The gut is one of the foundations to optimal health. If it’s not healthy it’s hard to have all day energy, keep your weight in check and have balanced hormones. Juanique Grover is the founder of Provo Health Clinic, host of the Gutsy Health Podcast and dedicated health advocate.  She’s  overcome Graves’ disease naturally as well as triumphed over challenges such as losing her husband to colon cancer, mold toxicity, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, long COVID, and a spectrum of autoimmune issues. A while back Juanique interviewed Dr. Jannine on The Gutsty Health Podcast episode 79 where they talk all about the gut and neuro-inflammation – check it out HERE. In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Juanique Grover on what she’s found to be the order of healing to restore your health and why hormones are close to last on the list!

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Why it’s so important to become your own self-healing advocate
  • How your body self sabotages your healing when you’re in fight or flight mode
  • The order of healing the body during a health crisis
  • Why healthy hormones start with mindset, cell and gut health
  • How parasites mess with your gut, hormones and total health

Resources From The Show:

Our Partners

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Podcast Transcript

2:53 – Juanique’s backstory

4:57 – “If you want to become a health expert, you actually have to be a gut expert.”

7:38 – Self advocacy when it comes to your health

10:11 – The order of healing.  Where to start? Step one

18:07 – Step two in healing

24:07 – Three / Parasites in food / Gut

29:20 – Poop talk

29:56 – Four / Liver

32:53 – Five / Adrenal health

48:01 – A bit about Juanique’s courses and where to start healing

[Intro] Welcome to The Health Fix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly

fix of tips, tools, and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds, and fit

physiques for life.

Hey health junkies.

On this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, I’m interviewing Juanique Grover from

The Gutsy Health Podcast.

That’s ranked in the top 50 podcasts.

She’s a big deal.

Now I was on her podcast way back in 2021, episode 79.

So if you’re wanting to hear me from back in the day, check it out.

It’s a fun podcast.

Now, Juanique is dedicated to health advocacy and really helping folks to

advocate for themselves because that’s part of her story.

And you’ll hear all about it in this podcast.

Now from her gutsy academy to many foundational health courses and also

being the founder and owner of the Provo Health Clinic in Utah,

she is helping a lot of folks. Now, Juanique overcame Graves’ disease naturally.

She triumphed over multoxicity, chronic inflammatory response syndrome,

long COVID, and a spectrum of autoimmune issues. She’s impressive, let me tell you.

Now, she embodies resilience and innovation in the holistic health world. And today,

We’re going to be talking all about

Hormones in the gut as well as what chunnies found to be the order of healing

to restore your health. So we have a lot in common and

really when it comes to health in and helping clients and

what it takes to restore your health. So this one’s a good one

Anyone that has hormones. That’s all of you and for anyone struggling with the karate health conditions

and it’s just sick of moving two steps forward and four steps back.

This is the podcast you want to listen to.

So let’s introduce you to Jenny Grover.

JANNINE: Juanique Grover, welcome to The Health Fix Podcast.

JUANIQUE: Thank you so much for having me.

I’ve been so looking forward to this.

JANNINE: Oh my gosh, we finally did it.

We finally did it.

JUANIQUE: There was a whole story.

Like we tried to record this like a month ago and my baby was losing his mind.

And you were so kind.

You’re like, you know what?

Let’s just redo it.

And so thank you.

I really appreciate it.

JANNINE: No problem.

The energy was not aligned that day since my computer also was feeling your baby

and was like, yeah, no, let’s let’s just let’s just cancel.

Let’s let’s call it a day.

So here we are folks.

And guess what?

After a month we’ve we’ve worked up some good stuff for you today.

We’re going to be talking about the gut, of course, because Shanique is all

about the gut being the gutsy mom and her podcast.

Of course, we’ll get to that too.

But, the gut autoimmune stuff.

This is how you met your gut, right?

Is this how you guys kind of became acquainted

and really don’t mean to it?

Tell me the background story,

’cause it’s been a while since I’ve been refreshed.

JUANIQUE: It’s a long story, I’ll try and shorten it.

So when I had my son, I got grazed disease

and for people that understand,

like at the core of all autoimmune dysfunction

is gut dysfunction and stress and sympathetic dominance.

But I had to become kind of like a gut expert

a food expert because you know my doctors were like no you have to go in medication for the rest of

your life and I was like absolutely not give me six months and I’m gonna reverse this and they

laughed at me and they’re like that’s impossible you can’t reverse Graves disease and I was like

watch me there’s people that have done it before so you know you have to learn about food and the

gut and all that stuff and so I started there but where I actually became a great gut expert was

my late husband was diagnosed with colon cancer.

And so you have to become a gut expert, right?

And so, you know, it’s like, well, why did this happen?

And how do we help him and how do we support him?

And so I became an expert,

and I wouldn’t say expert,

but like I did a ton of research around colon cancer

and the gut biome and, you know, just gut in general.

And so, I learned about, you know,

gut dysfunction and dysbiosis,

But during my husband’s cancer journey,

I started getting a ton of gut dysfunction myself

because I was so stressed out.

I couldn’t understand why I was burping all the time

and why I had heartburn all the time

and why I had to take eight digestive enzymes per meal

because I just wasn’t digesting my food.

And so I had to figure it out.

I was reading, it’s different when you read

about gut dysfunction and when you suffer

with gut dysfunction.

And so my whole life I struggled with constipation,

My daughter was, as soon as she started college, she started with constipation.

And I was realizing that’s a connective tissue issue as well as a microbial issue.

And so I became a gut expert that way.

And then I just started teaching classes because again, there’s so many dysfunctions

that start in the gut.

If you want to become a health expert, you actually have to be a gut expert.

And so I created an entire course teaching people how to become gut healing experts because

It’s not hard. It’s just there’s many, there’s many parts to it, right? And I, and I think that

people deserve to understand the part so that they can fix it. It’s kind of like buying a car,

but like never reading the manual on how to drive it and how to like, fix it, right? And so I’m like,

your gut is like this incredible car that can work for you, but can also break down if you don’t

know how to take care of it or fix it or, you know, all those things. And so, and then like,

after my husband died, I got hit with all other kinds of autoimmune issues like MCAS and long

COVID and like, multi-sicity and like, like, the whole thing. So I became an expert, not just by

reading books and studying it in school, but because I became my own patient, right? Like,

I have this clinic that deals with people that have Lyme disease. And I’m like, and I just started

experiencing symptoms like Lyme disease and MCAS. And so I’ve had to not only be the expert,

But experience the symptoms of it to help reverse it.

And so here we are.

That’s my story.

JANNINE: Oh my goodness.

Well, you know, I think we learn from experience, right? 


And the best folks out there are the ones who have gone through it, right?

And that’s how I feel about hormones.

I have been dealing with hormones, you know, madness for quite some time.

And that’s kind of why I started to specialize in it because that was where,

you know, you start to realize, Oh my gosh, I’ve I’ve done the homework.

I’ve done Ben through it.

And I’ve got myself on the other side.

which power to you for telling the docs like,

“Yo, watch me.

I’ve got this.”

Because it’s one of the things that I love about you

and your podcast and your clinic,

because we guys, I have patients that go to Jenny’s clinic.

So this is a fun thing,

and we’ll talk about that connection here in a minute.

But being your own self-healing advocate

is where I want everyone to really be thinking, right?

We have to think about this.

’cause the medical system, not gonna help you.

Clinics like provo health, gonna get you there,

but you still have to do your own work.

So let’s talk a little bit about self advocacy,

but also like putting in the work

and some of the steps we were talking about

for gut health, because we had talked earlier

and in Janie said the most beautiful thing.

Hormones are sprinkling on your cake.

I love that.

So I’m gonna stop talking.

Let’s stuff folks gonna, the steps it takes

to really work on the gut

and where we need to be thinking about,

’cause I think a lot of people are like,

oh, I just take this pill or I just take my enzymes

and I’m good and I’m like, let’s do hormones.

JUANIQUE: Right, well, before we talk about the order of healing

and hormones, I wanna touch on what you were saying

about self-advocacy, right?

Because I’m actually a college dropout

and I started a clinic that’s one of the biggest clinics

in Utah and I have like 25 employees that I’ve trained

and I now work with Dr. Wright,

who is the doctor at Provo Health,

that before, like he’s just been there since December,

you know, Provo Health has been this full-fledged clinic

with no doctors at all, helping thousands of people.

I have five coaches that have schedules

that are full all the time

because they’re helping people become self-healing advocates,


And so what I want people to understand

is that it is your responsibility to heal.

It’s not your doctors, right?

And you don’t have to be a doctor to understand,

to have the keys to the kingdom to heal, right?

Like it’s not rocket science.

You don’t have to go to medical school for this.

Like everyone is entitled to understand their bodies

and to fix the problems because, you know, 95%

of the healing is what you do at home

and it’s what you learn and it’s what you practice

on a day to day basis.

Like the 20, the 5% is just dialing in your healing plan

with your doctor or with your health coach

or expert or something, you know.

And so I really want that in random people’s minds

as they go throughout their healing process

because I want them to have that paradigm shift

of like, this is my responsibility.

I am my responsibility.

I need to read the manual to my machine, right?

The machine being this body.

Like, and so with that,

the reason why I started the podcast

and the reason why, you know, I started all the courses online,

you know, is I understand the clinic is important,

but it’s for those that are like really, really sick

and just are not finding answers.

And so we get all the, I want to say this

as lovingly as possible.

and I got this phrase from Dr. Wright.

He says, we get all the medical rejects, right?

They just go from doctor to doctor to doctor

and the doctors aren’t finding answers

and then they eventually come to us

and then we find answers and help them, right?

But we wanna help the other,

like the 99.9% of people that aren’t the medical,

that are still struggling and not getting answers,

but they’re not in bed and they’re not crippled yet.

Like you have a responsibility to get all the information

from like Dr. Jannine’s podcast and my podcast and classes

and whatever, and then implement the tools, right?

And so part of my platform is teaching people

how to be the advocates and then only utilizing tools

if they really need to, like clinics and whatnot.

So everything that you can do can be done at home.

With that being said, the order of healing, right?

Like when before we started podcasting,

I was talking about like how hormones,

so many people have hormone issues, right?

And they like and hormones are so they’re big motivators because if you have hormone imbalances, you know, you have weight issues, you have skin issues, you have hair issues, you have nail issues, it’s like all the like all the things that make you look and feel beautiful, right?

Like energy and whatever libido like like that’s what it affects a lot.

And so people want to fix hormones fix hormones fix hormones, but they don’t realize it’s the sprinkling on the cake.

It’s not the cake.


Like hormones, there’s an order to healing and hormones are second to last.

right? Like hormones are just like, they are the thing that becomes imbalanced when your body is

starting to go through a crisis. But people don’t realize the crisis has been building up for years

if not decades, you know? And so, so when it comes to the order of healing, I want people to recognize

that that there are there are things upstream that you need to heal before you go on like healing

pro like healing protocols for hormones and hormone protocols specifically. And so,

is now a good time to go into the order of healing and what people should consider.

JANNINE: Let’s do it. Yes. Yes, of course. 

JUANIQUE: So I created the order of healing when like,

I can’t remember, it’s like three or four years ago when I was starting to podcast a lot and

learn a lot and I’m like, man, people really need to understand that if they try to skip steps,

they’re not going to succeed. And so I was seeing a lot of people trying to skip steps and like,

no, no, no, we have to go back to spur one. So number one is mindset. And mindset is really

important because like if you are you know this could mean a lot of things like you know if you’re

in sympathetic dominance or if you’re in a parasympathetic state people don’t realize that your brain is

kind of like the control center right and so if your brain is like think of it like the thermostat

in the house right let’s say it’s summertime and your thermostat is set at 80 right and you’re

like man it’s hot in this house let’s just get a bunch of buckets of ice and try to cool down the

house like that makes no sense right you’re buying a lot of ice there’s ice buckets all over the

the house and people are like, “Well, we’re a little bit cooler, but not really cool

because this house is still really warm.” Exactly, because the thermostat’s at 80. You have

to fix the thermostat. You don’t need to buy buckets of ice. Just fix the freaking thermostat.

And so the brain is like the thermostat. If you are in sympathetic dominance,

there’s going to be a whole cascade of inflammatory chemical reactions happening in your body because

your brain is telling your body to be in an inflamed state, to be in a fight or flight state, to be

be in a state to run from a bear or to not sleep

or to be in fight or flight all the time.

And so it’s this heightened cortisol state

where you’re ready to get up and run at any moment.

That’s not a state that is conducive to healing and repairing.

And so when people are in a healing crisis,

they try to outsource healing by taking supplements

and by controlling their diets and all the things.

And like those things are helpful, but that’s like buying the buckets of ice, right?

Versus fixing the thermostat.

So one is mindset.

Mindset is getting out of sympathetic dominance and into a parasympathetic state, which is

healing and repairing its rest and digest and heal, right?

And so you have to now start training your brain to implement healing chemical reactions

throughout your body, right?

You need to train your brain to like calm your body down and your nervous system down

and to allow it to rest.

80% of healing and repairing happens when we’re sleeping.

So many people that have these healing hormone issues

or a healing crisis, they’re not sleeping well.

When I ask, what’s your sleep?

They’re like, I have a hard time falling asleep.

I’m like, that’s your problem.

You can try and outsource your healing with supplements

and food, but if your brain isn’t telling your body to heal,

you will not heal.

It’s like trying to swim upstream.

Healing should be floating downstream,

It should be easy and in flow and it shouldn’t be hard.


And so, so when people are like going three steps forward, three steps back, three steps

were three steps back.

This is often why they’re working against their own body’s chemistry.


The body is literally like, let’s, let’s be in fight or flight all the time.

And you’re like, Oh, let’s try and take these supplements to heal and repair our body.

And the body’s like, Nah, like I’m, I’m being told by the control center to be in fight

or flight all the time.

We’re not healing right now.

We’re supposed to be running from a bear.

I don’t have time to heal.

I have time to run from a bear, but I don’t have time to heal.


And so, so you will constantly have the three steps forward, three steps back, three steps


Like your own body will sabotage your own healing things, like things that you try to


So mindset’s number one.

JANNINE: So huge.

So huge.

This three steps forward, you know, eight steps back, you know, whatever it may be.

I see it all the time.

And I have a lot of folks will be like, yeah, something works for me for like a month and

then it doesn’t work.

And I’m like, yeah, nervous system.


It’s like, and that’s so hard to teach patients, right?

Because they actually don’t understand how important it is, right?

It’s just like, you can tell them, but they can’t conceptualize it because they’re baseline.

And I think like this is 95 to 98% of Americans where our baseline is a stress response, right?

We are constantly checking out or we are constantly in a heightened state.

And we think this is normal because this has been trained into our children, right?

We train them to be extremely athletic and extremely studious and they have to get A’s

and they have, and like, they weren’t taught to like run and play and regulate, right?

And so I think, I think the world of parenting is changing where we’re trying to do gentle


Like, if your children have these outbursts, you can like co-regulate instead of be like,

go to your room and think about what you did.

It’s more like a, hey, you’re, you’re experiencing something hard.

Like here, borrow my nervous system.

Let’s help you calm down.

And then let’s talk about it when you’re not in your amygdala.

Let’s talk about it when your prefrontal cortex is back online.

You know what I mean?

And so, you know, trying to train and what I mean by that, I’ll quickly explain, when

we are in an amygdala response, that’s our fight or fight response, right?

And so children have very undeveloped brains and it’s our job as parents to help mirror

to them prefrontal cortex responses.

But their amygdala are so overactive, you know, that they’re going to have, like, out

time and they’re going to fight all the time and they’re going to be dysregulated all the time,

that it’s not their fault that’s just developed mentally where they are at right now.

Right? And so I think old parenting styles was there in their amygdala and they get in a

amygdala response from the parent of like, you’re bad. Right? And they’re just like,

ah, I’m terrible. And so then their amygdala is now more active. Whereas, you know, again,

the starts from young and I have a whole course around this in my in my Gutsy Academy where it’s

It’s called the Mind Body Soul Course, where we teach people like, hey, like, like, there’s

a subconscious like programming here where you’re in this fight or flight response all

the time because it was so ingrained in you from a young age.

Now we get to untrain that, right?

So anyways, amygdala prefrontal cortex, it’s a whole thing.

So that’s mindset.

It’s a whole thing, right?

Like, but we can’t do that in our consults when you’re talking with patients.

It’s so hard to spend hours talking to them about their brain function and how it’s so

intertwined with their healing, right?


Unfortunately, I feel like that’s where the medical system fails, right?

Because I still am in the system.

I still take insurance.

And so I feel that’s where it fails because I’m so much like, guys, if we could have

like three hours together, let’s just go for a three hour hike.

I could solve a lot of your problems, but I don’t have that time.

So this is where courses come in so that we got videos and we’ve got group stuff.

So, you know, we need the support there.

We need the support there.

So I think a lot of people are like, okay, so my gut is jacked because my mindset, my

nervous system.


So we’re going to get to step two and three.

So step two is actually my, everyone’s like, what does this have to do with hormones?

I promise we’re getting there.

Like I promise, promise, promise.

So, so step two is actually mitochondria and a quick, like anatomy lesson, like mitochondria

are the powerhouses of the cells, right?

And they are the, they’re kind of like the batteries

that create the energy for your whole body to function.

So it’s, think of it like electricity.

If you don’t have electricity to a house,

you don’t have any lights on.

So if we don’t have mitochondria producing ATP,

which is the energy for the cells,

like your cells don’t work, right?

And so if you, if you’re in a healing crisis,

you need a ton of ATP for your body to heal

and repair itself, right?

And so think of it like, you’re in a health crisis because you went into biological debt,


Like you spent a lot of money on credit cards and now you have to pay that back with a ton

of interest.

You’re going to lead a lot of biological currency to pay all that back, right?

Think of the ATP like the currency.

The ATP is the energy that pays it all back, that helps the cells function to turn over

and heal and repair themselves or to allow apoptosis to happen so they die, but we create

newer, healthier cells, right? All of that requires energy, all of it. And so if you don’t have functioning

mitochondria, you don’t have the ATP to pay back all of that debt and interest, right? And the

biological debt and interest. So you have to have really healthy mitochondria to do that. And

unfortunately, mitochondria, they’re kind of like ferries, they’re really sensitive, right? And so

they can be oxidized very easily, they can be damaged really easily, they age. So as we age,

they age. And so depending on how much stress you are exposed to you or aging your mitochondria

faster, but the beauty about mitochondria is that you can anti-age them. So there’s things you can

do to heal and repair them and anti-age them to a certain state or to a certain extent.

Right? So you can’t be 50 and be like, “I want 10-year-old mitochondria, it’s not going to happen.”

Right? And so, but if you’re 50 and you’re in a healing crisis and your mitochondria are

like the age of like a 70 year old, you can probably get them back to your age versus 50.

All right. And so, so mitochondria are huge in order to heal anything, in order to balance

hormones, in order to heal the gut, the liver, you know, like the adrenals, like you have to have

proper mitochondrial function and ATP production for that to happen. So that’s number two. Number

three is the gut, right? And the gut, the reason why the gut is so important is because the gut is

like the root system. If you think of a tree for instance, right, and a tree, like a tree

has healthy roots, which means they’re strong and they’re robust and they go deep into the

ground and they absorb water and they absorb minerals and now you have this healthy big

tree that’s going to thrive for tens if not hundreds of years, right? If you look at a

tree that has a dying root system, the whole tree is going to die. If the roots are rotting

and they’re failing to thrive, your tree is going to rot and fail to thrive and die.

And this is the exact same with our gut. So our gut is the root system to our body.

It absorbs or the nutrients that we need to turn it into ATP, to turn it into cells,

to turn it into red blood cells. And when you’re in a healing crisis, there’s so much that is

damaged in your body that you need to absorb every iota of nutrition from your food possible

if you have a healthy gut system, right? And so that’s why if people want healthy hormones,

they have to have a healthy gut because the hormones require so much energy and like they

require an enormous amount of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants to just like create the hormone

or to heal the organ system that biosynthesizes the hormone. And we’re going to get to that in a

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Let’s get back to the podcast.

JUANIQUE: But another thing about guts that people don’t understand

is there’s a whole program that I have

around healing your gut.

And so it’s not just like eating healthy food

because a lot of people are like,

“I eat healthy food and I’m still not healing.”

People don’t recognize like there’s issues

like parasites, for instance.

Like a lot of people that have a health crisis actually have a parasitic crisis too.

And here in the United States, I grew up in South Africa and in other countries around

the world, we just know we coexist with parasites and you have to take an anti-parasitic every



That’s just what it is.

But doctors here in America are like, we don’t have that problem.

And I’m like, I didn’t realize parasites have to have passports.

I was clueless.

You know what I mean?

It’s just like, like here in America, we have parasites.

Like if you want to look at videos of parasites on food, they’re everywhere across the internet.

There’s, I think there’s an Instagram, her name is Mrs. Rogers Hood or something on Instagram.

She’ll show you videos of like parasites in your food over and over and over again.

We have parasites and we just don’t care to deal with them.

And so, one thing about parasites is that some of them produce substances that mimic


So I’ve had tons of women who have had like 40 to 50 day period cycles that were, you

know, like, like, they were long.

They had tender breasts.

They were infertile and they did a parasite cleanse and within a month or two, they had

a normal hormone system, you know?

And so it’s like, so yes, food is a huge part because you need all the vitamins and

minerals, but you have to deal with things like parasites and fungus and, you know, toxins

and stuff in the gut that are stressing your gut’s ability to absorb all your food.

The reason why, again, I bring up the parasites is because a lot of people, when they have

parasites, they’re not absorbing the food.

They’re actually walking, talking buffet for their parasites, right?

So you’re eating to feed parasites.

So if you are that person that’s like, “I eat healthy and I still don’t see any benefits,”

you might want to look into a parasite cleanse.

I would say half of my clients are like that, where they’re like, “I just…

I’m doing all the things, I’m taking all the supplements,

and my labs still look the same.

And it’s like, yeah, it’s probably parasites.

You know what I mean?

And so look into parasites,

like look into cleaning your gut out,

like make sure you’re eating the right foods necessary

to absorb all the building blocks

to heal your organs and to produce hormone.

Because, you know, again,

hormones require so much energy

and they require so many vitamins and minerals.

Like make sure you are eating that and absorbing it.

So gut is one, two, three.

So gut’s number three.

Did you have anything you wanted to add to that?

JANNINE: Oh my gosh, well parasites, yes.

‘Cause yes, the connection to hormones,

absolutely on point.

I think the biggest thing,

a lot of people are seeing it online

and they’re kind of like now at this point,

like, oh, parasite cleansing is trendy.

And I’m like, well, yes.


If you’re doing it eight times a year,

that’s a whole ‘nother story.

But yeah, we need to talk about that,

but you know, definitely, I do think it is a thing.

My curiosity, because I think a lot of people might be thinking, like,

what do you guys use in your, your program for parasite cleansing?

What’s that like your go to?

JUANIQUE: My go to is Cell Core actually.

I love Cell Core.

A lot of people like Cell Core.

There are other programs that are just as good.

I just love that cell core has a foundation where it not only gets

parasites, but when parasites die off, they release a bunch of fungus and

lime and heavy metals.

And so cell core has like a five month protocol that helps you when you

have the paraceted eye off, there are these other products

that can help with the diaph and the help with the toxins

and all of that.

So it’s very supportive because when people start

having paraceted eye off, they have really intense symptoms

and they don’t have a program to support the body with that.

So I like Cell Core, what do you like?

JANNINE: Same, Cell Core is my go to, it’s my go to.

‘Cause I mean, a lot of people they already don’t feel good

and then they’re like, you want me to do a parasite what?

And then I’m gonna feel worse, like what?

JUANIQUE: And they do often feel worse, which is why, again, people,

when they look at the cell core foundations

or comprehensive protocol, and they’re like,

“Wait a second, why are there all these other things?”

It’s like a football field of different issues, right?

It’s never just one thing.

When people have Lyme disease, it’s never just a Lyme, right?

It’s like, it’s Lyme, it’s heavy metals, it’s fungus,

it’s parasites, it’s, you know,

there’s an overburden that we have to kind of

get rid of the white noise, right?

And the white noise isn’t just lime.

You know, I’ve had tons of clients who, you know,

they had lime and they had the whole family tested

and other family members tested positive for lime

but are asymptomatic.

And so it’s like, you know, you can live with lime,

for instance, and live a completely normal life.

But why is your brother or your mom next to you symptomatic?

Well, it’s because their system is just overburdened

and their immune system can no longer keep it at bay.

You know, and so that’s why I love cell core because it just,

it takes care of the whole system and it takes care of all those other little

nuanced pieces that people would never think of like heavy metals, you know,

fungus. So, so anyways, so gut is, that’s huge.

Gut is number three.

Gut can often take months, if not years to heal.

I don’t want people to, you know, when they’re healing their hormones,

I don’t want them to feel discouraged, but I do want to create a realistic

timeline. You know, it’s like, you know, a lot of people are just struggling

with gut issues, you know, and they’re like,

well, I don’t have a gut issue.

I’m just bloated and gassy all the time.

I’m like, that’s a gut issue, right?

You shouldn’t be bloated.

You shouldn’t be gassy.

You shouldn’t be burping.

Like you shouldn’t be constipated.

You shouldn’t have diarrhea.

You should be pooping twice a day.

You know, if you’re not pooping twice a day,

you have a gut issue, right?

Like, like you have to be pooping twice a day.

Like you have to be regular.

And if you don’t know what the Bristol scale is,

look it up.

You should be, you should be a four, you know?

Like you should have really beautiful soft poop.

I know people like, “Why are we talking about poop?”

It’s so important.

If we’re not talking about poop in your consult,

like we’re doing it wrong.


So gut is three.

Now, four is really important for hormone health

and that’s the liver, right?

Because the liver biosynthesizes all hormones.

And what’s really interesting that next to the brain

and the muscles, the liver actually has the highest

concentration of mitochondria and ATP in the entire body.

I don’t know if you knew that.

JANNINE: I didn’t.

JUANIQUE: But the liver is a powerhouse, right?

It’s a powerhouse.

So it requires a ton of ATP,

almost as much as all your muscles combined in your body.

You know, it requires the same ATP as the brain.

So we know that the brain is working really hard,

but it requires an immense amount of nutrition

in order for it to heal.

So it needs a lot of amino acids, which come from proteins.

It needs a lot of antioxidants,

which come from fruits and vegetables.

It requires a lot of vitamins, which comes from fruits and vegetables.

And so in order for the liver to do its job, it’s, it requires, let’s go back to

biological currency, right?

It requires a boatload of money, right?

And so that’s why I say the gut comes before the liver because the gut has to

absorb all that money, give it to the liver for the liver to package hormones.


So now we’re getting to hormones.

Finally, right.

The liver also needs all that ATP to take all those vitamins and minerals and biosynthesize

all the hormones in your body, all your hormones.

Every single one gets biosynthesized in the liver.

And so you have to have a functioning liver in order to have healthy, happy hormones,

or in order for your body to biosynthesize them the way that it needs to into anti-inflammatory


And so you can biosynthesize hormone in very inflammatory pathways.

estrogen dominance. There’s different types of estrogen. If you do a Dutch test, which

I know you’re very familiar with the Dutch test, people that are hormone experts are

experts in Dutch tests because they recognize that the body will take a hormone and will either

have a go down a pathway of inflammation or a pathway of anti-inflammation. What’s really

important is for the liver to be on board with that. If you give the liver the ATP, if you give

the liver, the vitamins, the minerals, the antioxidants, the amino acids for it to do its job,

it will put it down the pathways of, of, of, I want to say most resistance, but most resistance

means it’s anti inflammatory, right? So again, it needs a lot of sustenance for it to take your

hormone and make it a happy hormone in your body. So again, like you have to, like you want happy

hormones, you have to have a happy liver, right? You have to have a liver that is a workhorse all

all the time. You have a sluggish liver, you’re not going to have happy hormones, you’re not

going to have a happy body, you’re not going to have happy skin, nothing. Anything you

want to add to that as far as liver health goes. 

JANNINE: Oh man, I think we’re good, we’re good

for now. There’s a lot in terms of pathways and stuff, but I think you’ve covered it on

a level that you got it. Perfect. 

JUANIQUE: Then the next in the order of healing is number five

and it’s adrenal health. And as you probably as your listeners probably know, and as you’re

an expert in like if you don’t have happy healthy adrenals then you don’t have happy

healthy sex hormones, right?

Because the adrenals are like the organs or the glands sorry that create not only cortisol

but DHEA and DHEA is like the precursor to all the sex hormones.

And so what happens is there’s balance of cortisol and DHEA and if your body remember

the control center, if it’s in fight or flight, your adrenals are going to create more cortisol

than they are DHEA and it’s going to prioritize fight or flight, right?

It’s going to prioritize running from that bear, right?

And cortisol is very, even though cortisol itself is anti-inflammatory, its side effects

are extremely inflammatory in the body.

And so you want to get into a parasympathetic state to allow your adrenals to prioritize

DHEA production so that DHEA can then be turned into all the sex hormones, right?

And so if you’re in that fight or flight response, there’s something called the cortisol steel

where your body is going to prioritize cortisol production over sex hormone production.

And so it’s going to actually take that DHEA that was going to be used for sex hormones,

you know, and again, remember sex hormones make you feel young and alive and vivacious

and, you know, libido and good hair and good skin and good nails and reproduction, right?

going to steal all that hormone and turn it into cortisol.

And again, cortisol is fatigue and tired and brain fog

and low energy and inflammation in the body.

And you’re tired all the time, but you’re wired

and you can’t function.

So your brain is telling your adrenals

to prioritize more cortisol, more cortisol, more cortisol.

And so now you are in this fight or flight response,

and you’re creating more flight or flight response,

while your body is not prioritizing DHEA

for sex hormone production.

And I always say like, this is why.

You can’t, again, because hormones, sex hormones,

are you can live without them, right?

You can have a cake without sprinkles.

And so think of your body as in like,

you can live without sex hormones.

You’re not gonna be comfortable

and you’re not gonna feel as pretty inside or outside,

but you will live, right?

And so that’s the body,

when you’re in fight or flight,

It’s prioritizing survival overprocreation, right?

But we want those pro-creating hormones

because they make us feel good and they make us feel alive.

And they allow us to have babies, right?

But we don’t have to have that.

And so this is what we’re doing to ourselves

when we’re in that fight or fight response

and we’re signaling the adrenals to produce more cortisol

to steal all that DHEA so that we’re not making sex hormones,

we’re making more cortisol inflammation

or cortisol hormone.

And so now we’re stuck, right?

So again, adrenal health is making sure one,

our control center, the brain is signaling to the adrenals

to produce cortisol and DHEA,

and then just nurturing the adrenals

to make sure it’s making enough of that.

So, you know, after, you know, taking care of mindset,

taking care of mitochondria, taking care of the gut,

deliver when you get to the adrenals,

really all you need to do is feed them.

If you looked at everything upstream,

you just need to feed your adrenals

and your adrenals need sodium-potassium-vitamin C.

It’s so easy, right?

And so if you’re taking, it’s so easy.

If you took care of everything upstream,

your adrenals are pretty much fine.

You know, like your adrenals are like,

we can handle this, right?

But if you go straight to the adrenals

and not look upstream, again,

you’re gonna do that five steps forward, eight steps back,

two steps forward, four steps back.

And you’re gonna be like, why are my adrenals so messed up?

Well, look upstream, that’s why they’re so messed up.

You’re not feeding them,

you’re telling them to overwork,

like they’re not gonna be happy.

So then that takes us to hormones, which is like dead last,


And it’s like, so now what do we do?

Well, the beautiful thing is you don’t have to do much.

If you’re taking care of everything, hormones can kind of just help themselves.

And to be honest, like this is where you come in because if everyone is doing, if everything

upstream and they still have hormonal imbalance, then it’s like, okay, now let’s look into

hormonal protocols.

Now let’s look into supplements.

Now let’s look into ashwagandha.

Now let’s look into organ complexes that have sex hormones in them and support.

But nine out of 10 people, if you do everything prior, like sex hormones just work and they

They work beautifully and they turn on and you didn’t have to even think about it, right?

Because you took care of everything upstream and not your bodies in this state of flow

and healing.

And it’s like, right, we can now prioritize sex hormones and procreation because the body’s

actually primed for it, right?

Like we’re taking care of the stress with the mindset.

We’re taking care of the biosynthesis from the mitochondria.

We’re taking care of the nutritional need for the hormones by absorbing all of it in

the gut.

hormones by having proper liver function. We’re taking care of the hormones by having the adrenals

produce enough DHEA for them. And so then fertility is easy, then hormones are easy. And very few

people need to tweak protocols and take supplements for hormones because they’ve done all the pre-gaming

for lack of a better word. So anything that you want to add to that and what you see in your practice?

JANNINE: Well, I see it all the time because being the focused in the hormonal space, you know,

that’s like what folks think is going to be step one.

And, and when I’m like, so we got to go back, you know, a lot of folks are like, no, I

don’t want to do that.

And you know, I, I believe in, you know, yes, meeting folks where they’re at and, and usually

what happens is they’ll be like, all right, let’s try some hormones to what happens.

And when they don’t work, right, when it doesn’t work, then I’m like, okay, you’re ready to

go back now, you know, and, and that’s fine.

But I think it’s also one of these things that I sometimes cringe with social media and

you probably see this too, is people will be like, “I tried bioidentical hormones and

everything went away.”

And you’re like, “I know.”

What kind of people are you seeing?




And you know what’s interesting too is we started doing bioidentical last year.

And if you’re smart, you take them through a process to be like, “Actually, you’re not

ready for bioidentical.”

Because it’s like that inflammatory pathway again.

If your body doesn’t have the nutrition and the ATP production and the liver function,

to take a hormone and put it through anti-inflammatory pathways, if you take a bioidentical hormone

and you put it in the body and the body’s like, “Great, we’re still doing inflammatory

pathways, so I’m going to take this hormone and I’m going to put it through inflammatory

pathways and then people feel worse.”


And that actually happened to a few clients where they’re like, “No, I want to do biodinical.

I want testosterone.

things and we’re like, oh, I don’t know if you’re ready.

And they’re like, I’m ready.

And it’s like, OK, we’ll try and see.

And then they get a pellet in or something.

And then they’re like, oh, I had a headache for six months.

And we’re like, oh, yeah.


You know what I mean?

So you’re absolutely right.

You can’t just quick fix it with a biodentical hormone.

It’s like having the right playing field.

It’s almost like–

I think of it like a garden.

Have you ever garden before?



JUANIQUE: It’s a lot of work to just put the seed in.

You have to take up the rocks and you have to take up the clay

and you have to take up all the bad soil.

And then you have to till it.

And then you have to take up more stuff.

And then you have to put organic soil in it.

And then you have to have more stuff in it.

And it’s so much work to just get a seed in there.

But that’s the whole body.

And in order to– if you took a seed

and you went to the side of the road on a highway

and you planted the seed, it wouldn’t grow

because the soil isn’t primed for that seed to grow.

So it’s the same thing with hormones.

you have to have a primed body to have healthy hormone function.

Right. And so again, going to that garden analogy,

you have to do all this work to have the perfect soil.

So when you plant that seed in there and water it,

it grows into something beautiful. That’s hormones.

You have to have this primed like field,

like your, all your body systems in order for hormones to thrive in your body

and go down anti inflammatory hormone pathways versus the inflammatory ones.

And so, yeah, it’s a lot of work.

And it’s interesting because I’ve had a bunch,

I’ve had a few people in my Gutsy Academy

’cause we teach the order of healing

and the protocols and all that and give them food things.

And I’ve had people who have done, you know,

like they’ve been, they’ve done,

what’s the thing called where they do

artificial hormone– 

JANNINE: The synthetic ones?

JUANIQUE: Yes, well to get pregnant, I’m sorry.


JUANIQUE: IVF thank you.

Sorry, I have mom brain right now.

They do IVF for years with no success,

because again, the soil isn’t ready to take on all that hormone

and that fertility.

And then they join the Gutsy Academy

and in a year or two, year and a half, they get pregnant.

You know what I mean?

And it’s because they’ve gotten their body,

they’ve gotten their whole body ready for fertility,

for cellular growth and turnover.

What people don’t understand is like,

when you get pregnant, it’s a cellular marathon.

Did you train your body for that cellular marathon?

‘Cause if you haven’t, if your body is primed

for fight and flight and like DK, DK inflammation,

your body’s not ready to take on that cellular marathon.

And so what people don’t realize is you have to prime

your body for that cellular marathon

so that you can grow that person.

And that has everything to do with hormones, right?

And getting the soil ready for cellular turnover,

which is immense when you’re pregnant.

So anything you wanna add to that?

JANNINE: Well, you know, I think it’s interesting with fertility.

It’s one of those things we don’t think about.

I worked for a fertility clinic for many years

when I first started, not many years,

but a long time when I first started getting into acupuncture

and being a naturopath.

And like our protocols were foundational,

were very basic, right?

It was more about the IVF

and doing the acupuncture to stim the body.

And you know, I would see people that failed like,

God awful, like five, eight IVF rounds.

and you’re like, this is so heartbreaking.

And our protocols, I was like, you know,

we can do so much more.

And so when these folks would take the time to listen to me

and be like, look, just stop the IVF right now.

Let’s go back to foundational.

I also saw a lot of change,

but one of the things that,

I don’t know if you notice,

even in the older folks, like 40 plus folks, like me,

that sometimes when we go through the foundational protocols,

we come out on the other side making our own hormones

and we don’t even need the bioidenticals.

Have you seen that happen for you guys too?

‘Cause I wanna get this out

that hopefully I’m not the only one seeing this.

JUANIQUE: It can, and like, so Dr. Wright,

if you wanna get him on the podcast,

he’d love to talk to your audience,

but you know, I think that you can support with by identical,

but you only need very little.

Do you know what I mean?

Like a titch, you know what I mean?

Like just a slight sprinkle,

like not even like, not even sprinkle sprinkle.

You need like a salt sprinkle, you know what I mean?

It’s not these like heroic doses of like tons of testosterone and tons of

progesterone and like 200 milligrams of progesterone.

I’m like, what, what are they doing here?

You know what I mean?

It’s just a slight nudge.

You know, and so 80%, 90% is what you should be doing naturally, like you say.

And then that tiny little five to 10%, that little touch, that little like

sniff of bioidentical can just help your body stay there and optimize in that area.

And so, you know, like I do believe that suffering is optional.

And you know, as we age, our bodies are designed to stop making certain hormones.

And so we can just give a sniff of that hormone back in the body to just help us age

more gracefully.

But, you know, you can actually age gracefully, gracefully without it.

It’s just, it’s better with it.

That’s, that’s my honest opinion.

You know, does that make sense?

JANNINE: Oh, I absolutely agree.

I absolutely agree.

I find that some folks, because you’ve probably seen this,

like the younger folks, like 40s, let’s say early 40s,

who are in Perry, menopause are now asking

for bioidenticals.

And I find that if we dial things in, they don’t need them.

But once we start getting towards periods done,

we have a couple of years periods done,

I am a huge fan of microdosing.

JUANIQUE: Totally.

JANNINE: And I get a lot of crap from the pharmacies

because I’ll write like cut patch in half,

Right? Like half those and they’ll be like,

that’s not how you do it.

I’m like, yeah, I know, that’s how I do it.

JUANIQUE: That’s how that’s how you do it.

And it works.

And like they’re not going up and down

and getting all these weird side effects.

Cause it’s hormone.

Like hormone is extremely powerful.

Like it can make or break you.

Right? And so you wanna do a,

like I think the word I’m looking for is respectfully.

Like you wanna do it respectfully.

And a lot of people don’t.

They’re like, we’re just gonna pound this hormone in you.

like, like, side effects be damned, right?

And so we have all these people coming into our clinic

that are like, I’m having hot flushes all the time.

I’m really uncomfortable.

I can’t sleep.

I’m anxious and they’re doing these pellets,

these hero doses of pellets.

And I’m just like, oh my God.

Like, unfortunately we just have to ride this wave out

and then do it more respectfully next time round, right?

And like, there’s different type,

like there’s oral versus patches.

And like, there’s some that are,

that work better than others, you know?

And so, you know, like finding someone like you

that is respectful and gentle and looks at the whole picture is huge.

I think there’s like a hormone clinic on every corner now that are doing these like

disrespectful heroic doses.

And it’s just like, oh, please, please be gentle with these people’s bodies.

So, I’m right there with you where it’s like, if you do, if you look at everything upstream,

most of the time you don’t need it.

And then when you said like post menopause, like, yeah, then let’s just like do like a

a sniff of a by identical to just help the body like stay in this beautiful like youthful


JANNINE: I love the sniff.

I’m going to use that.

I’m going to use it.

We’re just going to take a little sniff off there.

It’s true.

Like I know joke I have patients in my practice that we take the 0.025 patch and we cut it

in a quarters and that thing’s small and and a quarter is just fine.

And you know, yes, all of you who are listening, that is not what is on the label.

And the pharmaceutical companies will probably say that I am prescribing that improperly.

I don’t care.

I don’t even care because the little micro doses can be the difference.

But like, like we’re saying here, because yes, the hormone, oh, I could get so fired

up about a form of clinic on every corner.

But anyway, the foundational stuff is what we need.

you have a program, the Digestion Restoration Course.


JANNINE: That I really want to talk about because I feel like if a lot of people could even

just start there, if you’re not fully bought into like, I want to do all these

steps and you guys are, I’m dabbling, not fully bought in.

I think the Digestion Restoration Course would be the place that I would think

about starting. What about, what about you? Like give me the skip. What do you think?

JUANIQUE: So I love the Digestion Restoration Course.

Like because it’s really affordable and it gives you a lot of information.

Remember, we’re saying the root system to the tree is your gut.

So I would start with the gut and figuring out how to absorb everything so that you

can support mitochondria.

You can support the liver and whatnot.

If people are still intimidated to like invest in a course, there’s a bunch of free

courses on my website.

If you go to, I have a microbiome 101.

I have a free parasite course, you know, like, like start with the free classes.

But like I think the digestion restoration course, it’s my most popular course.

It’s helped a ton of people.

Like it gives you so much information that is so like root and foundational to health and healing.

It’s such a great place to start.

People are like, well, what about the Academy?

The Academy, it’s an Academy.

It’s seven months long.

We do it in a cohort.

I have, we do enrollment once a year and it’s intensive.

It’s like a whole lifestyle makeover.

And so you have to be mentally ready for that lifestyle makeover.

So I think the digestion restoration course, it’s, you know, it’s like, it’s like seven to eight hours long, you know,

of like lectures and then there’s a bunch of protocols and there’s a bunch of nutritional

support there for like, you know, like menu plans for healing your gut.

It’s such a good course.

It’s my favorite course.

And like I said, it’s my most popular one.

And I think everyone, everyone on the planet should be a gut healing expert because nine

out of 10 people are going to some days suffer with some kind of gut issue.

Nine out of 10 people suffer with gut issues, right?

So it’s not a question of if you get a gut issue, but when you do, right?

And so optimizing on digestion is just going to help everything throughout your body.

And so 100% start there.

There’s actually a discount code for your listeners.

If they use discount code healthfix, they can get $50 off of that course.

And what’s included is actually $50 off of a hair analysis, $50 off of a consult with

one of my coaches to really help you dial in your healing and create a catered healing

plan for you.

So, yes, we educate you on the gut, but then we also give you tools to help you fine-tune

and cater it to your healing protocols.

And so it’s like a whole package deal.

It’s a really, really great deal.

So use healthfix for $50 off of that.

JANNINE: Absolutely genius in terms of a package, guys.

And because like, here’s what I’m gonna say,

because it puts the power back in you,

but you can teach your family.

You can have your whole family do this.

Like you buy it for you,

but you got everybody else that can learn from you.

Right there. – 



We live in a day and age where like everything is geared to destroy our

digestion, right? From unhealthy foods to herbicides and pesticides to antibiotic

use. I mean so many antibiotics are over prescribed. They save so many lives but

they’re also over prescribed and so we’re just destroying our microbiome and our

gut and our digestive functions from a very young age and so we all need to

empower ourselves with knowledge on how to reverse that damage so that we can live

of healthy, vibrant lives, right?

And so I think everyone should become a gut healing expert.



I agree.

I agree.

It’s, I think it’s a foundation of health and it’s also our way to advocate

for ourselves, but also get better success in all the other things we’re

trying to do, whether it’s our thyroids, our hormones or whatever it may be.



JANNINE: Hey, I’m so glad you have this course.

I’m so glad that I have people that have taken it in my practice because it

makes me happy that we are working on that set of things because we need the foundation.

JUANIQUE: Totally. 

JANNINE: You are right on the foundation.

Juanique, thank you so much for coming on.

JUANIQUE: Thank you. 

JANNINE: And I look forward

to putting this one out

and just sharing with folks the foundation.


JUANIQUE: Awesome.

– Thank you, Dr. Jannine.

Thank you so much for your time

and I’m so excited to be on your podcast.

So thank you for having me.

JANNINE: My pleasure.

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(upbeat music)

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Thanks again for listening.


Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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