The most popular social media posts are 100+ year olds trail running, 90 year olds doing acrobatic tricks and the Kardashians doing anything.

Society likes to be amazed and entertained – I get it. 

Nothing sucks me in like someone twice my age doing acrobatic tricks I couldn’t do when I was a gymnast.

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The little voice inside speaks up and says… “try it!”

I’m pretty sure this fascination comes from my Dad walking on his hands and showing off his gymnastic skills any chance he could get when I was a kid. 

He won the “cool Dad” label by my friends but I think he was all about showing me “older folks” still had game. 

Either way he won because I’m now obsessed with challenging myself to master new calisthenic and acrobatic tricks. 

Oddly enough – I still haven’t mastered walking on my hands after all these years!

I have no doubt I’ll get it soon…

…because I realized something talking with a friend of mine during our podcast interview last Saturday. 

The key to anything – health, fitness or even wealth is consistency. 

Humans exhibit ADD behavior when it comes to most things in life. 

You’re programmed to want the quickest solution with the least amount of pain to get there.

When your weight loss program doesn’t work in 3 days you’re on to the next thing.

If your fitness program hasn’t eliminated your cellulite in a week you’re hunting for “something that works”.

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I’m no stranger to this phenomenon, I’ve dabbled in every diet from intermittent fasting to the cabbage soup fad for a few weeks to months at a time and I’ve jumped around from CrossFit to powerlifting to P90X. 

When I look back at my best results…they’ve come when I was consistent with one plan.

A plan I enjoyed, felt good with and I had a goal that wasn’t just about weight loss but a shift in identity.

If you asked the 90+ year old runners why they keep running, I bet it’s not about weight. 

Weight loss goals are boring…

…what if you looked at weight loss as a side effect of learning how to rock climb, white water kayak or surf?

Chances are you’re consistent with at least one thing in your life right now.

For some it’s drinking small batch roasted coffee from Nicaragua while for others it may be watching Grey’s Anatomy or binging Better Call Saul for the 8th time. 

Maybe it’s brushing your teeth with your Sonicare or drinking your AG1 green drink.

Whatever it may be, I know there’s something you’re consistent with.

Proof – you can create a plan of consistency. 

To accomplish anything in life at any age – you need to be obsessed with a vision and a plan to get there. 

Like your dog eyeing your neighbor’s house for the right time to make a break for it because he knows Norm has the best bowl of cat food sitting out for anyone to sample. 

You have to become the vision as it’s unfolding not wait for it to unfold as you stay the same.

So why is it so hard for humans to realize their visions?

Consistency. 😄

A new Lightweight, minimalist trainer for natural movement in the modern world.

I never mastered walking on my hands because I dabbled in it every few months on a whim. 

What do you dabble in but haven’t incorporated as a consistent thing in your life?

Being a person that walked on her hands wasn’t part of my identity.

Working out daily and eating nuts 🥜 like a crazed squirrel 🐿 with consistency – I totally identify.

Sound familiar (perhaps not the nuts part but with something else)?

Consistency issues can be solved by having a clear vision for what you want to achieve and a plan to get there.

The plan will help you see where you need consistency.

I love having a fitness and a business coach to guide me in the right direction.

Likely you know what you want, the question is how to get there.

Assessing what you need to be consistent with to get results is key. 

Finding a coach or a program will speed up the process from weight loss, to running, and walking on your hands. (yep there are coaches just for that!)


You can do anything you want at any age. 

My Dad was racing dirt track sprint cars into his 70’s and still winning races.

What’s your vision for the future?

Where can you improve your consistency?

Who do you need to become to carry out your vision?

I’m rooting for you!

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

PS: If you’re looking for a 1:1 fitness coach to change your bodycomposition with lifting weights or want to hike faster and longer check out Figarelle’s Fitness and my podcast with Step Figarelle– HERE

If you’re looking for a doc who can help with consistency in health goals – let’s chat – hit reply, share your vision with me and let’s see if we’re a fit to work together. 

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