Belly fat, hormone rollercoasters, increasing cholesterol, blood sugar issues, not being able to eat certain foods or detox alcohol like you once did?

All of these things are signs of aging that can be slowed down or evaded. 

At 44 decreasing hormones were found to lead to heart and muscle health decline as well as a reduction in the cellular pathways to break down alcohol and fat. 

By 60 immune system response declines in addition to carbohydrate metabolism, as well as a further decrease in heart and kidney function leaving folks more susceptible to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney issues (fascinating article in Scientific American here on this).

I’d agree this research is quite accurate based on what I’ve seen in my practice and my own health in the last year. 

My epigenetic DNA testing showed a decline in heart and muscle function from 2022 and my annual labs showed an increase in cholesterol.

I’m 46 this year and a lot has changed in the last two years… 


…despite me working on diet, exercise and nutraceuticals aimed to slow aging.

I’ve seen quite a few clients this year with elevated cholesterol and blood sugar compared to previous years.

Plus many are talking about losing muscle and gaining fat despite working out at the same levels they have been for years. 

What can you do to slow these processes down and possibly even prevent heart, kidney, immune and metabolic issues from developing?

I’ve tried to counter the chemistry of the belly fat pathways by giving clients neutraceuticals like Boron, L-carnitine and digestive enzymes to help with fat digestion. 

Plus I’ve supplemented with bio-identical hormones, creatine, branched chain amino acids, glycine, coenzyme Q 10 and other nutrients to help support the muscles and cardiovascular system. 

Some clients have had reversals in their signs of aging while others have not. 

Functional medicine is missing something.

A recent podcast with Quantum Medicine expert Laura Petkunaite flipped a switch in my head and had me on a research frenzy.

Aging and health conditions begin with a change in your body’s physics on an electrical and magnetic level. 

Lab results like cholesterol levels, imaging like a DEXA and symptoms of aging are chemistry changes.

Chemistry changes like those that show up on lab results, happen after the physics shift. 

It’s time to dive further and address the physics of the body before the chemistry. 

This is where electro-dermal screening of the electrical energy (your vibration or hertz like music) that you give off is crucial to identify areas that need improvement. 

You can also identify this using a voice recognition software that has you saying the vowels – A, E, I , O , U and correlating your voice vibration (hertz again) with organs in the body that are experiencing shifts in physical energies. (Check this technology out HERE

Electrical energy is your vibration – the hertz you give off.

You’ve likely noticed you can feel when someone you’re close to is happy versus angry.

Magnetic energy is your cell protection – your fortress that protects you and your cells from damage.

This is why EMFs (Electro-Magnetic Frequencies) from your electronics can cause issues over time.

If the electrical vibration or magnetic protection of your cells becomes off – each new cell that you replicate will have the same vibration and/or magnetic defect. 

So if you use supplements, herbs or medication you may be able to correct a pathway or process that is contributing to your symptoms but the physics shift that created the symptom is going to remain. 

Medicine is addressing health backwards by focusing on symptoms. 

Natural and functional medicine practitioners talk about addressing the cause of illness, but root cause goes much deeper than many have been exploring. 

Root cause isn’t a nutritional deficiency it’s a change on the electrical or magnetic level that led to the deficiency. 

Treat the deficiency and the physics and now you’re getting somewhere. 

I believe this also explains why so many people take supplements and may improve for a bit then regress or nothing seems to work for complicated cases.

You can test the electromagnetic fields (aka physics) of your body using muscle testing. 

Biophoton, electrodermal and voice screenings are more advanced ways to test your body’s physics.

Because these are emerging ways of working with folks many consider them woo woo. 

I’ve found by teaching my clients to muscle test it allows them to communicate with their body on a deeper level and explore what foods and supplements are best suited for their body. 

One way you can try this out today is using the “tilt test”. 

Standing up or sitting – take a supplement or food and put it to your chest. 

See if your body leans forward, back or remains neutral. 

– If it leans back it’s not wanting that item at this time. 

– Forward leans mean it’s good to have. 

– No movement means the body is indifferent to the item. 

I see the “tilt test” as a way to begin to communicate with your body on a deeper level and to regain trust in your body. 

You are an intelligent being and you know what’s best for you. 

Symptoms of aging can challenge that and leave many feeling betrayed or frustrated.

Consider re-connecting with your body using a technique like the “tilt test” to re-establish trust and communication. 

And if you’re curious about quantum medicine and your electro-magnetic fields – my podcast with Laura Petkuniate is for you – check it out by clicking the button below. 

Here’s to your health – the best present you can give yourself this holiday season, Merry Christmas if you’re celebrating!

Dr. Jannine Krause

Jannine Krause

Get back to your wild, active, vibrant self

Let’s figure out what’s accelerating your aging process…

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