Autumn McLees wanted a baby but cracking bleeding sores on her vaginal tissue were getting in the way.
A chance meeting with a holistic minded doctor opened her eyes to new possibilities.
She had no idea how many foods she was eating that contained hidden chemicals like MSG.
Back then there wasn’t a Yuka App that can tell you how toxic a food is for you.
Her doc provided guidance on what to look for and she did an overhaul of her entire home to get rid of all potentially toxic foods, cleansers and more.
After a few months her tissue was healed and eventually she conceived.
Autumn’s story isn’t an uncommon one but it does sound too good to be true…
…unless you’ve become very curious about everything in your home.
Whether you have an autoimmune condition, a chronic condition you can’t kick or even allergies – you want to know about your food, air and water quality as they do matter.
Dr. Krause’s Protocols
Instructions Included
Traveling soon? Looking to detox or reset your gut? Try one of Dr. Krause’s Fullscript plans.
I’ve seen more success in my clients improving their conditions or eliminating them by getting serious about their personal environment and everything they put in and on their body.
I’m so passionate about this that coming mid-October I’ll be offering VIP days for my clients in WA and MT – where I come to your home and assess food, air and water quality. (hit reply if you’d like more info)
In the meantime Autumn McLees has a clean product swap guide that you can get started with – click HERE to grab it.
Listen in to our podcast to hear Autumn’s whole story – it’s a doozy – listen 🎧 in now.
It’s never to late to evaluate how your food, air and water are impacting your health AND a double check never hurts as well!
Here’s to the health of your air, water and food,
Dr. J