1 in 45 adults have autism compared to 1 in 36 children according to Autism Speaks, a non-profit dedicated to supporting those with Autism.

According to ADDitude magazine, 1 in 22 adults in the US have ADHD.

Dyslexia impacts 15-20% of the population and often occurs with ADHD according to a 2021 study from the Journal of Learning Disabilities

Every week I’m seeing adults with ADD, ADHD, high functioning autism, dyslexia, OCD, bipolar and other mental health conditions who are looking for natural options for their conditions. 

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With the same frequency brain fog, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, anxiety, depression and memory issues are prevalent complaints.

It seems almost everyone needs brain support these days. 

Is it the food, air, water, EMFs, lack of movement or too much tech screen time?

According to Dr. Robert Melillo, a recent guest on The Health Fix Podcast – the link to the rise in adult mental health conditions is due to poor childhood brain development. (check out our podcast HERE)

In our interview he explains how development of a well connected and communicating left and right brain is the key to preventing and treating mental health conditions.

From birth to 3 years of age your brain is growing and developing the nervous system connections between the brain hemispheres and the body. 

The brain’s master trainer is proprioception, the body’s ability to sense it’s own movements in space.

How do you train proprioception at any age?

Movement and exploration. 

If a developing kiddo isn’t encouraged to crawl, explore and test out their senses the right brain will not develop as much as the left and the left will take over. 

With the advent of iphones and ipads it makes sense that time spent on screens would keep kiddos from moving and exploring compared to generations before them. 

My best gal pal had to put restrictions on her 15 year old son’s gaming time as he was spending 10 hours a day on screens this summer!

That’s a significant amount of time for a brain that’s still developing. 

Look at society right now…there’s a shift toward more left brain dominance with all the technology. 

With left brain dominance comes predominant emotions of anger, frustration, decreased ability to connect socially and tendency to be self centered.

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Right brain dominant folks are in touch with their emotions, want to connect with others, can be empathetic, they may be musicians, artists, inventors, outdoor adventurers or highly creative. 

While I believe technology has it’s place – like anything moderation is key. 

So how do you draw yourself out of a tech based left brain society?

You do right brain activities and help reconnect the left-right brain 🧠 communication. 

The brain is like a muscle – it can be strengthened right up to the day you die, just like your heart.

What’s the best way to train your brain?

Restoring your natural ability to sleep.  Using personalized sleep coaching. Technology and online sleep education with sleep specialist and coach Devin Burke.


Not just any movement – balancing, agility, hand eye coordination and exposure to different light, smells and sounds. 

Dr. Robert Melillo created the Melillo Method that incorporates a variety of protocols that he’s designed to help the left and right brain communicate more effectively (you can get access to this online too)

His clinics in New York sound really fun and remind me of an amazing gym experience I had at F3 Functional Fitness in Kirkland, WA

The owner of F3, Daniel Finn has left and right brain communication figured out when it comes to a fun workout. 

Think American Ninja Warrior for everyday folks. 

This is why I incorporate balancing on one leg and bouncing a ball as well as hopping on one foot and drills like this into my workouts. 

Not only does it train your body to recover fast if you get off balance but it helps your brain hemispheres connect.

This is why I encourage people to channel their inner kiddo and play.

If you have younger kids, grandkids or dogs – jump in and play with them. 

Play strengthens the brain at any age. 

If you’re struggling with brain fog, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depression and memory issues start moving and challenging yourself with balance, agility and even cross body exercise/weight movements. 

Give it a few months and see how you feel. 

For those with ADHD, OCD, Autism spectrum disorders, bipolar and other mental health conditions I think a visit to Dr. Melillo’s website is worth it to see if and how he may be able to help you or a loved one. 

Dr. Melillo and I both agree that reconnecting the left and right brain also involves assessing nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload, genetics as well as air and water quality in your environment. 

Much like anything I discuss – there’s always a wholistic approach when it comes to health. 

I learned so much in my interview with Dr. Melillo that I could write for days on it …

…so if this email has you fired up to learn more – check out my interview with him HERE – my podcast notes alone have so many good nuggets.

Here’s to your brain health,

Dr. J

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