This summer I learned how to use my strengths as superpowers. 

At first I thought strengths based training was a weight lifting thing when in fact it’s all about learning about your personality strengths and values.

4 sessions with Lindsay Guest opened up my eyes to a new paradigm of thought.

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Knowing my strengths has helped me change my thought process and rewire my brain around certain areas where I tend to self sabotage.

I now see the strengths in others and ways to collaborate using varied strengths.

How do your strengths relate to health?

When you know what you’re strong in – you know what you need to create healthy habits and mindset. 

You can have the perfect protocol and plan for your health but if you aren’t mentally in a space that supports your success it will be tough to achieve results. 

Knowing how your strengths can support you in your health journey will amplify and speed up results.

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Lindsay explained this well in her example during our podcast where she talked about how she struggles to exercise alone.

One of Lindsay’s strengths is connection and another is communication – she leans on these two strengths to motivate her to follow through with regular exercise. 

How does she do it?

She makes sure she schedules workouts with friends or goes to exercises classes to be surrounded by others. 

For me being a learner is one of my top strengths.

What motivates me to workout, eat healthy and continue with a healthy habit and mindset is the ability to learn from my body and for others from my trials.

Not only am I a learner I’m an achiever so if I’m challenged or a task is “gamified” I’m more prone to go after it. 

Fitness notifications with alerts on calories, steps and movement are like challenges thrown down from a competitor.

I annoy my family by walking circles around my house trying to close a ring. 

Their opinions aside…I’m motivated to move more!

So… how could you capitalize on your strengths to amplify your health?

Achieving optimal health is a sum of habits, behavior and thought process. 

What could you achieve if you used your strengths and values to guide you?

I wish strengths based training was emphasized in high school!

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I think I could have avoided a lot of grief if I was solid on my values and strengths.

Perhaps while scrolling Instagram a lean woman with ripped muscles wearing a workout outfit that could double as a skimpy swimsuit is showing off her pull up skills…

…the caption says “this is 64” and you’re thinking she must have worked out her entire life, she has good genetics and a personal trainer…

…I never been able to do a pull up and I can’t imagine working out in anything else but my baggy t-shirt and yoga pants. 

It’s easy to start the comparison game of why she’s so much better than you…and how you’re a fitness failure, your metabolism sucks and why she has an advantage over you and it’s not fair. 

What if instead you looked within and used your strengths paired with your values to do the same thing for yourself – at any age?

Another thing that seems to show up more as you get older is imposter syndrome.

The questions of “who am I to do/say or be this?”

I find these issues amplify when your body is going through a lot of changes in the midlife metamorphosis. 

Midlife hormone shifts can feel like a second round of puberty—only this time, you have the added life experience to make it even more overwhelming!

Acne may be coming back, period accidents happen again, your moods are all over and you never know what your body may do next.

Midlife can be a challenge – but it doesn’t have to be – if you’re solid on knowing your strengths and values. 

The Clifton Strength’s test and the VIA personality test are what Lindsay Guest had me take to learn my strengths and values. 

Both are paid tests used by a variety of employers, educators and mental health specialists that provide valuable information you can apply to every aspect of  your life.

Just pairing up your strengths and values to see how they can work for your life and health may be a game changer.

For me, I need a little nudging – this is where Lindsay came in as a coach for me.

She helped me see where I’m using my values and strengths right now and how I can apply them to future goals. 

Having someone put things into perspective for me was so helpful. 

Lindsay and I go into how she helped me as well as the foundation of strengths based training in our podcast episode series – Ep 506 and 507. 


If you’re feeling lost and not as confident as you once did or if you have a teen or young adult in your life feeling this way – Lindsay’s work and strength based coaching is an incredible way to boost confidence. 

I certainly wish someone would have introduced me to my strengths back in high school.

Midlife is an interesting time in life.

If you’ve started to look within a bit more in hopes of creating a meaningful life and future for yourself don’t miss out on my podcasts with Lindsay Guest and consider doing those assessments – you won’t be disappointed. (Listen to Episode 506 HERE today and 507 is out Saturday).

You never know what you’ll learn that can help you with health and life challenges.

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

PS: Because imposter syndrome and the comparison game impact your career aspirations perhaps it’s time to team up with a business coach to help you break through all the noise?  My mentor Selena Soo is still offering FREE 20 minute pivot calls for anyone looking to change up their business right now or in 2025. Click HERE to take advantage of this extremely valuable information. No sales talk what so ever – she like me just wants to help people thrive!

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