Are you an expert at body math yet not seeing results on all your macros, calories and food calculations? Have you spent years obsessing over your body as if it’s a full time project?  Have you categorized your body as a problem that needs to be fixed? When Nina Manolson realized she could have PhD in macros she decided it was time to help women stop hating on their bodies and wasting time crunching their food math.  Nina Manolson has a masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Psychology and she’s a body peace coach who’s helping women of all ages world wide with her work.  In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Nina Manolson on knowing what you need in each moment and being solid in your true needs.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • How food becomes an emotional bandaid
  • Why being aware of your in the moment internal sensations of emotions is crucial
  • How listening to your body opens up more sensual good feelings
  • The importance of practicing tapping into how you feel before you reach for food
  • How to assess the feeling as to why you’re doing diet math.
  • What could you do or achieve with all the time spent obsessing over food and your body?
  • Could you stop the cycle of body hate in your family?

Resources From The Show:

FREE Download, 5 Steps To Optimal Health - Learn what steps you need to take to begin feeling healthy and start living your best life today!

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