Last Sunday I had an epic adventure with 2 of my best pals from college. 

On the southern shores of Lake Superior in Michigan sits a beautiful national park called Pictured Rocks.

While the views are amazing from kayaking down below to peering off the overlooks above the real deal is the log slide. 

That is – if you’re up for an adventure. 

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The log slide was created get logs down the side of the dune to float them to the saw mills in the nearby town of Grand Marais. 

Rumor has it the logs would create so much friction on their descent they would catch the log slide structure on fire. 

Today all that remains is a steep decline in the sand down to the lake. 

The signs say it takes seconds to arrive at the beach from the slide but can take over an hour to get back up…

…and there’s a blurb about not being a statistic when it comes to needing a rescue.

It’s approximately 175 feet from top to bottom

…we all scoffed at it thinking… really, how hard could it be?

There wasn’t anyone stranded at the bottom and there were foot and hand prints from previous “survivors”.

The descent was quick and complete with hooting and hollering like skiers hitting up a fresh stash of powder.

Shoes full of sand, a two second break to assess the best route up and we were off.

I figured dumping out the sand was useless, I’d get more on the way back up and once the shoes are full they can’t take on more….right?

A quarter of the way up I noticed a boat cruising below and a sea plane turn to get close to watch us.

Is this a sign not many people do this?

Trip Advisor raved about this – they can’t be wrong…can they?

Was it all an AI generated experiences?

Pushing those thoughts aside and waving to the spectators I pushed on.

Trudging my way up I found new gratitude for having bear crawls frequently in my workouts.

One hand up digging my fingers into the sand while I pushed from the opposite side foot.

Breathing hard and sweating good I had no idea how good of a workout we were going to get for 8am on a Sunday.

Good thing it was the first adventure of the day.

Functional fitness exercises are key in times like these!

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The secret to getting up the 175 feet vertical on sand required physical strength, cardiovascular endurance and agility – all three things you want to build as you get older. 

I wish I would have timed the ascent but I’d guess we clocked in around 20 minutes. 

While dumping out the sand we collected on the way up from our shoes we agreed next time we do it, we’ll time it and challenge their kids to a race on the way up. 

I see adventures like this as a way to test and see if your workouts are working for you.

To make sure they are preparing you for what you’ll encounter in real life. 

I couldn’t have imagined sitting on top watching people descend and climb back up – not my style. 

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The lesson – don’t skip the agility and functional movement exercises your coaches program into your workouts.

If you don’t have a coach it’s time to look into how you can move beyond the weights and cardio. 

I really like Kaleigh Cohen’s style online – click HERE for a demo of what I’m talking about.

The older you get the more you want to diversify your workouts…

…especially if you want to be up for adventures like log slides!

If you’re intrigued by bear crawls – click HERE to see what they look like.

Need some inspiration? Hang out with some toddlers and mimic their play!

Here’s to your fitness,

Dr. J

PS: If you’re a coach or entrepreneur looking for more clients and possibly high ticket clients my mentor Selena Soo is hosting a 

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