Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death in the US.

The powers that be believe it’s due to decreased screening

…because colonoscopies or the prep are no one’s idea of fun.

Personally, I’d be looking at genetic risk factors and diet as causes but I’m a kooky naturopath…but I digress… 

The word is out on all the media channels about the Guardant Shield blood test to detect early-stage colorectal cancer.

Shield uses DNA to detect colorectal cancer signals in the blood.

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The test demonstrated a colorectal cancer sensitivity of 91%…

…and a 92% specificity for negativity in it’s research studies. (all data can be found HERE).

Colonoscopies are reported to have a 95% sensitivity and specificity however, in the American Academy of Family Physician’s guidelines sensitivity and specificity are not stated.

I love the idea of a blood test vs stool testing for early colon cancer detection.

It takes away the ick factor associated with getting close up with your stool…unless you’re terrified of blood draws. 

No judgement – in my office you’re allowed to pick what suits you.

When it comes to stool testing the long standing alternative to colonoscopies, the FIT test is 75% sensitive and 94% specific for colorectal cancer. 

Perhaps you’ve had the pleasure of smearing a piece of stool on a card using a small ice cream sample spatula and sending it to the lab – that’s the FIT test. 

Then there’s the fan favorite of sending in entire stool samples, the Cologuard.

Multi-target stool DNA tests such as the Cologuard are 92% sensitive and 87% specific for colorectal cancer. 

For low colon cancer risk clients, I currently recommend the Cologuard by Exact Sciences as it detects 11 biomarkers, altered DNA and hemoglobin as well as biomarkers shed into stool. (more on Cologuard HERE).

If blood or stool testing doesn’t sound like fun nor does a colonoscopy you can opt for a computed tomographic (CT) colonography.

It’s less invasive than a colonoscopy, no sedation required and it’s 90-100% sensitive for colorectal cancer. 

For even better views of the colon there are colon video capsules that are 81% sensitive and 93% specific for detecting polyps greater than or equal to 6 mm. 

While I have yet to have a client that’s had a video capsule I find the technology fascinating. 

Keep in mind – the newer and advanced technology always comes at a cost. 

Insurances aren’t always keen on covering the latest tests.

A quick check of the Guardant Shield test shows a price of $895 out of pocket.

Back in Feb of 2021, when first commercially launched, the price tag was $3,500.

Big things to keep in mind when you hear of the latest and greatest test or medication.

Nothing makes a doc cringe more than a huge price tag on technology or medications being marketed on mainstream television. 

Each time I hear of something released I check the price tag and insurance coverage to know what I’m up against if a client desires or is a good fit for something. 

The Cologuard is around $500 while a colonoscopy runs about $2,125 out of pocket depending on your area. 

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Insurances will cover most if not all of the Cologuard and a colonoscopy. 

The colonography testing often needs a preauthorization by an insurance company with a demonstration of why one wouldn’t opt for a colonoscopy instead.

What does all this tell you?

Your insurance company will dictate the level and type of care you receive. 

Knowing your options and costs is crucial to making informed decisions on what’s best for your body. 

As of right now I’ve not had any clients use the Guardant Shield testing.

I’m intrigued by the results it provides however, if you’re looking for an alternative to a colonoscopy, you’re 45 or older and low risk the Cologuard would be my go to recommendation.

If you have one or more first degree relative with colon cancer or advanced polyps I’d opt for a colonography, if the colonoscopy is not something you’re up for. 

There have been many recent reports of the downsides to colonoscopies and while I have not seen any clients to have negative outcomes…

… other than from the preparation before the test.

If you can tolerate the “clean out” then I feel the preparation for a colonoscopy can be a great opportunity to reset the gut microbiome. 

I have a post colonoscopy protocol I use to help rejuvenate the gut lining and microbiome afterwards find it ⭐HERE✨ on Fullscript…

  • Bone broth protein in broth based soup for 24 hours after colonoscopy
  • Repairvite by Apex Energetics or Mega Mucosa Microbiome Labs
  • Seed Probiotic

However, if you’re low risk, live a non-toxic lifestyle and do not have chronic lower bowel complaints I believe a Cologuard is sufficient screening.

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As with anything pertaining to your health – compile the information you need to weigh out pros and cons to make an informed decision for yourself.

You have choices when it comes to your healthcare – you are in control – ask questions till you have the answers you need to make a decision. 

Here’s to your colorectal health,

Dr. J

PSIf your gut tells you it’s time to work on publicity for your business…learn how to get into top business publications with my mentor Selena Soo’s free masterclass today at 1pm ET/10am PST – click HERE to register.

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