In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause sits down with Nick Craciun to explore his inspiring journey of resilience, recovery, and holistic health transformation.

Back in early 2021, Nick was battling depression, low energy, and an unhealthy lifestyle while working in a machine shop. His discovery of Chemical Free Body and its founder, Tim James, sparked a profound shift—leading him down a path of detoxification, nutrition, and wellness practices. But in July 2022, a severe injury tested his commitment to health like never before. Through discipline and a powerful mindset, Nick defied the odds and regained his ability to walk within just three months.

Today, Nick not only leads the customer service department at Chemical Free Body but also runs a microgreens business, coaches others, and advocates for better food access in his community. Tune in to hear his incredible story and learn how you, too, can build lasting health habits for a thriving life.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

✅ The power of stacking healthy habits over time
✅ Why writing down & speaking gratitude can enhance your health journey
✅ The surprising benefits & uses of cantaloupe microgreens
✅ How discipline and mental resilience are crucial for overcoming health challenges

Resources From The Show:

📩 Connect with Nick Craciun at Chemical Free Body
📧 Email:
📞 Phone: 888-368-9898

💬 Enjoyed the episode? Let us know in the comments and subscribe for more health-transforming insights! 💚

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Podcast Transcript

0:39 – Intro

2:50 – Nick’s story

10:52 – Listening to your body 

12:50 – Small habits to create change

18:15 – Mold on homegrown micro greens

21:16 – Nick’s favorite microgreens

23:47 – At home sauna

33:56 – Benefits of tumeric

36:07 – Our tastebuds have been “taste washed”

43:38 – More about Nick’s micro greens business (Creation’s Backyard) and Chemical Free Body

46:43 – Is recycling a scam?

48:02 – The tentacles of big pharma

48:41 – Spiritual practice

[Preview] Carbs. But when you get into hunger craving and you start

craving microgreens, like that’s when you know that your brain

is you’re on a different wavelength now, like you’ve

leveled up. So that makes a big difference too. Like when you

want to eat those good foods. Because one thing I’ve learned

is you can heal from everything. If you are determined

enough, if you take a serious enough, if you’re doing the

right things, you can heal from essentially everything. So

You know, physical, mental.

[Intro] Welcome to the health fix podcast where health junkies get their weekly

fix of tips, tools and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds,

and fit, physiques or life.

JANNINE: Hey, health junkies on this episode of the health fix podcast.

I’m interviewing Nick Cration.

In early 2021, Nick was struggling with depression, low energy and

unhealthy lifestyle while working in a machine shop.

And he discovered chemical-free body with Tim James.

And this ignited his journey into holistic wellness

and detoxing nutritious foods

and even got him into growing microgreens.

Even despite a serious injury in July of 2022,

Nick stuck with his commitment to health

and really believes that it doesn’t matter

what’s going on with you, you can heal from anything.

And in this podcast, we’re gonna talk about his injury.

We’re gonna talk about his comeback.

We’re gonna talk about how he was golfing with broken ankles.

We’re even gonna be talking about cantaloupe microgreens

because that’s another one of his businesses

growing microgreens and teaching others how to do it too.

We’re talking about portable saunas,

acupressure pads.

We’re talking about no pharmaceuticals for this guy

after his severe accident

and how he overcame his pain.

And then we’re gonna round it off

with the taste buds, the taste bud washing effect

that’s been happening with flavoring agents.

And we’re going to dive into different kinds of products

with chemical free body that Nick is helping folks with,

supporting folks with because he is the customer service

manager over there and you can actually talk to him

as a real person.

So nevertheless, Nick’s a wealth of knowledge

but also just a really great inspiration

and he has a fantastic story for you today.

So let’s jump into the podcast.

Nick, creation, welcome to the health fix podcast.

– Hello.

– Hey, so fun stuff you got going on.

I mean, I love talking about anything chemical-free body,

but also anything that we can do to help keep our bodies

nice and clean and detoxing themselves naturally.

And of course, we’re gonna get into some nitty-gritty

with microgreens and some of my drama

and how you’ve already helped me

before we even hit record as to what to do about that situation.

But before we, we dive into microgreens and all that stuff,

I always got to go into the story.

We know in early 2021 you were struggling with some stuff.

Give us the scoop.

How did things play out and then how did you discover chemical free body and

all the microgreens and things of that nature?


So I mean, go away back.

my first like health issue was essentially depression from about 14 on until about 2728.

Done with pretty bad depression.

Drug use in my early 20s, you know, trying to self-medicate and all that.

Obviously didn’t work.

So basically just led to the point, basically just surviving through most of my 20s until

I got to 2728, which at that time I did buy a pharmaceutical drug that actually worked

at that time.

just get me out of bed, well, futuring.

And obviously, it’s not the best way to go,

but at that time, I had nothing.

I didn’t have any of my health knowledge now.

I didn’t know anything natural.

So in that worked, it got me out of bed,

but that gave me the motivation to get my health better,

which really didn’t come to about two years later.

It was early 2021.

I mean, after COVID, I was doing obviously a lot of research

with COVID and all that stuff.

And just listened to a podcast,

actually Tim Foil Hat with the same Tripoli conspiracy podcast. And Tim was on it and his

message just really, really resonated with me. It just clicked and I was like, this guy

gets it. This guy knows what’s up. So I went and I bought a few products, I started with

our Super Detox bundle, which basically just our greens and gut and toxin detox. And after

that first month, it was like, I mean, I felt totally different. I felt like my brain was

clicking for the first time my gut was functioning. Because at that time, I was still, I was still

on the pharmaceutical drugs. I wasn’t depressed, but I was still on the pharmaceutical drugs

and wanted to get off them. I was drinking multiple red balls a day. I wasn’t eating

good. Just not living a healthy life. Working in the machine shop, so breathing in chemicals

and metal and all that stuff. After I found Tim, I started doing that. It was totally life-changing.

I got the products. I used them for a month. I started doing weekly group coaching. That

huge too and I just kept learning a lot. I listened to every single podcast you put out

and it was taking notes all the time because when I was at work it was just

kind of mindless machine shop jobs so I can listen to podcasts, take notes

and it really really helped. I basically just did this continuous thing where I was just cutting

out bad, adding any good. I went very very slow with it but it was about five months later just

after you know adding in, cutting out. I was able to, I literally had to wean myself off of Red Bull.

I was drinking two rebels a day for years. You know, at my peak, maybe like 2017, I was drinking

five rebels a day. It was nuts. It was nuts. So I got myself out of the rebels and that’s when I

was when I started growing sprouts. I just started really simple and just started in jars.

And I mean, right off the bat, I knew basically my first jar that it was something I wanted to do

and to sell and share with people. And so, you know, I just kept going with that. Just kept that in

back in my head. I’m like, I know someday I want to do something with this, but at that time I’m

still living with my parents. I didn’t have room at all to set up, you know, a big micro green

screw area. So it was literally just a little pot and just really basic stuff to start and then

sprouts and jars. Yeah, and then that just kind of kept going, kept going. I was growing them regularly.

I was so excited to wake up in the morning and check on the sprouts and see how they were doing

and water rim and all that. Like, it was really exciting for a bit. And yeah, I just kept going

for that. I got a new job at a different machine shop and about six months into that it was July

2022. I had a really bad injury. The three ton block that I was machining, I embolsted it from

the platform and it basically came right down and fell on my feet. But luckily I was on this

raised platform. So if I was all concrete, my feet would have been smushed and it would have been done.

But I was on this raised platform, so I kind of pushed my feet down on this platform.

And, you know, they were definitely crushed pretty bad, but, uh,

by literally the will of God, I don’t know, but six people in a tomo were able to get this

three ton metal block off my feet enough so I could pull myself out.

But my feet were pretty bad, you know, I went to the hospital and all that.

But when I was in the hospital in the emergency room, they put me under,

and I wasn’t totally gone. I was, I like left my body for a little bit, and I had this realization

that like this was meant to happen on some level. This was meant to happen. I wasn’t

because I didn’t enjoy my machine job. It wasn’t my highest passion. So I was able to, you know,

get out of that essentially. And it was like, I don’t know if I’m speaking to my

higher self, speaking to God or whatever, but it was basically this moment of you weren’t doing

what you’re meant to be doing. This is gonna, this is gonna hurt for a little while, but it’s

gonna lead to the next part of your life. And from that point on, like, obviously, I was a lot of pain,

By far the worst pain in my life after that, you know, I was in the hospital for two weeks.

Didn’t walk for three months, but I was just so positive throughout the whole thing. I had to like

call everybody around me because there I want to call and come in the hospital and be like,

oh Nick, I’m so sorry. This is so terrible. And I don’t know if you’re gonna ever walk the same.

And I’m like, I’ll be fine. I’ll be good. Give it a couple months. I’ll go out there and be golf.

and again, literally two weeks after I started walking again, I went on to the golf course

and I shot like 38.

So like I was like, I’ll be fine.

I’ll be good.

I had to get out there because it was like late October, I was getting cold and like

I have to get out there and know that I’ll be fine.

And like I was just so positive after that like if I can golf with broken ankles, I’ll

be golden.

So that just kind of kept recovering, kept recovering going from there.

And then that next February, February 2023, Tim asked me to work for him because I was

still doing the coaching with them and all that.

And yeah, that kind of just took me on to the next part.

And that, Marsha that year was when I

fully opened the micro-greens business.

Started selling us farmers markets,

created my own website.

I tried to get people on subscriptions around here,

but my area is like, it’s not the healthiest area.

They don’t care as much about the premium healthy stuff.

So I’m trying.

I still do well to farmers markets,

but yeah, and that’s just kind of taking me where I am now.

Just kind of keep improving, just trying

I get more greens in more places.

Kind of go from there, but I’ve fully recovered with my feet.

I walk the golf course a lot in the summer.

I go to the gym at least a couple of times a week.

And yeah, just to kind of live that life and improve it

and go from there trying to build chemical-free body

and help other people what their health.

– Man, what a story.

I couldn’t imagine having something fall on my feet.

I can’t even imagine.

And to be positive after that, I would imagine,

you know, you probably had some days where you were just like,

“Oh man, what–“

– There were definitely a few days when I got home

and ’cause I was stuck in the wheelchair, obviously,

I couldn’t really do anything, I couldn’t go downstairs.

I did have a little small greenhouse upstairs

where I could grow like atres of my good greens.

So that was my thing, I was still growing the microgreens,

wheeling around and cleaning them and watering them

and doing all the stuff.

But yeah, I mean, there’s three months of that.

I was just kind of sitting, you know,

watching a lot of TV, unfortunately, reading books,

just trying to get through the days

until I was ready to go.

But yeah, I made it through.

It was, you know, some parts were a struggle,

but I definitely made it through all right.

– What were some of the parts of Tim’s program

that helped you in that timeframe?

‘Cause I heard you say you were still in the program,

he offered you a job.

So clearly you were in there, you know,

soaking up some more knowledge as you were going through.

Cause I’m just thinking like, you know,

maybe folks haven’t had as drastic of an accident like you did,

but I know that there’s a lot of people have mystery on this, right?

They have no idea why they’re sick.

There’s plenty of people who have accidents.

You know, what kind of, what kind of nuggets did,

did he have for you that you found most helpful as you’re going through your journey?

There were so many.

I mean, it seemed like every single meeting we had,

there was something key that I had written down and was like, this is, this is important.

But I really think mentality becomes so much back to mentality.

Like if you don’t have that discipline mentality to heal and that drive to heal and learn more,

you know, it’s going to be tough.

And I think the biggest issue we have with a lot of people today is that discipline.

You know, they say, oh, I want to prove, I want to heal, I want to do this.

But they fall back into that.

And I’ve obviously had my cases of that happening too.

It’s not far, far, far from perfect.

But it’s just kind of just keeping up with it, just going through every day.

You know, okay, this week, what can I get rid of that is not good?

And what can I add in that was good?

And just kind of week by week, take that and just take your health seriously.

And you know, you have to listen to your body too.

A lot of people don’t have that ability to listen to their body,

know what their body’s telling them.

So you really have to kind of take that in and like, okay, I didn’t, I eat this food,

I didn’t feel great. I’m gonna cut it out and not eat anymore or I ate this big bowl of sprouts. I felt great

I’m gonna start eating much of sprouts again. So, you know stuff like that

It’s there’s a lot of there’s very rarely the one big thing that it’s like oh, this is this is it

This is gonna totally turn your life around. It’s usually a whole bunch of small lifestyle things

As Tim calls it stacking the cards in the deck of health

So you just continuously add in those cards and just eventually gets a point where you got a huge stack of stuff

you’re doing that and you know you’re feeling great. So that’s kind of how I take it.

Nice. Nice. I think this is a good point because I think a lot of people I mean let’s face it

beginning in the year. They do their new year’s resolutions. They’ve got these big big goals.

They bite off some hefty stuff right and I think with anything we overlook the little things that

make a difference. Now did you make a little chart of like didn’t do well with this? Did okay with

this or what habits helped you or didn’t any organizational stuff that you found helpful.

Because I think for a lot of people sometimes it’s hard to remember because they’ll disconnect

from the brain a little bit and they’ll remember for two seconds and then it’s over.

Yeah, so one of the big things I did every day for years was I still do it but I have more

switch to just prayer rather than this practice but I still do it here and there.

But I would wake up every single morning no matter what and would write down everything I’m grateful for and my goal goals and

Just kind of kept with that like okay

What you know I would have basically some short-term goals some long-term goals like okay

What am I gonna do this week to do better? What am I gonna do in the next year to do better?

things like that that

Just that alone has a big shift in your mentality

But I also would write you know when I first started like really improving my health

I basically would keep like a little journal like okay, what did I eat this day? Did I exercise this day?

You know where did I go this day? How did I feel the next day?

Just like a little journal like that just to see especially with food because people can have different reactions to different foods like

some people might respond to plant oxalates and

not be able to

Eat a lot of almonds or something like that and cause issues

So it’s just kind of important to especially if you’re changing things to keep track of okay, I eat this

I felt this way and then just kind of go from there because everybody’s body’s different.

There’s a lot of generalization diets out there and for me it’s just like if you’re

eating the highest quality food you can find whether, okay, maybe carnivore works for you,

maybe vegan works for you, but if you’re doing carnivore and you’re eating processed food,

processed meat like lunch meats and pepperoni and stuff like that, you’re not going to do


vegan and you’re eating the processed fake meat stuff, like you’re not going to do great.

So what else do people is like when you find out works for your body, just eat the highest

quality stuff you can get.

You know, if you’re going to go vegan or you’re going to, you know, at least partially consume

vegetables, definitely start growing your own.

Start growing sprouts, start growing microgreens.

Stuff like that.

I mean, sage advice.

One of the things, you know, that we of course mentioned and you gave me some tips on microgreens.

I’ve sprouts I can handle.

They don’t seem to have too much trouble.

But dang those microgreens every time I was saying,

I get mold on mine every time.

And now I’ve moved from Washington to Wisconsin.

So I know it’s not Washington, because I was blaming

on Washington there for a while.

So let’s talk about microgreens for a minute.

Like, let’s talk about why people

want to be thinking about growing their own microgreens,

other, you know, like in different reasons

why to seek out microgreens.

And then we’ll go into some of the nitty-curdy.

– Yeah, yeah, so like the not obvious answer

besides the health benefits is basically,

you’re growing something, you’re taking care of life.

And that was huge for me to start

’cause I never grew anything, I never built stuff

or just stuff like that.

And it was like, that was my first four way

into this thing of growing something,

creating something essentially.

And that was really powerful down itself,

just getting excited to wake up

and like watch them grow a little bit and stuff like that.

But yeah, then the study is basically there are four to 40 times as nutritious as full

legrown vegetables.

There was a big study that was 2014.

They tested like 20 different ones and which ones had these nutrients, which ones had these

nutrients, stuff like P and sunflower really high in protein.

They found red cabbage really high in vitamin C, stuff like that.

But definitely the nutrient benefits.

And also the fact that you’re taking, you’re not getting blueberries shipped in from Peru

or something like that, you’re literally going into a room, cutting some broccoli sprouts or some

cabbage or something and put them in your salad or put them on a sandwich and eating them.

So it’s like that that’s still alive, it’s still living food, it has all that life force energy in

it on top of all this, all the nutrients and phytochemicals and everything else that you get.

So they’re just true nutrient life force powerhouses. And you can tell because one of the biggest

things I do that I do every single day no matter what is I juice sunflower pea and the grasses which

I moved on from wheatgrass I tried to just avoid conventional in the United States wheat in general

and I moved to spelt and kamut grass which I think even tastes a little better has like a little

sweeter taste but yeah that that’s my that’s my juicing trio that I do every day on top of taking

our green 85 and stuff like that so I was gonna ask if your products are going into the green 85

at all if any. No, no, no, I’m not that big. I mean, I just got a room set up downstairs. I can

grow 60 trays at a time, but usually I’m growing closer to like 30 to 40. Just selling markets,

I sell to a few grocery stores. It’s not huge yet. It’s definitely my little side thing. I just

enjoy doing it. It’s just become part of my life. It basically funds my habit of how many I’m going

to eat. So, because I know I always got to have some. So, it makes it easier. Why not, right? Why

not build it into a business. Now, one of the things that I had mentioned, the mold thing,

and you had said, “Proxide and seed quality.” Let’s talk about that, because some folks might be

listening right now, and maybe have been in the same boat as me and been like, “Yeah, Nick, I have

to go buy my microgreens all the time. I can’t grow myself because I keep getting issues.”

– Yeah, very common. Very common. Because I’ve talked to people at farmers’ markets,

It’s like, oh, I tried doing this and I got mold and I gave up and it’s like, man, if I gave up when I got mold,

I wouldn’t have made it very, very far because that’s definitely a major, major issue when you’re starting.

So I was getting mold issues with sunflower and pea from Trueleaf.

And I was getting very frustrated.

Like, you know, multiple in a row, like, oh, I bought this 25-pound bag of seeds.

The seeds are terrible.

no matter what I did, every trade was mold.

I get another bag replacement, same thing.

And I’m like, I can’t keep doing this.

Like I’m trying to run a business here.

So I found another company that started up

just around that time called Greener Harvest Seeds.

They just be

They’re much, much smaller.

I mean, they’ve grown a lot in the past year and a half

when I first started getting them from,

they had like 10 varieties of seeds.

Now they have probably 30 or 40.

You can buy trays off them.

They have microgreens, grow resources.

So they’re definitely growing and proving,

which is really cool to see.

But as soon as I, ’cause I got sunflower from them

to try out and you can just tell looking at the seeds.

They’re much darker, like actually black looking.

Sometimes the ones from True Leaf,

they’d have like weevil damage.

They’re almost like brown looking.

You can just tell the seeds were not as high quality.

But as soon as I switched to the greener harvest seeds,

it was night and day difference.

Like I would have to really screw up to get mold

with those sunflower seeds.

You had to like try.

Like if you didn’t clean this trays or something like that.

Yeah, it was like tough to try to get mold on them.

But yeah, also the hydrogen peroxide thing.

So what I do for that is I get a 30%, like a gallon of 30% hydrogen peroxide, and then

I dilute it down to about 3%.

And then every single time I water, I just add that in the water.

So when I do the initial spraying on the top, you know, I don’t measure it out.

I use it to put like a little dash, you know, just take a gallon jug.

I just poured – 3% and poured in the water that I pour underneath and since I’ve done

that, I mean no issues.

It’s extremely extremely limited.

Hydrogen peroxide is a miracle stuff.

I mean back in the day, mom used it, burned a little bit, but you know, it definitely

prevented infections then.

So why wouldn’t it help us out on a little mold of our growth or gosh knows whatever

else could happen there?

That’s awesome.

That’s awesome.

But what’s your, so you got to blend that you’re talking about

that you juice in the morning.

What’s your favorite, like if say,

let’s say if someone’s like, I don’t know,

greens, green stuff, I’m dipping my toes in

trying to like these things.

Which one would you say someone should try in terms of like,

your favorite entry level, my crow green?

– I, so a lot of like for the common ones,

definitely sunflower, maybe two to 3% of people

that have tried sunflower were like,

Yeah, not that crazy about it,

but they might try another one like broccoli and like it.

But definitely number one is gonna be cantaloupe.

Canola microgreens, phenomenal.

Like, finocle they taste like cantaloupe.

They’re really, really good.

Now I’m not growing them right now

because I just can’t get them

that grow well in the winter.

I’m actually having trouble growing sunflower right now.

Like I have a, I’m in my basement

and I have it all sealed off.

I got the windows sealed off.

I got a space heater down there.

But even then Northeast Ohio,

it’s down to like 10 degrees at night. I think it’s pretty cold. So they’re

stunted growth a little bit. I have to start them like a day or two earlier to

get the normal growth for my markets. But yeah, I would definitely say cantaloupe

though. If it’s warm enough, you got a warm enough space. cantaloupe is phenomenal.

And once you get the technique down for it, there’s a little different

technique for cantaloupe as compared to others. Like you don’t soak them. I

usually bury them under a half inch of soil, you know, water and real good. But

That has been, I don’t even water underneath with those.

If you’re listening to this,

you wanna try growing cantaloupe,

check out OnTheGrow on YouTube,

their cantaloupe video.

That’s what I use, that’s taking a guy use,

and it works phenomenally.

I can use 50 grams of cantaloupe seed in a tray

and get no more, no issues, grows great.

– Nice, nice.

– Yeah, cantaloupe’s also probably my favorite

to put in a smoothie.

Really, really good in smoothies.

– Yeah.

I like that idea because I like the flavor of cantaloupe,

but I don’t necessarily like the texture of it.

So I’m like, huh, interesting.

And nutrient profile is pretty good with.

– Yeah, they’re even good in salads.

Like actually, like you put them in salads

because of the still greens.

So you put them in there, like you just,

like the texture works in with everything,

but you get that little burst of cantaloupe flavor,

which actually works pretty well on a salad.

It’s pretty good.

– Awesome, awesome.

Mind blown with cat, I had no idea that these even existed.

This is super cool.

This is super cool.

I hope folks are learning something on this.

I’m guessing they’re not as mainstream.

So that’s cool.

So I see behind you possibly a sauna back there.

Is that what I’m seeing?

– Yes.

– Let’s talk about saunas for a minute.

– Yeah.

– ‘Cause they’re so good for health.

And I’d love to hear your personal experience.

Have you had it for a while?

When did you start it?

– I got it.

So when I worked for Tim,

I, uh, it was right around the same time where I got a little bit of cash for my injury, you

know, just like, something like that.

And, uh, I told him I was like, cause I was just going off, I had to get off workers comp

to go work for him.

And so, uh, so I was like, I got that last check and I was like, you know what, I got

a little bit of money because I really, really wanted this on.

I wanted it for years, you know, couldn’t afford it, but I was like, you know, let me

just, let’s just make that my first month’s pay.

So I was like, let’s get it.

So that’s how I got it.

And honestly, it’s an absolute staple,

especially in the winter.

There’s nothing better to wake it up.

Like snow on the ground, house is still cold.

You didn’t have the heater on all night.

Hopping that sauna.

And within a minute, it’s warm.

And within 10, 15 minutes, you’re sweating.

So it’s phenomenal.

The one we sell is it’s far infrared.

So it’s a higher wavelength than just conventional infrared.

It gets deeper.

it works phenomenally well.

Like normally you sit in a regular sauna,

it takes 30 minutes, maybe an hour

to really get a good sweat.

I mean, if you last 20 minutes in it, you’re sweating.

Like you’re dripping.

– No.

– That’s become definitely my morning routine

and getting the sauna.

Go get a good shower after.

And it is the best.

And then I usually do before bed, I do,

’cause there’s two different settings,

there’s like two blowers on it.

And I usually do the half setting,

and I do it for like 15 minutes before bed.

Not so I’m sweating, getting into bed,

but just relax the body and just hop in the bed

and just go for it to sleep.

But it’s definitely made a big difference,

like detoxing wise, muscles wise, especially with my feet.

It was obviously my feet and RMS.

But soreness definitely goes down.

It’s great.

I’ve, it’s probably my favorite health device

that I own out of everything.

It’s great.

– Nice, nice.

I’d love to hear personal stories about the saunas

because I think a lot of people are still like,

ah, does it really work?

But for my folks with chronic pain

or who have had major injuries,

I mean, obviously it sounds like your feet

were probably crushed.

Yes, like all the bones.

– Yeah, I mean, there was,

there’s a laundry list of bones

that were broken in my feet and ankles, so yeah.

– And there’s a lot of bones in there.

And just to get folks a perspective,

because I mean, this is your foundation, right?

Of how you walk and so to be able to have that as a tool,

Huge, just so cute.

And if you had to quantify for some folks who are like dealing with pain or having trouble

recovering from workouts or whatnot, how much do you think it helps in terms of muscle

tension for you via to quantify it?

Give us your–


That’s one of the big things I do too is if I go workout in the mornings, I’ll wait

to sauna after I workout.

If I go later in the day, then I’ll just kind of get an extra sauna in or maybe I just won’t

sauna before bed.

I’m tired I am before bed.

If I’m really tired going into bed at 10 o’clock,

then I’m just gonna go right to bed.

I’m not gonna get in the sauna and just add it.

But getting in the sauna after the workout is amazing.

Like yesterday I did a pretty good workout

around like one o’clock in the afternoon,

went home, sat in the sauna for 20 minutes,

got a real good sweat.

Today I’m not sore at all.

Like I’m not sore at all.

It basically gets that lactic acid out

so you’re not getting that soreness.

It’s almost like getting a massage

without getting the sauna.

you can get the sauna and then get a massage after. Nothing tops that. Nothing tops that.

I don’t, you know, I use just the, one of those massage guns on myself. So that, you know, I do

the best I can with that. Obviously I can’t get a respond my back or anything like that. And

it’s harder to relax when you’re doing that, but it’s still great. It’s still really good. So.

Nice. What other, what other kind of wellness practices did you start implementing since

since meeting Tim and working with the chemical-free body folks?

Well, I mean, basically everything I’ve been talking about is stuff I’ve started since Tim,

you know, the sprouts, microgreens.

Sauna, big one, I do, I use, uh,

the like acupressure, acupuncture, like pads for my feet.

So I’ll stand on those for like 15, 20 minutes.

And one of my favorite things for that too is I use those and then I use magnesium lotion

right after. So it is like my feet will feel like brand new after doing that. It feels amazing.

Yeah, I forget the company we got those active pressure pads are from like Ukraine. They have

a weird name. I can’t remember offhand, but they’re like, you know, little rubber pads that have tons

of tons of little tiny metal spikes. They’re becoming more popular now. Yeah, definitely

it’s weird once you get used to like once you get started. But once you get used to it, it’s just

like you’re just standing on it and it feels great. Like it really does after you get off and you’re

like and then you massage your feet a little bit, move it around, get those cracks and stuff.

It’s great. But especially combined with the magnesium. Magnesium is probably the most important

micronutrient that people aren’t getting enough of. I know I wasn’t. I know that’s a big reason

of having anxiety, depression and all that because I was drinking energy drinks. I wasn’t getting a

exercise. I wasn’t getting enough sunlight. Doing all the things you shouldn’t be doing. Staring

of screens too long. So the good magnesium too, that was a really big one. But what else?

I got an aqua cure from electrophage, which we’re finding out may not be as great as

we thought it was. We’re still trying to figure out more with that. We might be having some

issues with that. Tim is talking to a guy that only does hydrogen. And he’s saying that

the aqua cures may not be everything they’ve chalked up to be. So we’re still trying to

learn more about that and figure that out, but I’ve stopped and used in mind for about

two weeks now. And I can’t say I felt worse or better, really, I just kind of almost feel

the same. So that it’s very odd. Yeah, well, so, you know, my grateful practice, that’s

I think that’s really important. Prayer meditation, that’s really important. Regardless of what

religion you follow and all that, like, there is a creator God, some, you know, some sort

being created this place and we don’t have anything without that. So we should be praying

for him, give him thanks. And, you know, we all have the goals and things we want to

do in life. But sometimes God has, you know, a different vision on what you should be doing.

So I feel like my injury was like, God telling me like, Hey, you weren’t doing the right

things. Now you’re going to go do the right things. And sometimes you just have to be

open to it and accept it. Because a lot of people, and stuff like that happens, they

really fight it. I mean if my injury happened two years prior, it could have been a total

disaster. I probably I could have got back on opiates because I took opiates years, years

ago when I was in my early 20s. Not a good thing obviously, but I was able to stay off

them in the hospital. Everything I used was natural. So my trio that I used to basically

deal with the pain from that was really high quality CBD. I was actually getting CBD flour.

I was buying organic CBD flour online and making my own oils. I did occasionally smoke

it once in a while. It was kind of relaxed. It definitely helped me relax and be able to chill

out a little bit. Our turmeric product, which that, oh man, I don’t leave the house without my

my bottle that’s turmeric because it works within five minutes.

Like if you’re dealing with inflammation pain, which I was dealing with a lot, that stuff

is phenomenal.

I would take it like four times a day, made a huge, huge difference and just pain and

just inflammation and everything.

Then also at that time I was taking Cratum, which I don’t know if you’ve heard of Cratum,

it’s basically a natural plant.

It’s a leaf.

It’s similar to opiate, but it’s not quite an opiate.

works on the same receptors, but I was able to take just those and stay off the pharmaceutical


I left the hospital with no pharmaceutical drugs, which can be more important than anything.

I’ll take whatever plant you got except opium and I’ll do it.

I don’t want to do any pharmaceutical drugs.

They did give me morphine in the hospital.

They would give the morphine shots every couple hours or something like that, but it didn’t

really work.

but I didn’t also didn’t feel like great off of either.

It was just like, oh, my foot feels slightly less

in pain now, great.

And that was kind of it.

I went home and I’m glad I was able to,

’cause I just moved into this new house

a month and a half prior to the injury.

So it was like, I wasn’t even sure

if I could be able to move around the house.

Am I gonna fit through the doors?

I’m gonna get in the bathroom, but I,

the wheelchair literally scraped the doors getting through.

like I had to slide through, but it fit.

I fit, you know, I was able to get the bathroom.

I was able to get into the bed.

So, and luckily at that time too,

I was also in good physical shape.

I was down and awake quite a bit because I was,

I think late 2020, I was 225.

And around the time of my injury, I was 155, 160.

So that was really big.

So I could move around.

I could actually move myself around pretty easily

with my arms and stuff like that.

my, you know, I was golfing a lot, you know, doing more energy.

I was working a lot.

So overall, I was stronger and was able to just maneuver everything.

Cause you know, like I said earlier, everyone was kind of freaked out.

Like, what are you going to do?

How are you going to move around?

You’re going to have to have somebody to care for you.

And I’m like, no, please just let me, let me do it.

And I was able to do it all myself.

So my obviously, I had my daughter, she helped quite a bit with, you know, the

basic stuff and doing laundry, doing dishes, stuff like that.

So that certainly helped too.

But yeah, it was, it was a journey.

It was a journey.

Man, I couldn’t imagine.

I couldn’t imagine it’s, it’s, it’s quite impressive.

Now you mentioned the turmeric and a lot of people are hot on turmeric.

And some people do bees in it and say, ah, this turmeric I got didn’t work or, oh, I’m not sure about it.

Now I know that there’s different delivery methods.

I know there’s different types.

Talk about the chemical free body once so that folks can hear a little bit and

understand kind of what your your guys’s take is on it and how to get the most out of it.

Yes, it is. So our Tamara is a tincture. It doesn’t need any black pepper. It doesn’t have

any extra additives that are unnecessary. It works through the mucus membrane in your mouth. So

you literally drop it in your mouth, one dropper, just switch it around for 36. It actually tastes

good. It tastes like orange, which is a natural orange flavor too. There’s nothing synthetic,

nothing artificial in any of our products. But it generally tastes good. You get that

little bit of bittery turmeric taste but I’ve grown to like it over the years now but uh yeah

you’re just swishing around and I mean within five minutes it’s absorbing into your bloodstream

because the biggest problem with turmeric is when you take it orally normally like the powder or

capsule one you have to take black pepper and quite a bit and two no matter what you do you’re

just not going to absorb all of it not even close to all of it I don’t know the exact thing but

I mean, that’s an issue with a lot of things taken orally.

Maybe absorbed 10%.

And it’s like, OK, you’re taking all this powder

and all this stuff, but you’re not really

absorbing a lot of it.

So with ours, since the molecules are so small

and they absorb right through the mucus membrane in your mouth,

you’re absorbing all of it and straight into the bloodstream.

So when we meet with five minutes, you feel it.

You notice it.

I give it to people with arthritis all the time.

I give a bottle to my chiropractor.

He loves it.

He wants to start preparing them and give them

and stuff. So yeah, we believe that we have the best

turmeric product that you can get really because I don’t know how to make it any better.

You know, it absorbs the nukes in your mouth. It’s totally clean ingredients.

You don’t need black pepper. It’s just great. It really is.

It’s probably my favorite regular product we sell outside of the greens.

Gotcha. Yeah, I’m in the camp.

A less is more. No, granted, I’ve had the chemical free body greens.

I had to get used to it because of course we’re all brainwashed or maybe let’s say brainwashed our tongues are

Tastewashed yes, let’s go that that’s very true to that really does happen

Because I noticed that over time with me where like before I was like, oh, I want to eat

Whatever, you know crap there was and now it’s like now I get excited for eating some microgreens or something like that

So your taste buds do change?

Absolutely like how how your brain is almost like a

It’s definitely a brain reaction to it.

Like when you think about eating a food, like you get those hunger cravings or something

like that.

A lot of people crave sugar or carbs.

But when you get into hunger craving and you start craving microgreens, like that’s

when you know that your brain is, you’re on a different wavelength now, like you’ve

leveled up.

So that makes a big difference too.

Like when you want to eat those good foods.

Absolutely, absolutely.

You know, we’ve had the the chemical free body greens and we’ve been like, you know after coming off of one that was artificially flavored with

Stevia or something of that nature, you know, you try me like


But it does seem that after time like you said you get used to it

So I definitely want folks to kind of know that you know, it’s like you said your your your taste buds change because they’ve been

Braint your I’m gonna taste bud washing. I’m gonna go with that

Yeah before I found the greedy five I was taken athletic greens which you know like a lot of people

I love this new a lot of podcasts and see like every podcast I listened to they were advertising athletic greens

I’m like, you know what? All right. We gave it a shot. The marketing worked whatever and I tried it, you know

it I noticed a little bump up, you know that take it for like two months and you know, I mean it was like it’s expensive and

You know, I was like, okay, I feel a little better

But I’m going to look at the ingredients like later on.

It’s like, oh, there’s a lot of like,

cillium husk and a lot of like the good ingredients.

There was not a lot of a lot of,

a lot of stuff in there that wasn’t the best impact,

which if you’re taking nothing at all,

you know, I do it in like any vegetables

or you’re not taking any supplements like that,

it’s definitely going to be better than nothing.

But once I tried the Green 85, you know,

I was like, it’s cheaper.

It’s a much higher quality ingredients.

Like I could just tell the overall well-being

was just so much better taking that.

So I just took it and stuck with it.

I mean, the flavor, I’ll tell you,

the flavors are not gonna be as sweet or good

as something like maybe athletic greens was,

or something you can go buy at the store.

That’s flavor with natural flavors.

But the Green 85, I mean, it happened to me.

It happened to a lot of people who have tried it.

They may not like it for a week,

but after that week, your body starts to crave it.

You wake up in the morning looking forward to it.

You don’t look up, you’re not looking forward

to the coffee in the morning.

You’re looking forward to the Green 85.

And we’ve had people that they stop drinking coffee in the mornings or at all

because they take green 85 and they feel better.

They have more energy.

They don’t get a crash in the afternoon.


You know, the experience that you need.

Go figure, go figure.

So now that you’re working with Tim, are you working on some of the coaching

for folks?

You know, because of course I want to kind of bring it full circle for folks

to know how you fit in with with Tim and then also how we, we’re going to talk

about your microgreens and how to find you.

And if they’re in Ohio, ’cause I can never know.

So let’s talk about Tim’s program.

Are you coaching in there?

What are you up to in there?

– So I’m not doing any official coaching.

I’m basically the customer service guy.

I’ve managed all of our customer service stuff.

So you call me, we don’t have any AI.

You call, it goes straight to me.

As long as my phone rings,

sometimes we have an issue with the phone

not forwarding to my phone.

I don’t know, it’s just technical issue.

But it goes straight to my phone.

I answer, it’s me, it’s a real person.

There’s no buttons to push through or anything like that.

You email me, there’s no AI bot, it goes straight to me.

But that’s mainly what I do,

I manage all the customer service stuff,

which to me in a way, that’s kind of coaching,

’cause I get a lot of questions and stuff like that.

And I’m able to give certain advice,

and obviously not medical device and all that.

manage our inventories. So I do our orders and, you know, making sure we have stuff in stock, you

know, communicate with manufacturers and all that stuff. So that’s mainly what I do. I do stuff

a little here and there. Like, I’ve been trying to get more more podcasts, you know, tell my story,

tell what I do with stuff like that. Because one of the biggest things I care about is just helping

other people in a similar situation as me, mainly with depression and drug abuse and stuff like that,

because depression was a major part of my life for 14, 15 years.

So, and I know how many people deal with it out there.

I know many people are working their jobs,

slaving away, you know, for me it was a machine shop

or whatever it may be.

You’re listening to the podcast, like you want to improve,

but you don’t know what to do,

you don’t know who to trust.

And I guess I was lucky enough to find the right person

that worked for me and clicked with me.

I get told all the time that I sound like Tim.

People think I’m his son or something.

So it was just like, I found the right person that would be essentially my mentor and, you know,

take me to the places I wanted to go. And yeah, that’s what it’s been for Tim. I obviously want

to do more. I want to do whatever I can do, trying to get involved more locally. I’ve given conferences

and stuff locally. I spoke at a food security summit last year, which is amazing. It was like,

I didn’t know what it was going to do it. I thought it was a little bit smaller deal. It was actually

really big deal. People were coming in from like three hours away for this conference,

and I’m just like the little micro green scrover guy giving a speech, but everybody loved it.

I mean, I spoke for a whole hour just talking about micro green,

screwing your own food, be food secure. And I mean, that was amazing. It was such a good time.

I made so many connections from that. And then now I’m on this local healthy food retail team

here in the Bay Street, the two county area. So I help try and get healthy foods and

in more stores. I try to get my microgreens and more stores, obviously, which it’s tough

with big corporate chains when I’m a small guy, because really it’s the quality that

matters so much. And also food that’s grown near you, because it’s grown in the same environment

as you, it’s breathing the same air as you. You know, food from Peru is a totally different

soil, totally different air than what you’re eating here, or what you get here. So just

As close as you can get to your food is always going to be better no matter what.

But yeah, if you’re in the Northeast Ohio area, you know, I’ll drive, you know, 45 minutes to drive to you.

I do deliver.


So that’s made.

I mean, when I started set it up, the main thing I wanted to do was basically have I have my website and people can order set up a subscription or something like that.

And then I’ll do like a big delivery route once a week or something like that.

Hasn’t worked out that way.

It’s kind of tough to get people to order online, let alone do a subscription for microgreens, but

you know, my farmer’s markets do well. So

Good. Good. Well, you know, the Midwest is

You know having lived in Washington state for probably half of my life. It’s it’s different

You know, we’ve got a different vibe here in the Midwest with getting folks on board

That’s why I do this podcast getting the word out because

It’s not going to get out with the low, you know, the the main big box grocery stores

They’re not going to try to tell you what’s up.

Um, here’s what we got to do.

It’s what we got to do.

So tell us what is your, your microgreens company’s name and then let’s go into chemical

free body, how they can just hit you up and say, Hey, Nick, what’s up?

You know, tell me more about these programs.

Cause I think for a lot of people having a face and a name of someone that’s actually

going to talk to them when they have supplement questions, mind blown, because we can’t even

call the bank without having to talk to AI. So, yeah, so huge. So, so give us a scoop.

Let’s hear micro green companies. So folks can learn about it. Tell us all the chemical

free body stuff too, so that folks can dive in. Yeah. So my micro green company is called

Creations Backyard. And when I was, I was doing my initial thing, trying to figure out a name.

And I don’t like to use last name as her name and companies.

I was like, but as a placeholder, I had creations backyard.

You know, just my last name backyard.

And then someone misheard me.

I thought I said creations backyard.

I’m like, that’s it.

That’ll be the one.

So, uh, when with that, you know, I got my LLC and all that stuff, but, um, yeah,

my website is www dot creations

Um, you can email me directly to creations backyard LLC at gmail.

I also have a Facebook, so it’s just creations back here on Facebook.

You’ll see a little picture of my container.

Another big thing too I focus on my ingredients is I don’t use plastic.

I use plant-based, compostable, biodegradable packaging.

Because that was what I was thinking, if you’re buying hundreds of these plastic containers

at a time and you just put more plastic in the world, no amount of recycling is going

to get rid of all this plastic.

I don’t think recycling is a great thing.

I think it’s kind of a scam to get people

to use plastic more.

But I just wasn’t going to do that.

I was just like, okay, I’m not going to add more things

around doing something healthy.

Why would I put it in plastic and get microplastics

and the food and all that?

So that was a big thing to me.

Obviously costs more, but that quality,

I make sure my stuff is quality.

I’m not just going to pump stuff out just to do it.

So I’m going to do it.

I’m going to do it right.

That was a big thing for me.

Yeah, with Chemical Free Body though, it’s just

My email would be if you want to email me directly.

And then the support email is just

And all that’s on the website.

You can see that there.

The phone number to call to call me directly is 888-368-9898.

And then I’ll just go over to my phone and I can answer.

Um, if for some reason, I don’t answer, I’ll always call you back.


Nick, that’s awesome.

That’s awesome.

I love how available you guys are.

I definitely can, can feel how committed you guys are to helping folks out.

It’s, it’s so important.

We need stuff like this.

And man, you’re making me laugh.

I’m still laughing about the plastic scam in the recycle thing.

Cause when you watch the garbage truck, put it in the same dump.

as you’re like, I just separated that and you just put it in the same thing.


Yeah, it’s like, what’s the, what’s the point?


And there’s plenty of, I think there’s documentaries on it now, just like the whole

how it’s just, it’s just BS to get people to feel better about using plastic.

And then it’s like, OK, if you get something that’s, if you’re buying a product

that’s made with recycled plastic or, you know, got recycled polyester or something

like that. It’s like, okay, where was it before it became this? Like, what was it before that? Did

it hold hazardous chemicals? Did it, you know, what, you know, where was it before? And like, I don’t

know where this was. So to me, I kind of avoid recycled anything just because I like, you know,

what is just a hodgepodge mix of what I don’t know, it’s already a mix of chemicals, but

probably worse. So

question everything. That’s the motto of my life is question everything because everything that you

thought was helpful. In very big air quotes, we just don’t know. You just got a question and see

where you land on it because that’s… Especially when it comes to health. I mean,

health is the biggest one. You know, big pharma has their tentacles and everything. And I mean

everything. Me, the government, you know, obviously the medical system, schools, you know, it’s…

They have the tentacles everywhere. They have so much power. It’s ridiculous. I think

big pharma historically, like the last 50 to 100 years has probably been those powerful.

But tech is right there too. And when tech and big pharma are working together,

we saw that with COVID. So just watch TV. Yeah. Yeah. If you watch the news, you watch news,

you know, I’ll go to my grandpa’s and you see the news or something like that. And

or stuff he’s watching in the early afternoon, every other commercial, at least, I mean,

at least I’m not exaggerating, at least every other commercial is some sort of pharmaceutical lab.

All of them. And it’s always, “Look at us, we’re happy, we’re dancing with my family,

having a good time, look at that. You take this drug and you’ll feel great too.” And it’s like,

“Man, it’s, I mean, there’s a reason we’re the only us in New Zealand or the only countries

that can advertise pharmaceutical drugs.” And it works. People go to the doctor and say,

like, hey, I saw this commercial about this.

And the doctor is like, of course, we can give that to you here.

And then next thing you know, you got this side effect,

that side effect.

And then you get more drugs for those side effects.

And it’s just this cycle that compounds

until more and more people are talking to you

or fed up.

They’re like, I don’t want the pharmaceutical drugs.

I feel like it’s destroying my health.

I’m like, it is 100%.

And then I just try to do my best to give them

a natural solution.

Because one thing I’ve learned is you can heal from everything.

If you are determined enough, if you take it serious enough,

if you’re doing the right thing,

you can heal from essentially everything.

So physical, mental, spiritual, and spiritual,

obviously a big part of it too,

if people are spiritually empty,

a lot of the rest makes it tough.

So yeah, it’s all together, it’s all connected.

– You’re so right.

You just hit on like probably the biggest,

like let’s call it bomb that’s hit me in the last couple years is, is, you know,

doing all the health things still not feeling amazing spiritual.

Just, you know, didn’t want to buy into it thinking like, Oh, I got,

I got my beliefs.

I’m good, right?

But yeah.

So that’s something definitely, I’m sure you guys talk about it in, in chemical

free body. I’m, I’m just curious.

I know I could talk to you for hours, Nick.

I know folks are probably like, okay, come on.

But I do gotta ask, like, with your spiritual practice,

it sounds like it’s the gratitude

and using all of that to really just connect in.

And I know you had mentioned God

and you had mentioned different, you know,

depending on what someone’s beliefs are.

But a lot of people roll their eyes at me

when I say the gratitude journal

and being grateful and finding love.

And I probably would have too.

I probably would have felt the same way years ago

I’d be like, what’s that gonna do?

I’m gonna write down what I’m grateful for.

And my goal is like, okay,

like either early in my head, like, no,

especially if you write it down

and then say it out loud after that it’s huge.

Like you take a mental note of how you feel

before you do it and after you do it.

It’s night and day.

I mean, it’s very clear that it impacts your brain

or at least whatever we call it,

it impacts your mental state 100%.

– So huge, so huge.

Man, the more I dive into it,

the more it just keeps getting better, better.

And I’m so glad that you guys are talking about that.

I know back in the day when I talked to Tim about cancer

and all those things,

I mean, it definitely has to be at a real point.

And I truly believe my mom passed

because she couldn’t get that part on point.


– A lot happens to a lot of people like childhood

trauma. A lot of people hold on to that. You know, it’s, it, and then you can go into the way deeper

thing like, okay, what are memories? You know, people lose weight, they lose some fat and all of a

sudden this trauma is released from them or something like that. There’s, there’s so many things

about the body. We don’t, like we think that all thinking and memories and everything’s in the brain,

but that’s not always necessarily true. You know, people that get a heart transplant and

all of a sudden they’re remembering things from the person that had the heart before and stuff

stuff like that. There’s a much more going on, especially with our bodies than we can

comprehend, I think. I don’t think we’re totally meant to comprehend at all. I think

we just have to do what we can with it and just realize that everything is connected.

Every little action you take has a ripple effect in society. So you just have to do

the best you can. I talked to a lot of people that when I talked about the Food Security

Conference, me and another guy were the two big speakers. And the other guy was all systems

based. He was, you know, what system are going to implement, how are we going to make these

systems more efficient? And like the big system thing in mind, it actually worked out totally

perfect. Mindless, what can you do as an individual to improve things? What can you do as yourself

to be boot food more food secure? So I think there’s definitely a combination of both that I

think if you don’t start with yourself, if you’re out, you’re not working on yourself, and you’re

trying to change the world, change all these systems and bring down the federal reserve and

change the government. If you don’t start with yourself, if you don’t improve your own

health, if you don’t take yourself out of debt, how are you going to help save everybody

else? And save it like love. If you don’t love yourself, how are you going to love other

people? And you really have to start with yourself. And not as so many people see it as

selfish. I was told I was selfish for years and I never thought I was that selfish, but

I was told it all the time, so I just kind of thought I was selfish, I guess.

But no, I put myself first in that sense that if I’m not good, how can I help anybody else?

So, and that’s been key in the last few years is like, I can’t help somebody unless I’ve helped

myself and I feel like I helped myself.

I mean, obviously I remember going to do more, but I know that I’ve done enough that I can help a lot of people.

That’s why I’m here on this podcast.

That’s why I do the job that I do.

So yeah.

Just such such wisdom in there, such wisdom there.

I’m so glad that you’re doing what you’re doing.

I’m glad that you came on and shared your story.

And now we have, like I said before, a face with the name.

So when you guys reach out to chemical free body for questions or you just have

some inquiries, there you go.

Nick’s next there to help you and microgreens guys for my folks.

Go see Nick, hit him up.

– Or Western PA.

– Yes, and Western PA.

– Yes.

– I have to think, yeah, Western PA is all right.

– Yeah, PA is like, I think it’s maybe a fudger

about 30-ish minutes east, maybe a little less,

maybe like 25 minutes.

‘Cause in Ohio, we measure everything, by minutes,

not miles.

So that’s one of the weird things we do,

but yeah, that’s, sorry, it’s how it is.

It’s how we do it here.

– It’s a, when you’re in the middle of nowhere thing,

That’s what you do.

It will work.

– ‘Cause it’s like you can drive highway

and you can get there, you know, it’s 10 miles,

but you get there quick,

but you can drive 10 miles and all down these side streets,

it’s gonna take longer.

So it’s just how many minutes does it take?

That’s, I don’t know.

It’s one of those weird things I didn’t realize

was a weird thing until people told me it was a weird thing.

So I was like, okay, that’s fine.


– Not at all.

It’s cool, it’s cool.

Well Nick, thank you so much for spending time with me today

and let me pick your brain.

This is awesome.

I’m so excited about my microgreens.

I am going to give you an update on them

and we will put on the screen for you

so you can see what they love us.

– Yes, definitely.

– Thanks again.

– Yeah, thank you.

[Outro] Hey fellow health junkie.

Thanks for listening to the Health Fix podcast.

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Thanks again for listening.

Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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