All I’ve seen statin medications do is treat someone’s labs..

…and perhaps give a peace of mind that cholesterol is in check, especially for those who have family histories of being high risk for cardiovascular disease. 

I cannot say that I’ve prevented a heart attack in anyone I’ve prescribed a statin.

The medical community’s obsession with cholesterol levels has created a generation of folks terrified about having elevated cholesterol. 

Even I’ve fallen into the trap with prescribing a statin when none of the natural interventions worked. 

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But each time I asked myself…

…Is this where your focus should be?

A podcast interview with Dr. Jack Wolfson, a functional cardiologist who refuses to prescribe any medications, especially statins, has me thinking it’s time to do some more education on this very subject. 

In our podcast he noted statins only reduce heart attacks by 2-3% – that’s pathetic. 

Dr. Wolfson practiced as a conventional cardiologist for 16 years in Chicago until he met his future wife, a chiropractor who blew his mind on the power of nutrition.

At the height of his practice Dr. Wolfson was following in his cardiologist father’s footsteps – career and health-wise.

His Dad was on statins and his health was declining rapidly while Dr.Jack wasn’t feeling great himself. 

Yet, his Dad stood by his medicines believing they were preventing things from being worse. 

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The more Jack learned about gut health, stress and inflammation the more he realized these principles could be applied to cardiology. 

While he couldn’t reverse his father’s condition he made it his mission to not let anyone else in his care follow the traditional cardiology path. 

Twelve years into practicing as a functional cardiologist Dr. Wolfson is restoring cardiovascular health in his clients versus just treating labs. 

Dr. Wolfson’s opinion on statins is that they are neurotoxic at any dose. 

This is why you see muscle cramps, fatiguing and injuries occur when one starts a statin. 

I’ve rarely seen someone not have a side effect. 

He’s very adamant that cholesterol isn’t the issue – it’s inflammation and oxidative stress.

I’d agree as these are the two conditions that set someone up for needing increased LDL, the type of cholesterol released when the body is repair mode. 

Most adults on this planet have been brainwashed to think that LDL is the “bad cholesterol” and when it’s elevated you’re destined for a heart attack…

…and more so if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease. 

Earlier this year I spoke about my cholesterol going up after finding a non-toxic ancient wheat farm and a raw dairy farm locally…

…so bread, cheese and butter consumption increased exponentially!

Are those foods to be avoided at all costs?


Is there a point where moderation is ok? 


I was way over my moderation point, I’ll admit it. 

Plus it coincided with it being winter, a time when I’m more sedentary, stress was a bit elevated and my estradiol levels were dropping off more.

All 3 things that increase inflammation and oxidative stress.

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Effects of lowered estradiol on the body do show up as cholesterol creeps up.

Physiologically it makes sense.

Cholesterol is the precursor to all your hormones, including estradiol. 

Your body is intelligent and it’s working to compensate for lowered hormones by making more cholesterol to have the building blocks ready to go for the ovaries and adrenals to pump out hormones. 

So a little bump up in the levels could very well be a sign of decreased hormone production. 

A bigger leap in levels may be a sign of more inflammation and oxidative stress.

Clues it’s time to take a look at …

…what’s at the root of all of the inflammation and oxidative stress?

  • how you manage your stress and take time to rest (aka sleep and downtime)
  • your daily self talk 
  • finances
  • exercising and daily movement – to circulate blood and energy 
  • not having enough fun!
  • eating a closest to nature non-toxic diet
  • filtering your air and water
  • making sure your home air quality is good and flowing well
  • ensuring your home filtration system is removing toxins effectively (refrigerator systems aren’t awesome at this)
  • ditching toxic hygiene products, home cleaners, detergents, soaps, lotions, fragrances
  • genetic deficiencies prevention absorption of antioxidants like vitamin D, E, A, K. 


Sometimes inflammation and oxidative stress are focused in a particular area of the body. 

Hone in on where you tend to have your most health complaints. 

Areas of pain or organ systems causing issues are areas of stuck energy. 

Learning tools to move “stuck energy” can be a game changer for helping eliminate inflammation and oxidative stress.

The Chinese Medicine practice of Qi Gong and the Ayurvedic practice of recognizing the chakras and moving energy within them are ancient examples how humans have worked to release “stuck energy” for thousands of years.

As I always say – you have all the power within you to restore balance in your body. 

Tapping into these ancient practices can yield profound results. 

While thinking about lowering cholesterol using energy medicine may sound wacky – know I believe everything in life requires a wholistic approach – especially the cardiovascular system. 

Seeing cholesterol go up with age may be more about the body working to achieve balance. 

Since cholesterol is the building block for hormones, natural anti-inflammatories (steroids), vitamin D and more – if it’s blocked what other things are being thrown out of balance?

I believe Dr. Jack Wolfson has a great point here to ponder when it comes to not being so afraid of elevated cholesterol

What if it’s just a sign of imbalance and a clue to look inward…

…a heads up that some things in life need a little tweaking. 

For those of you with family history of cholesterol issues – I recommend DNA testing done to know what you’re up against. 

Most of the time it’s a nutrient deficiency or detox pathway like a methylation issue that’s at the root of being predisposed to elevated cholesterol and cardiovascular issues. 

DNA testing is advanced enough now to provide you solid answers and guidance to help ensure you – you’re doing what you can to prevent issues down the road. (see

Why throw other things in life off balance with a medication if you don’t have to?

If this peaked your interest check out my podcast with Dr. Jack Wolfson (here) or check out his website as his group is amazing at providing second opinions when it comes to cardiovascular health. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow when I talk about how I test and my new and improved wholistic approach to cardiovascular conditions.

Here’s to your cardiovascular health,

Dr. J

PS: Your business health weighs on your health – if you’re struggling with your business and you’re looking for personalized recommendations in these tough times – my mentor Selena Soo’s is offering 20 minute business pivot calls with her staff – absolutely FREE – no sales – just solid recommendations on the call – click HERE to book a call. I’ve done these calls with her in the past and I was blown away with the insights I received. My mental health took a dive in 2021 when the shut downs impacted my acupuncture practice heavily. Selena and her crew helped me to pivot quickly and create an online version of my practice fast. I’ve been working with Selena for over a decade – she helped me launch my business in Tacoma back in 2013 and she’s helping me with some new exciting things right now (stay tuned). If you’re curious about her style or what she has to offer you – hit reply I’m happy to talk further.

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