“The number one recommended brand by {insert profession}” is on repeat for every supplement or health product commercial these days. 

“The number one supplement company recommended by pharmacists”, that you can find at every pharmacy in the US is loaded with ingredients that are listed as known toxins. 

As is the Co-Q 10 heart supplement “doctors” recommend. 

You can look up every ingredient and find that for yourself. 

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So…toxins are recommended?

Cool, I’ll pass.

And let’s not forget the overused terms “science” and “evidence based”. 

What really is “good for you?”

And how do you really know if scientific principles have been used to fully evaluate something?

What actually qualifies as evidence based?

N of 1 = one person benefitted, mice showed benefit, what is evidence?

I’m just as susceptible to claims as the next person. 

Marketing gurus are clever and it’s easy to be sucked in, especially when all your pain points are being covered with the “miracle” cure. 

I recently had a conversation with one of my favorite patients, 30 years my senior, who has a wise perspective on finding his truth when it comes to options for his health. 

When presenting him alternative options for management of his condition he took the time to ask me questions about each of them.

  1. Where is the product/device sourced and who is the manufacturer?
  2. How long have they been in business?
  3. How many people have you personally seen benefit from this product/device/therapy?
  4. Have you tried it yourself (good to ask anyone who’s recommending something to you) and what was your experience?
  5. Is there independent research (not paid for by the company) on the benefits for this product/device/technology and have the ingredients, if applicable, also been researched? (sometimes you have to dig into disclosures in the research to eliminate any bias)
  6. How do you feel about the product/device/therapy etc – does it resonate with you or does it feel like it’s not a good fit for you?

Traveling soon? Looking to detox or reset your gut? Try one of Dr. Krause’s Fullscript plans.

Dr. Jannine Krause's comprehensive 10 day Spring Liver Detox Bundle made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's "Reset the Gut" plan - a 2 part plan that lasts 60 days made possible by Fullscript
Dr. Jannine Krause's Healthy Travel Kit will help keep your immune system strong while traveling made possible by Fullscript
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Asking yourself and your medical provider these questions can help you determine if something would be a good fit for you. 

While truth is subjective these days it boils down to feeling out your options.

If something feels too good to be true, it likely is. 

The same goes for evaluating if a supplement, device, therapy or protocol is going to be worth it for you. 

Trust is difficult to earn and it should be when it comes to your health. 

I talk about a lot of products due to the interviews I do with many folks I meet or ask to come on my podcast. 

While I tend to talk about the products I like, find intriguing or think could benefit someone, I want to caution all of you to keep yourself in mind when I mention things. 

I don’t think everyone needs everything I talk about. 

When it comes to finding truth in healthcare, it’s asking questions, doing your own research and not giving your power over to someone or something when it comes to your health. 

There are a lot of supplements, protocols, tools and devices that do not work. 

Do they not work because of poor technology or because they are not good fits for the person that is using them?

Great question. 

Using the questions that my client asked me may be a great place for you to start to get your “feeler” going to discern what’s true and bs as well as what may work for you or what isn’t a good fit. 

The better connected you are to yourself and what works best for you the easier it will be to know what is best for you. 

No medical professional knows your body like you do and if something doesn’t feel right – search for what does. 

Finding truth in healthcare requires asking questions and determining what makes sense and what doesn’t. 

You have the innate ability to discern what is best for you.

Slow down, ask the questions and choose what feels best for you and only you. 

Here’s to your health,

Dr. J

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