Chinese Medicine teachings talk about spring and fall as the best times to detox.

Spring is all about renewal and fall is about letting go. 

Each year after the spring equinox passes I tend to do a detox.

Because spring is about rebirth, renewal and all the plants in the northern hemisphere all coming back to life I weave that theme into my detox.

Channeling a bit of nature’s vibe…

I’ve discovered spring is a great time to add in microgreens and sprouts to the diet as they are “fresh growth”.

Somewhat symbolic of Spring rebirth but yummy too!

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Foods and herbs that are lighter but packed with nutrients plus strengthen your digestion are key during a detox…

  • ginger
  • turmeric
  • wheat grass
  • dandelion leaf and root
  • burdock root
  • artichoke
  • milk thistle
  • citrus fruits/peels in teas
  • microgreens
  • sprouts

My traditional “Spring Liver Detox” of Dr. Shade’s Liver Sauce with the Ultra Binder is used along with juicing of fresh and light veggies and fruit mixes…

  • celery
  • romaine
  • cucumber
  • apple
  • pear
  • citrus fruits

Traveling soon? Looking to detox or reset your gut? Try one of Dr. Krause’s Fullscript plans.

Dr. Jannine Krause's comprehensive 10 day Spring Liver Detox Bundle made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's "Reset the Gut" plan - a 2 part plan that lasts 60 days made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's Healthy Travel Kit will help keep your immune system strong while traveling made possible by Fullscript
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I drink a juice or two daily for 10 days and keep my diet to nothing processed.

  • Grass fed/finished beef or bison, pasture raised poultry/eggs, wild caught fish – 4-6 oz per meal
  • 2 cups of organic veggies per meal (yes, even breakfast – you can put them in your juice!)
  • 4 oz of fresh fruit with each meal or in your juice with a meal
  • Good fats in the form of raw nuts, seeds or avocado
  • Cook with filtered water vs oils/butter etc
  • Pepper corns and sea salt with fresh garlic or onions for flavoring

Boom that’s it!

As they say in Wisconsin, “it ain’t nothin’ fancy”…

…this liver detox is simple yet effective to have you feeling refreshed, energized and ready to enjoy this spring and summer!

Want to take a look at my Spring Detox? Click HERE

Oh and following the theme of rebirth & renewal…

Happy Easter if you’re celebrating!  

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

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