Thinking you need to get back on track after the holidays…

…but maybe you need a little nudge.

Perhaps you’d just like someone to give you a plan.

My metabolic reset is a plan to help you detox from the holiday indulgences while learning about your metabolism. 

The metabolic reset clears out the liver and YES, it decreases your calories for 42 days. 

Is it a diet – technically YES.

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But it’s much more than that if you follow my lead.

  • If you’ve been wondering what foods may be irritating your gut or body.
  • Curious about why you may gain 5 pounds over a weekend without even eating that much.
  • Frustrated because you’re eating clean for the most part but one indulgence has you gaining weight. 

Despite what gurus out there say on weight gain and food math…

…you really do need 3500 calories to gain a pound. 

And as much as I’ve wanted to believe there are other factors and some hidden equation – there isn’t. 

If you gain weight fast, it’s water weight due to inflammation. 

Where’s the inflammation?

In your liver, space between the cells or inside the cells. 

What does the metabolic reset do?

Gives your body the tools to clear inflammation from the liver and cells. 

No supplements required, unless you want to add mineral based metabolic drops. 

The only requirement – measuring out your food and eating protein, veggies and fruit that are organic, grass fed/finished and pasture raised. 

For 42 days then adjusting from that base list of 3 main food groups and watching how your body behaves by increasing protein, carbs and adding back in fat.

Yes, there is no fat consumed for 42 days.

That allows the liver to clear out it’s back log of fat. 

And the cells won’t be bogged down by fat. 

Don’t worry there’s a maintenance plan for adding fats in daily and observing results. 

This is where I and many of my patients figured out their daily tolerance of fat. 

But doc, people do Keto diets on all fat and do amazing.

Yes, but there are just as many people who do not do well with Keto. 

Why is that?

Traveling soon? Looking to detox or reset your gut? Try one of Dr. Krause’s Fullscript plans.

Dr. Jannine Krause's comprehensive 10 day Spring Liver Detox Bundle made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's "Reset the Gut" plan - a 2 part plan that lasts 60 days made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's Healthy Travel Kit will help keep your immune system strong while traveling made possible by Fullscript
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They do not process fats well and their liver is bogged down. 

This is why the metabolic reset is a great base to helping the body detox and reset from holidays and life in general. 

Who’s a fit for the metabolic reset:

  • You want to lose holiday weight or a little more
  • You want a plan with a shopping list and guide 
  • You don’t need 1:1 coaching but options to ask questions if you need it
  • You want to learn about your body and truly understand what your body needs metabolically
  • You want to start whenever you can and not have to stick to someone’s schedule
  • You want something you can employ a few times a year if needed

Who’s not a fit for the metabolic reset:

  • You want magic weight loss and don’t want to learn about your body
  • You’re actively in cancer treatment or an immune suppressed state
  • You’re already very fatigued and dealing with a chronic health condition 

The active phase of the reset is 42 days then maintenance is another 30+ as you can stay in maintenance as long as you desire. 

You can go back into the reset phase after a month off to lose more weight or see if you can get to feeling even better. 

Because food has such an emotional connection I’ve included mindset work in my program to help support you on your journey to create a better relationship with food. 

Last year I paired the maintenance phase of the metabolic reset with the Lumen device, a breath sensing device to help you understand what foods, meals, workouts and lifestyle factors impact your metabolism and all the participants in the program learned key things about their metabolism!

Some of my clients lost 30+ pounds while others gained valuable information about how to fuel their bodies.

The Lumen company is offering $80 off a device with the code: JANNINEBF – click HERE to check it out. 

Cool thing about Lumen is you can return it if you don’t find it valuable. 

If you’re sick of trying to sleuth out what’s up with your metabolism start with my metabolic reset and consider adding in the Lumen for added information. 

The Metabolic Reset is $147 for lifetime access (you can use it a few times a year or as a guide for ongoing maintenance) click HERE to sign up today. 

How good would it feel to never have to wonder – what detox, diet or plan am I going to do for my metabolism each new year?

The Metabolic Reset is a solution to help you learn about what your body needs, truly understand your metabolism and something you can repeat when you feel you need a little reboot!

Have questions – hit reply!

Here’s to a happy metabolism in 2024 and beyond,

Dr. J

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