How many hours, days or even late nights have you searched for more information about your health problem?

The more information you gather on a certain subject the greater the likelihood of confusion and worsening of the problem. 

Problem focusing tends to yield more problems.

One guru presents their theory one way while another notes another option.

It’s like the carnivore vs keto vs plant based diet folks.

How do you know who’s right?

You don’t.

Why can’t anyone give you a guarantee with 100% accuracy that something will work for you?

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Because they are not you. 

There are no guarantees with any diet or lifestyle being promoted out there. 

What I know for sure is, if you focus on your problem you get more of it. 

Placing attention on the solution will yield more solutions.

Which may seem daunting. 

However, solutions are testable options, you can work with them compared to problems. 

No one wants to test their problems, yet that’s what indeed happens.

When you’re hung up on your problem you test the variables of the problem day to day.

This is one of the reasons why I don’t like working in the realm of weight loss.

One day you focus on too many carbs preventing weight loss, the next not enough protein. 

When the focus continues to hone in on the problem you get more of the problem.

No matter what you eat you suspect that nothing is helping you lose weight. 

If the solution was instead to eat more protein and do it for months – now this is testing out the solution.

Point being, problem focused ideas move from one focus aspect of the problem to another. 

Taking a step back and looking at all the factors that could be contributing to the problem in first place this is a solution oriented task.

Then moving into all the solutions for the things that are potential factors.

The same process applies to all health conditions that arise. 

Health is a sum of your lifestyle. 

A change in a belief, habit, routine or behavior can create a health issue. 

Your mind is just as powerful at creating problems as habits, routines and behaviors are results of how you think about things. 

If you’re feeling confused as to what to do with your health start with identifying all the solutions out there.

Skip over researching obsessively about the problem. 

Research the solutions.

See what people are trying out. 

Move into identifying solutions that make sense to you.

Test them out for yourself. 

This is where the gurus out there can benefit you with their guidance and tips.

Become a solution researcher versus a problem evaluator. 

When looking to solve a health mystery…

  • write down all possible contributing factors – from mindset to habits, routines, & behaviors
  • write down all the solutions
  • do any solutions match up with possible contributing factors relevant to your case

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Go after a solution one at a time starting with the most relevant. 

And take notes as to what works and what doesn’t.

Seem like a daunting task?

This is where having a guide is crucial to help you work through a solution.

My goal for every client of mine is to have clarity as to what solutions are best suited for them.

How do you identify this?

Look at what makes sense to you about your health. 

Could there be a logical explanation for your fatigue, hormone imbalances, aches and pains or any other issue you’re dealing with?

Is there a relation to your habits, routines and behaviors throughout your life?

The more you know about yourself and the better connections you make the better results you’ll get.

If you give your power over to a medical provider to figure out your condition on their own you won’t get the best results possible. 

A medical provider is not in your body.

You know you and your lifestyle better than anyone else. 

Own your habits, routines and behaviors and evaluate them.

What’s serving you and what isn’t?

Note it all and start working on solutions one by one or find a guide that can you can team up with to help move you through your solutions. 

If you’re looking for a guide to help you have limitless energy, balanced hormones and a fired up metabolism while you learn how to optimize your health for life –  I’m looking for a new group of folks to team up with for the next year!

Looking to run a Spartan race, a 1/2 or full marathon, have a big hike or adventure coming up on your bucket list and you want to be in tip top shape?

Curious about optimizing your nervous system, heart and cardiovascular health while slowing down the aging process?

My year long program will incorporate all aspects of health from the top of your head to your toes, no stone left unturned. 

Open to learning more about my comprehensive year long health optimization program where you’ll learn how to become your own best health guru, along with how to read labs, sleuth out your individual health needs right now and how to troubleshoot them in the future – click HERE to schedule a complimentary call. 

Rather learn more about my program in a complimentary masterclass format? – hit reply – I’m open to creating one if there’s enough interest. 

Here’s to identifying your health solutions

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