whatever, I just believe that you can,

you can navigate that a different way.

And it can change the outcome of the actual diagnosis.

JANNINE: I wholeheartedly agree.

I wholeheartedly agree.

I do think that we get caught up pretty heavy

in our thought process of, oh, well,

I just need a diagnosis and then I can fix it.

Well, what if that diagnosis is just a term

the insurance companies to be able to be billed. 

SHERI: Right. 

JANNINE: I mean 

SHERI: exactly. 

JANNINE: It’s the sad reality,

folks. I mean, that’s how it is. That’s why we have diagnoses. So we can literally give

your insurance company something to pay us for. Sounds dumb, but that’s how it works. And I’m

not discrediting any diagnoses. And yes, like Sheri said, I’m a doctor, I practice medicine.

I’m practicing every day, you know, and so it is something that we need to think about and

not own things and create our whole life around these things. I can’t stress that enough and it’s

been one of the things Sheri. I think, you know, it is a it’s a hard thing when we start to try to

we want to help people and we’re trying to find our niche and and the folks who want to help

and in particular, but we also have that that dance around like, okay, we have folks with these

issues but we don’t want anybody to hold on to to that total title. It makes sense. 

SHERI: Right. Yeah,

no labels. 

JANNINE: Yeah. Yeah, no labels. We that’s why yeah, exactly, exactly. And same thing with aging,

no labels, you’re a number. I told, I just told my dad, go ahead. 

SHERI: Yeah, I was just what I was

saying. It’s just a number. It’s literally that’s all it is. It’s a number. 

JANNINE: What do people say

say the many times around the sun. So yeah, made that many times

around the sun. That’s, you know, cool. Some people have a couple

more times than other folks. All right, great. We’re all human.

Let’s let’s do this thing. So, Sheri, we don’t where to find

you. We know how to get in touch with you. We’ve got your

comments about that the the the diagnosis part of things. If

anyone’s listening right now, and they’re like, Sheri, I don’t

know, I kind of got a diagnosis. I’m not really sure where to

turn. My hair is falling out. Where would be the first, what

would you want? What would be the first thing you could recommend

them to do right now that they could do at home? Easy enough

to get started to getting themselves back on track.

SHERI: I’m going to well, you know, not knowing the, you know, everything

about this person, but just knowing that our society and the way

that we live, most people live,

I would start with probably recognizing their stress level

and their sleeping habits.

I would definitely recommend rest and stress management.

And then definitely we’re gonna go straight

into just identifying any kind of nutritional deficiencies

and food sensitivities,

anything that could be caused in inflammation,

that kind of thing. And of course, you know, I’ve got to ask about their activity level.

Are you sedentary? Are you active? I mean, there’s just a whole gamut of things. I mean,

that I can’t express enough about, you know, living an active, healthy, aging, you know, pro-aging


JANNINE: Absolutely. Well said. Well, Sherri, thanks for coming on and chatting with me. I’m sure

once you get up and running, we’ll have more to get chatting about once again. Thanks for coming on.

SHERI: Thank you so much, and I definitely look forward to another conversation.

JANNINE: Hey, Health Junkies. Dr. Jannine Krause here. I am looking for some help from you all. And what

I’m looking for is some inspiration, some inspirational stories that I can share of men and women

defying aging and defying it by crossing things off their bucket list that maybe they thought

they could never do. Maybe coming back from an injury, starting something new, like skiing,

at 40 years old. Whatever it may be, I want to know about these stories and I want to interview

folks. Maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s someone you know. Doesn’t matter. I want to help inspire folks

out there that you don’t have to follow social aging norms. You can defy stuff. You can get

better as you get older. You can make so much progress at any age. You can build muscle at any

age. You can have a stronger heart at any age and you can crush all those things you want

to do on your bucket list. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you have to give up on yourself

and your dreams. And this is something that I want to share and inspire folks with. And so

if you have a story or someone you know, email us at info@doctor spelled out, so doctorjkrausend.com

Let’s spread the word about how amazing life can be as you get older and all the cool things that you can do

All right

Health junkies. I’m counting on you. Let’s get some emails in and let’s get some awesome stories on the podcast

JANNINE: [Outro] (upbeat music) Hey fellow health junkie, thanks for listening to the Health Fix Podcast

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Thanks again for listening.

Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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