What I’m about to tell you isn’t something you’ll often hear in a doctor’s office.

What you’re experiencing right now, the fatigue, aches, pains, lack of concentration, waking up at 3 am and not being able to sleep, weight gain and feeling like you’re losing your mind.

It’s common, but it’s not normal. 

FREE Download, 5 Steps To Optimal Health - Learn what steps you need to take to begin feeling healthy and start living your best life today!

As you thought, there’s something off and there is a way to put it back in balance.

You don’t have to endure this or settle for less than what you hoped for in life!

And you shouldn’t have to give up your sports, hobbies and dreams of adventures either.

Sure, your athletic and cognitive performance will change as you get older.

But you have the ability to prevent and work with those changes vs. succumb to them!

I already know that because you’re here, you’re not one to give up easily.

You’re looking for a solution to your aging accelerator—the main culprit that’s speeding up your aging process. 

And regardless of whether that’s inflammation, stress, metabolic dysfunction, microbiome imbalance or insulin resistance, there are real, science-backed ways to get to the bottom of them.

Traveling soon? Looking to detox or reset your gut? Try one of Dr. Krause’s Fullscript plans.

Dr. Jannine Krause's comprehensive 10 day Spring Liver Detox Bundle made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's "Reset the Gut" plan - a 2 part plan that lasts 60 days made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's Healthy Travel Kit will help keep your immune system strong while traveling made possible by Fullscript
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The good news is, you have a very intelligent body that gives you clues about what’s out of balance.

Those clues (aka symptoms) led you to your quiz result—you now have an idea about what’s at the root of your complaints.

The next step is diving deeper into those symptoms to explore what effect your aging accelerator is having on your cells and organs.

First, you want to see if there are any minor aging accelerators that may be contributing to your symptoms.

Start by assessing what could be irritating your body as a whole:

  1. Toxic exposures—toxic air, water, home cleaning or chemicals in hygiene products, perfumes
  2. Excessive consumption of processed sugars or foods
  3. Digestive issues—gas, bloating, constipation, food sensitivities
  4. Lowered immunity to fight chronic infections
  5. Blood sugar issues—carb or sugar cravings, feeling shaky, dizzy or lightheaded, getting hangry easily, waking in the middle of the night to eat

By assessing these 5 areas, you’ll start to see the source of your aging accelerator more clearly.

Restoring your natural ability to sleep.  Using personalized sleep coaching. Technology and online sleep education with sleep specialist and coach Devin Burke.

You may find that you have one predominant one with minor contributors.

Or you may have a few prominent areas to address.

Every aging accelerator has a source that’s fueled by repeated exposure.

This is why it’s so important to scrutinize the environments you spend most of your time in.

While that may sound daunting to assess and address, you don’t have to do this on your own. 

I can save you years of research and money wasted by testing out theories by helping you streamline the process of getting answers. And ultimately, I want to set you up with a plan that you can sustain for life.

How would you feel if you had a solid plan and a direction to boost your energy, put your hormones in check and show up as the woman you want to be?

Just imagine 6 months from now having all-day energy and feeling amazing after workouts with restored confidence in your body… all without having to give up on training or compromising how you want your health care to be!

Sounds pretty amazing, right? 

I’ve set aside some time for driven women, like you, who took the time to take my quiz.

Even if we don’t end up working together, I’m offering a complimentary call to talk about your health, how you want to age, and the next steps to take to start feeling better. 

If you’re open to exploring your health further with me, click HERE to schedule a call. 

Either way, I’ll be in touch with three emails a week where I dive deep into important topics for women: from getting older, to balancing hormones, boosting energy, enhancing sleep, improving skin health, and maximizing athletic and cognitive performance. 

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

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Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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