Ep 268: How Can You Tell If You’re Lacking Magnesium?
Are you tired all the time? Struggling with muscle cramps or twitches, feeling weak, have abnormal heart rhythms, numbness or tingling, nausea or loss of appetite? Addicted to sugar, coffee or chocolate? You might…
December 25, 2021
Ep 224: Why Your Sugar Addiction is Keeping You Fat, Depressed & Unable to Think
Struggling with brain fog & lack of concentration to the point where making decisions is tough? Can’t seem to leave the sugar sweetened treats alone? Dealing with depression, anxiety, ADHD or just not feeling…
February 20, 2021
Ep 065: How Your Sugar Addiction is Ruining Your Skin
Do you have a sugar addiction on top of chronic pain, reduced mobility, cellulite, dull skin, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, dry or saggy, loose skin? Or do you have diabetes, are pre-diabetic…
February 16, 2018