Your heart’s electrical field is approximately 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity produced by your brain. 

In 1863 Gerhard Baule and Richard McFee were the first to measure the electrical field generated by the heart. 

Research has shown that a person’s emotional state can be communicated throughout the body and to the external environment from the heart. (check it out HERE at the Heart Math site).

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How wild?! – The pattern of your heart beat changes based on your mood!

This is why you can feel someones genuine love for you and their frustration too!

You tend to think of communication between two people as an exchange of words, facial expressions, gestures, voices and body movements but evidence now shows there’s also a subconscious energetic communication that occurs.

Your energy can be impacted by the people you spend time with.

If you have a strained relationship with a loved one – they can deplete or frazzle your energy. 

Same goes for if you’re thinking negative thoughts all the time stressing yourself out.

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You can make yourself sick by depleting or scrambling your own energetic charge. 

Low sodium, potassium, chloride or calcium on labs indicates an electrolyte imbalance.

Electrolyte imbalances are depleted energy and electrical activity in your cells.

If you’ve ever been dehydrated and had an IV or drank electrolyte drinks you can feel your body come back to life. 

This is what I’m talking about. 

Replenishing your body’s charge can do wonders for your health. 

It’s not uncommon for me to recommend a daily electrolyte drink as I work with clients to determine the source of what’s draining their electrical charges.

Your electrical charges are most often depleted by chronic stress which in turn causes your adrenal glands to lose control over your electrolyte balance. 

This generally shows up as low sodium, potassium or calcium. 

There may also be imbalances in blood sugar despite eating a low carbohydrate diet. 

Prior to or along with the adrenal glands being depleted there’s often signs of heart palpitations, elevations in blood pressure, chest pain or irregularities in the heart beat. 

Magnesium, Hawthorne Berry or Rawolfia (in a common Ayurvedic formula called Carditone) may be helpful to regulate the heart. 

But when they are not effective and all your cardiology workups are normal… 

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…it’s time to consider an energetic imbalance and what you can do to get your charges back in balance again.

Your heart has the ability to create rhythms on it’s own without signaling from the brain. 

It can even go rogue and have areas of the tissue that start to send out their own beat. 

Research has found your heart sends more messages to your brain than brain to heart. 

That indicates your heart has a lot to do with your overall health status!

In Western medicine the heart can be shocked back into a normal rhythm or the nerves can be burnt in a procedure called ablation.

Both methods are working on the energetic communication of the heart.

The shock delivers electricity while the ablation cuts off nerve communication. 

These two treatments can be quite effective however they are specifically for abnormal heart rhythms. 

But what if you didn’t have to end up with such drastic measures…

…and you were able to help the heart regain balance?

With research suggesting nearly 1/2 of adults over 40 may have a “hidden heart” condition (read up on it HEREI believe addressing heart energy is key for longevity!

One of the best ways to reset the heart is to consider the heart math institute’s programs (❤️HERE).

With over 33 years of training the Heart Math Institute has some fascinating data on what you can do to reset the balance of your heart’s energy. 

Another great heart reset is using the work of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) guru Dawson Church’s EcoMeditation (Check it out HERE).


The ancient practices of Ayurvedic and East Asian Medicine created protocols to correct imbalances in the heart over 5,000 years ago.

Ayurvedic medicine discusses the heart chakra and ways to keep it open.

While East Asian medicine has outlined energy channels for the heart and pericardium (surrounding the heart) as well as connections to other channels like the liver, kidney and small intestine that influence the heart.   

Breathing and movement like Qi Gong and Tai Chi have specific routines to address the heart’s energy. 

The emotional connection to shifts in energy of the heart are discussed in both ancient medicines. 

Anxiety being the top emotion impacting the heart with anger, frustration, depression and irritability coming from the liver and influencing the heart. 

With an increase in heart conditions worldwide paired with a high level of stress, anxiety and depression reported I can’t skip talking about the heart physically or energetically anymore. 

I invite you to take an inventory of your emotions and subsequent moods throughout the day. 

Note how they impact you physically.

Are certain emotions sucking the energy out of you or causing you physical symptoms like chest pain, palpitations, tension, headaches or even dizziness?

If so –  it’s time to explore how you can get out of that emotional loop that’s draining you. 

How can you find more joy in life?

What do you need to feel more love and open your heart to share the love you have?

The resources I’ve highlighted in this email are one’s I’ve used personally to help me restore joy in my life.

But what’s helped the most is assessing what I truly want and value in life and letting go of what doesn’t. 

It’s common to sacrifice yourself and joy for the “greater good of adulting”.

The heck with adulting!

Take a break this weekend and open your heart back up to the you before society’s pressures took hold. 

You may find yourself hula hooping in your back yard blasting Cyndi Lauper’s Girls Just Wanna Have Fun with a big smile on your face…oh that’s me…

…you get the idea!

Here’s to your heart health,

Dr. J

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