Discover how breathwork and sound healing can help you tune up your body and mind throughout the day. The more you tune in, the more you regulate and rebalance your bodyโ€™s natural rhythms.

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The Frequency of Love: 528 Hz

  • John Lennonโ€™s Imagine: Written in the note of 528 Hz, the frequency known as the “love frequency.” Though the note of C was historically lowered, 528 Hz represents the true vibrational alignment with healing and love.
  • Bob Marley and John Lennon: These iconic artists understood the secrets of the frequency of love and infused it into their music to inspire connection and harmony.

Inhale and Exhale Love with a Groove

Sigmar Berg is an entrepreneur, artist, photographer, and fashion designer. Sigmar has spent his life seeking to bring wellness and balance to the world through art, design, and conscious consumerism, which brings him to his most exciting venture yet: the Lovetuner. In this episode, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Sigmar Berg about the Lovetuner and combining spirituality with fun. Learn how to get out of your head and into your heart by making spirituality an enjoyable experience. Inhale and exhale loveโ€”with a groove!

The Benefits of Being in Your Heart Energy

  • Encourages emotional balance
  • Strengthens relationships and communication
  • Promotes relaxation and stress relief
  • Fosters a deeper connection with yourself and others

Tools to Support Your Practice

  • The Lovetuner: A transformative tool for aligning with heart energy, helping you find balance and begin your meditation practice.
    • Use the Lovetuner to practice exhaling, improving your breathwork and supporting relaxation.

The Science of 528 Hz

  • Aligns water molecules in the body to create a state of harmony and relaxation.
  • Supports the bodyโ€™s natural healing processes by restoring balance.

Resources From the Show:

  • Explore the LoveTuner and learn how it can help you reconnect with your heart energy.
  • Sigmarโ€™s Book – One Journey: A guide to understanding musical scales, authenticity, and how to vibe with love as an authentic human being.
  • Intunity: Sigmarโ€™s electronic music project, showcasing songs tuned to the 528 Hz frequency to inspire heart-centered living.


Breathwork and sound healing are powerful tools for transforming your energy and bringing joy to your daily life. By tapping into the frequency of love, we can foster harmony and balance in ourselves and the world. Letโ€™s inhale, exhale, and groove together!

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Podcast Transcript

3:43 – How did Sigmar get into meditation, breath work and frequencies?

7:30 – Being more in your heart energy

9:53 – The impacts of frequencies on water

14:23 – Why was 528 hz chosen?

20:44 – Tuning together

21:44 – How many times a day does Sigmar use the Love Tuner?

23:07 – Reducing stress

26:56 – โ€œOne Journey – The Love Tuner Bookโ€

28:38 – Authenticity – Be authentic

30:02 – Frequencies and harmonics in music

34:30 – Where to find a Love Tuner?

[Preview] the mind drives you crazy and the mind can go in so many ways and we are firing 75,000

thoughts average every day. So not every thought is like really meant to be even experienced. You

know so when you see that your mind wanders off, go back, go into your heart center and then focus

on what is really important. Over centuries the musical scale got changed and the C note

became a lower frequency. And there’s a reason behind this, you know, because at one point we

have been playing harmonic music and harmonic music makes harmonic harmony in people. And this

is not necessarily what systems want because they want to have people being out of harmony,

you know, like being in dissonance. And this frequency is exactly, this is an interesting

factored as many musicians actually knew about this frequency. The most important or most famous

guy was John Lennon. He wrote Imagine the key of 520 it hurts. [Intro] Welcome to the Health Fix podcast

where health junkies get their weekly fix of tips, tools, and techniques to have limitless energy,

sharp minds, and fit, physiques, or life. 

JANNINE: Hey health junkies on this episode of the Health Fix podcast,

I’m interviewing Sigmar Berg and we’re going to be talking about something called the love


Now, when I did the interview with him, I didn’t have the love tuner and since then I’ve had


Now, this thing is cool.

So wear it around your neck and then when you need to get in a space of Zen, you just

blow through it.

Oh, wrong side.

Hear that?

That is the sound of 528 Hertz.

That is the vibration of your heart.

Did you know your heart has an electrical capability?

More than just beating and more than just sending blood through your body?

It vibrates, right?

It sends out messages.

Now that might sound woo, but here’s the thing.

Ancient Chinese medicine has been talking about this for years.

When I look at pulses, I’m looking at a heart pulse.

I’m looking at how you’re vibrating your energy.

When we talk about energy, this is what we’re talking about, the vibration, what we’re giving


That 528 Hertz is the vibration of love, the heart, and helping folks get more connected.

In the world today, we need some serious love.

We have been disconnected like no other.

And so, Sigmar and I talk all about Hertz.

We talk about using these little devices to help us exhale longer so we can improve our

breath and our nervous system balance, but also using it as a quick tool to get in a loving, happy,

vibrating well state. Now, I know a lot of people are working on their mindset. They’re working

so hard to meditate and really just feel chill. This is a quick way to get in a very relaxed state

anywhere. So let’s introduce you to Sigmar Berg and learn more about my new favorite little tool here.

The love tuner. Sigmar Berg, welcome to the health fix podcast.

SIGMAR: Jannine, it’s a pleasure to being on your show. 

JANNINE: My goodness, I love the concept of a love tuner

and I can’t wait to dive into that, but I always have to ask folks, what was it that brought you

on this journey, how did you get started with working with

breath work meditation really knowing that we are more than

just little creatures, all individual work just hanging out

on this earth?

SIGMAR: I mean, like, I was into meditation for a while, and I did

a guided meditation with press work and the frequency. And this

was actually the beginning. So it opened my I would not say my

spirits, but I just experienced the meditation on a such a deep level. And this frequency

literally touched my heart and then everything came together and it became this mission was

formed and we said, “There’s going to be our love and peace mission and the love turn are going

to be the tool.” And little did I know that this becomes really a love and peace mission. It was

just something where I know this is important for myself, important for the people around me.

And then this mission was formed at one point.

And then we kept on rolling.

And meanwhile, this is nearly 10 years ago.

And it’s became this little tool what I’m wearing around my neck.

And it’s just the easy access to meditation.

So because the frequency, what you basically

do when you use the love tuner, you do a conscious breathing

break, you connect to the 520 Hertz frequency, what

makes you arrive in the here now and on a spiritual level,

you invite love in your life.

So that’s basically what it is.

So it’s a quick fix.

It works instantly.

And this is what turned me on to do it

because as I was meditating for many years,

and I really liked it, and the beauty of it,

and I never tell anybody cut your meditation

or your spiritual hygiene show.

But if you have a tool like this,

it’s really your little friend, your little helper,

your secret weapon and your secret weapon is love,

and it’s anywhere accessible.

And you do it for yourself.

You don’t need like an app, you don’t need a singing ball

or you need to pull over and then sit in a meditation

for 20 minutes.

It’s just literally, it’s your breath.

You take the breathing break, you disconnect your nervous

system, the power of some particles from the synthetic

nervous system, you get out of the fight and flight mode.

What we are all in to whatever reason

because this is just how we are wired.

And this gives you a different perspective,

not that it solves your problems,

but it really gives you a different perspective.

And then the more you open to magic,

to unconditional love, to that we’re all connected,

there’s always one and one is all,

you feel this idea, you don’t understand it in your head,

but you feel it on a hard level.

And this is what I wanted,

this is the part of the mission

what I’m doing is bringing people out of their head

into their hearts.

And this is where we all connect it.

Our intellect separates us,

but on a heart level, we all feel each other.

And this is when you interact with people,

hearts are always curious, they always wanna connect.

And our intellect literally goes like the guy’s wearing

a weird head, why should I talk to him?

But stupid stuff, you know what I mean?

And, but if we take all these layers away

that separates us, we are one one.

And this is this oneness is the most important thing.

And this is why the love tuner is more than a product.

And this was my, this is why I created it

because it was a love and peace mission.

This idea about unifying and overcoming separation.

This is what drives me.

And this is what the love tuner stands for.

Besides that it’s good for you on a physical level.

It’s more the mission that was driving me.

JANNINE: I like the mission a lot because right now I think we’ve had kind of a little bit of

an upset to divide people and get us literally forgetting that we are all one human connection.

I mean, and our heart energy, I love that you’re mentioning this.

SIGMAR: Yeah, yeah.

And this is, you know, like when you trust the heart, you change your life because that’s

what it is, you know, like because all limitations are in our mind.

mind is so easy to be tricked to by mass media or whatever you call it, what can influence us,

but the heart is nothing that you can trick. It’s impossible. The heart connects only to the

truth. And when you speak from your heart, you speak the truth. There’s no bending reality,

there’s no bending this energy. And I think that’s the most important thing for us to be

more in our heart energy in general. Not only when you interact with other people, but for yourself,

you know, because the mind thrives you crazy and the mind can go in so many ways and we are firing 75,000

swords every day. So not every sword is like really meant to be even experienced, you know. So

when you see that your mind wanders off, go back, go into your heart center, and then focus on

what is really important to you.

JANNINE: Such an important advice and really this day and age, I think a

a lot of people are really trying to figure out, okay, we hear this heart centered statement,

we hear going to your heart center. And I think a lot of us, even when we began to do

with breath work and do the meditation, we don’t even know where to begin. And having

a tool that’s not an app, I love that this not we’re not dealing with EMFs, all of that.

I love that it’s a tool that we can tangibly touch something and connect.

SIGMAR: Yeah. And you know, and this is what it does because like, I mean, I don’t want to talk

down on any modality which is out there and whatever helps people, whatever rocks their boat is great,

but I just experienced myself that this analog tool that you play, like as an instrument,

you have this physical sensation, you know, it’s not a spoken word, it’s not a meditation that

somebody talks to you, it’s not an app, it’s something that you really experience physically,

so the reaction of tuning, I’m not a show it real quick, yeah, yeah, soon doesn’t pick up the tone,

but it’s 528 it hurts over like a high pitch C from the tone.

So you inhale, you exhale, and when you exhale like this,

your vibration of this instrument goes into your head

all over your body and even goes about eight foot

out of your body.

So you’re in the sound resonance,

and what happens when you’re in the sound resonances,

it aligns your water molecules in your body

in a physical way.

So this is where we had our knowledge from.

So the first researchers we did,

we all went back to people that have been working with water.

And one of the main guys was Emoto,

the hidden messages in water when he was testing

how frequency, how music, how bad words, how swearing,

for how barriers literally impact water.

So, and when you look at a microscope,

you see the reaction of water.

When you play, and we have this on our homepage,

on on the science page.

When you play this frequency on water,

you can watch it on the microscope

how it restructures for a morphin, a morph shape

because it’s polluted or whatever it got disturbed

because it came out of a water pipe.

When you tune on it within 30 seconds,

it restructures to the perfect hexagonal crystal shape

of a mountain spring.

And this happens within you.

So we are like 75% water or 91% of our blood is water.

So it works on a physical level.

So it’s not like Google,

it’s not like an esoteric gimmick

where you have to do something that it works.

It works physically.

And by this alignment of the water molecules

that gives you the feeling of relaxation.

And then I mean, you all know breath work,

you inhale through the nose, you exhale through the tuner.

And the powerful thing is whatever modality you use

and what you know about breath work,

this thing gives you an audible feedback.

So by the time the tone is not steady anymore,

you know that you need to inhale and do it again.

And so over time when you get a love tuner,

you have maybe at the beginning,

depending on if you’re an athlete or if you’re not.

So you have like 15 seconds,

some people have right away, 30 seconds.

But over time, you go long and longer,

you get a strong along volume, your immune system in Bruce,

And you just become the master of your own breasts,

and this is what it is,

because the power of the breast is everything.

It’s your best friend through your entire life.

And the first thing we do when we come here,

we inhale, and before we exit, we exhale,

and in between, when we are mastering our breasts,

we are mastering already our life,

because we can regulate everything.

And this is just a combination of breastwork

and sound healing and this all and this little tool

that you wear around your neck.

And you don’t have to be, you know, like in a meditation

setup, you can do it in the morning

before you even wake up, tune in bed.

And this is the tone that you set for your experience.

And then whatever you’re going to run,

you stop somewhere, you do it again.

And during the day, you know, like you have

a stressful situation, step outside for a second,

even in the car when you’re by yourself, tune,

and it will help you.

the more you tune, it regulates, rebalances your body and it’s not necessarily the spiritual

word because everybody wants to have enlightenment like from one day to the other, you know.

They do so many things wrong and then they say, “Oh, I have this tool or I do whatever is out there,

I wasca.” And then they think within a day or whatever months they can reset what was done

wrong sometimes over decades and this is not how it works. You know, when you’re, I don’t want to

say messed up because I don’t think that everybody needs to heal from something, the love to help

you to heal, but it’s also for people who are super happy and everything is fine to even perform

on a higher level. You know, it’s not always coming from the lack saying, it’s also from like, hey,

this is what I’m doing. I’m getting older or I’m like, whatever, I mean, it’s different stage

in my life and I want to just experience more. I want to perform on a higher level, you know,

I want to be the best version of myself. And this is what this little thing is for.

You know, it really helps you to take care about yourself.

JANNINE: I have so many things I could say. Like, one, I could see how it would help

people who struggle with the exhale, right? Because I have a lot of clients in my practice

that are like, I don’t know how long to exhale, you know, what do I do? Now we’ve got incentive

because now we’ve got vibrational tone. So exciting there. Now, of course, a lot of people are thinking

like, okay, 528 Hertz, yes, higher end of the sea and sees what we use to tune instruments,

as well as humans. Now, did you guys choose the 528 based on what you saw with how the water

changed based on the tone with it? Or did you choose it based on research to or kind of multiple

things all together. 

SIGMAR: I tell you, once again, I literally, I mean, it was not an accident because

nothing is an accident in life. It was a purpose. Why? But we discovered the frequency and we looked

into what this frequency really is. But I mean, little did I know what a journey it will be for me

to even dig out this ancient knowledge. And when we’re talking about this frequency, it’s nothing

that I invented, nobody invented 520-200. It’s a cosmic frequency that was always around.

And for many centuries, this was actually our regular C note on the musical scale. And over centuries,

the musical scale got changed and the C note became a lower frequency. And there’s a reason

behind this, you know, because at one point we have been playing harmonic music and harmonic

music makes harmony in people and this is not necessarily what systems want because they want

to have people being out of harmony, you know, like being in dissonance and this frequency is

exactly, and this is an interesting factor. Many musicians actually knew about this frequency,

the most important or most famous guy was John Lennon. He wrote Imagine, the key of 520 it hurts.

So yeah, and it’s still, I mean, when you look back, this song is now I don’t know, 40, 50 years old,

and there’s not one love and peace song in the world that is more known, you know, imagine

everybody knows it, you know, and so he knew about this frequency and he composes in 520

Hertz. And I think, and this is why when I talk to musicians, I always tell them, listen,

Guys, go back, retune your instrument and the A tone gives the rest of the musical scale.

So right now our A tone is 440 Hertz. If you bring the A tone to 444 Hertz, you have the C at

528 Hertz. So it’s a super simple thing. The music sounds, you don’t even hear it unless I mean you

like a musician and you hear like a higher pitch, but the music is the same. The only thing

what happens, it becomes a harmonic music and it’s a music that touches your heart. So this is why

it’s a part of my mission a little bit and this is why I’m so going into the depths of tuning

because this is what a part of my mission is to talk to your musicians and bring awareness and

say listen please retune your instruments. 

JANNINE: Yeah, oh my gosh this makes makes so much sense.

it makes so much sense. And, you know, we’ve talked for years. Yeah, the notice C was what

we were using to tune. But if we’ve been tuning at a lower vibration, then we’re kind of tuning

our instruments and ourselves off. 

SIGMAR: Exactly. We want to look around us. We’re all a little bit off,

you know what I mean? 

JANNINE: Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, I, the one thing that’s been consistent in

my life with acupuncture and being an acupuncturist is my tuning forks. I love the daylights out of

out of those suckers.

And now I’m going, oh, how can I incorporate this

into acupuncture sessions with folks?

They don’t have needles in their mouth.

We could do this.

Have you heard of anybody doing anything like that?

SIGMAR: Yeah, I mean, I don’t know an acupuncturist

who is using it, but maybe some people are doing it,

but we have very, a lot of doctors on board

and a lot of therapists, especially,

they do like energy work.

So they’re tune with people when they’re working with them.

And we have seen it with chiropractors.

We have seen it with Reiki.

Everything that has to do with energetic work.

So when you, for example, do acupuncture and you tune

with your client, either she has,

the person has a love tuner.

So I would recommend that before the session,

after the session, you do a conscious breathing with them,

they tune in and while you’re working on them,

whenever you feel it, that they need some energy

whatever field you can tune them into this frequency because it comes out of you and they feel it,

you know. It’s just like, I always, I mean, this is a stupid example, but it’s like, if somebody

gives you a car and one is the same car and one is like super powerful and fast and has a strong

engine and the other one is not that strong, which one would you pick, you know? So you pick the

more performance one and this is what love tuna actually does, you know. It gives everybody the

extra kick, whatever modality doctors are using, whatever they are teaching with the

love tuner, it’s just like this little extra kick. And the next thing is you can give it to your

patients and say, listen, take this home because what have experience they have with you, whatever

you do on your healing modality, it’s captured on a cellular level. So every time when they

tune at home, they take something from you, what you did to them, you know what I mean? It gives one,

one thing, so it makes the thing full.

Like it’s in between, like whatever they come back a week later,

and they tune at home, they already tune in

when they show up for the next session with you.

And you are basically setting the anchor with them,

and they can always access this knowledge,

what they have on the cellular level,

with the laughter anytime, anywhere.

This is basically the message what I have

from many doctors because they tell me,

and I was always trying so hard to bring people to the state of mind, or I always

quoted the state of no mind because this is what we want to have. And they said, “Listen,

the love tuner just is a good helper for me. It helps me. It helps my clients to relax,

my sessions with them, no matter if it’s chiropractor or whatnot, it’s just more powerful.”

JANNINE: It makes sense. It makes sense. So on your website, you have people doing the love tuner

together. So I’m guessing that in a doctor patient relationship kind of situation, you’re tuning

together once tuning separate. How are a lot of folks doing it? 

SIGMAR: Yeah, so I mean, tuning together

is super powerful because like, you know, your patients, they all tell you not only that they

come in because you’re great in what you’re doing, but everybody tells you something, you know, I mean,

everybody has a conversation. And when you tune with someone, you have a real conversation, you have

a heartfelt conversation because your heart’s connect in this frequency and more information

from you to your patients comes, you know, than in any spoken word. So this tuning together

is beyond the blah, blah, blah. So, you know, obviously we all talk before we do something,

but often when you will recognize this, when you do this with your clients, you just go

like, well, everything’s set.

Let’s start.

And this is because you’re sinking

into this frequency field.

You’re sinking into how many together.

And this is just a perfect thing to start a session,

no matter what you’re doing.

JANNINE: Sounds great.

It sounds great.

It sounds, I’m thinking like, okay, I start my day.

I start my session.

I drive with it.

Like, how many times a day,

if you had the ballpark, how many times you use it a day?

What’s on average for you?

SIGMAR: I mean, I use it definitely consciously three times.

So I do it first thing in the morning.

Like before, I’m really awake when you’re not in the awake

state, when you’re like so half asleep.

So I grab somehow my tuner and just tune.

And sometimes there’s only two or three cycles.

It’s not even about a full on breastwork.

It’s more like getting into the sound,

getting into the frequency.

And then whenever I go on a run in the morning nearly every day,

So I stop somewhere and then I do it conscious, you know, tuning sessions.

So I stay like at least six cycles, ten cycles, whatever feels good.

And then I do it for sure before I go to bed because it’s great for sleep.

If you have like insomnia, it helps tremendously.

And then I do it and this is why I cannot tell you how often I tune because

every time when something comes up to you in the day, I just do it as a reflex already,

You know, you jump in your car, you look at your clock and go, “Oh my God, I don’t know if I gonna make this.”

So your brain goes right away, “Oh my God, I gotta be late.”

And so at one point you give in and you just tune and no matter if you come to late or,

but it changes you.

It’s just like, okay, it relieves what we call stress.

And I mean, this is the most important thing.

So because stress, if you don’t control your stress, it gets further and further.

stress doesn’t stop at stress. It goes all the way to crazy anxieties. It goes to panic attacks

and then the last consequence is burnout. This is what our society is fighting the most. Then

you’ll make the complete wrong decision. You go and take pills or whatnot. So every time when

stress comes up and this happens, even if it’s positive stress, it doesn’t matter. But use the

love tuner, you know, regulate yourself and then just reset.

JANNINE: It sounds so amazing. I can’t wait to try it out. And guys, I

will post when we release this podcast on my experience. Now,

of course, you got my mind thinking like, I imagine yoga

studios, folks, the building filled, the room filled, what’s

what’s spend the most amount of people you’ve had in one place

using the love tuner together? Can you can you remember?

SIGMAR: Yeah, it was an eloftino seminar and it was about a thousand people, a little bit more than a thousand people.

And it was, I have to say, it was something for me myself, like it was like a rock concert, if you can imagine, you’re standing on stage and you know, this power would come from people in general and this was just, it was tremendous.

But it even happens when the family tunes together, like four people, three people.

And then you have friends come together and you tune together. It’s so powerful, even like

everything from like two, three people, and then you have 20 people. It’s unreal what happens.

The frequency is so beautiful and so strong. And everybody that is in this tuning group,

you feel right away unity. And this is what everybody told me, you know, it’s like, and in our seminars,

what we did for a long time was like literally tuning people in and then also making them aware

about their heart field and then literally like random people, we picked them out and said, listen,

just look at each other till you really feel your heart and that she tuned together, connecting

in this frequency and then literally when you feel it, tell the person that you love this person

and that you blast this person, you know, and it’s like, you know, you can always say something

like this, you know, like he’d be asked, “I love you and that lasts you.” But if you come to the point

that you really connect and you feel the heart energy of the other person, you know, like, I mean,

we have seen people cry in the seminars, like literally, like being touched by a complete stranger

And you go like, how did this happen?

Because when we feel hard, love, love from our hearts,

and when we connect on a heart level,

this is so overwhelming because most of us,

me including, we protect our hearts.

And just like our mind tells us to protect us.

And if you’re in the position to really open your heart

and receive and also give at the same time,

this is where we feel so humble.

And on this is when you know the toughest guys tear up, you know, it’s like, it’s on a hard level, you know, you can receive and you can give and respect.

JANNINE: Oh, it’s it’s so what’s needed right now. It’s so what’s needed right now because you could just feel it right in the vibes. And so it I can’t wait. I can’t wait. So obviously you’ve got to picked up on this. You have a journey that that you wrote about with your book.

one journey. I would love to hear a little background on what we can find in your book so that folks,

you know, if they’re looking for something to read that’s inspiring and also uplifting,

give us the scoop on the book in the middle of the background. 

SIGMAR: Yeah, so the book, I have a copy

here, so that’s the book. It’s published by Waterside Publishing House, but it’s available on Amazon,

and it’s called “One Journey, The Love Tuner Book.” And for me, it was not

so important to write about myself but obviously there’s a little bit autobiography in there that

people understand where I’m coming from you know that I’m not a guru or whatever I’m just a regular

guy that discovered this frequency at one point and it’s a little bit about my life journey and how

it changed my life and hopefully it will change the life of many people but it’s basically

frequency knowledge because whatever you google in the internet there’s so much misinformation

out there. And in this book, I brought everything together from century of knowledge about frequency,

also the musical scale stuff. What I said, I talk about the so fat your frequencies,

I talk about how everything is frequency and vibration. And then it also goes into spirituality.

So I’m talking about the spiritual laws. And it’s basically a guidance to recognize what is

embibe with you and what is a bad vibe. So first of all, you need to understand how you

vibe yourself. So what is in the excellence and what is in harmony with myself and who,

how do I vibe? You know, this is a lot of people don’t know this, you know what I mean? But if

you find yourself and this is what I always say, we always talk about one love and we talk about

love will, you know, conquer the world. Yes, it will. Absolutely. But first of all,

before love can even reach you, you need to be authentic, you know, and authenticity is the key

to wholeness. If you are not authentic to yourself, even know who you are, if you’re pretending,

then love will not find you and you can also not spray love. It’s one cycle. So authenticity

is the most important thing and this is what I encourage people in this book is to first of all,

it’s about self empowerment, but also to be as true to yourself and really be authentic,

be an authentic human being. And I think this is key in our society, because this is the only way

we can access love, and this is the only way we can really connect and overcome this separation

that most of the stuff is made up. You know, like, it’s not nobody wakes up in the morning and goes,

I was like, oh, I have to fight for this cause.

No, there is no cause to fight for it.

It is something that was created in your mind.

And at the end of the day, if you start killing your own brother

and your own sisters, what we’re doing around the world,

this is not what is in our human nature.

Yes, we do it because this was an imprint that we have,

but not on a heart level.


Oh, so many, so many things I could say here.

How do I bring this into my one question?

‘Cause I think a lot of people have heard

the one love concept, right?

They’ve maybe seen the Rasta Fari and kind of movement.

They’ve kind of seen it with Bob Marley kind of.

Tell us a little bit more about the movement,

about possibly musicians that you know

that are bringing in some of the frequencies

that are harmonic versus, I guess, dishharmonic would be.

SIGMAR: Yeah, I mean, there’s a lot of like healing music

out there, so whatever you can find in the internet.

But my focus right now is like,

we work also with some classic musicians,

but my focus right now is electronic music

because this is what is so hip right now

and what has such a huge following.

And I remember I was born in Austria,

so I was very into this music scene.

I know the electronic music scene in Ibiza

since I’m whatever a teenager.

And I experienced all these movements

from like trans music to techno music.

And it’s very interesting when you look at the possibilities

that you have with our new technology

to really get those teachers to play harmonic music.

And it sounds the same.

And this is really my focus right now.

To have all those teachers who are becoming like,

basically like heroes.

Back in the days we have been watching rock bands

and now teachers are feeling the huge stadiums.

It’s not always on the club level anymore.

And this is what my main focus is

and we have some top teachers already on board

that are experimenting with the frequency.

And it’s gonna be a matter of time

till a big event will come out with the right people

and they’re gonna say, “Hey, listen,

why don’t we play this all in the key of 528 at hertz?”

And this is what I wanna create, you know?

And we all know, you know, music or whatever

it’s in this business, you know, people wanna make money.

And often it takes the right soul to go like,

“Hey, this is my calling, I gonna do this.”

And so this is like, as again, we want to touch those artists hearts and go like, Hey, listen, you’re out there.

You’re like a half God for a lot of people.

So, you know, give something back and, you know, play the people into into harmony and help them to connect.

And this is why, you know, coming back to Bob Marley and one love.

I mean, this guy was a genius.

You know, he was like, what he said, I mean, that was a very enlightened soul, you know, and, and,

And when you take this down out of, you know, our culture, it becomes this one thing like, oh, there was a reggae guy who said one love and also love, you know, and, and we literally dumb it down, you know, we, we don’t give him the respect, you know, like to, if somebody talks about one love and he composes this music, then you better listen to this, you know, and it’s not only made to smoke a nice

It’s hard-felt music, you know?

And we have a lot of those poets out there

and a lot of these enlightened musicians.

It’s just like we also need to listen to those messages

and incorporate it in our life, you know?

And we also, as a society, we need to do our homework,

you know, when we have a poet like this standing on stage

talking about one love, then it’s also our thing,

not to only just enjoy it and wait a little bit

dance but do we go like, oh wow, that’s a message, you know, I need to incorporate this in my family,

I need to incorporate this in my relationship. If you own a company, incorporate this in your

in your business and you will see, first of all, it’s the comic, you know, thing that doing good

stuff, what comes around goes around and you just make people happier, you know, and this is why

it’s so important that people really listen and and and again, this is why frequency, love, it all

comes together? 

JANNINE: It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. And I really do hope that, you know, folks do look

at music where folks are talking about one love and definitely Bob Marley more than just

420 and smoking weed, you know, it’s, you know, it’s funny. My parents actually never were weed

smokers. They just loved Bob Marley so much in the message, right? And this is what I was taught as

a kid. And it’s funny because it’s, you know, now here we are full circle coming back to using it

And now we have a device.

And so guys, the love tuner, we wanna get you,

to take a look at the love tuner and see it in person.

So let’s tell folks how they can connect with you

with Instagram and online

and how they can get ahold of a love tuner right away.

SIGMAR: I mean, the easiest is to buy it online at

So we ship nationwide free shipping.

It’s not expensive. I think it’s 68 bucks.

It’s super beautiful. It comes like,

that’s how the box looks like.

It’s this little gift box and there’s a leaflet in there, how it works.

And it’s also like now, you know, like it’s,

it’s the time of the year where people either start into the new year and

whatever. And it’s a beautiful thing, you know,

it’s because when you give it to someone,

not only if you buy it for yourself, you’re basically gifting love, you know,

Mr. Love, tuner is gifting love.

And that’s a beautiful thing.

But I wanna say one more thing real quick

because you told me that your parents,

they moved to Jamaica for Bob Marley, right?

JANNINE: They didn’t move, no, we just went there.

Like every single vacation, I wish, I wish.

Oh my goodness, I wish.

No, we just went every single vacation.

That was where we went for years.

SIGMAR: Very cool, very cool.

Cool parents.

SIGMAR: Oh, I did score.

I did score, but yeah, I wish we moved there.

What would I have discovered

if I would have actually moved to Jamaica?

What do you know that I don’t know?

SIGMAR: No, I think it’s all right.

You know, like you can’t have a go back in the past.

You know, you didn’t miss that.


Now I had plenty of great,

we had plenty of great dance parties in the house

with Bob Marley’s music.

I definitely love to groove to it.

It is probably one of my favorite things to jam to,

which I think there’s a reason.

I think there’s a reason.

Now, I really do hope that we can get connected with a website or updates on the music scene.

Can we keep in touch with LoveTuner to find out?

Will you guys be posting or…?

SIGMAR: Absolutely.

So when people sign up to our newsletter, this is where we send a lot of information,

also like practical exercises, from breath work exercises, spiritual exercises.

And when it comes to music, everything that we publish, we also have our own music.

You can download it for free from our homepage.

It’s called Intunity and it’s kind of electronic launch music,

but it’s all composed in 520 Hz.

And it’s super nice when you play it in the background.

It’s great when you tune.

We have whatever yoga studios playing this sound

while they do their love tuner yoga sessions.

We work with spas where they play the sound in the background

when they work with their patients.

And it’s just super cool to have it in the background running even at home, you know,

because you hear the frequency. And then it’s always a reminder that you take your tune,

you tune into the music. And I think it’s so important what you just said that people move,

you know, and dancing. And first of all, to our listener here, don’t take it so serious, you know,

like spirituality as life, it’s fun. It needs to be fun. You know, it’s not going to a church,

You know, it’s something where, you know, shake your ass, dance, love, breathe, you know, inhale, love, exhale, love, and that’s what it is, you know, and take life, you know, from the sun inside.

JANNINE: Well, well said, well said. I think on that, we’ve got, we’ve got a mic drop because that’s, that’s what we all need more of.

Thank you so much for coming on. We’ll make sure we get all the details in the podcast. And it’s at I appreciate it.

Awesome. Thank you so much.

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(upbeat music)

Jannine Krause

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