You are an extension of your environment. 

Sick building syndrome is on the rise due to the popularity of energy efficient home and building construction. 

While you save on heating and cooling costs your health bills rise. 

Unfortunately, many don’t connect asthma, allergy, skin conditions, sinus issues, mental health issues, chronic fatigue, and even hormone imbalances with a sick building.

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Most homes and buildings constructed after the late 1970’s are not set up to breathe well because of an emphasis on energy efficiency. 

LEED certified and all the fancy terms applied to construction do not ensure a home or building that breathes well. 

I’ve seen clients with state of the art energy efficient homes with mold growing in the attic as the condensers from the air-conditioning were placed there and weren’t given space to breathe. 

And I’ve seen moisture building up on windows causing mold growth because the house didn’t breathe when the oven or heat were on. 

Homes in colder climates have a phenomenon called “attic rain” when ice or frost melt faster than the ventilation system of attics can ventilate the accumulated moisture. 

You don’t need a leak to have mold accumulation in your home. 

This is why it’s critical to assess all parts of your home at least quarterly. 

Something I learned recently is that mycotoxins, the toxins released by mold, do not go away just because you fixed, cleaned and painted your damaged area.

These toxins can be found in homes, cars and buildings years afterward. 

The more I learn about sick buildings the more I am driven to do house calls and help my clients improve air quality in their home. 

A house call to a client’s home can reveal a lot when it comes to air quality impacting health. 

I have a client with severe skin issues and rheumatoid arthritis. 

She told me about her love of scents from burning candles to using plug-ins.

When I did a visit – her entire home was filled with synthetic fragrance plug ins. 

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She used scented everything from soap to laundry detergent and lotion. 

All had synthetic fragrance, phthalates and other toxins.

Not only was her air filled with toxins, they weren’t escaping as she lived in an energy efficient duplex that was wrapped with plastic. 

Wrapping homes in plastic was a common practice in the 90’s to early 2000’s that was found to be extremely toxic. 

My neighborhood in Colorado had a young man die from mold toxicity due to this wrapping preventing proper ventilation in the attic. 

I digress…back to my client…

She was overwhelming herself day in and day out with toxins and her body finally had enough as her skin was oozing and cracking daily.

Your skin is your largest organ. 

It will tell you if it’s trying to detox something. 

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After 6 months of convincing her to ditch all the fragrances, clean her walls and furniture plus leave the windows cracked with an air purifier (she wasn’t able to adjust air flow in the home as she was renting)…

…she finally got rid of all of the toxic scented items. 

It took a month for her skin to improve. 

6 months later her skin was clear and a year later her autoimmune markers were non-existent. 

This shows you how powerful air flow and quality can be.

The future of my work is to do house calls and help clients improve air quality.

Your home health is just as important as your health.

Till then I have a podcast for you – I recently interviewed Seth Jones owner of Hygia Life and co-founder of Superstratum; two companies dedicated to helping improve the health of your home. 

In our podcast Seth discusses mold and sick building syndrome plus how 50-70% of homes have mold mycotoxins causing health issues. 

If you’ve ever wondered if your home could be the source of illness for you – this is the podcast to check out – click HERE to listen now. 

Here’s to your home’s health,

Dr. J

PS: I’ll be in Tacoma seeing clients in October – if you’re interested in a home visit I’m now booking home visits October 16tth-18th and office visits 19th-21st – hit reply for more information

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