53-79% of women will experience some type of vaginal tear during childbirth.

The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found –  1 in 4 women will have a pelvic floor disorder after childbirth. 🤪

Over 300,000 women will have surgery for a pelvic floor disorder annually – that’s 10% of the 3 million that give birth annually. 

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Of those 3 million – 26% will experience urinary incontinence post-partum.

That’s absurd. 

What’s the common denominator?

No emphasis on training the pelvic floor for birth…

…or for life if a women doesn’t have a child. 

Men are completely left out of this training but they too have a pelvic floor that can be trained to prevent incontinence in their older years. 

Last Saturday my podcast with Kim Vopni aka The Vagina Coach came out and man did she educate me on a ton of things pelvic health. (If you didn’t catch it – Listen in 😄HERE😄)

I had no idea that French women don’t pee their pants because pelvic floor training is built into their medical system for pre and post partum care as well as any other time in life if a women hasn’t had a child or did not deliver vaginally.

Get this….Kim is from Canada and Health Canada prevented her from continuing to sell a device called the “Epi No” to help train women’s pelvic floor and tissues to deliver a baby. 

I don’t think anything like the “Epi No” was used in the states.

This blows my mind.

Women compare childbirth to a marathon but in reality there are few women that do not run a marathon without training…

…and even the slowest marathon runners finish long before some women deliver their babies.

At this point I don’t see the US healthcare system changing to educate anyone about this so I’m hoping that you share this email with anyone and everyone you feel could benefit…especially women who are pregnant or planning to conceive.

Education is power and in this case it could save a women a ton of grief.

I’ve heard horror stories of tearing and episiotomies…

…and the impact on the pelvic floor and sexual function.

Before talking with Kim I didn’t know that it was possible to tear one of the muscles called the “levator ani” right off the bone during childbirth. 

The good news is there is a doctor that specialize in the diagnosis and repair of this condition – his name is Dr. Shobeiri – and he’s in D.C.

As I hang out with my Dad and see the incontinence commercials over and over again on TV I can’t help but think – I have to shout from the roof tops that there is something you can do – don’t give up!

Now I understand that there are some cases in which surgery is the only option.

But after surgery I highly recommend going to a pelvic floor specialist. 

In fact Kim Vopni recommends seeing a pelvic floor specialist annually to check in on things.

I love this idea.

Until I tried out the V-tone device… I wasn’t sure I’d felt my pelvic floor contract.

I’m certain I’m not alone.

I want to be clear – anyone and everyone can benefit from pelvic floor therapy and training.

You do not have to have had a child.

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In fact I wonder if training was to start in the teens if it may prevent some runners and gymnasts from having issues with incontinence as well. 

There are so many options to choose from these days to train your pelvic floor…

Unfortunately, the word still isn’t fully out there that you can do something.

Today I saw an Ad in the Jockey flier that advertised “moisture wicking and absorbent” underwear for men and women – really?

I’d seen the reinforced period underwear and the incontinence support from specialty companies but not from mainstream brands.

Clearly there’s a market.

A month ago my husband pointed out a 40 something guy looking buff wearing an adult diaper on a package at the store. 

Looks like the age of incontinence is dropping.

Geez, know that you can do something – way before symptoms ramp up!

You can improve or restore your pelvic health at any age – don’t wait to start your training.

The good news is – compared to when I started practicing 17+ years ago there are a lot more options available to you!


Kim’s Buff Muff Challenge is a $17 app that has amazing entry level exercises to get you started. 

Get to know your local pelvic floor physical therapists and see them annually no matter what. 

Join Dr. Brianne Grogan’s online programs or watch any of her thousands of Youtube videos packed with at home exercises for your pelvic floor.

Life is too short not be able to live it to the fullest – get help and please share this with anyone who could benefit!

Here’s to your pelvic floor health,

Dr. J

PS: I’m thinking about doing a masterclass on easy ways to grow your own food 

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