“One who looks outside dreams. One who looks within, awakens” – Carl Jung.
Famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, best known for founding analytic psychology, developed the concepts of extraverted and introverted personalities, archetypes and the inherited collective unconscious of the mind was “awake” to secrets of the psyche.
He died in 1961 yet, his theories are just now becoming mainstream.
In my studies of psychology in undergrad and while at Bastyr I learned a ton about the human psyche but it didn’t occur to me that health truly comes from within till much later in my career.
Everyday clients email, text or chat with me about something they learned on social media.
It’s not uncommon to be asked if the magical supplement de jour for pain or weight loss is legit and would work for them.
With Chat GPT, Tiktok, Instagram and Google at your fingertips you’re inundated with health information daily…
…especially once an algorithm learns the information you’re often searching.
Conflicting wellness and aging information will have you questioning – who do you trust?
Fear based propaganda will have you running to buy a certain supplement to burn fat asap before you end up with cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
The truth is – you can only trust yourself.
Modern medicine and media will have you thinking health solutions are outside of you.
They don’t want you to know that you have everything inside of you to make decisions for yourself.
Social media isn’t going anywhere and fear sells.
To be resilient to health fads and trends, now is the time to learn to trust your intuition.
You can tap into your inner knowing…
…if you are able to slow down and ask yourself questions.
Your subconscious mind will answer as will your body.
Each person has a place in their body, their gauge of yes and no.
For many it’s felt in the gut in the form of pain or nausea or the heart with palpitations or racing.
Not sure if you’re there in communicating with your body?
You can use the “tilt test” or begin by asking yourself questions and listen to what comes up right away.
Dr. Krause’s Protocols
Instructions Included
Traveling soon? Looking to detox or reset your gut? Try one of Dr. Krause’s Fullscript plans.
Let’s practice the “tilt test”.
- Stand or sit with your feet squarely on the floor.
- Hold a supplement, product or food up to your chest see if you lean forward, back or stay neutral.
- Going forward means “yes”, while going backward means “no” and no movement is neutral – not a yes or no.
When I reached a point of extreme frustration with my gut health I turned to this test vs following certain diet protocols with various supplements.
I’m now teaching my clients how to do this or the finger loop test I do for my clients to help guide them till they are able to trust their communication fully with their bodies.
Another technique I’ve been practicing is slowing down to ask myself how I feel about things.
The answers come quick and it’s wild to get your body’s perspective on things.
It takes a few months of daily practice to get the answers flowing.
Approach it like a game to get to know yourself.
You’ll be surprised to learn it’s opinions of everything in your world.
If you’re feeling lost when it comes to your health and the aging process I highly recommend going within to awaken to your true self.
The bottom line – you live in your body, no one else does.
You have the ability to go within and ask the questions to determine what’s best for you.
My job as a doctor is to help you develop that skill not override it.
If you’d like to see my muscle testing in action – check out my solo podcast from this week!
Here’s to getting to know yourself in 2025,
Dr. Jannine Krause