In todayโ€™s episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause tackles the overwhelm of the wellness space. With constant conflicting advice, fear-based messaging, and a daily influx of new health information, how can you know whatโ€™s right for you? Dr. Krause shares her insights on developing health intuition to guide your decisions based on your unique condition and needs.

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What Youโ€™ll Learn in This Episode:

  • The test sequence Dr. Krause uses to help clients identify the root cause of symptoms.
  • How to determine which supplements or foods are best for your body.
  • Why slowing down and asking yourself questions is essential for informed health choices.
  • How to leverage intuition to create personalized wellness protocols.

Key Highlights from the Episode:

1. Test Sequence to Identify Symptomsโ€™ Root Causes:

Dr. Krause introduces a step-by-step method for discerning the source of your symptoms using muscle testing techniques:

  • Muscle Testing (Finger Interlocking Method):
    • Create a “chain link” by interlocking thumb and second fingers from each hand.
    • Ask yes-or-no questions (e.g., “Is this related to a virus, bacteria, stress, etc.?”).
    • If the chain link breaks apart, itโ€™s a โ€œyesโ€ or a match to your query; if it holds, itโ€™s a โ€œno.โ€
    • You can use this method to narrow down potential causes and identify next steps, like lab tests or treatments.

2. The Tilt Test for Supplements and Foods:

  • Stand or sit with feet firmly planted.
  • Hold the supplement, food, or product to your chest.
  • Observe your bodyโ€™s reaction:
    • Forward tilt: Your body accepts it.
    • Backward tilt: Your body rejects it.
    • No movement: Your body is neutral toward the item.

3. Intuition and Asking Questions:

  • Take time to ask yourself clear yes-or-no questions about your symptoms, treatments, or next steps.
  • Developing this skill allows you to bypass health noise and confidently focus on what aligns with your bodyโ€™s needs.

Resources from the Show:

  1. Muscle Testing Techniques:
    • Finger interlocking method.
    • Arm-tapping alternative for strength testing.
  2. Tilt Testing:
    • Simple at-home method to evaluate compatibility with supplements or foods.
  3. Collaborating with Practitioners:
    • Naturopathic doctors and chiropractors trained in muscle testing can help you refine and validate your findings.

Takeaway Message:

The path to personalized wellness starts with slowing down, tuning into your body, and asking the right questions. By cultivating your health intuition, you can sift through the noise, trust your instincts, and make decisions that truly serve your unique health journey.

For more insights, tune in to this episode of The Health Fix Podcast with Dr. Jannine Krause.

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Podcast Transcript

2:13 – Dr. Jannineโ€™s mission

3:35 – Fear in media

9:57 – How to figure out what your symptom is telling you?

16:34 – The โ€œtilt testโ€

24:05 – What does your inner voice say

27:02 – Intuition

31:58 – Closing

[Intro] Welcome to The Health Fix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly fix of tips, tools,

and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds, and fit, physiques for life.

JANNINE: Hey health junkies, on this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, you get me, Dr. Jannine Krause.

And I wanted to do this podcast as the end of the year of 2024 podcast, but as you could

probably hear, I got sick.

And here’s my sexy voice for you.

Now this is probably a once in a lifetime chance that you’ll get to hear this.

I hope.


And chances are a lot of people are sick right now and you’re like, hey, what can I do?

We’ll talk a little bit about that.

Now I wanted to talk about some lessons learned from 2024 in terms of a big recap.

And I want to thank you guys first for listening to The Health Fix Podcast.

This is the labor of love.

I enjoy just chatting and I love getting the email feedback from you guys about what you

want to learn and certain podcasts that you’ve liked.

Now of course, if you are not on my email list, jump over to my website at doctor spelled

out J K R A U S E N D. So N is a Nancy D using and scroll all the way the bottom

and join my email list. I send out about three emails a week with information, highlights

on the podcast, and you’re always going to learn something from every email that I put

out there. So let’s talk a little bit about these big things I learned in 2024. Now, one

of the big ones is we are being inundated, myself included with information on social

media online in our email boxes about what to do about our health.

Everybody has an opinion on one thing or the other.

And I do too.

But here’s the thing.

The only opinion that really matters is yours and your bodies.

And we’ll talk about that a little bit today and how to find that answer

from yourself.

Because with all the noise out there,

I’m really aiming towards teaching folks how to understand their body’s messages and what

your body really needs in the moment.

If you’ve been following me on social media, you may have noticed a shift in my messaging

where I’m talking about you need to go within.

You can’t look outside of you for answers to your health, especially when you have something

that has been going on chronically.

If you got hit by a car, yes, you need help outside of yourself like emergency care.

But if say you’ve been dealing with fatigue, you’ve been dealing with hormone issues, you’ve

been dealing with mood stuff and it’s gone on for a long time or gut issues and you’ve

tried all kinds of things.

We need to be looking from within.

And the biggest one, weight loss for the love of God, we need to look within on this.

Yes, it’s not my favorite subject to talk about because I struggled myself for many years and I just will get into it.

How about that?

Now, the biggest lessons I’ve learned, my notes kind of fell down, so you’re going to see me bring up my little paper here.

In Endation, just check that box.

Next, fear.

There’s a lot of fear.

I like to call it fear porn out there because so many people want to be…

they go viral or they want to be fear based so that they can stand out in the wellness

industry because it’s a noisy space.

But are we helping people by scaring people about their food, their air, their water?

I mean, I’ve done it.

Like I’ve talked about it.

You can go back on podcasts.

I’ve talked about the things that are possibly contributing to health issues, but I don’t

want it to be creating a problem where we’re like paralyzed with what do we even eat.

And I’m going to share my personal story with the food and why I’m kind of changing

my tune on oh, man, have I created a problem here?

Because there’s so much fear with parasites and whatever the treatment to sure is right

now, or the condition dejour is, which is parasites and a lot of it is going into the

nervous system stuff, which I think is great to look at and important.

The fear stuff is overwhelming.

So we’re going to go into that.

The last thing, and I’ve already alluded to it, is learning to trust your body, trust yourself,

and today I’m going to teach you some tools that you can implement in real time to start

being able to communicate with your body to know, is this food good for me or not versus

oh my gosh, you know, don’t eat cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli because you have a thyroid

condition. Trust me, if I could meet someone that would eat enough cabbage, cauliflower,

goitrogenic foods as they’re called to actually impact their thyroid and be shocked.

right shocked. It takes a lot to eat stuff that is going to affect the thyroid when it’s

a natural food. Now, of course, could there be pesticides in the food affecting things?

Yes. Is that a fear thing? Yes. Can I go? Oh my gosh, it’s like it’s I can talk for

hours on that. So let’s start with how to look at information coming at you and because

Because we’re all inundated and a lot of it’s fearful.

How do we look at it and go like, is this something I need to pay attention to or not

for me?

Because I hope, you know, looking at a lot of the things that are out there, people are


They’re trying to educate.

And yes, some are being a little more dramatic to catch your attention because in marketing

classes or online business, we are taught to stand for something and stand out and make

a bold statement.

And my bold statement to you is that you need to trust yourself and what’s being put at

you because yes, lots of things are problematic for the body, but does it all apply to you

and you need to be neurotic?

Maybe not.

Depends on where you are.

And this is where I am turning my practice to and turning everything to with this podcast

to because yes, my podcast is called The Health Fix.

But I didn’t ever mean it to be that there’s anything to fix.

It’s getting your fix like a junkie.

That’s why I say health junkies because I’m hoping that all of you are interested in your

health for good reason here.

But I’m not wanting to make that distinguishment that we all have things to fix.

It’s more optimized and adjust and learning what your body wants is part of that.

So how do we get started on being able to trust our bodies, right?

And their opinion because in Perimenopause, menopause, the number one thing I hear from

people is my body has betrayed me.

I’ve gained weight and I’ve ate perfectly.

I’ve worked out eight times a day.

I mean, I’m being traumatic, of course, but I have seen people that really do do lots

of things that are nuts to try to get weighed off and then it just backfires.

So, here I am talking about weight, my least favorite subject.

What have I learned?

Interesting my body.

It’s everything.

And so, let me tell you a little story.

This year has been probably the craziest health year for me.

I have had more digestive issues all year in 2024 than I could ever imagine.

And I have multiple things.

I’m going to show you kind of what I had to do to figure out which direction to go.

Because as a doc and an afterpathic doctor, I’m inundated by different programs, supplement

companies telling me this protocol is going to help with this.

This protocol is going to help with that.

But then I give people something.

It doesn’t work.

I get frustrated and I go, why not?

Why do things not work for people?

Because my number one thing is getting results.

It doesn’t work because we didn’t go back to what does that person’s body need and the

same thing was needing to be applied to me all along.

And so as my gut progressively decided to get really funky on me, I went through all

the different protocols and different things and I was having more and more issues.

I mean, to the point where I was beginning to wonder if I needed to not leave my house.

Let’s put it that way.

So because I do like to leave my house, I had to figure something out.

And really, it’s, it’s coming down to my body’s trying to tell me a message when I have symptoms.

And the same thing applies to you guys.

When you have symptoms, your body’s telling you something.

It’s like, “Hey, I don’t like this or you’re doing something I don’t like.”

It’s not trying to defy you.

It’s not trying to make you mad.

It’s like, “Yo, hey, I’m over here and I need something.”

Instead of throwing a protocol at it, consider what is up.

What does your main symptom?

So I’m going to take you through a little scenario that I started going through to learn what

my body really wanted because stool testing, food sensitivity testing, all kinds of lab

tests were really showing me nothing until of course I did an autoimmune panel and learned

that I was in the beginning stages of Lupus.


Yeah, no, not happening, not happening.

No, we’re not going there and I’ve turned people around from that my practice.

So I know like, okay, autoimmune on a low level showing up in your labs.



This is your body saying, yo, it’s time to do something and it’s time to learn to communicate

with me.

And this is the lesson of 2024 for me that I want you guys to really understand because

it’s tied into inundation, it’s tied in a fear because we’re inundated, we’re given all this

fearful information. And at the end of the day, your head sometimes can be left swirling as to

WTF, what do I do? And 17 years in the practice here and struggling for an entire year with my

digestive system with pain, with trying to figure out my system.

Crazy, but it was a lesson.

I had to learn that I am in control of my health and I can communicate with my body.

I had left that out of the equation.

And probably you’ve heard some of my solo podcasts this year.

if you’ve been a longer-term listener,

where I talked about listening to yourself

and I started to learn that midway through

and that was the start of my process.

And I didn’t wanna share until I fully had this like,

ah-ha, this is what I need to teach

and this is the I need to teach moment

how to trust yourself.

So I was dealing with chronic diarrhea.

Sometimes 11 plus bowel movements a day.

Yeah, crazy stuff.

So what did I do?

I went, okay, is there, what is going on with my body?

The first way to work with this.

So those of you who are listening audio, you’re not going to see the video, but I highly recommend

going over to YouTube and checking out YouTuber Rumble for this episode because you will be

able to see what’s going on.

It’s episode 532.

Now, I take my two fingers and make a loop, a circle with them, and I put my fingers together.

this kind of interlocking. And what this is, is creating a nice little link. This link is how I

muscle test. You can also stick your hand out in front of you and press down on it like this,

asking it questions. That works too. If your arm is strong and it doesn’t dip, I realize I have a

background blur. There we go. If your arm is strong and it doesn’t dip, that means no. If it,

Or it’s like I’m good.

And if it drops down, that’s the like, here’s the issue.

So I asked my body, and this is what you can do with every single condition you have.

You can go, “Is my gut issue structural?”

Okay, that was a yes.

Is my gut issue a virus?

Oh, parasite.

Is it a food thing?

Is it a food sensitivity?


Not a food thing, but food sensitivity.

You know, my food thing, what does that mean?

Food thing means, is it like glyphosate?

Is it, um, is it seed oils?

Is it chemicals?

Is it dyes?


And it’s probably my buddy’s just saying no to that.

‘Cause they don’t eat those things.

Now, is it a, I said parasite?

Is it a amoeba?

Is it a, um, yeast?


Okay, we got a little mulp.



Okay, so we got that. Now that’s new. That didn’t show up before. Sometimes these things will kind of pop up.

So you’ve asked yourself all those things. And in my case, I’ve got that we have a structural issue.

We have a sensitivity to food issue. And we have possibly some sort of mold thing popping up,

not Candida mold. So we just redid my basement. We were working on a lot of mold remediation

in terms of moisture on the walls. I am in my basement where my new podcast room is.

That makes sense in this respect. Now for you that this is where we test these things and check.

This inner linking between your two fingers it may seem super batch. I know. I didn’t do this.

Well, I tried muscle testing years ago and I was like, this is just weird.

I can’t concentrate is not working.

But the more I got used to it, the more I did it, the more I started to practice on it for patients,

the more I got comfortable with it throughout this year, the more I realized this is what folks

need to learn to be able to understand what their body needs and what their body is like saying,

yes and no to not go to bed just yes or no.

And that’s first step. Is it structural? Is it parasite, virus, bacteria, yeast, mold? Is it,

you know, a food issue in terms of ingredient or is it a sensitivity? Ask yourself that. Now,

all of this applies to any health condition. You could go down the line for whatever it is.

That’s step one. And by the way, all of this will be in the podcast notes at Dr. J. Cross and D.

So that’s step one, figuring out where it is on what level.

Now because I have the structural component, what that means is something’s going on with

my lining and how my body is functioning.

Now you can even muscle test, is it functional?

Now you can see if you’re watching this, I do get a yes on a functional.

So functional, structural, same thing.

So functional means enzymes.

And the question becomes what enzyme am I needing here to help me with my digestive


So you can do this at home.

I have a bottle of apple cider vinegar here.

And what you do now is you stance shoulder with the part and you put the item that you

want to test to see if that’s a right protocol for you to your chest.

When you see if you lean backward, you see if you stay neutral, or if you lean forward,

this is called the tilt test.

This is verifying what product to use.

And this will change daily.

In some cases, other cases it stays stable, but it gives you a direction to head in.

So apple cider vinegar commonly used to help with digestion.

I put it on my chest.

What happens?

I lean forward.

And it’s within seconds, you put it on you and you can, and I’m going to turn it aside

for those of you guys watching, you put it on your chest and you can see me slightly

going forward.

It’s not a big forward, but it’s slightly.

So okay, that could be helpful.

Now another big thing with digestion is using something called the tane hydrochloric acid.

So I put that on my chest, it’s the hand shoulder with the part.

You can just shake it out for a second.

You don’t want anything else in your hands.

the thing that you’re going after, put it in your chest. And if you go forward, then you need it.

If you lean backward, your body’s like, nah, it’s either no, not today or not part of the protocol.

So I put it here. I actually lean back a little bit. So you’ll see me on the video going backwards

a little bit. Now, here’s another thing to keep in mind. You want the cleanest supplement you can

find in this case. This one isn’t the cleanest I had in my cabinet because I was using it as a

backup when I couldn’t find anything else at the store and I needed some help with my digestive

enzymes. My actual preferred stomach acid booster is something called HCL guard by Healthy Gut.

Now, because they don’t sell this in a regular store, you have to buy it online. It’s kind of a

bummer, but it is a way to help you test like, could this be helpful for you? So I put these

to me, I go forward. So I’m going to stand to the side here, I wiggle my feet. I go forward.

This is good stuff for me. Now you can do this with all the supplements, your cabinet. If you

are someone who has like a loading supplements, like I do, you can try this out and see what’s good

for you bad for you that particular day, you could do this every morning. But for all intense

purposes, I’m going through a sequence of what I would do for my gut.

Now, because I like healthy gut, here’s another one.

This is holosymes.

These guys are not stomach acid, but they are pancreatic enzymes.

And to help the digestive system, a lot of times we’ll need some pancreatic enzymes,

too, if we’ve got chronic diarrhea.

In fact, for a lot of people with chronic diarrhea, a combination of stomach acid and

pancreatic enzymes can be useful.

You don’t know till you really try it.

So how do you know the difference between stomach acid boosters and pancreatic enzymes?

Pancreatic enzymes are lipase, amylase, and different peptidases.

There also could be things like cellulase, soup, crease, alpha, black, um, tocides, maltase,

xylenase, phytase, phytase, things of that nature.

are pancreatic. If we’re looking at something that is a support for helping you boost your

stomach acid, that is butane hydrochloric acid and it may have some pepsin in it like

this one has pepsin. So that’s strictly helping some stomach. Now there are formulas that

have both together. I don’t have a together formula for the reason that I felt like maybe

I needed to find one thing versus the other depending on the day or depending on the food.

Pancreatic enzymes are great for fats and carbs and

Batain hydrochloric is great for meats if you’re struggling with that. Now those are differentiations

but back to the process we’re gonna test. Okay, what happens with pancreatic enzymes in me?

Nothing I slightly go forward

But you want to be looking like what happens in the quick second that you put it on you

and nothing happens. I don’t tend to go forward. I don’t tend to go back. Meaning I’m neutral to it.

I could take it or leave it. So I do use it as part of my protocol, but it’s a take it or leave it

kind of thing. Now, there are other supplements that can help the digestive system, like Tributrin,

which is butyrate, which is a fuel for the intestinal lining. I mean, you could go down

the whole list. You probably heard of Colostrum. There’s a lot of different brands. It’s kind of

hot right now for helping support the immune system. You could test that on yourself. You

could test probiotics. You could test kombucha. You could test kefir yogurt. You could go down

the line of all the things that you know are useful for the digestive system and see how your

body responds. Glutamine is an amino acid for the gut. You could test that. You could walk around a

natural food store and like test all the gut stuff and just see what happens. Like what

What does your body lean into?

What does it go?

No, no, thank you.

The more drastic the response, the more put it back on the shelf.

So I love this testing kind of thing.

Now for a lot of people, they’re like, I am not going to stand in a store and keep picking

up things and putting it to my chest.

That’s just weird.


Fair enough.

Here’s the way you can do it and not have to muscle test, but do get an answer as well.

So say you’re looking at a shelf and you’re going to pull something off the shelf.

If you can quiet yourself and not be on the phone at the same time, not be talking to

someone right next to you and just bring this in and look at it and ask yourself, “Do I

want this?”

Yes or no?

No voice will pop in and say, “Yes or no?”

And so literally you grab the thing off the shelf, act like you’re looking at the ingredients

and say, “Yes or no?”

If you slow down enough and you practice this enough, your body will actually tell you.

Same thing goes with say you’re ordering food.

You’re looking at a menu and you’re like, “Do I want this?”

You need a quick answer.

It’s crazy how fast your subconscious mind is.

It’s going to say yes or no right away.

Like for example, “Do I want apple cider vinegar?”

My body says no.


You know, it’s quick.

It seems odd.

seems super odd. I understand. And if you’re a midwasty like me, and kind of should have

been from Missouri, the show me state, it is bizarre. It took me all year to fully. I’m

going to call it embrace again, listening to myself, slowing down and listening myself

and not looking outside for answers and solutions. So the more you can teach yourself to trust

yourself when it comes to your health, the better outcomes you’re going to have.

Now my saying replace doctors, you may be able to in certain cases.

This is why I always ask my patients when I’m working with them or clients when I’m

working with them, I’m saying like, does this resonate with you?

What does your body say?

And I know for a lot of people, you may be at a case where you’re like, I’m so disconnected,

I don’t know.

I challenge you to slow down, take time to learn

to talk to yourself.

You don’t have to talk out loud.

It’s more just slowing down and asking your inner self,

like what do I want?

You can apply this to anything, no joke in life than I have.

But when it comes to health, it’s impressive

what kind of answers you can get

when you practice this over time.

Now here we are just heading into 2025, but all 24, this is, I had to take all year to

figure this out and really, really decide, does this work, does it not?

And I know I’ve presented this to some of my clients and they’re like, I don’t know

if I could do it.

Okay, fine.

If it’s not for you, it’s not for you.

But know that how are you going to get around all of the information?

It’s just going to keep happening.

going to keep getting pop ups on social media that are like, “Why this weight loss thing?

Try this gut magical probiotic.

Try this.

Try that.”

You’re going to listen to podcasts that are going to have commercials where folks like

me are saying, “I love this product.

It’s so amazing.

But is it right for you?”

You got to ask.

You got to take the time and ask yourself.

It’s the only way to know.

There are, like I said, going to be a lot more fear of things showing up over time.

You know, hopefully we’ll get down to being able to take care of having so many chemicals

and dyes and junk in our food because I don’t think it’s good.

But in my case, I’ve got to the point where I barely eat out because my gut was causing

so many issues and pain and things of that nature that I didn’t know what it was going

to do. And so I did become afraid to eat and became afraid of certain foods. And, you know,

got into this fear and pain loop and going, Oh God, I don’t know if I should eat that

because last time this happened or last time that happened. And when I started asking my

my body, do you want this?

And individual things like, do you want a potato?

Do you wanna carrot?

You know, it seems dumb, but I would ask

the whole entire meal or whatever was on a menu,

but I was actually going to order something off a menu.

And I had to go with like, trust in my intuition

and the times that I didn’t do it, I would feel worse.

And the times that I asked myself, I was like, okay.

Now you could also argue that I’m creating a whole fear loop

If you can’t ask yourself, you haven’t practiced enough.

No, I don’t want that.

I want you to practice knowing your own intuition

because it is the one thing you have

against all of the stuff coming in

and not knowing who to trust.

‘Cause yes, they’re a fly-by-night supplement companies.

There’s big pharma supplement companies

with chemicals and things and stuff in them.

There’s, you know, a lot of folks

just trying to get information out to you

and they’re using fear and now it’s kind of scary

to drink your own water, right?

How do you know if you need to filter your water?

I mean, you can test it.

There’s things you can do to end this fear cycle

and you can test your water, you can ask yourself,

you know, is this safe for me?

And if it says no, then it’s like, okay, filter it.

And same thing goes with all of the protocols out there,

of the health people out there, even me. Ask yourself, do I like this check to my trust

turn? If it says no, then that’s okay. You listen to yourself. At the end of the day,

what I learned from 2024 with clients and myself and my own health issues is I had to

to trust what my body is telling me and the direction I was going.

And it’s really popular right now to blame a lot on the nervous system.

And the truth is, yes, our nervous systems are inundated and overwhelmed,

but we can turn them around if we start to communicate with ourselves.

It’s not a quick process, but it’s not super long either.

It’s just a matter of committing to taking the time.

And so I’ve showed you a little trick

of what I’ve been doing, the muscle testing,

the asking, the tilt test.

And I’ll put a good outline of how to do it there

in my podcast notes at

And I hope that what I’ve learned in 2024

about myself and my clients will help you to think about

how you can navigate your own health

and optimize your own health in 2025.

Because really, this is the year to go within.

This is a year to learn how to trust yourself

and really know what’s best for you.

No one else is gonna be able to tell you that information.

No doctor’s gonna do that.

No coach is gonna do that.

They’re gonna guide you.

And with everything coming at us,

it’s day and age.

It’s time, it’s time to learn that you have

all the power inside of you to be able to discern

what’s best for you.

And sure, I went through kind of a complicated protocol

of what I would do with the gut.

And I don’t expect anybody to 100% know

what’s direction to go on protocols and things.

But the point is you can start this process

because all of these different supplements

and things are all categorized at different stores.

So you can start the process that way

even with your multivitamins

and things you have at home right now.

You can see what resonates with you

and what like if you get really pushed back,

that’s a hard no.

If it’s a slight push back, it may not be for today.

If it’s a slight forward, it may be okay today.

If it’s a big move forward, it’s like yes, please.

And I don’t want folks to necessarily look in their supplement cabinet and start pitching everything.

It’s more asking yourself to test, ask yourself, is it right for you?

So that’s a lot of info back and forth in terms of looking at your own health.

And I hope that this has inspired someone

to really take a step back from feeling overwhelmed

and fearful about what to do next with your health.

Turn within, ask yourself, start practicing it

one day at a time and in no time you will realize

how much your body has to say about things

and what direction it’ll guide you in.

Trust yourself.

You got this.

Stay tuned for more podcasts like this coming up in 2025

and by all means, if you like this podcast,

make sure you like, subscribe, share with your friends

and send me a message.

And on my website, I’ve got a whole form, info form there.

You can fill out and let me know what you think.

And if you have questions, I’m happy to some podcasts out

on it ’cause you’re gonna get a lot more of me

myself this year as we move into 2025. And last but not least, I am joining in with my

girlfriend Laura Connor up at the Center for Human Restoration in Crandon, Wisconsin. And we’re

going to be developing some cool stuff here in 2025. And I’ll bring her on the podcast here soon

so that you guys can meet her and learn about all the stuff we’re up to and inspire you to look

within and take charge of your health.

All right, everybody, have a great day

whatever you’re doing.

(upbeat music)

[Outro] Hey fellow health junkie.

Thanks for listening to the Health Fix podcast.

If you enjoy tuning in, please help support me

to get the word out about the podcast.

Subscribe, rate and review, and just get that word out.

Thanks again for listening.

(upbeat music)

Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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