My husband and I are sprouting addicts.

Every 3-4 days a new batch is rotated in the mix. 

From broccoli to radish and even garbanzo beans – we’ve tried a lot of them.

It wasn’t till my podcast on East Asian remedies with Dr. Angela Zeng that I realized I had a superfood bean sprout on my hands.

Mung bean sprouts!

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If you’ve ever had the Vietnamese soup pho – you’ve likely been served a plate of them to put in your soup. 

Hopefully they were white and fresh looking, nothing ruins a pho experience like wilting browning crusty mung bean sprouts.

These sprouts have been used in Asian medicine for thousands of years and are known for their detox properties.

Mung beans are also rich in fiber, protein and antioxidants.

Research has shown they can also…

  • help reduce glucose intolerance
  • aid in lowering cholesterol due to their phytosterol content
  • fight H.Pylori infections in the stomach and prevent stomach ulcers

Angela says it’s not uncommon for folks in China to make a soup from mung bean sprouts to help cool down the body.

In Asian medicine certain foods are given temperature properties.

For example – foods that cool down the body are meant to purge heat – think infections, inflammation and even hot flashes that can cause “heat” in the body. 

Hence, mung beans are great for detoxing a “hot and inflamed” body.

Wonder if my affinity for these guys is to help me avoid intense hot flashes or night sweats?

Perhaps you’re wondering – what do the mung bean sprouts do in pho?

They cool down the effect of the warming spices in the broth.

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Asian food principles serve to have a mix of warm and cold in a meal to balance it out.

The mung beans, basil and lime served with pho are all cooling to offset the warm broth, meat and spices in the soup. 

Angela Zeng is the owner of Karviva a beverage company.

Karviva was created to provide Chinese Medicine dietary medicine and herbs to counter what ails you. 

If you’ve ever been prescribed Chinese herbal teas or granules you know they often require a pinch of the nose and the skill of a college student chugging shots.

You get it over fast and keep the party going. 

Lucky for you – you can make your own recipes with mung beans and do a little detox.

This one won’t have you running to the bathroom and feeling strung out from lack of food. 

Mung beans are meant to nourish while they detox.

Now that’s the kind of detox I’m here for!

I use them on a daily basis by sprinkling them on top of tacos, stir fries and even curries. 

They add a fresh crunchy flavor to foods that I love!

Here’s to offsetting summer heat with cooling mung beans!

Wanna learn more from Angela?  Check out our podcast HERE.

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

PS: Dr. Zeng gave my podcast listeners a discount code to try Karviva – it’s KARVIVATCM20 – if you want to try out one of her Chinese Medicine inspired beverages – check out Karviva – HERE!

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