Well behaved humans never make history, with their health!

Following conventional standard of care medical advice will not help you optimize your health.

My Dad is proof of that as are countless clients I could tell you about.

The medical system is incredibly helpful if you are really sick, have a major injury or need surgery. 

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If you want to optimize your health, age well or resolve a chronic issue instead of taking a medication that band-aids the situation you have to look elsewhere.

2 years ago, when my Dad was having difficulty swallowing his food and falling often his primary care doc told us, “well he’s 85, these are normal signs of aging, I’m not sure what else we can do”. 

My Dad believed every word she said, because he was used to giving his power over to his docs and taking what they said as the final say. 

The following day after that visit, I asked him…”where’s that race car driving, Harley riding rebel that didn’t give a hoot what anyone else said?”

He laughed at me and told me he was ready to go and he’d lived his life.

Funny thing though, the next day he woke me up at the crack of dawn to tell me he’d been thinking all night…

…I was right, he was a rebel and there were a few things he had left to do on this earth!

After I did a secret happy dance, to revel in “finally being right about something”…

…this “witch doctor” (my Dad’s loving term for me), got down to creating him a plan to optimize his health. 

Here’s what it looks like to this day:

  • Home made breakfast, dinner and snacks
  • Protein shakes nightly
  • Social time each morning with friends
  • Mobility drills each morning
  • Gardening and hobbies every day
  • Social time at the bar for lunch
  • Magnesium cream to the neck and muscles nightly

My Dad has some vices that he isn’t willing to give up but was open to make changes in other areas.

At first I was annoyed, but then I realized…

restricting yourself completely from things you enjoy is likely the main reason most health optimization plans and diets are not successful. 

I learned a lot from negotiating my Dad’s health plan with him and it’s something that I’ve carried in my own practice.

Sometimes you have to rebel against what is deemed “healthy” and make a plan that suits you.

My Dad loves sweet treats and Miller Lite. 

(He’d make a great commercial for them, hint hint if anyone has strings they can pull with the Miller company.)

The sweets, alcohol + coffee were causing acid reflux and trouble swallowing.

My Dad’s solution for the swallowing issue was to drink his meals.

Unfortunately, he was drinking too much for his 5’4”, 125 pound body.

Being widowed and me being in Washington State, my Dad valued his social circles. 

The coffee clutch in the AM, beers by noon and ice cream with cookies for dinner, were a perfect mix for acid reflux and nutrient depletion.

Because socialization was keeping his brain going I knew I couldn’t tell him to stop.

He was willing to alternate between black tea and coffee, cut the beers in half and swap the ice cream for protein shakes.

Everything else that went in his body was as clean and closest to nature as possible.

I devised a plan for him to take B vitamins daily along with a licorice root, glutamine powder to keep the acid reflux minimal from the coffee and alcohol. 

The last time his doctor reviewed his labs, she was amazed and asked “what did you do?”

He told her “real food and having fun on his terms.”

After that visit, he said, “it felt good to show her I could improve my health!”

So…where could you rebel when it comes to your own health?

Are there areas you could decrease intake of something and offset with a healthier option?

Do you feel like you have to eat impeccably and never rebel, if you want to be healthy?

The truth is, exploring what works for you goes a long way to optimize your health.

Use that rebel inside you to step out of the conventional medical paradigm and create your own system of health!

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On Wednesday I’ll be talking about how to create your own system of health!

Happy 4th to all who are celebrating!

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

PS: Thursday July 20th 6p PST I’m hosting a live masterclass on hormones, longevity and creating your own health system – mark your calendars – more info to come!

Well behaved humans never make history, with their health!

Following conventional standard of care medical advice will not help you optimize your health.

My Dad is proof of that as are countless clients I could tell you about.

The medical system is incredibly helpful if you are really sick, have a major injury or need surgery. 

If you want to optimize your health, age well or resolve a chronic issue instead of taking a medication that band-aids the situation you have to look elsewhere.

2 years ago, when my Dad was having difficulty swallowing his food and falling often his primary care doc told us, “well he’s 85, these are normal signs of aging, I’m not sure what else we can do”. 

My Dad believed every word she said, because he was used to giving his power over to his docs and taking what they said as the final say. 

The following day after that visit, I asked him…”where’s that race car driving, Harley riding rebel that didn’t give a hoot what anyone else said?”

He laughed at me and told me he was ready to go and he’d lived his life.

Funny thing though, the next day he woke me up at the crack of dawn to tell me he’d been thinking all night…

…I was right, he was a rebel and there were a few things he had left to do on this earth!

After I did a secret happy dance, to revel in “finally being right about something”…

…this “witch doctor” (my Dad’s loving term for me), got down to creating him a plan to optimize his health. 

Here’s what it looks like to this day:

  • Home made breakfast, dinner and snacks
  • Protein shakes nightly
  • Social time each morning with friends
  • Mobility drills each morning
  • Gardening and hobbies every day
  • Social time at the bar for lunch
  • Magnesium cream to the neck and muscles nightly

My Dad has some vices that he isn’t willing to give up but was open to make changes in other areas.

At first I was annoyed, but then I realized…

restricting yourself completely from things you enjoy is likely the main reason most health optimization plans and diets are not successful. 

I learned a lot from negotiating my Dad’s health plan with him and it’s something that I’ve carried in my own practice.

Sometimes you have to rebel against what is deemed “healthy” and make a plan that suits you.

My Dad loves sweet treats and Miller Lite. 

(He’d make a great commercial for them, hint hint if anyone has strings they can pull with the Miller company.)

The sweets, alcohol + coffee were causing acid reflux and trouble swallowing.

My Dad’s solution for the swallowing issue was to drink his meals.

Unfortunately, he was drinking too much for his 5’4”, 125 pound body.

Being widowed and me being in Washington State, my Dad valued his social circles. 

The coffee clutch in the AM, beers by noon and ice cream with cookies for dinner, were a perfect mix for acid reflux and nutrient depletion.

Because socialization was keeping his brain going I knew I couldn’t tell him to stop.

He was willing to alternate between black tea and coffee, cut the beers in half and swap the ice cream for protein shakes.

Everything else that went in his body was as clean and closest to nature as possible.

I devised a plan for him to take B vitamins daily along with a licorice root, glutamine powder to keep the acid reflux minimal from the coffee and alcohol. 

The last time his doctor reviewed his labs, she was amazed and asked “what did you do?”

He told her “real food and having fun on his terms.”

After that visit, he said, “it felt good to show her I could improve my health!”

So…where could you rebel when it comes to your own health?

Are there areas you could decrease intake of something and offset with a healthier option?

Do you feel like you have to eat impeccably and never rebel, if you want to be healthy?

The truth is, exploring what works for you goes a long way to optimize your health.

Use that rebel inside you to step out of the conventional medical paradigm and create your own system of health!

On Wednesday I’ll be talking about how to create your own system of health!

Happy 4th to all who are celebrating!

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

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PS: Thursday July 20th 6p PST I’m hosting a live masterclass on hormones, longevity and creating your own health system – mark your calendars – more info to come!

Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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