Your body operates with electrical, chemical, and mechanical properties, yet conventional medicine rarely addresses health at the electrical level. Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has been around for over 100 years and is backed by extensive research.

In this episode, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Mark Foxโ€”an entrepreneur, scientist, engineer, author, and former Space Shuttle Chief Engineerโ€”who saw firsthand how PEMF benefited astronauts, horses, and even pets. Wanting to make it more accessible, he developed Vibe, a portable PEMF device designed for both animals and humans.

Tune in to discover how PEMF works, why itโ€™s rooted in the โ€œearthโ€™s heartbeat,โ€ and how it can be a game-changer for conditions like PTSD, chronic pain, and recovery from injuries.

If you’re listening, be sure to check out key moments on YouTube for a full demonstration of the Vibe PEMF device!

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What Youโ€™ll Learn in This Episode:

โœ… How PEMF acts like a song that helps your body realign itself
โœ… The science behind MRI machines and how they relate to PEMF
โœ… Why your body contains magnetite and why that matters
โœ… How PEMF is more powerful than standard magnetic therapy
โœ… The way PEMF recharges cells, boosts ATP by 500%, and reduces inflammation
โœ… The shocking history behind the 1934 Flexner Report and its impact on electrical therapy research
โœ… How PEMF therapy helps with PTSD and post-accident trauma
โœ… Why chronic pain and illness are best treated in a calm, distraction-free environment
โœ… The crucial difference between EMFs from PEMF therapy vs. your cell phone and other devices
โœ… How PEMF supports healing in horses, cats, dogs, and even giraffes!

Resources from the Show:

๐Ÿ”น Vibe Portable PEMF Device โ€“ Learn more about Mark Foxโ€™s innovative approach to PEMF therapy
๐Ÿ”น Resona Tones โ€“ Meditation music infused with healing frequencies

Listen now and explore the powerful, natural healing effects of PEMF!

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Podcast Transcript

0:52 – Intro
4:54 – What is PEMF

11:26 – What Inspired Mark to Explore PEMF Technology  

13:44 – The nuts and bolts of the PEMF device

17:51 – PTSD PEMF device program

21:03 – PEMFโ€™s Vs. EMFโ€™s

24:02 – The difference between listening to frequencies from your phone and using the PEMF device

26:44 – Pet therapy with PEMF device

30:35 – Giraffe therapy?

36:01 – Using the PEMF device to infuse water

38:51 – How an MRI works

42:18 – Home pilot study

51:53 – The importance of hydration 

55:50 – Where to find the PEMF device

[Preview] I said, “So, let’s look at the biggest scams of all time.”


DNA sequencing, MRIs, antibiotics, CRISPR, X-rays.

So I just go through this list of 100 things that are absolutely positively impossible until

they weren’t.

We do a million MRIs a year in this country.

If I explained somebody in 60 seconds how an MRI works,

you’d go, “There’s five levels of magic,

and they’re all impossible.”

But everyone looks at the picture and goes,

“Yep, that’s my heart.”

Well, how did that happen?

Do you know how that picture was made?

No, it’s impossible.

[Intro] Welcome to The Health Fix Podcast,

where health junkies get their weekly fix of tips,

tools, and techniques to have limitless energy,

sharp minds, and fit, physiques for life.

JANNINE: Hey, health junkies on this episode of The Health Fix Podcast.

I’m interviewing Mark Fox.

He’s an entrepreneur.

He’s a scientist.

He’s an engineer, an author, creative thinking consultant, crop formation researcher, and

former space shuttle chief engineer at NASA.

He’s also a hot air balloonist.

He’s been doing that for over 35 years and he built his own airplane.


guys something. Now here’s the thing today we’re talking about PEMF pulse

electromagnetic frequencies. Now maybe you’ve heard of PMF pads maybe you’ve

heard of beamer pads these are things where you can lay on the pad and reset

your energetic vibe. Now for a lot of people that seem super woo-woo but here’s

the thing this data has been around that this stuff works for over a hundred years

and we have lots of research studies tens of thousands of research studies on

P.M.F. NASA uses P.E. M.F. devices to help astronauts keep their bone density while

they’re in space. So there’s some stuff there. Now here’s what’s fascinating about P.E.M.F.

It can help animals, even help some giraffes. We’ll get into that story a little bit later

in the podcast. And Mark’s seeing a lot of great results with PTSD and soldiers. And

So this is a huge thing.

Mark is very deeply invested in helping soldiers

and preventing suicide.

And I think PMF has some potential here.

So something to think about.

Now we’re also talking about how PMF is like a song

for your body, gives your body like a big hug

to your nervous system.

So that’s kind of fun.

And really we’re talking about how PMF

could potentially change your life

by using a portable device that Mark developed

because he was sick of all of these pads being tens of thousands

of dollars and being really cost prohibitive

for the average individual.

So he developed a portable device that is under 300 bucks

and you can even use it on your hat.

He has a bandana for dogs so that they can wear it

around their neck, he’s working on horses.

And like I said, giraffes, how cool is that?

So we get into some of the nitty gritty of what you can

expect by using PEMF. We also talk about protocols. We talk about fun stuff related to PEMF that

I had no idea about. In fact, Mark intrigued me so much that he and I teamed up and we are going to

be conducting a research study. I mean, technically I’m conducting the research study to see if we can

help folks that have Lyme disease here in Wisconsin at the Center for Human Restoration with the owner

Dr. Laura Connor, we’re going to be putting that together and doing a study for 90 days

to see if we can get some change with Lyme disease.

So stay tuned.

I will be updating you guys on that in a separate podcast.

But for now, open your mind to the possibility that we’re chemical, we’re electrical, and

we’re also mechanical individuals.

So why wouldn’t we work on the electrical side of ourselves?

All right, let’s introduce you to Mark Fox. Mark Fox, welcome to The Health Fix Podcast.

MARK: Hey, thank you for having me. This will be fun. Appreciate it.

JANNINE: Man, you know, as a naturopathic doctor, I live on the fringe of folks being like,

oh, she does weird stuff all the time. And when I talk about PEMF, people are always going to be like,

how does that even work? And, you know, what is even happening? And so I wanted to just first run

run out of the gates with PEMF and really the concept of vibration and how a vibration

can affect our vibration and then recharge ourselves.

So I’m jumping right out of the gates with you.

What’s your like, how do you explain it to folks on a level that we can kind of think

of like, oh, okay, that makes sense.

MARK: Okay.

So I usually start at a higher level and say anything in the world, nothing in the world

happens without an energy exchange. You don’t eat food, you don’t breathe oxygen, you don’t

walk, you don’t drive your car, you don’t fall down and break your arm, you don’t do anything

without an energy, you don’t cook s’mores, right on a campfire, everything is an energy exchange.

So energy can be transferred to the human body with electrical current, PMF, magnetic fields,

light vibration and sound. So it can be any of those. I chose PMF for this particular product

because of its easy use. You don’t have any wires on you and you stick it in your pocket

and its therapy on the go. PMF magnetic therapy has been around since 3500 BC. It used to be

rocks that we’ll call load stones where a lightening hit them. That’s what we think happened.

And it puts a magnetic field into a rock. PMF, a pulse electromagnetic field, is discovered

about 100 years ago or so that it’s more, way more therapeutic than a static magnet. So that’s why

what PEMF is. It’s also the Earth’s heartbeat. So the Earth puts out, I’m going to show you real

fast, the Earth puts out PEMF all the time called the Schumann frequency 7.83, 14.1 and 20.3, I think.

So if you can see that, that right there is the Earth’s heartbeat. 


MARK: So it’s, anyone can

download this free app. It’s a magnetometer app. So you have a magnetometer in your phone, usually

about here for compass and stuff and apps and things like that.

So probably nothing in the world would live if you didn’t have PEMF, right?

We’re just engulfed in it 24/7.

Well, what it’s doing and I have to preface this and usually doctors start to argue with

me on this.

First of all, no doctor in the world knows how a drug works.



You have a theory, but you’ve never proven it.

So you don’t know how aspirin works, you don’t know how morphine works, you don’t know

how anything works.

So here’s what we do know.

We know that your cells have a voltage on them like a car battery.

And when that voltage gets low, you get sick.


So it recharges your cell’s batteries.

It’s been proven the shows that PMF will increase the voltage on the cell.

So it recharges your cell’s batteries.

The second thing is ATP.

And I always pronounce it wrong.

Maybe you can correct me.

It’s adenosine triphosphate.


It’s the ATP.

I’m close.

Oh, I had a Facebooker attack me because I said it wrong.

Okay. So ATP is the main fuel that your cells use for food.

So PEMF has been proven to show it increases ATP up to 500%.

Those two things, the highest level is it’s recharging cells batteries.

It’s increasing food for your cells so your body can do what it does best,

which is heal itself.

That’s kind of it at a high level in the simplest form that I can explain it.

JANNINE: That’s awesome.

No, it’s, it’s good because I think for a lot of people,

We’re thrown at, you know, speaking of Facebook ads and social media ads, we’re throwing a lot of

information now. And unfortunately, there is a lot of let’s call it misinformation. And it’s

mostly because people are spouting out stuff that they actually haven’t went back to see that there

was actual research studies. And maybe there was only three research studies on someone. And now

we’re saying this is a magical supplement or something of that nature or a magical device.

And the fact that like PEMF is so much research

and NASA of course, you know, being in the background there

as the space shuttle chief engineer,

I’m like, holy cow, like you were on the front lines

of seeing how this stuff works for astronauts.

Did you, you know, did you jump in on any of those studies?

Were you involved in any of those back in the day or?

MARK:  I wasn’t, I mean, I’m familiar with everyone.

Talk to the guy that did the study.

I was a chief engineer on the Solar Rocket Booster

so I wasn’t into the human resource.

but I know what’s going on in that field.

You can’t stay on the space station

and you definitely can’t get to Mars without PEMF

because of bone density loss.

So it increases bone density.

A doctor told me last, a couple weeks ago he goes,

“Mark, PEMF is not on trial.

If somebody attacks you,

then they haven’t done any research.”

So there are 35,000 published papers on this technology.

NASA’s been using it since the ’70s.

It’s been around for a long time.

What’s a little weird, so this is going back to Carnegie

and JP Morgan, I think it was Morgan that owned Standard Oil.

So only in the United States,

it only in the United States in 1934,

they called the Flexner Report came out,

they said, “Hey,” and those two were behind it,

and they owned the medical industry,

and they owned the doctor’s licenses,

and they owned all the funding for researchers, right,

for all the universities.

They said, “If you’re doing anything but surgery and drugs,

“we’re gonna pull your funding and your licenses.”

So in America, all the electrical therapy got scrapped,

stopped to the wayside.

No other country, just the United States did that.

Because Morgan and Carnegie figured out,

hey, I own oil and oil in the world

and I can make drugs out of oil.

That’s why they did it, okay?

So yeah, so a lot of that research was lost.

It’s been reinvigorated.

You’ve said something before, like a mat at the beginning is,

if you go man on the street with a microphone and go,

Hey, have you ever heard of PEMF?

About one out of 20 people is gonna say yes,

and they know of a beamer mat or a mat

and a chiropractor, acupuncture, so a doctor like you.

But it’s getting more and more people learning about it.

It’s definitely exponential of just in the last year,

two years of how many more people do know about it.

I’ll tell you what though, in the horse world,

every single person knows what PEMF is

’cause they know what a magnaway of machine is,

they know their veterinarian comes out with this big hoop

and they treat the horse with my opinion, too much energy.

But yeah, so that’s, ask me another question

’cause I babbled too long.


JANNINE: No, no, you’re fine.

This information is fascinating,

especially about the Flexner Report in 1934,

because that’s really when medicine changed

and naturopathic doctors became quackadivials.

And we wiped out a lot of really good stuff

that if you go to Europe, especially Russia, Austria,

those kind of countries,

you’ll find all kinds of interesting devices.

You name it.

But with PEMF, and yes, that’s,

I heard from doing a little research on you

that you got into this because of your dog, your lab.

MARK: Yeah, so, and to your point,

to both our points is,

your body’s chemical, electrical, and mechanical.

And to ignore one of those,

the electrical thing is stupid,

’cause you can’t, you don’t operate without all three.

But there she is.

JANNINE: Oh, look at that girl.

MARK: 27 years ago.

So yeah, she couldn’t come up the stairs one morning.

We were living in Utah at the time.

She was just crying.

It was never happened before.

So told my wife or flipping a coin to see who goes to the vet.

Who’s not going to work today?

And she had severe arthritis in her spine.

And so very good friend of mine, Dr. Oz Jackson,

he’s a veterinarian.

He’s like, “Hey, there’s this magic machine

electrical thing that can reverse our dryness.

Like, okay, so I’m super skeptical.

I’m a rock scientist.

I don’t believe any of this crap, right?

And it’s like, but I’m gonna try it from my dog.

And then she got, unfortunately, so sick, so fast.

My vet goes, don’t put her in a car and drive

for two days, four states away.

I’m like, okay.

But that’s how I learned about it.

And again, I never had any intention

to get into frequency and healing and therapies

and that stuff.

But it was like, my dog, that happened.

Then I go, this is pretty interesting.

What was the real trigger for me?

You didn’t ask that yet, but you usually get asked that.

Is I saw what it could do for PTSD and trauma.

And we have 44 suicides a day,

22 military veterans, 15 first responders,

five medical workers, two active duty.

That’s not counting all the civilians, right?

And it, frankly, it pissed me off.

is like, we have a solution.

We human, there’s a solution there.

It’s just not affordable and you can’t get access to it.

I mean, you can, but it’s expensive

and you gotta go to the doctor’s office.

So I might, there’s gotta be a way to create,

I’m a chemical engineer, it’s my undergraduate.

I’m not an electrical engineer, but I’m granting myself

a double E degree after this nightmare of,

oh, this ought to be super easy.

Take a little coil and just, you know,

run some frequencies to it.

I have a pile of coils over here in the corner

in this room eight feet tall,

I caught these things on fire forever trying to make it work.

And now I finally figured out,

I went full circle and here’s what it actually is

to really simplify it.

And it looks like an iPod on purpose.

‘Cause it is a music player.

All the protocols are actually MP3 files.

So I create them on a music synthesizer.

So there’s the inside of it.

It’s a battery printed circuit board.

And instead of speakers, it’s coils.

So the MP3 files will be in played, right?

And if I put a speaker on there, you could hear it go,


sound of a

“Mp3” file)

So it’s making the magnetic field from an MP3 file that is a different protocol for each ailment.

There are frequency pairs actually that change every one to four minutes.

This is oversimplifying it, but frequency A is where is it in the body and B is what’s

wrong with it.

So inflammation in the medulla.

So if you think of the frequency pairs of a chord on a guitar, the protocols are songs.

So there’s songs that you’re not listening to with your ears, but your body’s listening

to it.

And it goes back to the energy transfer that we talked about earlier.

JANNINE: Makes sense.

Makes sense.

A lot of people, you know, I’ve seen different devices where you can feel the songs that

are supposed to be sung, let’s say, to the body with the vibration.

If you put the vibe on the body, can you feel a vibration at all with the coils?

Does it vibrate?

MARK: 99% of the people won’t feel it.

They’ll feel the result of it, right?

Their pain going away or the anxiety disappearing.

I have learned in this business about 0.1% of our customers are superhuman.

They can hear something from across the room.

They’ll tell me, “This thing’s screaming.”

I go shoot a video and they shoot a video and there’s never any sound on it. I’m like,

and then the other thing is it gets up to 105 Fahrenheit. So it will get warm. It will feel so

what some ventilation if you put it against your skin normally, but I have learned people are

temperature sensitive. They’ll tell me it’s burning them. It’s super hot. I’m like, no, it’s not. So we

get laser thermometers and have your baby thermometer and shoot and they go, oh, it’s 100 Fahrenheit.

Yeah. But it harms the way you’re not going to hear it. So yeah, so most people are not going to

You’re going to feel the temperature.

You’re not going to feel the vibration, but you may immediately feel results.

And I’ll make a comment there because here’s one of the warnings.

If you’re in chronic long-term pain, the first time you use it, don’t be driving a car

or operating a catapult or weapon systems or whatever, because it can make you drunk

or stoned.

So what happens is your body is releasing so many endorphins, and this has been proven.

It releases so many endorphins because your body’s like,

“Hey, I’ve had this back pain for 25 years

and now it’s not there.”

And it’s really interesting.

People almost never say, “My pain’s gone.”

You know what they say?

Something close to this every time.

Something’s not right.

So their brain is programmed,

like I’m supposed to be in pain.

When I do that, it’s supposed to hurt.

Now it’s not hurting.

And they don’t go, “Oh, the pain’s gone.”

They just go, “Their initial reaction is,

something’s not right.

I don’t know what it is.”

like, do you feel better? Yeah, but that’s not me. It’s a weird

thing, like it kind of happens. So

JANNINE: I know what you’re talking about that reaction of like, wait,

the pain’s gone, but but I’m so used to it. Or you know, it’s

almost like they don’t feel safe in their own body without

having the pain. It’s it’s a bizarre, it’s a bizarre

response. Now going back to PTSD, because that is, you know,

kind of what got you fired up to really help folks. And and

yeah, you know, we’ve I’ve had folks on the podcast talking

about ketamine and psilocybin and MDMA for PTSD.

But those are expensive treatments and finding a state you can do that in is a whole

another thing.

So having a PEMF device that you can take with you and all day, every day it sounds like

from some of the stuff I was listening, you can’t necessarily overdo it, but you have

parameters in which you would run a PTSD protocol on the device, correct?

MARK: Yes, a PTSD. So the protocols everyone goes, how long do I run it? Well, you run it till the program’s over.

So the average program is about 40 minutes long. The shortest is 30. The longest one actually is PTSD. It’s two hours and 30 minutes.

It’s going through 76 different frequency pairs. So it’s going through every part of your

PTSD is actually in every cell or your body and we can actually measure it now.

You can actually look under a microscope and see PTSD. Most people don’t know that.

You can see how the cell structure and you see when it’s gone. So you can physically

market, measure it with biomarkers. It’s not a cheap test to do, right? The average person can’t

do it. But we have, I believe, and nobody’s challenged me yet and I’m waiting for somebody to. I believe

I have the largest PTSD study with PEMF in the world. And we have a 98% success rate.

I don’t even believe that number, but I have so much data.

So all you doctors, like what’s your P factor?

It’s less than .05, because doctors are the only people

in the whole world that do statistics backwards.

See, a normal person would go,

there’s a 98% probability that it helped you.

Instead, doctors have to go,

there’s less than a 5% probability

that it was due to chance.

This, say what you mean,

means a 95% probability that it worked.

So anyway, that .05 P factor .05, if it’s less than that, statistically it’s significant

in the medical world, we have .00007 P factor.

So we have that much data.

Hopefully I said the right amount of zeros there.

So we have a bunch of these that depend on right now and, you know, the government doesn’t

move real fast, but a two-star general said, if this really works for PTSD, and it does,

I’ve had a third independent party run studies on it, he said, if it works for PTSD, it’s

PTSD, every soldier should have it as standard issue.

And, you know, targeted military, but the reality is honestly, we have more customers

or as many that are civilian.

A lot of them are women.

They have a crappy husband, bad boyfriend or both, right?

Their kids are pain in the ass.

They have miscarriages, life.

Everything happened, right?

So, there’s more.

And the number one PTSD trauma incident in the United States, guess what it is?

JANNINE: I have no idea.

MARK: Car wrecks.

JANNINE: That makes sense.

MARK: Yeah, 44,000 of them, right?

You take people, I don’t wanna go to that intersection anymore.

They remember that they were going to so-and-so’s birthday

when it happened, so they get flashbacks

on the birthday thing, so they associate it

with a bunch of different things.

That’s the number one is car wrecks, but then there’s,

we’ve helped 98% of the people that have used it.

JANNINE: Wow, that’s impressive.

And I think that’s something to think about

because we get stuck in the medical field about the data

and whatnot, and like, we’re cool if something

as a 50% success rate.

I’m sorry, that’s not what?


So 98, that’s good enough for me.


MARK: It’s better than any drug.

JANNINE: 100%, 100%, 100%.

I would, yes, yes.

Folks, rewind that and listen to that about four times

just so you get that.

Yeah, so let’s talk about the thing

where people always are saying,

yeah, but doesn’t PMF give off EMFs

like your cell phone and I’ve heard you stay the data on that.

So I’d love for you to kind of share it with us.

MARK: OK, we’ll start off with it is the same thing

from the basic physics of EMF, electromagnetic field.

So it’s electromagnetic field.


So it’s sunshine.

So and you can get sun burn.

So the analogy that I use is everyone’s familiar with this.

Go to the dentist, you get an x-ray or a teeth.

They put a lead apron on you.

That frequency is 10 to the 14th power.

There’s 14 zeros.

That’s the hertz, okay?

Because it’s such high energy, high frequency,

it can cause harm.

This one potentially, I want to debate that,

this one’s a million hertz, right?

Your Wi-Fi is 2.4 gigahertz, your Bluetooth, okay?

Those are all a million, a million.

This is one to a thousand.

So if you plot that exponentially on a chart,

and you got dental x-rays over here, cell phones,

PEMF is actually zero.

Literally, it’s zero on a chart because it doesn’t even fit on the scale when you plot

it, right?

Because it’s one to a thousand.

So it’s super, super, super low energy.

This is designed to talk to a tower.

I got to transmit across space.

I got to have that kind of frequency and energy to get there, same as your Wi-Fi, your Bluetooth

router and your house.

This is designed to alternate and collapse back on itself.

So it’s making a little collapse around your body.

It’s not going very far either because a magnetic field drops off really quick

But so yes, it is EMF from that standpoint, but it’s in the super super low frequency

That is therapeutic not harmful now. I have all kinds of customers

They’ll get the little emf meter and go it’s gonna kill me and they don’t even know what they’re measuring because like

Do you know what the sample rate is or what that thing even does and they’re like yeah measures emf? Well, okay?

What’s it actually measuring?

You know, you got to talk to manufacturers.

So I get people panic like that sometimes.

It’s like, no, PEMF.

And if PMF at low energy was harmful– so this

is putting out nine costs, an MRI to put it

in perspective is 50,000 costs.

And the Earth heartbeat I showed you is about a half a cost.

So a half, nine, 50,000.

We do millions of MRIs every year.

Only one person, to my knowledge– and nobody’s

correct to be on this. One person has died from an MRI and had nothing to do with the

magnetic field directly. An oxygen tank flew across the room and hit her in the head because

they didn’t tie it down. So that’s the only death that I know of that’s ever happened

for an MRI and that is 50,000. So yes, it is EMF. So is light, right? So is the light

in your room. Right. But it’s, it’s a therapeutic level that your body needs. And again, the

theory is, can’t prove it. But yeah, if you turned off the earth heartbeat, we might all

die because you need that energy.

JANNINE: Yeah, we need it. We need it. And one of the things, you know, a lot of folks will end myself

included as being a doctor in acupuncture. So I do a lot of tuning forks and so I’ll put it on the

skin with the vibration of the fork. And and folks, just you can see the body going, you know, and

feel that. So a lot of folks are listening to sulfasia frequencies and things of that nature. Now,

My question, and it’s been rolling around in my head since you talked about the coils in the vibe,

if you’re listening to a frequency, but you’re listening to it on, say, a phone, or you’re

listening to it on, say, a computer that doesn’t have a coil, do you know if it gives you any

benefit from listening to that music compared to the vibe? And where I’m going with this is,

I think a lot of people will argue with me a little bit in my office, and I’ve had it happen a

a couple of times, they’re like, well, I could just listen to the frequencies on my phone.

And I’m like, yeah, but there’s a difference going on here.

So can you speak to that coil versus non coil kind of?

MARK: Sure.

JANNINE: Vibration.

MARK: And what I mentioned earlier is the energy can be transferred five different ways, magnetic

field, electrical current, light vibration sound.

Yes, sound for sure.

And we have a product called Rizona Tones.

So yes, you can absolutely listen to the frequencies, but most people drive them nuts.

So it goes, wah, wah, wah.

So what we’ve done, we have it mixed with meditation music.

So it’s at 20% volume.

So our risona tones are meditation music

with the vibration in the background at 20%.

So it’s not annoying, but your body still hears it.

So we get some really good results with risona tone.

And I built it just for, you know,

beamer match of $7,000, right?

People ask me, it’s like, what’s the difference

between yours and a mat?

25 times more affordable. It’s one piece instead of seven pieces. You can take it anywhere with

you, it fits in your pocket, you can take it on an airplane drive, right? So you can’t do that with

a mat. So just making it, you know, affordable and stuff is like was one of the major goals

that people could afford it. But anyway, I lost my thought there. I had a point, but I don’t think

of it in a second. 

JANNINE:  No worries. No worries. I think for folks just to hear the differences

that yes sound can help but yeah the listening on a like say your what have

YouTube in the background with like still phase your frequencies and you’re

working sometimes I find it helps for a minute and then sometimes it just feels

weird and then I got a you know figure something else out so I’m like okay

there was on a what are they called the resona tunes?

MARK: Resona tones. 

JANNINE: Okay I like that I like that because you’ve got it dialed in with

the meditation there too. Now of course so many people love their pets myself

included and you mentioned the bandana for the dogs. Give us the scoop on that. How does that

work for the dogs? Is it the bandana? You can slip the vibrate into the bandana for him.

MARK: Exactly. And the thought that I forgot about Resona tones was the reason I invented it was

this, you know, this isn’t $7,000 is $399. And we discount it to $249. I created Resona tones

for $9 so that people could experience the technology. So that was my point to that.

JANNINE: Awesome. 

MARK: Yeah, so dogs and cats and horses. So first of all, cats are pain, but because it’s hard to

attach it to a cat, but a cat and a dog, they will lay on it. If they walk away from it and they

don’t like it, you run in the wrong protocol, you misdiagnosed your cat. Okay. How do you attach it

to a dog? So we have dog bandanas. These are the brand brand new pattern I got yesterday. So it’s

It’s just a bandana and it has a pocket in it right here

that the vibe fits in, just slide it in there.


MARK: And it sits on near their heart.

We are, as of this morning,

we are designing and building a dog harness

that has a little pocket that would go right over their heart.

We’ll have those in month or so.

And then for horses, it’s basically a cell phone holder

with an 30 inch elastic strap that sits on the horse’s neck.

Now, vagus nerve, as you’re aware of, and a lot of your listeners probably are too.

I stayed away from vagus nerve for years because I’m not a doctor, I’m a rock scientist, and

let’s clarify.

I don’t diagnose, treat, or cure anything.

But it’s like I stayed away from vagus nerve because I didn’t understand it, and I didn’t

know anything about it, but I dove into it because there’s so much research on it and

so much bleeding edge things that’s coming out that if you get that stimulated and toned

correctly, fixes everything.

heart rate, availability, blood pressure, stress, digestion issues, sleep. I mean the list goes on and on on on. So

a horse has a vagus nerve. So it starts in your brain

starts. It’s connected to your brain and runs down both sides of your neck and on humans and dogs

cluster and horses. It clusters around your heart and then it goes to every organ. So and that’s something

exciting. So that’s what we’re doing with horses, like I said,

Yeah, so that’s how you attach it to a dog with a bandana or we’ll have these new befs

But they’ll come lay on it like I said

I have a very good friend who’s cat has kidney ish bad kidney issues and if you take it away from where she screams

Stick it back and I’ve got lots of cases like that with dogs and

horses or

It’s an interesting thing because a magnawave is a very very powerful one

which there’s that whole rat hole and go down,

is I think that’s harmful.

I mean, it helps them, but it’s too much energy.

Even though a horse weighs 1,000 pounds,

they’re super energy sensitive,

and anyone that owns a horse gets that, right there.

This one lady told me, she goes, “Mark,

I can now ride a horse that I can have

been able to ride for you.”


If you can go advertise,

because if you have a horse,

horse owners will get this completely, right?

Once you can’t ride them,

they have too much arthritis, they’re too old.

You still got them for 20 years.

You’re still feeding them and whatever.

So if you can extend the horses active life of riding and stuff

two years because you can charge whatever you want, Mark.

That’s like, because the horse is super expensive to take care of, right?

So we’re having, I want to say a hundred percent success rate with horse owners,

but we’ve sold, I don’t know, I’m guessing 800 now to horse owners.

I’ve gotten two back of 800 and both of them didn’t use it.

They use it once.

And it’s the same device for people.

Yep, people, dogs, horses, cats, and everyone laughs at this

because they think I’m lying and giraffes.

JANNINE: Giraffes.

MARK: So we’re testing giraffes.

We’re testing giraffes right now.

We’re running the Love 528 frequency,

trying to get them to mate.

JANNINE: Love it, I love it.

Oh, that’s cool.

And so is this a zoo, is this a facility?

MARK: It’s a zoo, we tried to put one on a rhinoceros

and he smashed the hell out of it in about four seconds.

like, all right. The vets like, I told you we couldn’t test the rhino. I’m like, well,

put it on a horn, maybe. It’s not easy to attach something to a rhino. I’ve learned that.

Even if you’re the handler, they don’t want anything on them. Giraffes are okay. They’re like,

okay, give it. I don’t care. You know what? One thing that’s interesting, I’ve been saying

exactly that too. Horses don’t, you know, animals don’t have a placebo effect. I’ve changed my mind.

JANNINE: Really?

MARK: I think they do because they know you’re taking care of.

They’re coming up and you’re putting some on them or even if you gave them an injection

or a shot, they’re like, they’re doing something to help me.

So right?

I mean, there’s that, I said, is that what you said for years?

And now, you know what?

I don’t know.

There may be some placebo effect because that’s what I just said.

You come into care for me differently than you did yesterday.

before I got a wound on my arm or my leg, you know, I caught myself on the fence.

You’re putting this magnetic thing around my wound. So there could be a placebo

effect. And I say that it was people too is, and I’ve said this to everyone. When

they got outside placebo and snake oil, I’m like, okay, there’s probably a placebo

effect. Some of it, I don’t think it’s all of it, but when somebody has a gun in

their mouth, they want to commit suicide and now they don’t. I don’t care if it’s

100% placebo. I don’t. Right? It’s like that person didn’t kill themselves. They’re not

getting divorced now. The kids actually want to hang out with them. And that is, it’s really

weird, especially with PTSD. People forget how bad they felt 30 days earlier. So one of

the biggest litmus tests is ask your friends, your family, and your kids if you’re better.

And I get all kinds of testimonials like Steve, the reason we haven’t invited you over for

barbecue in two years because you’re an asshole, but now you’re not.

I don’t know what happened, but you’re a nice guy.

So that’s why we invited you last weekend.

I get comments like that all the time is, I don’t want a divorce you anymore.

Your kids want to hang out with you.

It’s like, kids go, you notice we haven’t asked to go to the movie with you for two


Now we have twice in the last three months.

And so, and it’s weird because I’ve had, so on the PTSD study, it’s zero to 80.

We’re using the Veterans Administration PLC5.

There’s 20 questions.

If you’re over 33, you definitely likely have PTSD.

But I have people tell me, yeah, I don’t know if it helped me.

I get them on a Zoom call just like this and I go,

you don’t think it worked?

Didn’t help you at all?

Nah, I don’t know.

Like, you reported a 72 out of 80, 30 days ago

and you just reported a 12 and they start crying.

I’ve got, I have actually so many videos

but they won’t let me post them,

let me post them on the testimonials, right?

‘Cause they don’t wanna see them crying,

but they forgot that.

And I told, I have a friend who’s a,

but no one since kindergarten,

he’s a chiropractor here in town, right?

And I’ve talked to so many psychiatrists

and doctors about this phenomenon.

They’re like, that’s true with every intervention,

treatment in the world, Mark, people forget.

And so my, he goes, when I get a new patient,

my chiropractor goes, I videotape them,

they come in on a walker,

the next time they come in on a cane,

the next time they come in with a lap dog,

and they go, well, I could always do this.

And they’re like, no, you were on a walker

when you came in here two months ago, right?

So he videotapes, I wouldn’t show them,

and they go, “Really?”

They forget.

And part of the PTSD thing is intentionally making you try

to forget some of those past experiences

or allow your brain to not give them so much emphasis

in the negative world, right?

So I did that, I started doing reports like that

on PTSD before and after,

’cause I was afraid I was gonna get so many returns

because people forgot.

And we’ve actually had people return it.

Our return rate’s extremely low.

I’ll just say it’s way less than 3%, okay?

But I’ve had people return it, then call me back up and go,

“Okay, can I buy it again?”

It was really helpful me and I didn’t know it, right?

So it’s a weird phenomenon like that with it,

but yeah, I’ve changed my tune about placebo on animals

because you come up and pet them,

they know you’re taking care of them, I don’t know.

I mean, okay, I just thought of this,

but here’s a perfect example that dog I had, right?

Is you leave them to go on vacation for a couple of days

and you only have somebody come over once a day,

defeat them or you have somebody come twice a day

to pet them, they’re completely different

when you get home, right?

They got more attention, they’re in a better mood.

That one, when she had her temper tantrum,

she’d go get a sock out of the clothes,

then throw it in the middle of the living room

and go take that.

That was her temper tantrum.


I don’t know, she didn’t chew anything,

just threw a sock in the middle of the room.

So she says, yeah, they’ll never leave me again.


– Oh, they’re something.

They’re something, those critters, I tell you,

they do make me laugh.

Gosh, so, you know, I think the one thing that

I noticed that I did wanna ask you about

is putting the vibe next to water or creams

and infusing the water, because there’s a lot of folks

out there right now in the alternative medicine space

that will tell you that they are doing,

put infusing basically salt water with a vibe for you

to help heal you.

And I’m like, sounds like you could maybe do that yourself

with the vibe.

MARK: No, you can, absolutely

JANNINE: So tell me a little bit about that.

MARK: So the coils are right here on the back

where the vent holes are at.


MARK: I showed you the inside of the second go.

You just go like that and set it on there, run it into water.

JANNINE: All right.

MARK: Cream, let me get a cream right here.

What do you ask that?

not set up either listeners. I have cream sitting right here. So, anecdotal data is water will

hold it for about six hours. The cream will hold it for about 30 days. Now, how do you measure that?

That frequency is in the cream of the water. It’s impossible. There’s no technical thing to

measure that I know of. There’s a couple of YouTube videos where people have tried to simulate by

use an amplifier and stuff. Now most physicists will tell you water doesn’t

have any memory it can’t hold frequencies but a guy that won a Nobel Prize okay

proved that it did. He’s now passed but there’s a great

documentary out there we used to have it on our website. The FDA made me take

it down. That’s another story. But you can go Google it and the showing that it

does have memory. I honestly, I sell a lot of cream, but I don’t, I don’t, I’ve never

ran an ad for cream ever, because I’m already selling voodoo. Yeah, I got so many face book haters

that when I tell them, you can put it in water and cream, unless you’re in that space and

you write that a belief of stuff that just attracts more Facebook haters. So I go, I don’t

go there. I have to stick with the article I wrote called Liar, Liar Pants on Fire. I

I finally wrote an article because I have so many Facebook

haters. I’ve been called Hitler death threats. All kinds

constantly. I said, so let’s look at the biggest scams of all

time. Okay. DNA sequencing, MRIs, antibiotics, CRISPR, X

rays, right? So I just go through this list of 100 things

that are absolutely positively impossible until they weren’t

Right? We do a million MRIs a year in this country. If I explain to somebody in 60 seconds

how an MRI works, you’d go, “There’s five levels of magic and they’re all impossible.”

But everyone looks at the picture and goes, “Yep, that’s my heart.” Well, how did that happen?

Do you know how that picture was made? No. It’s impossible. Do you want me to explain it for a

minute? Do we have time? Okay. Yeah, do it. Yes, this is good. So the protons in your body

have a north and south pole and they’re all tilted and they’re random, kind of like earth and they’re

randomly distributed. Trillions and trillions and trillions. You put somebody in an MRI machine,

you hit them with 50,000 gauss magnetic field. It makes all of those things line up parallel.

The whole lineup parallel and the body starts emitting its own magnetic field like a laser.

That’s magic number one. First of all, magic one is you can align them with an MRI. Number two is

a laser, your body starts to put this energy out. Then you literally take AM and FM radio,

not kidding. 107.3 FM or 102.5 AM depending on whether you want to look at blood or this

part of the brain or your lung or bone tissue. So you hit them with a radio wave, turn the

knob to the frequency, depending on what you want to look for. Then you turn everything

off. That’s what the MRI is doing once. Click and click and click and you turn all the power

off and the radio off and your body snaps back to randomness and emits a ton of energy

and you capture that energy on a fury a transform machine that makes a photograph.

That’s how an MRI works.

That is pure magic.

It can’t work what it does.

So there’s a, if you’re old enough like me to know a comedian Rich Hall in the 70s,

he had a show and a thing was called Sniglets.

their words that aren’t in the dictionary, but they should be.

And one of them was Bozone.

It’s an invisible Bozone.

It’s an invisible gas that surrounds people

that stops new ideas from getting in.

So get rid of the Bozone.

You go try, and when I get called a scam artist all the time,

like, can you explain the financial model to me?

‘Cause I have a 30 day money back guarantee.

Nobody’s ever paid for one that didn’t work for them.

I didn’t give their money back.

So how am I making money?

How am I scam artist?

And they were like, “Hitler, come to my house

so I can kill you.”

“Jesus, Facebook didn’t even block that guy in New York

put his address on Facebook.

Here’s my address, please come over so I can kill you.”

I’m like, “Zuckerberg, how does that even get poked?”

Anyway, I back for my own sanity last eight days ago,

I hired a social media comments person

to help answer Facebook posts for me.

‘Cause I’m an idiot ’cause like for a year,

I tried to reason with these people.

Well, go read this study.

screw you. Well, there’s 35. Yeah, I’m like, I’m like, and then

some my friends like Mark, any one of those idiots don’t

try to negotiate with them. Just lock them because they’re

just there to fight. You know, it’s like, ah, but I want to

explain to him. I want to teach him go learn something, right?

But sorry, sorry to go negative on you there. 

JANNINE: You know, what? I

mean, anyone anyone who’s gotten some traction on social media

with anything, you get those people that eat Cheetos and sit in their parents’ basement,

you know? And as far as we can tell, you know, they’re just, they’re just fail, they fail

to thrive or they could be bots. And, and you know, it is what it is. You know, we’ll

see, we’ll see in the summer, and some are competitors too. Yes. Oh, never dull moment,

never dull moment. That’s why we need the vibe because there’s lots of things that’ll

try to take our vibe down and so having this kind of reboot us. I mean, I think it’s just

and it’s huge. It’s huge to have that. So one last thing that I wanted to know about because

I saw it on your website is that you’ve got a home pilot study that you had on the website that

you had mentioned if you know, folks could do their own research and submit information back to you.

Tell us a little bit about that because I’m curious just in general.

MARK: So I’ve done several, initially I gave a bunch of them away

doing studies and various things to PTSD.

That’s where a lot of that data came from.

Studies that I’m doing right now, honestly,

is if they buy the vibes, I’m not giving away free anymore,

but they buy the vibe, and they’re buying it for PTSD,

then they do the before and after.

We give them the questionnaire, they do before and after,

and we give them a free report card like I was talking earlier.

The other studies right now, because of what we were just talking about, Facebook hater and

Giddy doctors on board stuff.

So I have a third party independent doctor.

He’s a naturopath.

He’s a PhD in neuroscience.

And so we’re doing, I can’t say the D word, but we’re doing a test on low-wing blood

sugar in A1C.

So I’m purposely doing all my studies now with a doctor that’s independent and I have

have no input besides give him some guidance and then let him do the data.

So I have stuff and vagus nerve.

So those are two studies we’re doing right now,

but I’m not looking for volunteers. He’s doing it through his office and his

hospitals and those type of things.

So I can go get some more data that says these guys ran it.

Here’s what they said just to give it more and more credibility, but I’m a

small little startup company, right? I don’t, when one goes, where’s your,

all your double blinds.

I’m like, okay, well, they come from 8,000 practitioners using it for 35 years.

But guess what? Doctors don’t write studies. They treat people.

So there’s not tons and tons. So we have what we have. I mean, the liar, liar, and pants

of fire, I tell them, here’s what we know. Here’s what we don’t know. But the results are 98%

success rate with PTSD that’s coming from customers who measured it. We’re doing a lot more biomarker

stuff. I have nothing to do with these guys. Fitbit. It’s only 80 bucks. It has heart rate

variability. What we’re learning is, you know, the industry is learning. If your heart rate

variability goes up, it’s not intuitive. It goes up your healthier. And your heart rate variability

goes up. It’s going to fix a lot of things. So that is the number one measurement now that

the VA uses besides the questionnaire for PTSD improvement to the heart rate variability go up.

I actually ran a study with water, infusing water, and treats with dogs in the largest

no-kill shelter in the United States. There’s 850 dogs two hours south of me. This is a good

point for all entrepreneurs and researchers and stuff. I did do enough homework before I did this.

I made the assumption that cortisol levels would come down if PTSD came down.

It’s not true with PTSD cortisol is already low.

But whatever reason, almost everyone that has PTSD has very low cortisol.

So do dogs. So I was trying to correlate.

We do a mouse saliva tests and look at cortisol.

Cortisol didn’t really move, but I was measuring the wrong thing.

I should have been measuring heart rate variability,

which I didn’t have an easy way to do that on a dog.

So yeah, it’s like cortisol should come down.

And everyone knows cortisol goes up when you stress more.

So I figured stress came down and come down.

But anyone PTSD people or dogs already have super low cortisol.

So it’s not the right indicator.

So that was three months of hanging out with dogs.

Didn’t work, but you know, you keep trying.

JANNINE: Sure, sure.

Well, I’m sure you helped them out anyway, though.

I’m sure of it.

Even if it wasn’t placebo.

MARK: Even if it wasn’t placebo, and of course I had volunteer kids trying to help me too.

So they did get in the treats, right, and do whatever.

And it’s like, they all said, yeah, you know, they did.

We didn’t see an improvement.

The dogs were better, but I didn’t have anything statistical with a P factor

of 05. So I didn’t publish it.

I just said, forget it, you know, anyway, so.

JANNINE: Ah, the P factor, you know what?

A lot of docs need to wake up.

That’s all I got to say.

We got to wake up to reality here, um, then half the studies that we’ve

for all these years and based a lot of our practice on, not even real.

So, you know, at the end of the day, you got to test stuff out,

you got to see what happens with your own clients and at the end of the day,

then you can make your decision.

And, you know, I believe that PEMF has a lot of great capability.

And the fact that you’ve got something that’s affordable is huge in my world

because the bemers and the other mats out there, it’s just a huge broad spectrum.

And that’s the other thing that we didn’t talk about.

We got to talk about that really fast.

The other thing that holds you apart from other folks

is the targeted RFTs.

So those resonant frequencies that are specific

to specific conditions.

MARK: A beamer mat, they’re using what they’re calling

the beamer sweep.

So they’re looking at a range of frequencies

that’s sweeping back and forth.

So it’s basically going back and forth

and it’s going up an amplitude and then it repeats.

There’s some benefits to that for homeostasis

and we have it on some things where your body’s gonna get used

to the frequency if you don’t change it.

But yes, ours are very specific based on 8,000 practitioners

in 35 years of, again, frequency A’s,

whereas if B’s was wrong with it

and it’s gonna change every like one to four minutes

and it’s targeting everything in your body, right?

Or it’s targeting whatever that specific ailment is.

So I get asked at all time, what frequency is this?

I’m like, it’s not, it’s a frequency pair,

a song, as we said earlier, it’s a chord, multiple chords is a song in there, each,

everyone of them is completely different. I get this asked by DIAA, so doctors get to

make up their own words, so I made up one. Diabiological syndrome, what is that? Diabiological

syndrome, it’s DIA. Depression and somnying diet is the devil’s triangle because you never

have one, right? If you got depression, you can’t sleep, you can’t sleep because you

press. So it’s funny because I’ve said that in keynote presentation, dialogists and

then they go, yeah, my father had that. I’m like, I made the word up. So I don’t think

so. But people will go, if I run DIA, do I still need to run PTSD? I go, yeah, I think

so. Because PTSD is just much, much more complex. But the bottom line is, try it and

see if it works for you. Everyone’s different. Some people won’t work for at all. But that’s

very few. I mean it’s actually shockingly few. And so yeah it’s very targeted as I said based on

and it changes all we’re still changing them right. In fact the PTSD one this lady called me up

she was an MD and she goes did you get this from such and such about Mike yep that’s where I got

from she goes I wrote that 15 years ago. Can I see the frequencies because so and so took them out

and I told her to put them back in and she’s not listening to me she doesn’t know what she’s doing

and I showed her to her, she goes, “Right. You need these frequencies back in there.”

And I’m like, “Okay.” So I changed that protocol. She was the one that invented it. And she found me.

Right. Really cool story. She goes, “I had a green beret come in with severe PTSD.”

And he said, “Don’t you try and treat me for that PTSD BS because I don’t believe it all.”

And she goes, “Okay.” And he’s like a six foot eight dude big and she’s small.

So she goes, so I ran PTSD on him. He came back 30 days later and goes, “Come here a minute.

Give me your hands.

He goes, “Okay.”

He goes, “Did you run PTSD on me?”

And she goes, “Yes, sir, I did.”

He goes, “I want you to spend the rest of your life trying to come up with an affordable

device so every soldier can afford it.”

And she goes, “Okay.

So I’ll try not to cry because this is a real story.”

She called me and she goes, “Mark, I don’t have the capability to engineer something like

that and it’s bothered me for 10 years that I haven’t been able to do it and then I found

your product.”

That’s how she met me.

And she goes, you saved my life because I’ve never been able to satisfy this guy after I

helped him because all I have is the beamer mats and expensive machines.

And the machine that she used was like a $15,000 FSM.


MARK: Can you give me a math machine?

So, so yeah, so that’s a cool story.

And she calls me every week, you know, gives me some more advice and stuff, which is cool.

JANNINE: Neat, Neat.

You know what I mean?

That’s the thing.

Humans helping each other and really teaming up to give the information.

And that’s at the end of the day what we’re looking for.

All of us helping out and just trying to do what we can.

MARK: On dog’s cats and horses too, not just people.

‘Cause that’s my sinister plan is dogs anyway.


Get one every dog owner.

JANNINE: If I could have my dog living forever,

at least longer, let’s say,

at least a lot longer than the average dog’s life,

and feeling good, I’m all in.

I’m all in.

MARK: I’ve got more stories of my dog king.

Couldn’t get off the couch, you know,

or she yells when she gets off the couch.

Now she’s jumping off the couch, she’s chasing balls again.

She can’t even scratch, she just cries,

she can’t even scratch it.

So things on dogs is arthritis, right?

Aging, inflammation.

Allergies is huge, right?

Relax and balance, anxiety, separation, anxiety,

all that stuff.

It’s helping tons of dogs, which is, it’s super cool to see.

JANNINE: I love it, I love it.

Oh yes.

Now, last but not least,

To get all of this to work well, we have to be hydrated.

I know what you had mentioned in one of your talks about, yeah, it’ll still work

if you’re not hydrated, but I think I want to sum up everything with this.

And just in general, how important it is to be hydrated to get the vibrations right.

I’m not right.

Let’s just call them to skip the vibrations happening like they should.

MARK: Most efficient.

JANNINE: There you go.

MARK: Most efficient.

So it will work if you’re not hydrated, just not as well.

So what we say is to drink four 12 hours glasses of water in the four hours before,

which you should be doing anyway.

I should be drinking that much water.

The reason is, and this is why we, because the magnetic field itself will not

travel very far on its own because that’s magnetic fields.

Delt, they drop off what’s called the square of the distance.

So they drop off very fast.

But we know we can put it in your pocket like this and it’s going to heal a broken foot.

How is that possible?

How is the energy getting to your feet?

three ways, I think. Number one is water in your body like a pebble in a pond. Okay?

You throw the pebble, that wave, and we believe this is true because if you’re not hydrated,

it doesn’t work as well. So that’s why we’re thinking the transfer comes from water.

The wave through a water like a pebble in a pond, number one, number two. It’s an alternating

magnetic field, so it’s going to create a very, very, very small alternating electrical current.

So anyone that’s familiar with the 10 unit, it’s a thousand times less energy in the 10 units.

So you’re not going to feel it, but your skin and your organ, your entire body is electrically

conductive. It’s got high resistance, it’s a couple hundred thousand ohms, but it’s still going to

travel. So it’s traveling through the electrical conductivity. And the third one, and you’ll never

hear anyone say this, it’s my theory, but magnetite is in the cells of sea turtles and birds and

stuff. And that’s how we believe they migrate. It’s recently been discovered that humans have

magnetite in their cells as well. So picture magnets to magnets is if there’s

actually magnetite in your cell then a magnetic field can transfer through all

the cells due to magnetite. So pebble in the pond with water, electrical conductivity

of the skin and magnetite I think that’s how it transfers. Now I have some

competitors that say it’s good from 30 feet for their product. How is it getting…

I’m not gonna be skeptical because I’m selling Voodoo too but how is it getting

10 meters away and they’re like, it entangles with the ninth dimension.

That’s an abroure.

I’m like, okay, so cell, water, cream, infusion isn’t that big of a stretch to the ninth dimension.

Night dimension exists mathematically because you use it in calculus.

Like the thermostat on your wall, the reason your thermostat doesn’t go click on on off

click, because it’s built in like the fourth and fifth dimension mathematically.

So it doesn’t turn on and off super fast.

Just got weird there.

But anyway, so that’s how we think it transfers

Zosri-Kaint, water, maggotite, and electrical conductivity.

JANNINE: We are such fascinating creatures

on top of the fascinating world we live in

and all the mysteries.

MARK: So yeah, to that whole point is

when you learn something new, it’s a new video game.

It’s a new level and it’s like,

did no maggotite was in sales, right?

One quick story.

So you can deliver it with light.

So you can flicker light, I told you light,

vibration sound, electrical current PMF.

So MIT has reversed Alzheimer’s and plaque in the brain,

flickering in at 40 Hertz, right?

So you can go Google right now, all kinds of products.

I had one coming out, but anyway.

So I feel good because I got to school

an MIT professor who is an MD and has two PhDs.

And I said, OK, so he goes, well,

what your frequencies are 1 to 1,000 Hertz?

Well, nobody could see over 60 Hertz.

Open your mind, no bozone.

You don’t know everything, right?

And you’re gonna, video game is gonna go to the next level.

JANNINE: Love it, I love it.

On that, that’s a perfect mic drop

and segue into telling folks how they can get

their own video game to the next level

using Resona Health.

So websites,

where else can they find you if they wanna look

at more videos or social media or things of that nature?

Where do you have it?

MARK: I’m all over it for the time being,

I’m all over YouTube and stuff too,

but it, and we’ll see what the sense of humor is

that your audience has,

but they can go to


‘Cause we’re gonna talk about the FDA trying to shut me down

’cause they don’t want this to exist,

but is my website,

that they can go learn more, there’s books,

there’s research, there’s PMF, all kinds of stuff,

and they can get $150 off if they wanna try it.

JANNINE: Oh my gosh.

Well, if they might not have a job,

if all of our minds become open.

So that’s where it’s at.

So that’s what–

MARK: Everyone keeps telling me,

keep your fingers crossed, Mark, ’cause Kennedy,

I mean, I’ve seen some of this Texas.

If you’re part of this corrupt system,

and this text was,

the war on health is about to end.

Peptides, this, that, and any alternative stuff

that’s really helping, that he said,

if you’re part of this corrupt system,

number one, keep good records,

’cause you’re gonna need ’em.

And number two is pack your bags.

So I’m hoping that.

I hope there are some changes there.

So that’s the good news, right?

Good news bad news is I’m fastest growing PEMF company

in the world, I think.

That’s the good news bad news is when you make a lot of noise

and now that the government knows I’m here, they don’t.

Most people don’t know this.

75% of the FDA’s research budget is funded

by the drug companies.

You know, podcasts that Dr. asked me the other day,

how come people don’t know about it?

Have you ever watched the six o’clock news?

The most expensive commercial time there is.

Never any commercial except drugs.

When was the last time you saw a commercial

in the six o’clock news, it wasn’t a drug commercial?

10 years, at least 10 years, right?

So they, oh, they own the airwaves.


MARK: Anyway.


MARK: We don’t want to end on a negative.

We need to, nobozone on, let’s be positive, go try it,

see if it helps you, if it doesn’t,

give me your money back, but keep an open mind

’cause it shouldn’t work, but it does.

JANNINE: I love it. Mark, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your honest opinion because

I think we need more folks that are real out there than can statements. Thank you.

MARK: Thank you so much for having me. It was awesome.

JANNINE: My pleasure.

[Outro] Hey fellow health junkie. Thanks for listening to the Health Fix podcast. If you enjoy tuning

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review and just get that word out. Thanks again for listening.

(upbeat music)

Jannine Krause

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