The road to recovery after being hit by a truck while biking isn’t easy. 

Chronic aches and pains show up even after almost 12 years.

When my husband decided to take up running the area of his tibia (shin bone) that he fractured and had screws placed after his accident flared up.

Because he didn’t want to stop running he went on a mission to find something that would relieve the pain.

Acupuncture, guasha and massage helped temporarily.

Filtering water and air in the home made a difference.

Eating as closest to nature kept swelling and stiffness at bay.

Adding in red-light therapy with daily foam rolling for the fascia ended up being the magic combo. 

Having a red light therapy cycle that’s 10 minutes and you can walk around with it on due to it’s portability makes it easy to incorporate it into your daily routine.

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Consistent use appears to be the trick with red light therapy. 

The more he uses it the more places he’s putting it on. 

After 2 months with the device he swears he has no knee pain and he’s also eliminated a nagging elbow pain as well. 

This is huge for him as I’ve heard him complain about these spots for years. 

Because of the success he’s decided to keep the red light in his self care regimen daily so that he can be pain free no matter what.

Watching him struggle with wanting to run and be active without pain all these years has been tough. 

Seeing him pain free is amazing. 

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What is the red light therapy doing to relieve his pain?

Red light has wavelengths between 600-800 nanometers that go deep into the cells to trigger them to make energy and repair. 

When mitochondria are stimulated to make energy they have the ability to repair faster.

They can also take out cell trash faster as well to prevent post workout soreness.

If you have tight muscles, general soreness and feel like nothing is helping with your tension using a red light therapy device may be worth a try.

Red light helps you take out “cell trash” faster and decreases lactic acid build up.

You may have seen red light therapy being used for total body health and rejuvenation. 

It has many uses and the types of red light therapy devices to get the job done varies. 

  1. Flex Beam – targeted red light therapy for joints and specific areas of pain – $60 off code: janninekrause
  2. Novaa Pad – broad area of diffuse pain and desire for heat – 15% off – JKRAUSE15
  3. Joov – panel style of red light therapy best for rejuvenation and longevity

I have all three of these types of red light therapy and which one I’m using depends on my goal for the treatment. 

Because the pain I experience is more spread out than my husband’s targeted pain I use the Novaa Pad often. 

My husband’s pain is more focal thus the Flex Beam does a great job to target his areas on a deeper, up to 3 cm level. 

I believe the ability to target pain with Flex Beam’s flexibility allows for more profound results and pain relief. 

If you’re looking for a red light therapy device that isn’t thousands of dollars but is of high quality and gets the job done spending $200-500 is well worth the cost for the Flex Beam or Novaa Lab pad.

Massage therapy, acupuncture and physical therapy sessions and body work are easily close to $100 per session.

Pair that cost with missing out on having fun and maybe even missed work days, I estimate it pays for itself after 2- 5 uses.

Plus with only 10 minutes of time for use you can share it easily with the entire family. 

If you’d like more info on the Flex Beam, Novaa or Joov hit reply I’m happy to answer questions. 

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

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