Each of your cells carries electrical charges attached to molecules like sodium and chloride.

To read this email right now you’re moving calcium, sodium and potassium in the nerve cells of your eyes and brain. 

Your body communicates using the same positive and negative charges you’d think of in a battery. 

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So why is it you can feel the energy sucked out of a room like a vacuum sealer on steroids when someone dares to mention “energy medicine”…

…while you can’t feel the electrical synapses happening in your body unless you have an eye twitch or muscle cramp?

I taught physiology for 3 years at Colorado Mountain College, studied it at Bastyr and have a Bachelor’s degree in Biology.

None of the texts I referenced discussed health conditions as an electrical problem even though they danced all around it. 

When you get to the cellular level of any issue there’s often a breakdown in cell to cell communication. 

Cell communication is simply the electrical exchange of ions and signaling molecules. 

What is at the root cause of illness?

There’s either a stress from a job, a bug like a bacteria, an injury from a serious car accident or something malfunctions like the gallbladder. 

Why do these things provoke illness?

They are a result of a shift in cellular energy that led to miscommunication in the surrounding area and nervous system. 

The body works to try to correct the problem…

.. but if the energetic communication between the cells and the nervous 

system do not return to normal –  illness ensues. 

Perhaps you’ve cut yourself while chopping onions.

Through your glazed over eyes from onion tears you peek to see how bad it is…

…while gingerly putting your finger under a slow stream of water not to blast 

it and cause more pain.  

The blood takes a few seconds to gush while the slice on your finger is revealed. 

You ponder needing stitches for a second and decide to just let it heal…

you now have a good excuse to get out of produce cutting for a bit!

A week later it’s well on it’s way to healing. 

This is how your body naturally heals internally as well.

Say your cut extended superficially over your distal pointer finger joint.

While it was healing you didn’t bend that joint for fear of reopening the cut.

The joint would become stiff.

If you didn’t start moving after the area fully healed you’d be more likely to have a chronic issue in that joint area.

Movement promotes circulation in the immediate area but it also moves ions between cells and stuck cell trash from the internal healing that goes on long after you don’t see or feel the injury any longer. 

This is why I’m a huge fan of massage, especially of the fascial tissue (the superficial wrapping around your body) in anywhere you have pain to restore the electrical communication of the cells and prevent chronic issues. 

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Pain and discomfort are electrical messages from your body.

Your body uses these signals to get your attention and help it restore electrical communication.  

If you’ve ever had a headache on a hot day and water or an electrolyte drink relieved it – you restored electrical balance. 

Strong emotions can become stuck in the body and pop off electrical signals too. 

Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine have writings on this phenomenon that date back thousands of years ago. 

Sadly, western medicine convinced many of this to be an incorrect philosophy. 

Perhaps you’ve heard of Dr. Joe Dispenza or Dr. Bruce Lipton…

…or books like “The Body Keeps The Score” by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk describe how trauma is stored energetically in the body. 

Each year researchers from top medical universities find more and more evidence of the effect of emotional stressors and trauma being stuck in the body causing illness. 

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Modern physiology texts and medical schools do not teach this…

…and it’s still considered woo woo to think of energy being stored in the body!

In my podcast with Hope Pedraza we talked about the most common areas of where energy gets stuck in the body…(👂in HERE).

  • Solar plexus – correlates to the organs of the digestive system and the pancreas
  • Throat – correlates to the thyroid 
  • Root center – tailbone and pelvic organs
  • Sacral center – adrenal gland

All areas I work with everyday in my office.

If energy imbalances precede organ illness how do you go about getting your energy back on track?

You find out what behavior, thought, or feeling has you stuck in the specific chakra aka area of nerve communication.

Hope describes talking with clients as to where they feel blockages in their body. 

You can do this by doing a body scan.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position and start at the top of your head and go all the way down to your toes – don’t forget your arms and legs too. 

Ask yourself if you feel anything stuck or if there’s an awareness in any parts of your body that you might not be able to describe but you feel. 


Full disclosure – this takes some practice and work on not overthinking – go with what your brain tells you first. 

When you have an answer assess the area and ask yourself more questions like…

  • what does it feel like?
  • does it have a shape?
  • what do you need to release it?

Make note of the area and if it correlates to one of the 7 chakra areas.

See what you can do to support that particular area by seeing someone like Hope or myself who specialize in energy medicine.

If you’re not ready to work with someone take a look at chakraseeker.com, a site I refer to for more information in this realm.

The good news is – you can restore cell communication in the body. 

I’ve seen many people in my practice reverse Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, gut issues as well as low back and pelvic floor issues by working on energetic imbalances aka cell communication.

Fascial release of the area or areas you find blocked is great place to start.

My pal Anna Rahe of GST Body is a master in this department with virtual classes (check her out HERE).

Know you’re not alone in this journey and I’m happy to help connect you with resources.

I’m currently cooking up a plan to teach what I’ve learned in a masterclass.

Stay tuned!

Here’s to healthy cell communication,

Dr. J

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