What if fatigue and brain fog didn’t have to be a part of aging?  Perhaps you’ve been hearing about the benefits of the anti-aging and energy boosting molecule NAD. Maybe you’ve seen it advertised in an IV or supplement but you weren’t sure if it was for you.  Maite Brines Von Melle is the innovation, product formulation and education go to for BioStack supplement company. In this episode Maite and Dr. Jannine Krause talk about the natural decline of NAD production in your body with age and the benefits of supplementing with it’s precursors to slow down the aging process as well as ease the side effects of perimenopause and menopause. 

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Why the signs of aging are connected to decreased NAD 
  • How NAD works in the body to make energy
  • Why you can’t take NAD itself & you need it’s precursors
  • The difference between NAD IVs and NAD boosting supplements
  • Why NAD precursors are an amplifier to your diet and lifestyle
  • The connection between Perimenopause, menopause and NAD decline
  • NAD’s connection to methylation


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Resources From The Show:

  • BioStack Supplements Website
  • NAD Regen – NAD boosting precursors and agents to help the body recycle it
  • GlyNAC – liver detox and glutathione booster (we decrease on glutathione with age)
  • GDAID – blood sugar management and fat burning supplement
  • Discount code: DRKRAUSE

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Podcast Transcript

2:31 – Maite’s back story

6:58 – Background on Bio Stack Labs

9:19 – What is NAD?

10:21 – Mechanics of NAD production in the body

14:17 – Supplements that say they have NAD in them will not work

16:12 – Raising your NAD levels

16:37 – NAD Regen dosing and tips

23:46 – What is Glynac plus?

24:59 – Glutathione

29:17 – How BioStack supplementation can help during menopause and peri-menopause

31:40 – Maite’s personal story on finding the right dosage

36:58 – NAD booster Vs. precursor and methylation

41:25 – What results they have seen with their customers

48:03 – What is NAD Regen doing on a cellular level?

[Intro] Welcome to the Health Fix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly

fix of tips, tools, and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds, and fit

physiques for life.

Hey health junkies, on this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, I’m interviewing

Maite Brines von Melle. She’s the innovation product formulation in education

go-to for a Bio Stacks supplement company. And in this episode, we’re going to be

talking about the production of the molecule NAD and how it declines with age

and we’re also going to go into the benefits of taking its precursors to

slow down the aging process. We also get into the connection between the

molecule NAD and its impact on fatigue, brain fog, and perimenopausal symptoms.

Plus she goes into the difference between the benefits of an NAD IV versus using

supplements that boost your NAD production in the body. So if you’ve heard

people talking about NAD and you’re curious about what the heck is this

thing and could it benefit you you’re in the right place? So let’s introduce you

to Maite Brines von Melle. 

JANNINE: Hey, Hello, junkies. I have Maite Brines von Melle

on today. She is the Innovation Product and Education Master, as I would say, for

our Biostack and we’re about to geek out on how to get more energy and how you can feel

better than you did in your 20s because I’m definitely feeling better from trying out

the Biostack NAD product and I’m excited to talk about it today.

So, Maite, welcome to the Health Fix podcast.

MAITE: Thank you so much for having me.

I’m really excited to be here and share with your audience all about NAD and some of the

other longevity protocols but also supplements.

It’s like an extra cherry on top that we can do to support healthy aging.

So I’m really happy to be here today.

JANNINE: Well I’m glad you’re here because it’s definitely something that it, I mean it’s my number one,

number one complaint I hear in my office, Doc, I’m doing all the things.

I’m working out, I’m eating right, I’m taking supplements to help my hormones.

Maybe someone’s got bio, you know, HRT on board and they’re like, I still don’t feel



What do I do?

What can I start with?

And I know you and I had taught a little bit before I hit

record about your personal situation.

Would you share a little bit about how you kind of came

to the Biostack Company and how it evolved in terms of you

working on your energy?

MAITE: Yeah, so I come from a movement and health coaching

background anyway, and have always been interested in how

how can I feel better?

How can I move better?

So I’ve been into biomechanics and teaching all kinds

exercises to people, but also very much on the restorative front as well,

and to fascia release and all of that, because I believe that side is really

overlooked a lot of the times. We always want to go like, lift the weights

and run fast, but like what about all the restorative stuff? So that’s always

been kind of my background movement. And then I ended up just meeting these

guys that come there like different entrepreneurs, like from the health

and sort of supplement background, and they just came up with the latest

sort of longevity supplements, mainly speaking, the focus was on NAD.

And we got on really well.

And I don’t know, just a few months down the line,

they sort of said, “Hey, do you want to jump on board?”

And yeah, that’s kind of, we never look back

and just absolutely adore working with them

because like so many other companies out there,

they really don’t save a penny on,

so I’m the one kind of going up like,

“Oh, can we do this kind of supplement to support healthy aging?”

And I was like, “Okay, here are the ingredients.

Here’s the research.

It’s gonna cost this.”

And I was like, “Okay, let’s do it.”

And they’re just up for it.

They’re never in for like a quick dollar or anything like that.

They believe not just the longevity supplements,

but also longevity when it comes to customers.

And, you know, we have this wonderful WhatsApp group

with the inner circle of customers.

And we exchange a lot of experience and a lot of tips

and advice and we’ve got some sort of big names

in the industry that are also part of the group.

And it’s just like everybody’s just, you know,

sharing their experience is so great to be part

of that community lifting each other up

and helping each other to, you know,

live healthier lives essentially.

So it’s been just great.

And they’ve also been really keen to bring really clean products

to the market.

So there’s no nasty fillers in them.

Again, a lot of supplements out there

have things like machine cleaners inside the supplement.

When you think like, hold on a second,

this is meant to clean the machine and it’s inside the supplement to make it easier for

the machines to clean magnesium steroid for example. So I was like very much like okay

we’ve got to have really clean products, we’ve got to have glass bottles, it’s you know it’s

going to be like effective dosing so no saving on that. And yeah I mean I can only as you can

see for myself I’ve loved working for them because they’re just like so up for just producing

really good products that are effective and clean. 

JANNINE: I can’t agree more I can’t agree more I mean

definitely the the gloss bottles is a huge upgrade and and props to you for thinking of that and also just the the emails that

Adam sends out the Adam is from Biostack guys

It’s if you get onto their email list you can learn a ton of things and I’ve learned a ton

Just getting the weekly emails and being like oh really? Oh, that’s really cool

And then you know my tip is talking about some big names. I mean we have folks like I was noticing like Jay Campbell making

comments in there and we also have Ben Greenfield too.

Like big, big names.

MAITE:  Yeah, I mean, he’s a big supporter,

but yeah, Sean Wells was like, no one has the number one

formulator and he’s very active in this WhatsApp group.

And obviously he’s the creator of Dihydro Berberin,

which is one of the ingredients that we use in our

Glucosal [Inaudible] agent, which is a very popular product.

But yeah, it’s just been great to sort of be hanging out

in this group with everyone and customers are like,

oh my God, I’ve got access to like these people.

I just can ask them questions, which is really, really cool.

JANNINE: It’s super cool.

And folks who are listening, you guys,

I had Sean Wells on probably like in the beginning

of my podcast days, like back in the hundreds

of around episode like 460 something at this point.

So guys, it’s cool stuff and it’s cool to be able,

’cause I think at this point,

and this is something Maite,

I would love for folks to hear,

but also for you to kind of speak to me,

no other supplement companies that I’m aware of have the access you guys do to your customers

and vice versa, like have that what’s happened and the communication because I’ve not seen that.

And I think this day and age, so many people are wondering like are supplements, you know,

real who’s making them, where are they coming from? I think that’s such a big important thing these days.

MAITE: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there is a little bit of a brand story with one of the founders trying to

make sort of bio hacking a little bit more convenient because he’s a father of three,

he’s running multiple businesses and his kind of like some of his biomarkers were really down

in the basement and he was just like, I don’t have time to go and have an NADIV that takes like

two and a half hours that probably will make you feel nauseous and cost about $500. I don’t

have time for it so what’s convenient, what works and that’s the kind of background because

we do have some bio hackers in the group, but there’s also just people that they do their training,

they eat well, and they just want to go like, “Okay, what is realistic for me to do?”

I can have a cold shower, I can do a bit of breath work, it’s not going to cost me any money.

You can do like, again, these supplements, they’re not, they’re affordable,

It’s convenient.

You don’t have to drive anywhere to get an NAD IV.

But also, I mean, we can talk about this in a moment

and take a dive in.

So what’s the difference between an IV and an injection

versus these tablets?

Because this is a very unique formulation

that we have in this particular NAD region,

regenerate product that doesn’t just

give you a quick boost of NAD.

It actually very intelligently works on the pathways

and the mechanics around building NAD,

which you already have in the body,

but also recycling it and also bringing down information,

which is a real issue as we age,

as being one of the hallmarks of aging.

So, and actually information

sucks a lot of NAD molecules.



Well, let’s talk about NAD,

because it’s a hot topic right now.

I would say probably half of my patients will come in

and say, “What is this NAD thing?

How can it help me?”

And I think a lot of people, first and foremost,

don’t realize that we actually make it ourselves.

And that we decline as we get older with it.

So let’s go to NAD basics

and let’s remind folks or educate folks a little bit

on what NAD is and how it can help with energy.

MAITE: Yeah, so NAD, you’re born with plenty of NAD.

Your body is very wise and very clever in so many ways,

but you’re born with plenty of NAD.

It’s part of making energy.

So for those of you that are like really

want to know [inaudible], this is part of the crank cycle.

So essentially, NAD is needed to then break down food

and create energy.

Essentially, that’s what it is.

And it’s really well known for that.

And we also know that we’re born with it,

but every 20 years or so, we are actually

declined with this NAD status about 50%.

So if you think about it from the time you’re born,

by the time you’re 20, you’ve got half.

And then by the time you’re 40, so no wonder

like kids of full of energy, they’re full of NAD, whereas a four year old or a six year

old or a year old for that matter might not feel as youthful as they did in their 20s,


And it’s all due to this NAD and inflammation, to be honest as well.

So as we got older, there is actually this reduction of NAD is mostly due to inflammation

and also due to a decline of an enzyme called NAMPT.

Now this is kind of what I was mentioning about the mechanics around NAD production.

So we know we have it in the cell, we know declines, but it declines for different reasons

like I mentioned, like inflammation because the body has been around for longer, the repair

processes are sort of ongoing and the older we get, they’re more little fires are there

to be put out, right?

So we know it’s crucial for energy production, but it’s also really, really crucial because

it feeds, NAD feeds these family of proteins called cetuins and the POPS and they’re basically

your cleanup crew. They are responsible to maintain your DNA and repair your DNA. They have these

kind of different jobs. They’re slightly different in what they do, the POPS since the cetuins, but

they’re basically the whole repair maintenance crew that you need in the body to dampen those fires.

So we’re not so prone to this kind of low level of this constant inflammation of body as we age,

which is another, yeah, which I mentioned is like this hallmark of aging.

And in this particular formulation, which we have a license for called NAD3,

it’s an ingredient that is basically made out of three ingredients,

wasabi, Theacrine, and Cuprous Niacin, which essentially is a precursor to NAD.

And together they help to bring down some of the inflammation to raise that enzyme that I mentioned

needed so your body can then recycle NAD so it keeps the production going so it’s very

very clever in that way and it also feeds that precursor I mentioned the Cuprous Niacin

and because I think a couple of years ago when all three years ago now when David

Sinclaire who’s quite well known professor at Harvard came out with a study talking about

NMN being the elixir to youth essentially everybody start chucking down NMN which is

is needed to build or NMN or NR.

So there’s different pre-persus that can use,

but they all come from the same family,

which essentially is like a form of vitamin B3, right?

Like niacin.

And we need those building blocks to build NAD.

So it’s like giving the raw material,

but just having the raw material is not good enough.

As I mentioned, you need the enzymes,

you need to dampen down inflammation.

So there’s a few mechanics that need to happen

for you to really fully use the raw material.

So when people say, oh, you know, I like to have an NAD IV,

this is great because you will get that boost in NAD,

but what happens with it afterwards?

How are you gonna recycle it?

How are you gonna, you know, use it again, essentially?

It’s not gonna happen just by taking an IV.

So you need to consider all these other things.


You know, I think a lot of people aren’t thinking of that.

Especially when we think IV, we think,

Okay, it gets in the system and then it’s like magically

gonna stay there.

MAITE: Yeah.

JANNINE: You know, it’s one of those things that it’s,

I think there’s a misconception a little bit there.

I think there’s also a little bit of misconception

in terms of NMN and NAD,

because when folks talk to me about it,

it’s, I think in the head, it’s the same thing.

So it definitely wants to, let’s clarify that a little bit

between NMN and NAD.

So folks kind of understand what’s going on there.

MAITE: Folks are always like also saying,

oh, I want to take NAD orally.

Well, you can’t take it because the molecule is too big

and it’s too unstable.

So we have to go down to the next smallest thing

that can actually go through the cell,

which would be NMN.

That’s the next biggest ingredient that we could take.

That is not as big as NAD.

And then after that, I believe, is nicotinamide right-off side.

That’s smaller than NMN.

And then it would be like niacin, right?

but they’re all the same family again.

So you can take whatever precursor you like, really,

but you cannot take NAD.

And if you ever see a supplement bottle

that says it has NAD in it,

that’s not gonna work.

It’s just not.

You can only take it via IV

because it goes straight in

or you can do an injection.

I know there are some suppositories out there as well

and I know there is a patch.

I believe there’s a brand that also makes a patch

which I actually have not used or have looked at.

So I can’t really comment on that.

But yeah, so NMM, NR, NISM, they’re all precursors

to make NAD.

JANNINE: Okay, okay.

Thank you for clarifying that.

‘Cause I think a lot of people do, you know,

it’s confusing.

It’s confusing.

And yes, we have to read the back of the label

and then ’cause labeling will say NAD

and then you look at it and you’re like,

but that doesn’t say NAD.

So I think it’s very important for folks to hear that.

Now talking, let’s talk a little bit about

what someone might feel because I spent here,

here you go guys, here’s me with my NAD Regen right here.

I spent the last 90 days since my day and I talked

the first time taking this every single morning.

And honestly, I do feel like I had a couple days

where I forgot and I was dragging.

I was like, oh wow, this is what I used to feel like.

So I could see the difference between taking it every morning

and then on a couple of occasions when I forgot.

And of course it was once that we went hiking early

in the morning and I probably needed it more than anything.

But it was a very good test for me to see like,

“Oh, okay, I’m not crashing in the afternoon.”

Which is one of the things that I really do see

a lot of folks kind of experiencing.

So tell us a little bit about the dosing

and how it’s on an empty stomach in the morning.

Give us a scoop, why?

Give us kind of a little background on that.

MAITE: Yeah, so your NAD levels actually fluctuate

throughout the day.

And also there’s plenty of things that you can do

to raise your own NAD levels.

Like we know that formatic stresses

are quite useful to raise NAD levels

like exercise or doing the sauna

or some calorie restriction.

But I want to be very careful what I’m saying with that.

The fasting we bake is definitely

like on the roll out there.

But so you take in a fasted state in the morning

when you wake up.

And the reason being is that you already have,

you’re amplifying those NAD levels,

which are also aligning with your cycling rhythm, essentially.

So but after you’ve taken it on a fasted state,

you can pretty much like, I say like 15 to 20 minutes,

you can have your breakfast after, that’s absolutely fine.

But you just wanna hit it first thing in the morning.

Because as I mentioned, it is part of that energy production.

And so, and we had a few folks sort of taking it in the evening and they weren’t able to

sleep and it’s like, yes, because it’s like to give you energy.

So it also helps.

I know like Ben Greenfield and Chris Gaffin, they definitely take it.

They take extra dosage when they’re traveling to support kind of time zone change and going

against jet lag and stuff like that.

So that might be like a hack to use.

I personally haven’t done it yet in terms of jet lag, but that might be quite interesting

to try out for people.

But yeah, that’s the reasoning behind it

’cause it kind of aligns with your circadian rhythm

those amplified or the risen levels of NAD.

And in the same way, I just wanna say in the same way

that you kind of support your NAD levels

through lifestyle and even foods that are rich

in vitamin B3, your NAD levels also do really deplete

by sedentary lifestyle and having lots of, you know,

process food and drinking or consuming a lot of alcohol really depletes your NAD

levels as well. So it’s just like, you know, it’s, um, if you think about like

raising it naturally and but also we can deplete it quite a lot with poor lifestyle

choices as well.

JANNINE: The, the old saying still stands, you cannot supplement your way out of a poor diet or

lifestyle that that does not help. So really, you know, what

we’re getting at here is that NAD is going to help amplify the

good habits that you already have. Okay, so we can’t expect

miracles if you’re not doing the other things guys, that’s

that’s the bottom line here because I’ll have a lot of people

try different things and they’ll be like, everyone’s touting it

but it didn’t really work for me. Well, what are you doing at

home? So it’s it’s kind of an amplifier. [Advertisement] Hey, health junkies,

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Let’s get back to the podcast.

JANNINE: In terms of methylation, though, I mean, it’s such a hot topic along with energy, along

with detox.

And it brings up a huge point that like when we take supplements, we are not just like

putting in something that’s going to affect one pathway.

It’s going to have an impact on multiple other pathways in the body.

And I think for a lot of people, I guess maybe how we’re marketed to maybe just our thought

process of conventional medicine.

Here’s your pill.

It takes care of that issue.

Unfortunately, I mean, even in that world that we’ve got some flaws of how it’s going

to impact other systems too.

So anyway, bottom line is thinking about how things impact other systems.

And one of the places you’re talking about with methylation, I have had a lot of patients

come to me and say like, hey, I’ve been doing NMN, for example.

And I feel like I get energy for a second and then it just like comes to a screeching


I’m crashing almost, you know, worse than if I didn’t take it at all.

That would be a sign of the methylation getting bogged down.

in one case, let’s say theoretically, you know, there’s probably other things I can,

you know, say, but just to give folks a frame of reference.

MAITE: Yeah, yeah, no, that’s a good hypothesis, really, because, you know, what is it like

you take away something from something else?

So it’s just that, I mean, again, I just love this field because we know more every

single day, every single day is a new study coming out.

again, when I talk about like three years ago, like taking NMN, you know, like back then,

everybody’s just doing that, not considering, oh, okay. But what happens to it, like, when it

breaks down? So do we actually know about the salvage pathway? Do we know? And it’s like, and

it’s okay, because the normal consumer, which I am, a regular consumer, really, I always think

about like it from that way. So what do I want to put in my body? What, what do I want, you know,

and what don’t I want and not everybody needs to know the whole science of it but the more we know

about it I think it’s really important to kind of share that message just like oh hold on a second

there is such a thing as too much of a good thing you know even though yes and i mean it’s great but

you need to consider everything around it now we know about how it works we know how you know it

impacts how these mechanics need to work. So it’s just not going to, that alone won’t

cut it. But yeah, you can DIY, you know, sort of with supplements. But again, we’re all

about convenience. We’re all about like effectiveness and clean and safe supplements. So that’s

how NAD region kind of was created, really.

JANNINE: Mm hmm. Makes sense. It makes sense. You know, the recycling component and helping our body

I think a lot of people don’t realize that we do recycle things.

We can take things in a form that help.

Like your Glynac, for example, the NAC.

I don’t think a lot of people know that we can recycle Glutathion,

which is the end product of NAC supplementation.

So N-acetylcysteine will sustain guys for those of you who are like,

“What is NAC?”

What does NAC have?

Most people know now things too.

It’s becoming so popular with the pandemic, but I think we’re not.

we’re not maybe taking as much advantage of understanding or maybe education on we can recycle

things like like the glutathion. Let’s talk about Glynac for a second because I think it’s fun to

I know we were talking more about NAD today but I do want to talk about your Glynac product a

little bit in terms of how how we would pair Glynac with NAD region because I think a lot of people

to are at a state where they’ve depleted.

Maybe they had a baby at 40 and then start going into

Perry Manapause right away.

And they’re like, Oh my gosh, I’m getting every cold under the

sun because my kiddos young.

And I feel like just crap.

MAITE: Yeah.

JANNINE: How do we pair those two together?

Of course, a little bit of fun.

MAITE: Yeah, It is.

So essentially what Glynac.

So our product is called Glynac plus because it’s got the

extra benefit of the Calcium Alpha Keto-

glutarate in there, which is again,

also great for energy metabolism.

JANNINE: I’ll grab it

MAITE: Yeah, it does a bunch of other things as well

in terms of muscle and, I mean, again, the studies,

I mean, I tell you this, when I, that’s the one,

when I put forward to create our own Glynac product,

they were like, okay, what are the benefits?

And I was just like, they were like pages

and pages and pages.

This is why for your audience, we don’t know,

Glynac is made up of glycine and N-acetylcysteine, right?

So Gly-nac and it works so beautifully together.

The synergy between the two are so beautiful

and so well studied that they actually made up a new name

and Glynac was born, right?

And it’s probably one of the most studied

longevity supplements I would think on the market

because together one of the things,

and only one of the things it does,

but I think it’s most well known for,

is making glutathione.

Now, glutathione is the master antioxidant in the body,

and it’s really, really essential,

and especially for again, for women,

it’s a really, really important part for detoxification.

Your liver loves it.

And I think detoxification is another issue

that we kind of encounter as we get older,

because again, the liver has been around longer,

it’s been, you know, again,

I like the good glass and wine, like the next person,

but it’s like in with good sort of like dosing

and not too frequently,

but I think it becomes harder for women,

especially because essentially the liver goes like,

okay, I need to break down this cortisol

because you’re like super stressed.

I need to break down this estrogen.

There are like a couple of cookies

and you see there’s like processed food.

There is maybe some other medication.

There is, you know, there’s a lot.

And then alcohol goes and goes like,

“Hey guys, I’m gonna go and jump the queue.

“I’m gonna write right to the front.

“You guys can step aside.

“I need to detox all the stuff first.”

So the liver, I’m in love with liver at the moment.

I’ve been doing like liver flushes and all kinds of stuff.

So I really appreciate what she does for us

because she does a lot, like hundreds of different processes

that she does.

So glutathione is super important for liver health.

And as it declines as we age, it’s absolutely essential

that we have some sort of protocol

to raise glutathione levels.

This could be via taking something like glutathione,

which builds–

sorry, Glynac, which builds glutathione.

But we also have a product that is straight glutathione.

It’s a painted inversion of glutathione

that raises your glutathione levels as well.

which in this case you would take in the evening to help as you deliver in overnight time kind of,

you know, detoxifies and so forth. But yeah, it’s a Glynac on top of that Glycine really,

really well known again, maker of collagen, muscle, soft tissues in general. It’s also,

it can be really helpful for that sleep onset, even though this particular product we recommend

to take it in the morning because of the calcium AKG in it, again energy metabolism.

I mean, glycine, the list is kind of endless and then NAC I think became well known during COVID

because a lot of folks took it just to help with the respiratory health,

fins the nucleus layer as well. And one of the manufacturers, he’s actually part of the

the Whatsapp group with like 200 doctors on it.

And every single one apparently takes NAC.

So that says something.

But yeah, the benefits are kind of endless

when we talk about Glynac.

So it’s a really basic longevity supplements.

If you look up the studies again in terms of longevity,

it’s very, very strong literature.

JANNINE: And it’s a good product, yes,

because so many people can benefit from the NAC,

especially now and the glutathione, I mean, I love it because like you said, the liver

and it’s regenerative.

And the two together were what I was taking to begin my journey here with the NAD and

the Glynac.

I did feel like, okay, I’m feeling really, really good.

And the one thing with the Glynac, I wanted folks to understand, NAC, we can recycle the

end product of glutathione.

We can break it back down as long as we have adequate vitamin C and vitamin E in the body.

and alpha lipoic acid. So this is kind of cool stuff. Like we are using things that we can recycle

in the body here. So it’s not like you take it and you just pee it out. I think that is the most

the other biggest complaint I get from a lot of folks is you take something and you just pee it

out here. We’ve got some things that are actually going to be. Now one of the things we talked about

before we hit record that I really want to highlight is the hormones and astrodiol and

and the connection with NAD because for a lot of women,

once we hit like perimenopause,

menopause, energy is hard to come by.

And it’s tough.

So give us the scoop on that.

MAITE: Yeah, so I think by now,

and I think it’s been great the last three, four years,

I mean, everybody’s talking about the menopause,

all this sort of like, especially like on social media,

I mean, the word is out, like we can talk about it now,

like no one is embarrassed about it anymore.

It’s fine to age, right?

It’s okay.

JANNINE: We have permission.

MAITE: We’re all for healthy aging, right?

So, but how can we support our body?

So, as we know, estrogen affects everything, right?

So we know when a drop of estrogen occurs,

it affects our bone health,

it affects our heart health,

it affects our cognitive function,

it affects our skin health,

it affects pretty much everything,

’cause we have estrogen receptors everywhere in the body.

So of course, everything is gonna be affected by,

as well as with the drop of estrogen,

NAD metabolism is affected by it,

which is, if you remember at the beginning of the,

when we start chatting, I was just like every 20 years,

it goes down, so for women hitting 40s, let’s say,

they’re hit with this NAD decline anyway.

On top of, thank you very much, a drop of estrogen.

I mean, you couldn’t make it up, right?

It’s like, I know, let’s get women a really hard time.

Let’s drop the estrogen, let’s drop the NAD.

So no wonder that one of the most complex symptoms

of menopause is a lack of energy and brain fog

alongside hot flash and menopausal weight gain

and all of that.

So this is that connection.

We also know that it really impacts your insulin sensitivity.

Again, it’s that estrogen connection

with bringing up the baseline of inflammation is going up.

We know, as I mentioned, insulin resistance

is going down. So yeah, so it’s not really great use, but it’s news. But there are so

many ways that we can support ourselves again through lifestyle and through the right supplementation

and potentially medications or hormone replacement therapy.

JANNINE: It makes sense. It makes sense. You know, I think for a lot of people, you know, we’re

thinking like what can pair well, right? What can help us? And one of the things I’ve found

with NAD boosting types of supplements is that it does seem to help women when they first

start bioidentical hormones to get into the adjustment of them too. I don’t know what it is

about starting bioidenticals, but boy, sometimes it can be really rough.

MAITE: Yeah, it takes a while sometimes to find the right dosage. I certainly if I share with your

audience, so I went into early menopause, meaning that was– I was–, it was younger than 45 years

so my period, disappeared for over a year.

And there was no other reason.

It’s just the factory shut down.

There was no more production going on.

And this is despite living a healthy life, so to speak.

And yeah, symptoms were there.

That energy thing, slightly going crazy in the head thing.

I had one or two hot flashes a day, so not feeling too great.

And it was around the same time I

start learning about precursor.

So in the first instance, I start taking something called

that NNN, that precursor.

So I felt like I took quite a high dosage.

I kind of faced it on like, oh, Davidson Claire

is taking 1,000 millibrams.

I kind of went along that line, not thinking about,

you know, or not knowing about the NAD mechanics.

But so that was a big shift for me,

along as well as taking biodegical hormones,

which took a good couple of months to kind of find,

you know, the right sort of dosage for me,

but you know, looking back really now.

And I mentioned this earlier, definitely.

So I’m 48 now, and I feel better than I did

when in my mid 20s, 100%.

I’m stronger, like I can lift heavy stuff.

I definitely want stamina,

and I have like much better energy as well.

I’m definitely more aware of like all the good stuff.

like I know I don’t underestimate the power of sleep

and stress management.

Definitely, I have that in place,

but this is kind of that extra amplification

of like a great energy levels,

which makes me then want to work out,

which then makes me really tired.

So I have a good time sleep.

And it’s like that cycle

and it goes the other way around as well.

So women hitting the menopause, they’re tired.

So I don’t want to go to the gym.

I’m tired, like my legs, my joints ache, you know,

I just need energy.

Okay, I’m gonna maybe grab some extra carbs

that might not be particularly great

because insulin sensitivity, as mentioned,

is also like a thing that kind of disappears

in that, with that audience.

And the next thing you know, you’re not sleeping well

because you got like, you know,

your blood sugar dropping and you wake up,

you’re tired and that cycle repeats

and you just like, no way out, you know?

And sometimes like start taking hormones

and taking supplements is like the first step for you

then to have more energy to then go like,

you know what, I’m feeling good, I wanna go work out.

You know, rather than trying to pull yourself to the gym,

feeling tired and trying to have that discipline,

but your body is just not feeling it

and you just kind of, that’s not gonna last long,

that sort of discipline, you know?

If you’re not feeling well,

So sometimes the good first stop is kind of looking at hormone levels and you know,

iron out any deficiencies as well.

I mean, mineral deficiencies, I’m sure you see that a lot with your clients.

It’s also something that especially I find when I was working with clients as a health

coach that post, um, natal phase with everyone having children older in life, right?

Going into a perimenopause, they kind of overlap.


MAITE: You know, and you’ve just grown like a human being,

you’re mineral depleted, hormones all over the shot,

and you’re actually kind of like going

into perimenopause at the same time.

You don’t know whether you’re coming or going,

you don’t know what’s wrong with you,

you just know you don’t feel like yourself anymore.

So yeah, it’s like I said,

like it’s like us women just really like,

let’s make it tough on them, right?

JANNINE: We do have some hurdles.

And one of the things you mentioned that,

you know, I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about it.

Like you said, we’re overlapping,

having children late in life,

then we’re heading right into Perimenopause almost.

And I think that’s a biggie for a lot of women,

they’re so, so depleted.

And then the body like just,

or sometimes it’s like the impetus

that kind of causes the hormones to just completely

go off the rails.

And I’m like, wow, there are so many ways I can think of

how we’re depleting minerals, right?

but not only that, what, cellularly we need for our energy.

And so going back to NAD for a minute,

because I think a lot of women are like, okay,

vitamin B3 is like niacin.

Okay, we’ve heard of niacin this thing.

We know it goes into our cells and makes energy.

And then we’ve talked about this NMN thing

and nicotinamide riboside.

I used to be into that big time

before folks really started to talk more

about the NAD boosters and things of that nature.

And so I think a lot of people might still be in that realm

of using those products.

Can we talk a little bit about what is different

in terms of not having that recycle capability

from taking something that’s an NAD booster

versus a precursor and not having any of the other things

to help?

MAITE: Yeah.

So the main issue that might occur is that yes,

you might get actually a bit of energy from the pre-cursus,

like I did with the N-M-N.

But essentially, it’s just gonna go out again, isn’t it?

Because there’s no material to recycle it.

And then the other thing that we,

and there was actually, we had three studies done

on the NAD3 ingredient,

which is made out of the three components I mentioned.

And what we found is other than some side effects

like lowering cholesterol, boosting, you know, NAD levels.

And what we found is that actually it doesn’t impact your methylation status.

And this is something that potentially just taking precursors alone and just

taking IVs or injections or patches without thinking about methylation can be a

real issue because you’re going to over burn over capacitate your methylation,

taking it away and methyl donors away from other systems in the body that need

and methylation as we know.

Some folks are genetically, they might over-methylate or un-methylate anyway,

but as we get older, again, it’s like one of the systems in the body that might need a helping hand

or might need some extra B12 or extra sort of supplementation to support methylation.

We’ve seen in the study that it does not impact methylation, which is fantastic.

So for anyone taking just precursors, they need to think about taking something like TMG or B12.

They also need to think about raising enzymes through other ingredients like the Resveratrol or

green coffee extract or there’s like all kinds of other ways that you can actually raise the

enzymes. But I mean, why run out and get these like five different six different things when

And we have actually a product that’s like,

we have clinical trials done on men and women, by the way,

not on rats or anything like this.

It’s like human trials on men and women

that has clearly shown the stuff works

and it doesn’t actually have those nasty side effects

that will impact your methylation status.

The right ingredient, I really need everything in place.

So it’s not gonna recycle if there is no,

I always like to, same with NADs,

it’s like, let’s look at a factory.

We need the raw materials,

but we also need the machines to work.

So if one of the machines is not working to do the work,

then you can put as much raw material as you like

into the machine, it’s not gonna work

because the machine is broken

or the staff is lazy or however you wanna put it.

All the bits need to work

for that recycling process to happen.

JANNINE:  Makes sense, makes sense.

Do you recommend like in a,

let’s call it a biohacking universe

or for those of you guys who are listening to this,

that are like, oh, I do not identify with biohacking.

Let’s call it optimization.

Do you– 

MAITE: Optimize it.

JANNINE: I like that word better.

What have you seen in different folks,

maybe yourself included with antioxidant levels

and using the NAD regen?

‘Cause I know there’s like,

I’ve had Chris Moraboli from Novos on

and he’s kind of talked about his product there.

And a lot of folks maybe might be wondering now,

like, okay, what’s the difference between NAD regen

and Novos Core, like how can we distinguish those two?

And how, you know, because Novos Core is talking all about how they’ve helped folks to

rewind their biological age and things of that nature, like the aging Olympics and things of

that nature. How would you guys compare in that case with NAD regen? Like what’s different?

MAITE: Yeah, I don’t, I know of them. I had looked at their website before, but I’ve never taken it

or I’m not quite sure what the ingredients are. I don’t think there is anything that you can take

that will make that will just turn back the clock. Again, it’s just like there are so many

components that make up your health and you got to hit like most of them but also there’s that

genetic component. I believe that’s all sort of place into it but there is you know there is a

lot you can do and this is not just exercise and food and supplements. It’s I think something again

that I mentioned at the beginning of our call is that, you know, that relaxation,

that restorative, that emotional side, where are you with your community and your tribe and,

you know, a sense of purpose. You know, all of that is like hugely important. So I don’t think

it’s just that one thing. And when you’re asking about what we’ve seen with our customers, so

what we get is super good recovery. Again, most of our customers are really clued up when it comes

to healthy lifestyle choices. So they might be able to hit a little harder in the gym,

have better recovery, more energy, first of all, for the workout anyway. And then I think the most

kind of important part on a cellular level is that we know that we’re fueling those that kind of DNA

repair and maintenance, which I think is so important because we’re more obviously prone to chronic

diseases as we get older. So trying to dampen those fires as much as possible because that chronic

information will lead at some point to a an illness if we can keep that down.

And this is something that we can say like and I don’t know, you know, a couple of decades,

like, you know, customers have been for us that long because again, it’s about longevity.

It’s not like, oh, I quickly take this for three months and I’m, you know, lift to 100.

It’s not that. I think and there is like Chris Gethin, who’s a huge supporter of ours. He’s done

in the Glynac testing and he’s like 20 years younger, but it’s not just because he takes

NAD Regen and Glynac. It’s also because of all the other things that he does, so I don’t

think it’s ever one thing. There was this woman recently in the paper, I’m sure you heard about,

she like reversed her aging or slowed down her aging, far higher in terms of percentage than

Brian Johnson’s who spends like millions of dollars a year on all this thing. And she takes, I think

she takes this Novos thing, right? But she also eats a lot of vegetables, she also works out,

she also does all these other things. So I love that because everybody, all the hot

co biohackers is like, “Oh my God, what is she doing?” And she’s like, “Only spending like 80

dollars a month on it.” So yeah, I think it always goes back to lifestyle first,

self-limitation and be kind to yourself and to the people around you that will take you,

you, you know, hopefully into old age and hopefully it will take you dynamically into

old age because I always say that if you think about all the things that you can do right

now, you will talk about hiking, surely you want to still do that when you’re 80, right?

Surely you just want to keep going on that. You want to keep your independence, you want

to be able to travel, you want to be able to use your body in all the ways, you know,

with as little pain as little discomfort as possible. That’s the kind of aim to increase

that helps them. 

JANNINE: No, it’s huge. It’s huge. And it’s definitely something that I think for a lot of

people, what NAD Regen and products that Glynac can do for you is literally keep the fires minimal,

keep your energy up. And you may not see like drastic, you know, miraculous, you know,

progress unless of course you do and I’m hoping I’m sure it is going to be changing and

is the organic acids test and see like your oxidative stress level goes down because it’s

really one of the main ways or things like the true diagnostic test that Julie Gibson,

the guy who won the anti the aging Olympics or whatever it was called. But nevertheless,

this kind of stuff is meant for the long game. It’s meant as like a multivitamin for your energy

in cells is kind of how I see it. It’s not meant for a short game. And this is where I think a lot

of people have some confusion in products that they use. 

MAITE: Yeah, it’s like that shiny little toy,

right? In the world that we live, everything is quick, everything’s here, everything I want it now.

You’re in for the long, I mean, you know, if you want to live decades from now,

then you’re in for the long game. So you’ve got to be patient, you’ve got to, you’re going to take

action now. So one of our lines is definitely you need to prioritize your

future health today. Obviously yesterday was the best start but today

let’s make it happen today not tomorrow. So I think that’s what it is. What can

you do today? And you know I just sort of post yesterday on the connection

between collagen and NAD and how NAD basically boosts up these fibroprus

cells to create collagen, right? Rather, again, we’re talking about the mechanics of collagen,

and it’s not that I’m taking it now and I’m going to look 20 years younger,

but what I’m doing is you’re taking it, so you’re going to slow down the breakdown of that collagen,

you know, so like in 20 years time, maybe you still have that youthful glow that you had in your

40s, you know, I mean, it’s like, it’s healthy aging, you know, healthy aging. And God knows,

I mean, I definitely wouldn’t want to have the wisdom of a 20 year old. I’d rather be like,

having, knowing what I know now. And just imagine like how awesome you will be as an 80 year old,

like all the stuff that you know, all the experiencing that you have. And the more people we have in

our society that, you know, have that experience and have the skill and have that knowledge, the

the better off we are. I mean, it’s just, it’s just going to be like beautiful to have like

healthy elderly people that can live by themselves and do their own thing that don’t, you know,

they don’t have to suffer or their relatives have to suffer and see them in decline,

but actually able to contribute to society because they have the experience and their wise.

JANNINE: That’s, that’s what I’m looking forward to. That’s what I’m looking forward to for myself and

and hope for everyone else and why I do this podcast

because I want folks to really understand

what is out there, what is available to you

and knowing that, yeah, like you said,

this is the long game.

And look at her skin right now.

I want everyone to look at just,

oh no, but it looks good.

It’s so clear.

I mean, it’s beautiful skin.

It’s beautiful, you have beautiful skin.

And so folks, thinking about these products

and what they can do for us on the long game

is something to work with.

And really because this goes into your cells.

This is a cellular thing.

I think a lot of folks, you know,

we wanna hammer this down before we sign off today

is that this is a cellular thing.

We are helping your cells to age better here.

So I’m gonna let you take over on the last,

let’s give ’em one good point

in terms of cellular benefit of having the NAD Regen

in the system, like what, like?

MAITE: Yeah, so I mentioned the sirtuins and the parps

and they go down into the cell,

they help to, we want DNA repair, basically.

And that’s constantly going on.

The time it’s not going on is when we sit

at the doctor’s office and go like,

oh, this is not like something is happening, right?

This is when we know that cellular repair

is no longer happening.

So we wanna keep that, you know,

and you can take charge, you can do all the good stuff.

And it doesn’t mean that you’re living a strict life somewhere in the cave or anything like that.

You know, we all want to have a piece of butter with some bread.

I mean, there’s nothing better than that.

And then just like, But do your work out?

You know?


MAITE: So it’s like balancing the good stuff, you know, 100%.

But, yeah, cellular ages, the stuff that you don’t see.

stuff like we only know once it’s gone wrong,

when it’s really hard to reverse chronic diseases

and so forth.

So yes, you can’t see it, but you will feel it.

So looking after it now is, you can take charge of it.

It’s in your hands.

JANNINE: Thanks for explaining that, Maite.

I really appreciate it.

It’s definitely a mission that I’m on to help folks

understand that you can do things now

to help slow down that aging process.

So let’s tell everybody where they can find the Biostacks Labs products and website and

this WhatsApp if folks can get into that group too because I think a lot of folks are like,

what? I can talk with people that are using the product and get it in a connection with

a supplement company. Yes, please.

MAITE: Yeah. So yeah, you can find us at Biostack.com. So we dropped the labs. It was just too much

of a mouthful. So it’s Biostack.com. The Insta handle is still @BiostackLabs.

And yeah, come and say hi. Subscribe to our newsletter. Like you mentioned, our founders,

they are, this is not like an email marketing agency. This is all us writing and sharing

from our personal lives or sharing what our customers are saying. We are very, very big on

community. We love that communication with our customers because ultimately it’s all about that,

right? So yeah, reach out.

JANNINE: Alrighty. Well thank you so much for coming on and sharing so much more.

MAITE: Yeah and also we’ll set you up with a discount code as well. So folks can

definitely kind of get some discount if they sort of go by and you so we’ll

send you a set up a link for you and we’ll I’m sure you’re posted in the show

notes or something like that. Absolutely it’ll be in the show notes that discount

code over at doctorjkrausend.com. Thanks again, Maite. I really appreciate it.

MAITE: Thank you so much for having me. I really enjoyed talking with you.

[Outro] Hey, Health

Now go over to my website to learn more.

That’s Dr. Spelled out, J, K, R, A, U, S, E, N, D, dot com.

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All affiliate income earned with your purchases goes directly to help support the production

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I appreciate your support and I’m honored to have you listening to my podcast as a fellow

health junkie. Thanks again.

Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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