Keep trying to lose weight, restore your energy or regain your health but nothing is working?  It could be how you’re thinking about your success that’s holding you back.  Nathalie Botezatu is a first generation Romanian-American International Mindset Coach. She helps leaders and entrepreneurs around the world heal their minds and shift limiting beliefs about what is possible within their lives and their businesses. Nathalie spent her entire life pursuing the dream she thought she wanted: to become a doctor. Two years into medical school, she found herself disappointed by the lack of mental health advocacy and dropped out to pursue helping others through her own coaching business.  Nathalie has been the head mindset coach within an internationally renowned mastermind for over five years, alongside growing her own mindset coaching business, HealthNat LLC, for over six years. With over 2,000+ hours of coaching experience, Nathalie has coached clients on all continents (except Antarctica, but she’s trying to book her first penguin) and has been featured on the Money Bare, Storypreneur, A Pawdcast, Geta’s Digest, Grateful Show, Joyfully You, and the Dropset Gorgeous Radio podcasts. She has also been interviewed by FOX 2 Detroit, ShoutOut LA, VoyageLA, and published in the Journal of Scientific Reports and the Journal of Molecular Biology and Evolution for her mental health research.  In this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, Dr. Jannine Krause interviews Nathalie Botezatu on what it takes to align your mindset with your goals, how to tackle procrastination and more!

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode: 

  • How thoughts and feelings contrary to your desires, doubt,  & fear all keep you from results
  • The power of getting your thoughts aligned with your goals before you take action
  • Why procrastination is your body keeping you in your “safe” comfort zone
  • The benefit of training your body that where you want to go is more wonderful than where you are at now!
  • Why it’s key to ask yourself why you’re staying with something familiar vs trying something new
  • The importance of reassuring the body it’s safe and teaching yourself you can override your false safety stories 
  • The power of creating your own internal safety system with the daily mental foundation of affirmations & breath work to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system 
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Resources From The Show:

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Podcast Transcript

2:41 – Background story

9:04 – People doing all the right things but not moving the needle on their weight

14:31 – Not aligning your career or business with what you want

22:29 – Procrastination – keeping us in our comfort zone

32:22 – Consistency with using affirmations to regulate emotions

41:51 – Nathalie’s free Mindset Kickstart course

44:07 – Where to find Nathalie Botezuta

[Intro] Welcome to the Health Fix Podcast, where health junkies get their weekly

fix of tips, tools, and techniques to have limitless energy, sharp minds, and fit

physiques for life.

Hey health junkies! On this episode of The Health Fix Podcast, I’m talking with

Mindset Coach Nathalie Botezatu. Nathalie drops some serious value.

For those of us struggling with getting results when it comes to weight loss,

energy, hormones, things of that nature.

So Natalie and I talk about procrastination and thoughts getting in the way of our goals and Natalie gives out some seriously

Good advice in this episode that you can act on today

So you don’t want to miss out on this one especially if you’re struggling with weight and energy issues

What’s interesting about Natalie is that she spent her entire life

Pursuing the dream that she thought she wanted to become a doctor

Two years into medical school, she found herself disappointed by the lack of mental health advocacy for patients and for doctors.

So she dropped out to pursue helping others.

Lucky for us, she’s here today to help us health junkies get real results with our health goals.

Let’s introduce you to Nathalie Botezatu.

JANNINE: Hey Nathalie, welcome to The Health Fix Podcast.

NATHALIE: Thank you so much for having me, Jannine, and I’m so, so happy to be here.

JANNINE: Oh man, I’m so glad that we got connected because mindset is something that I try to convey to my

patients since I’ve learned about it because honestly, I didn’t realize that it was a thing

so probably about let’s say six years ago when I was really dealing with some serious anxiety.

Isn’t that crazy? 

NATHALIE: Yeah, it’s not talked about you don’t you don’t learn about it. I mean even

actual health knowledge by itself is so limited in our education system. We just have a PE class,

but are we really even taught about health in that class and then college maybe if you’re

specific, but nothing on like actual mindset, mental health. It’s not prioritized by our community.

JANNINE: No, and even naturopathic school, unless I miss that week of class, I’m pretty sure,

even in my training, like yes, we talked about the mind, body spirit and things and connections,

but we really didn’t dive into how our thoughts can really mess up our trajectory in life

if we’re not aligning things with the thoughts and the doing. And that was one of the really big

things that I wanted to talk about first with you. But before we get to that, we got to share

stories on the podcast. Tell us a little bit about how you ended up being called to be a mindset


NATHALIE: Yeah. So I’ve always known that I wanted to help people in some way and I grew up in a

immigrant household. My parents are Romanian. They moved to the States in the 80s and then I’m a

first generation Romanian American. So I grew up in the Midwest, I grew up in Michigan. And the

best thing that I could do was become a doctor. A child of immigrants. Okay, best thing I can do

do as a child of immigrants is either become a doctor, a lawyer, or an architect, or a teacher,

something that was seen by my parents as this is a good thing for you to do as our child.

And so I went on the medical path my whole life. I was like, I’m going to medical school,

I’m becoming a doctor and pretty much everything that I did my entire life was pointed in that

direction. I had a couple side hobbies as well. I played the piano. I’ve always

actually been, even before I went to medical school, I really loved nutrition.

I loved learning about the body. I loved personal like performance, like brain

performance, like biohacking all of that. I was always very, very into all of that

also. And so I went to college, got a major in biology, and then I did a year of

diabetes research at University of Michigan, and then I went to medical school for two years.

And I was so discouraged by what I was learning. And I was so discouraged how number one, we

weren’t learning healthcare. We were learning sick care. That was the truth. And also, there was

absolutely no emphasis on mental health.

Not just mental health for our patients,

but also actual mental health for physicians,

which we all know how big of a mental health crisis

there is right now for healthcare practitioners.

And so here I was in medical school,

everyone was like struggling mentally during school.

And halfway through, I finished my first round of boards.

And I was like, wait, I need a second.

So I took a year off.

And when I was in college, so a couple years prior

to being in medical school, I did start doing health coaching.

And I realized that I wanted to just take some time off

for medical school for a year.

And I was gonna just really keep pursuing

my health coaching business during that year

to make some money, but also just really connect with what I believed in and apply some of

the science based things that I was learning from medical school to my health coaching.

And I did that for a year and I realized I can’t go back.

I cannot go back to medical school.

I can’t go back to just killing myself in the process of learning things that I don’t

actually think really help people.

Because during that year of taking time off and pouring into my business, I realized

that people were actually really changing, not just short term changes in terms of weight

loss, but also long term changes in terms of how they felt about themselves, their relationships.

And so I realized that the big key to my client’s journey during that year wasn’t just what

they were doing with their nutrition. Wasn’t just what I was teaching them with how they

can work out and not have to just work out for hours and hours and a day to see progress.

But it was really the things that they were thinking and how they were prioritizing their

mindset alongside their eating habits, their exercise habits. And doing that, it was the

mental component that really skyrocketed their results. And so I did that for about

year and now I mainly work with business owners but my foundational kind of my business,

the foundation of my business was grounded in really teaching people how important their

minds are in laying of powerful foundation for physical results, physical health results

as well. So I’ve been doing that for about seven years now and it was the best decision

ever. Everyone thought I lost my brains. Everyone thought I went absolutely kukubinanas for

for dropping out of medical school and working so hard.

I mean, you know, it’s hard to get in

and everything you go through, it’s so grueling.

And everyone thought I just lost it and that I quit.

And I’m the best decision ever, best decision ever.

So I’ve been doing mindset coaching for 7 years now

and really teaching people how important their thoughts are,

their internal world is in laying a powerful foundation

for everything they wanna experience externally,

whether it’s weight loss,

whether it is healing some other type of weight physically,

whether it is also in all aspects

of the life’s relationships career.

So that’s what I do now.

And that’s what makes me a mindset coach.

JANNINE: I really like look at this whole concept

of coaching for your mind as a foundation to health, really.

And the trajectory of my practice

is very much going towards mindset as the first thing.

And then the health things we’ll take care of later

because like I mentioned already,

I had an email this morning that said,

“Why am I so fat?”

And this is from a long-term patient.

And every time I see emails or I get,

people are coming on and they’re so frustrated

about their weight and we’ve been trying to help

with the health.

I just get to the point where I’m just like,

I don’t, we’ve done all the things.

And I’m sure a lot of people listening right now

have done all the things for my health.

I’ve done all the things for my hormones.

I’ve done all the things for my gut.

And I hear this over and over again,

and I’m like, okay, but have we done,

we have not in the traditional medical model

that unfortunately I still work in

because I see insurance patients,

I haven’t worked on your mindset

’cause I don’t have time to do that.

And so let’s talk about this concept

of aligning your brain with what you’re doing

because so many people will cut their calories

or they’ll be like eating as clean as possible,

cut their calories, be working out two a days

and they’re still not moving the needle on the weight.

NATHALIE: Yeah, yeah.

JANNINE: Let’s talk about this.

NATHALIE: Everyone’s doing the right things.

I mean, they have you,

they have, there’s a wealth of information out there.

There’s so much research out there.

I mean, they have all the tools.

They’re doing all the right things,

but it’s what is proceeding their action taking

that is getting in the way of the action taking.

So what I mean by that is,

I created this success equation.

I mean, I guess I don’t know if I created it,

but I put it made it tangible to help people realize

that most of the time we’re looking at

what do I need to do to experience X result?

So what do I need to do to have more energy, let’s say?

They’re like, I need to sleep more, I need to eat.

This nutritious food, I need to make sure

I exercise this amount.

I need to make sure that I am maybe taking these supplements on vitamin C.

Let’s say this is what I need to do to get to where I want to be.

And they’re just focused on do, do, do, do to achieve, achieve, achieve.

It’s a very external focus.

We’re trying to find something outside of us to utilize, to implement,

to then get us to where we want to be.

But whether you consciously recognize it or not,

preceding all of your action taking is a set of thoughts.

And those thoughts are gonna fuel how you feel.

So my success equation that I teach to all of my clients

is the way that you think influences how you feel.

Then how you feel is gonna influence how you take action.

And then the action that you take from those thoughts

and feelings then are gonna fuel your results.

So whether you consciously recognize it or not,

there are always going to be thoughts or feelings

preceding your action taking.

And if those thoughts and feelings are not supportive,

your action taking is not going to take you

as far as you’d like.

And also those thoughts and feelings

might even get in the way of you taking action consistently.

So let me give you an example.

Let’s use the example, I want more energy.

And so if I’m constantly doing the things

that Dr. Jina is telling me,

and I’m eating the food, but every time I eat the food,

I’m thinking, oh my gosh, I’m so exhausted all the time.

Oh my gosh, I don’t know if this,

if I don’t know if having energy is meant for me.

Oh my goodness, I’m such a failure

because I’m only doing 80% of what Dr. Jinin told me.

And we’re thinking thoughts that are constantly

going against the thing that we want

or thoughts of doubt or thoughts of fear of like,

“Oh my gosh, can I really do this?

Oh my gosh, am I ever gonna have energy?

Oh my gosh, this energy and the cards for me.

Am I meant to have it?

Am I just one of those people who’s gonna be drained

of energy their whole lives?

Is this my destiny?”

And we’re always thinking thoughts

that are negatively impacting the results that we want.

And those thoughts, they feel icky constantly feeling

like you’re not allowed to have energy

when you’re doing all the things

to get you the energy that you want.

That feels icky.

And then when you’re showing up to eat the food

and you’re thinking, even though the food is like,

yeah, this is nutriciously dense food.

This is gonna help you with your energy,

but in your head you’re thinking,

“I’m so tired, I’m so tired, I’m so tired.

“I’m never gonna get not tired,

“I’m never gonna have energy.”

Then the way that your body is digesting this food

is backed by these thoughts of,

“I don’t get to have energy.”

And then of course, then your results are going to show differently.

Versus, if when you’re thinking thoughts of, I believe that energy is meant for me.

I’m seeing little bursts of energy pop up every day.

I’m so excited to continue to see progress.

That feels different.

That feels more expansive.

And then when you show up to do your workout, you’re doing it with a little bit more energy.

You’re like, oh, actually, you know what?

I feel a little better than I did yesterday.

Okay, we got this.

And then maybe you’re showing up

and you’re being even more intentional with your workout.

And then guess what?

When you evaluate your energy levels next month,

they’re higher, but it really all originates

with what you’re expecting, what you’re thinking

and how you’re feeling before you’re taking the action

to change your energy levels

or support your physical health in some way.

So that’s a little overview

on how there’s a connection between the internal world,

which is your thoughts and your feelings

and how they’re going to proceed your action taking

and how then that can then fuel your results

in a positive way or in a not so positive way.

JANNINE: Hmm, I could see that, you know, with fatigue,

I could see it with weight loss too

because every time you’re eating,

you’re like, this food’s gonna make me fat

or I’m not getting results.

I mean, I can see this in the whole spin.

Now, if we do take it over to career and being an entrepreneur and business choices, because

I think for a lot of people, career, business choice, side hustle, and really wanting to

do something we love and make it work, I think that for a lot of people causes a lot of health

issues too.


So not aligning your thinking with what you’re doing in your business.

this have to, you know, like, explain how that tweaks into the business of things.

How does that work?

NATHALIE: Yeah, I do believe everything in life is connected.

So even though I do primarily work with business owners, entrepreneurs on their

mindsets, a lot of the times the reason that their business isn’t going the way

that they want it to is because there are mismatches and how they’re thinking

in another area of life.

So if you are really struggling with weight loss or hormone regulation or energy levels,

something that we’re going to look at, or we’re not just going to look at your health,

we’re going to look at how are you not supporting yourself well in your career.

And everything, I really do believe that if you in your career, you’re constantly feeling

like you can’t get ahead. If you constantly feel like you’re not where you want to be,

if you constantly feel like you are just struggling and maybe you’re some imposter syndrome and

procrastination constantly in your career, then chances are we’re going to see signs of that also

within your health as well. And so sometimes I really love to get people an access point.

So if someone’s really struggling with their mindset and their health,

sometimes it’s easier for us to change their mindset and their career first

and help them to start feeling different and seeing things different there.

And then we’ll transfer that, those elements,

those principles from their career will transfer it into health or sometimes we’ll

do advice for stuff.

And something we need to see proof of something and proof of results or proof of a concept working in one area of life in order to see it in a different area of life.

I’ve done it with relationships.

Like I realized that I was blocking a lot in my romantic relationships mentally.

And as soon as I started really working on that, then my business just skyrocketed.

And once I cleared that.

So it’s really just noticing that the way that I think

is laying a foundation for what I experience.

And if you are constantly thinking thoughts of,

I’m not good enough at my job,

I’m never gonna get that promotion.

I am going to be struggling financially forever.

Then chances are there’s an area of opportunity for you

there to shift the way that you think.

And we’re not saying,

let’s go to outer space with optimism here.

not just saying, “I am the best salesperson on the planet.

I am a multi-millionaire salesperson because you might not be there just yet.

We can set the sights on that at some point in the future.”

But just having it, having your thoughts shift to just feeling a little bit better

than the previous Icky thoughts were that it’s an area of improvement.

And I really believe in small steps,

because small steps add up to big strides.

And when you just shift, instead of thinking,

I’m always gonna struggle in my business,

or I’m always gonna struggle in my career to,

you know what?

I’m struggling a little bit now,

but I’m actually not struggling as much as I did last year.

So you know what, there’s progress.

There’s full of progress for me.

You know what?

I can do this.

It can get better, little by little by little.

And sometimes just noticing that and thinking that,

as I’m saying it, I’m like, oh, I get like chills.

I’m like, oh, that just feels so much better

than the previous icky thought.

Just that feeling alone is gonna support you

in showing up even more powerfully during your business

meetings, managing your team.

But then also guess what?

Then when it comes to showing up for your exercise,

eating a well-balanced meal,

you’re going to also start learning that.

Let me have some more progress thoughts.

Let me have just a little bit more thoughts

that are more hopeful, thoughts that are more expansive

with this, it’s just gonna be so much easier

because you’re not constantly carrying this weight

from your business or from your career

and that’s no longer going to be as heavy.

So then of course it’s gonna be so much easier

for you to be well rested,

to what you need to do with your nutrition and your workouts.

JANNINE: Gosh, you know, the little thoughts.

I’ve taken a lot of different mindset

and different courses, you know,

for the mind to help with making progress,

especially with the business.

And, you know, yeah, you’re talking about like,

when people have to write out repetitive thoughts

that you’re supposed to be thinking like,

I’m gonna make $10 million this year, whatever, you know,

my I laugh because my brain’s like, yeah, right, you know,

and so that’s kind of, I can see how that plays out

folks when it’s too big of a change, a shift. And I think the same thing goes with health,

too, if we pick too big as shifts, because so many people weight loss, you know, I want to

lose 50 pounds. Well, and two weeks later, why haven’t I lost 50 pounds? It’s like–

NATHALIE: We don’t want to lose 50 pounds in two weeks. That’s not going to be the best for you. Yeah.

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health fix. Let’s get back to the podcast. 

JANNINE: Crazy. So you know, one of the things that you

mentioned was procrastination. And I find that procrastination for a lot of my entrepreneurial

clients, myself included, seems to be one of those things where we can procrastinate with food,

like related back to diet and we can procrastinate with all kinds of different things and not end up

getting towards a direction we want to go. Can you give some insight into a little bit more into

procrastination, how that ties into mindset, even though like people are like, but procrastinating,

how’s that mindset? Like I’m just pretty. 

NATHALIE: Yeah. Yeah. So procrastination, it also originated.

Like if we think about what exactly is it is when we put off doing what we know we shouldn’t be

doing and we find excuses for that. And if you think about it, think about it, that pattern

is originating in here. It’s not an external roadblock or an external problem. It’s an internal problem.

So if it’s something that originates in your mind, then of course it’s a mindset issue. It’s the same

with feeling like an imposter. It’s the same as anxiety. It’s the same as doubt. Where do these

things originate? These things that get in the way of us doing the things we need to do and

here. So there are signs of all around us, but people don’t necessarily know like, oh, okay,

it’s a mindset issue because it originates in here. So there’s areas of opportunity there to

shift. So with procrastination in particular, it’s a pattern. And it’s really just a protective

pattern. I know a lot of people are like, I just need to stop procrastinating. I just need to stop

putting things off. I just need to be better at managing my tie. Again, they are looking for an

an external solution for something that’s originating in here.

But really the way that you really

kick procrastination to the curb

is first recognizing that, okay, it’s a mental thing,

a mental roadblock, a mental pattern.

Number two, recognizing that it’s a protective pattern,

it’s not something that we have to be resentful of.

Actually, when I realize that,

oh, procrastination is trying to protect me in some way,

so I can, instead of being upset at myself

for procrastinating, I can maybe understand

a little bit why I’m procrastinating and be a little bit more kind of myself in the process

of trying to shift it.

And so with procrastination, it’s a protection mechanism because oftentimes the thing that

we are aiming for is outside of our comfort zone.

The thing that we want, which is weight loss, more energy, expansive business, is something

that we haven’t had before, or maybe something that we didn’t maintain before.

And that’s often outside of our comfort zone.

And we still very much operate as a species with deeply ingrained protective mechanisms.

We still don’t go outside of the norm.

Like I had the biggest anxiety episode that first year that I dropped out of medical school,

I had more anxiety than I’ve ever had in my life.

Consciously, I’m like, of course I want to drop out.

Of course I want to start this business.

Of course I know I’m going to be even more successful

and help even more people than I ever could

in the medical system.

Consciously, I was like, yeah, I can do this.

But subconsciously, my internal protective system,

I just was in fight or flight all the time.

I was like, oh my God, what is she doing?

Oh my God, she’s away from her family.

Oh my God, she’s going to struggle.

Oh my God, she’s our brain immediately goes to,

oh my God, she’s in danger.

Her life.

So whenever we step outside of our comfort zone,

This could be big things like life altering careers,

but this can also be not so big things

like finally becoming healthy,

finally supporting your hormones,

finally working on the weight loss journey

that you know you can achieve.

But it’s unfamiliar because it’s new,

it’s outside of where you are now.

So even though we’re at now,

is not where you want to be.

Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds, that’s your goal.

Where you’re at now is still comfortable.

There’s a part of you that’s comfortable

within the body that you’re at now.

Not because you want to be here,

simply because it’s familiar.

So whenever we are having an action plan

with our nutrition or with our workouts

or with our hormones or whatever that might be,

where we are going is still unfamiliar from where we’re at.

And even though we might be swimming in health problems,

we might be swimming in just lack of energy

and our hormones totally out of whack,

it’s still comfortable because it’s familiar

because we’ve gotten used to being anxious,

we’ve gotten used to being overweight,

we’ve gotten used to being stressed.

And even though we don’t wanna be stressed

and overweight, we’re still used to it.

So what our brain will do as a protective mechanism,

it’ll use things like procrastination

to keep us in the familiar,

because we associate the familiar with safety,

a certain level of safety.

But really, it’s just a protection mechanism

based on your current awareness.

It’s not actually a conscious choice.

It’s usually just a subconscious protective mechanism

saying, this is familiar, this is safe.

Let’s stay here.

Let’s stay overweight.

Let’s stay drained of energy.

Let’s stay here.

We know how to be overweight.

We know how to be stressed.

So let’s stay here.

This is just how I am.

You hear people say that all the time.

It’s not how you are.

It’s just how you’ve gotten comfortable to be.

So procrastination will be the thing that pops up

to just give you a little like a little tap to your head

and say, “Hm, actually you know what?

“We’ll eat that meal later.”

Or, “Oh, you know what?

“We’ll postpone our workout to later.”

“Oh, you know what?

“We’ll do this health assessment later.

“It’s fine.”

But really it’s a very sneaky subtle way

for our brain to keep us in the familiar,

to keep us in our comfort zone.

So the way that we start shifting that procrastination,

whether it’s in health or in career,

everything that I teach is really applicable

to all areas of life.

So please take what you’re hearing here

and apply it appropriately,

so any aspect of your life.

But the way that we start shifting procrastination

is by recognizing, even though there’s a part of me

that feels that where I’m at now is safe,

where I want to go is actually even safer.

Where I want to go is actually even more wonderful

than where I’m at now.

And so this is where mindset work really is so powerful

and should be non-negotiable for a lot of people

is recognizing that when you set your sights on a goal,

your brain will try to sabotage it.

because your brain thinks that where you’re going

is not safe and uncomfortable.

But if you on a regular basis, tell your brain,

tell yourself, tell your heart, tell your soul,

tell your inner child whatever you wanna call,

tell your subconscious mind that, hey,

I know that it’s a little scary where we’re going,

weight loss and actually being like really

feeling very comfortable in our bodies

and feeling sexier and more energized than ever,

I know that that might feel really foreign,

but you know what, it’s still safe.

And making sure that as we are implementing

that new workout routine,

implementing that new nutrition protocol,

starting to do the new sales tactics,

starting to do the new lead generation,

starting to really grow that new business.

Alongside that, we are regularly telling our brain,

“Hey, I know this is a little scary.

I know you want to procrastinate it on some things to keep us safe

But we’re safe. There’s even more safety on the other side of this. There’s even more safety in your goals

There’s even more safety. There’s even more protection. There’s even more expansion on the other side of this trust me

We got this you’re safe. You’re protected all as well. I love you. I’m proud of you keep going you’re safe. You’re safe

You’re safe”. And so really all of this is an internal conversation of teaching ourselves to

really not listen to the protective mechanism that procrastination wants to

the narrative that that wants to speak. And overriding that and saying, “Hey, I have a new

protection narrative. We don’t need procrastination to kick in to keep us safe. I can remind myself

that I’m safe no matter what. And I’m also safe continuously as I pursue these different health

desires and career desires that I have.”

JANNINE: That is so profound because the safety thing, this is where I have, you know,

racked my brain a little bit on how do I help someone feel safe, right?

How do we, what do we do? Because a lot of it’s abstract.

So a lot of people are like, well, I have a roof arm in my head.

There’s no bear chasing. I am, I am good, you know?

And so the concept of like, I have to tell my body it’s safe, seems abstract.

But yet at the same time how you’re saying it like each time something comes up having like a mantra or something of that nature

Is that what you use like mantras and and different–

NATHALIE: True statements, whatever you want to call them. It’s really something that hits home with the part of you

That is trying to listen to the procrastination instead

JANNINE: That makes sense that makes sense. I mean so many of us experience kind of the emotional rollercoaster

throughout the day and the dysregulated kind of emotions,

especially going through perimenopause and menopause

because the hormones are shifting.

And so a lot of people will be like,

it’s just my hormones, right?

And I’m like, I wish we could blame it all in your hormones.

There’s some folks out there that are toutings,

you know, bioidentical hormones is solving all your problems.

And unfortunately, I don’t want,

I mean, people are believing that.

And unfortunately, I need to kind of step back and go,

no, no, no, I wish, I wish.

And so with the disregulated emotions and the nervous system,

is it the same concept, kind of going back to the affirmations,

finding out what works for you, finding your groove?

NATHALIE: Yeah, absolutely.

It doesn’t have to be super crazy complicated.

I always like to make the comparison to brushing your teeth

in order to have a great smile,

to have really good oral care,

just need to brush your teeth two times a day

and floss every day.

And it really only takes a few minutes.

I just went to the dentist last week and she’s like,

oh my gosh, your oral care is amazing.

I was like, thanks, I just stick with the basics.

I spend like five minutes a day on my teeth

but I do it regularly and I do it religiously.

And same as with our mental health and with our mindsets

and really having something foundational

that is supporting us and pouring into us

and allowing us to shift the way

that we feel on a consistent basis.

‘Cause I think anyone can say a mantra,

anyone can say any affirmation,

let’s use a very simple one.

That’s like, let’s just use I am safe.

That’s real.

Sure, if I say I’m safe, I’m safe, I am safe,

that has some power to it.

But if when I’m saying I am safe, I’m closing my eyes.

And I’m imagining, really feeling into how supported I am,

how every time in the past when it seems like

just crazy stuff happened and things went super haywire

that still somehow it worked out.

Yeah, sure, maybe there was page or maybe there was struggle,

but still I’m still here.

Like you said, I have a roof over my head, I’m supported.

When I say I am safe,

I feel into how truly supported I am

and how I’m really truly safe, not just physically,

but emotionally, maybe even spiritually for some people

who connect with that.

When I say I am safe and I really feel into what that means

for me ’cause it’s gonna mean something very different

me than it means for you. If you are taking one minute to just sit in that feeling of safety

every single day and then, cobras your teeth, then show up to work, then, code to your workout,

then eat your breakfast. It’s going to be a completely different emotional experience,

which is then going to translate into, sorry, my dog’s not going to stay. Then, it’s a really

wonderful physical experience, but it all starts with how we’re thinking, but also how we’re feeling

alongside those thoughts. So, a mantra and affirmation, I would say, if there are one or two things that

if your best friend reminded you of every day that would give you a boost, what would those things be

and tell yourself those things that can be in regards to your career, your health,

and not just tell yourself those things, maybe write them down, but make sure you’re also feeling

into what you’re saying. And just sitting in those, that’s why for a lot of people visualization

works really well because it allows them to access feelings for other people. Maybe they’re more,

I’m really big on learning styles. So maybe it’s writing your affirmations, maybe it’s saying

your affirmations. Once I had my brother do a recording of saying my affirmations for me,

and he did it like in a really goofy, fun way. So I was like, oh, these are great. So maybe you’re

or a learner and having that but really having these mantras be something or affirmations that it

really just takes one to five minutes a day but we’re really laying a powerful foundation for

how do I want to think today what mental foundation do I want to set for all the actions that I’m

going to take today and it really doesn’t have to take very long at all. 

JANNINE: Wow. Just every single

day starting an off-right so that your body knows you’re safe and you’re going to do things a little

bit differently today. It’s gonna be scary. You might feel like you’re peeing your pants. You might

even pee your pants a little bit. That’s okay. But you’re safe. And having an internal, creating

an internal support system has been such a game changer for me and for so many of my clients.

And it really allows you to then allow the good to stay. Allows the weight loss to stay because

you feel safe in your body because a lot of people actually gain weight because they don’t actually

feel safe in the way, keep some safe. Or a lot of people won’t allow themselves to actually

continue maintaining business success because they feel unsafe having more money. But if you can

really cultivate an internal safety system, that’s how I really think mindset work is one of the

biggest components to sustainable weight loss, sustainable financial growth, sustainable

healthy relationships because you are creating, you are your own biggest fan, you are your own

support system, you are your own internal compass for safety. And you can really allow the things

that you desire to stay because you have built a practice of making sure that you’re telling

the inner voice that wants to disrupt that that hey we’re safe. So one of the best things you can

can do for just sustaining the progress that you really

ultimately want.

JANNINE: I think that’s pretty sage advice because so many people

are thinking for the external, you know, grasping at things

externally or the safe, right?

Or even just for comfort and, you know, to use that as an example.

And having your own internal safety system leads me back to when

I first interviewed a gal years ago on my podcast and she brought

up the concept of the vagus nerve.

And, and your fight or flight nerve that’s constantly sensing everything.

And, you know, she’d said to me, we have to find a way to tell ourselves, we’re safe and like, all is clear.

And I pondered that for a long time and worked with multiple folks on, on trying to explain how, how this works, right?

Because a lot of people are like, well, mantras, you know, etc, what do I do?

But being able to create your own system.

So I’m guessing that yes,

Montras can be one thing.

Guess the affirmations that your brother recorded.

I’m thinking like, is like the higher level of this

creating multiple things that work for you

and finding like a tool, like a tool chest

of things that you can draw upon?

NATHALIE: Yeah, I’m a big proponent of

don’t just do what someone else is telling you to do

to make sure that you’re doing something

that really connects with you and your values

in your lifestyle.

Like me, I have fur babies.

I don’t have human babies.

So my mindset routine is going to look very different now

than if I was a mom who had four children running around

all the time and being super busy in my life

just being different than it is now.

And so really making sure that how you are crafting

this experience is unique to you and to your lifestyle

and to your values and also making sure

that it makes sense to you.

So for example, I had a client who was very science background,

which I’m a science nerd as well,

but I know that sometimes that can give a little too much for people.

But for her mantras and her affirmations,

we really made the connection of when you are saying these or when you’re writing

these, you’re also taking very deep breaths.

And when you’re taking these very deep breaths, you are stimulating your diaphragm.

And what runs through your diaphragm?

Your vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve runs through your diaphragm.

So you are actively stimulating your parasympathetic nervous

system with these deep breaths.

And you’re really leaning into parasympathetic.

And you’re also saying these mantras.

And so it’s really just affecting your brain and your body

on a whole new level to say these in a calming state

to really affect your body in a different way

than just saying them blindly or maybe saying them while you’re on a run and you’re in like

full sympathetic mode.

So however you need to kind of shift it to make it make sense for you, I would recommend

doing that.

And for some people it’s while you’re brushing like if you’re a busy mom, busy parent while

you’re brushing your teeth.

And I would put a stick, you know, on my mirror, I did this once during while I was in medical

school actually when things are just really crazy, I didn’t have too much time for much

of anything, but I would have my sticky notes on the mirror or I would go during bathroom

breaks and I would sit and I would do a, I’m a big fan of headspace, the meditation app.

I don’t know if anyone’s familiar with that, but I would, there are three minute many

meditations and I would take a potty break between classes and I would go and I would

literally sit in the bathroom stall, put my headphones in and listen to this three minute

meditation and really make sure that I was pouring into my mind in those times.

So it doesn’t have to be perfect, doesn’t have to be this crazy, super high-tech complicated


It can really be something that’s very simple and something that allows you to really feel

into what you’re saying and something that also fits your life.

JANNINE: Oh my goodness.

That’s refreshing.

That’s refreshing.

Something simple because I think we have a lot of complicated protocols out there that

just overwhelm people.

So I’m guessing in your mindset kickstart that you are kind of offering some of these

things and more.

Tell us a little bit about that.

And then of course we had to tell folks where to find you and all of those.

NATHALIE: Of course.


So my mindset kickstart course, which I would love to gift to everyone and all of your listeners

who’ve listened to this podcast or listened all the way to the end here.

So if they want this mindset kickstart course, I think I shared it with you.

You can send it out to them, but they can also reach out to me.

I just mentioned the health fix and I can send it to them as well.

But the mindset kickstart course is really just teaching you to bridge that

gap between your internal world and your external world and how can we really get

in the practice of creating some really powerful mental habits that are going to

support the action that we want to take.

And I actually in the mindset kickstart course, I go through how to do it in health,

how to do it in relationships and how to do it in career.

So feel free to take all three or feel free to just apply whatever one you feel like you’re

really wanting to work on.

And really going through how can I identify some thoughts that are most supportive, but

how can I also make sure that I’m shifting into the feelings of those things?

And how can I really see that these thoughts are going to impact my outcomes very differently

than more elevated thoughts, more negative thoughts, more icky thoughts, really making

that connection with how are my thoughts directly impacting my goals and the results

and the action that I’m taking.

So I go through that in the mindset kickstart course and it really is the most foundational

course that I’ve created.

I talked about a few of the things here during our conversation, but also it really makes

it even more visual if you’re a visual learner and gives it you more of a step-by-step to

to create a small routine, very simple routine

that you can do regularly and you can really implement

and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

You can really start laying a powerful mental foundation

for any of the goals that you have.

JANNINE: That’s awesome.

That’s awesome.

Now you also have your free Facebook group

and you have folks who work with you one on one as well.

So let’s tell them about that, tell them about your website.

And by the way guys,

I’m gonna have everything at too,

but let’s give them all the details

and all the other ways they can interact with you.

NATHALIE:  Sure, you can just search my name on Instagram,

which is N-A-T-H-A-L-I-E, B-O-T-E-Z-A-T-U.

It’ll, I’m sure it’ll be in the notes.

Just search my name on Instagram, you can find me on there.

And then also on Facebook, the same name.

I do have a free Facebook group,

it’s called Activating Success Community,

where I do do twice a month, free teachings.

It’s specifically geared towards business owners,

but again, I have people who are in the nursing field

in the engineering field that take what I teach in there

and really teaching you how to continue

to up level your mindset alongside the business strategies

that you’re taking.

So if you feel a little bit more pulled

to the entrepreneur business side of things,

that Facebook group is gonna be a really great resource

for you.

So just either reach out to me, either via Facebook

or Instagram and say, hey, I’d love to be added

to the activating success Facebook group

and be more than happy to add you on there.

And yeah, if you have any questions

or anything that you need,

feel free to just reach out either on Instagram

or Facebook.

Those are my top two places that I am.

JANNINE: Awesome.

Nathalie, thank you so much for coming on

and sharing so much information.

It’s refreshing for me to hear that there are simple solutions

for helping us feel safe and moving forward with our minds

and kind of aligning ourselves a lot better

to get what we want in life

and feel good about it.

NATHALIE: Yeah, yeah.

That’s the biggest key,

just really feeling good about it

and not feeling intimidated by it, feeling overwhelmed by it.

It can really be so simple

and it can make a big, big impact really quickly.

JANNINE: Good stuff here.

Thanks Nathalie.

NATHALIE: Well, thank you so much for having me.

[Outro] Hey, Healthworkies.

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