The best food for the fall has amazing benefits for balancing hormones, boosting the immune system and supporting your skin.

Starbucks cashes in on it’s namesake latte earlier and earlier each year.

Too bad there isn’t a drop of this food in the latte…

…well that may turn it into a smoothie.

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Either way pumpkin and it’s fellow squash friends are the best foods for your health this time of year. 

Mother nature knew you needed to stock up on these nutrients and slow burn carbs heading into the winter.

Right now my garden is overflowing with what we think is an acorn squash variety. 

I’ve never seen anything like it before – it looks like a large acorn squash with kabocha squash characteristics. 

It popped out of our compost pile and showed up as a volunteer plant in various spots in our garden. 

Funny thing – we didn’t plant acorn squash in the garden last year but we ate some from my Dad’s house. 

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So the seeds went into the compost and didn’t get hot enough to decompose fully so they germinated. 

Oddly enough our compost pile growth and random tomatoes that popped up all over the garden this year yielded the best produce. 

Clearly we have some garden tweaking to do as the rest of the garden suffered a bit from a lot of rain early on this year. 

Back to why squash is amazing…

…it’s loaded with…

  • Vitamin A + C for the immune system
  • Fiber to keep the gut moving and feed your good gut bugs
  • Carotenoids – the orange/yellow pigments are antioxidants to help keep your skin looking amazing and boost immunity too
  • Potassium – for nerve signaling and preventing muscle cramps
  • Folate – to boost cellular healing

It’s abundant right now in your grocery stores and farmer’s markets and it’s cost effective as one squash yields a few servings. 

Plus it’s versatile. 

Here are my fave squash recipes this time of year:

I love using butternut squash as a substitute for tomato sauce – Minimalist Baker has the best butternut squash sauce lasagna – HERE 

And since air fryers are in I can’t forget to put in a plug for squash fries like these butternut ones dusted with Chinese 5 Spice from Allrecipes – HERE

Japanese Kabocha squash can make a simple dinner side in a few minutes with this roasted recipe I love from Wholesome Yum – HERE

Stuffed squashes are also a lovely treat this time of year – Wholesome Yum has an awesome acorn squash recipe – HERE

Butternut squash crumble bars anyone?  I adore the Love and Lemons site – click HERE for this dessert recipe that I think you could swap butternut for pumpkin, delicata, kabocha or even acorn. 

What about sweet pumpkin treatws? 

Check out Sally’s Baking Addiction – for some unique pumpkin pleasers – HERE.

If you’re thinking – doc, I have no clue how to even make squash – I got you – here’s The Spruce Eat’s guide to “How to Cook Squash”. 

You’ll notice I have certain websites above that I cite – it’s because I use these sites myself and have made all these recipes myself. 

There’s nothing worse than a recipe recommendation from a site that doesn’t test their recipes. 

All these sites have not disappointed me when it comes to their recipes. 

As for my hybrid mutant of an acorn squash – I’ll be testing it in the next few weeks and I’ll let you know what happened. 

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Hope you get out and enjoy the fall weather and indulge in a little squash for your health!

If you have a squash recipe that is to die for – hit reply and send it my way – I love to cook and share recipes!

Here’s to your health this weekend,

Dr. J

PS: Are you a coach wanting to attract higher ticket clients?  Here’s a free guide to do just that from my mentor Selena Soo – check it out – HERE

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